
Etherea Online: The Seeker’s Revenge

“I swear, I will destroy this damn game.” In the year 2100, a mysterious VRMMORPG called Etherea Online took the world by storm. With its surreal graphics and unprecedented gameplay, it quickly became a second world for nearly the entire population. Ray was one such person, eager to immerse himself in this virtual wonderland. However, his excitement turned to horror when his father died because of the game, plunging Ray’s life into chaos. Forced to work like a slave for his guild to pay for his mother’s treatment, Ray’s hatred for Etherea Online grew with every passing day For ten agonizing years, he was trapped in a cycle of pain and resentment, compelled to play the game he despised. Then, one day, the unimaginable happened: the world of Etherea and reality intertwined. The nightmarish game became his terrifying reality. As his world shattered like glass, Ray found solace only in death. But fate had other plans. Ray awoke ten years in the past, before the launch of the accursed VRMMORPG. Armed with the knowledge of what was to come, his mission was clear. This time, his vengeance wasn’t directed at a person, a guild, or any individual foe. It was aimed at the game itself. . he seeks revenge. he seeks contentment he seeks the truth ***

Morphyo · ゲーム
3 Chs

Angel's Warm Welcome

[ Dec 31, 2099 ]

The muffled sounds of fireworks could be heard in the distance as Ray's family gathered for a special supper at a famous restaurant in the heart of the metropolis.

Ray was cherishing every moment he could spend with his parents, laughing and talking, the warmth of their company easing his worries.

As they strolled back home through the lively streets, the clock struck midnight, and the sky erupted with a dazzling display of colors.

People from all walks of life were celebrating the start of a new century,

setting off fireworks that painted the night sky like a magnificent canvas, marking the beginning of an era filled with hope and anticipation.

Ray was looking at the fireworks with his parents thinking about his past life when he told his father,

"Dad, I've decided not to transfer colleges. From now on, I will face my problems myself" he said, his voice resolute.

"Oh don't worry I will talk to the-"

"No, It's fine dad. After all, I can't run away from my problems every time. Can I?"

He said, his eyes gleaming with an evil glint, suppressing his thirst for revenge.

His dad was touched by his determination and felt very proud of him.

"Haha, so this is your New Year's resolution. I will also resolve now,

from tomorrow onwards, I will also stop procrastinating."

His mother nudged him lightly with her elbow

"Oh, come on."

A classic dad joke, but Ray's laugh soon echoed through the whole street.

It was a moment he had hoped to live again for a decade which had now become the reality.


[ Jan 1, 2100 ]

Ray was on his computer looking at the different posts about Etherea online searching for any subtle leaks about the game or potential regressors other than him. However, he doubted they would expose themselves if they even existed, that is. 

he was completely lost in his browsing when suddenly the alarm rang with a buzzing sound. he glanced at the clock showing the time as 7:55 pm. The game was scheduled to be released at 8:00 pm.

'About time' he thought,

Without wasting much time he hopped into his pod, starting the futuristic device. A soothing feeling washed over him as a gel-like substance enclosed him from all over gently putting him into a deep trance.

[ Initializing... ]

[Scanning in progress.... Please Wait...]

[Scanning completed!]

[Starting in 3..2..1...]

Ray opened his eyes finding himself surrounded by a void from all sides except the floor all white and made of some mysterious material.

The whole background then seamlessly transformed into a beautiful landscape, his senses overwhelmed by the breathtaking landscape of floating islands, glowing with a surreal light.

The air crackled with an otherworldly energy.

he took in his surroundings, a figure descended from the sky, radiant and imposing.

The archangel, clad in divine armor with wings that shimmered like molten gold, landed before him. Her eyes, penetrating and intense, seemed to look straight into his soul.

"Welcome otherworlder," she said her divine voice resonating with the otherworldly energy around.

In the next moment, her expression shifted to that of suspicion and hatred.

"But I sense a darkness within you"

Her voice sent shivers down his spine.

'I sort of guessed this may happen' Ray thought but his eyes filled with excitement betrayed his thoughts.

'Inventory' he thought in his mind.

"You bear the mark of a cursed soul," she said continuing, her voice tinged with malice and suspicion.

"A pact with Asmodeus binds you, taints you. Such a curse is not welcome here."


[Please choose one of the following starting weapons]

Ray's mind raced as he knew the angel wouldn't allow him to enter Etherea at all costs. The Archangels and Demon lords had a great rivalry and this was the reason for the splitting of the world of Etherea into factions.

"It's not by choice," Ray said, his voice calm like he had said the same words many times before. "I was desperate," Ray said casually, his mind occupied with the system notification

[Please choose -












-Bow and arrows(30)]

The archangel's expression hardened. "Desperation is no excuse for consorting with the likes of Asmodeus. Your very presence threatens the balance of this realm."

Ray smirked slightly. "Hey, we all make mistakes. Mine just happened to involve a demon. Could've been worse—I could've fallen in love with a mortal and banished to this outer sanctuary."

The Angel's expression shifted to that of confusion and bafflement.

"Wha- How? How do you..?"

"Seems like I hit the spot," Ray said, his mind focused on selecting his starting weapon.

'No matter what weapon I chose, it won't be able to handle demonic energy, If I have to defeat her. It will disintegrate in a few seconds.'

'Looks like I have only one option left then'

Suddenly, the serene landscape around them darkened, a holy golden light emitting from her as the archangel raised her hand.

[ Bow and arrows (30) selected]

[Are you sure to use Bow and arrows as your starting weapon?]


"I don't know who you are but I must cleanse this corruption before it spreads." Her voice boomed with a divine resonance that echoed through the heavens.

"O divine goddess Mara, May the purity of thee smite the darkness within him and restore the balance of the realm. Begone, foul taint of Asmodeus!"

'Yes' Ray thought his eyes glowing with unholy light as the curse inside him surged, the forbidden power inside him, the power given to him by Asmodeus.

The archangel's hand glowed with divine light and a surge of energy shot towards Ray with unimaginable speed.

[ #%#^%%'s curse is awakening !]

[ Calculating opponent status...]

[ Opponent species - Archangel...Faction associated - Light... NPC confirmed...]

[ Calculating opponents power level... ]

[ Sufficient power is borrowed ]

[ Curse usage confirmed! ]

As the curse within him awakened, dark tendrils of energy erupted from Ray, wrapping around his arms.

The dark wooden bow materialized in his left hand showcasing intricate carvings.

He infused the demonic energy onto the steel arrow, With a steady hand, he quickly lodged it into the bow, and in one sleek motion, the arrow left the bow with a terrifying boom that echoed through the ominous surroundings. The surrounding shadows seemed to part reluctantly as the arrow streaked towards its target, leaving a trail of crackling energy in its wake.

A massive shockwave erupted as the arrow and the divine light collided pulverizing the entire landscape and shaking the ground beneath them.

"Wow! What a beautiful start to the game it is"

Ray said, unsure if this was how he wanted to complete the tutorial.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Morphyocreators' thoughts