
Ethan Edwards & Noah Rogers ~ Family Affairs. By Carter P, Monacur

Two young boys stumble upon a mystery of a missing friend. How is this connected to the creep that's been spotted around town harrasing people recently?

Silverous_Leonidas · 都市
20 Chs

Chapter ~ 6# ~ Repeating

Noah ~ POV

I stood in the lunch line trying to keep my head down. The creeper forcing all clubs to shut down got everyone in a bad mood. Heck some of the jocks started fighting right beside the main entrance of the school this morning. I also heard a rumor that some people are skipping town too. I looked between the two main dishes for today; cold sandwich; or hot and ready pepperoni pizza. I reached for the pizza but got cut off by a hand reaching out and taking it first. I silently cursed as I went and reached for a sandwich. But I stopped when I felt something being set down on my tray. I looked down to find the same hand from before setting the pizza slice down.

Ethan was standing next to me with his tray of food all set. He gave me his signature smile as we went back to pick out the rest of our lunch for the day. I grab a pudding cup as I hear Ethan ask me something.

"Noah, you said you're good with computers right?" He asked in a hushed tone.

I looked at him a little puzzled before I gave a nod yes.

"Can you help me after school… I need you to look at something." He grabbed a bottle of water and we reached the register.

We paid for our meals and walked towards an empty corner. Whatever Ethan needed sounded serious.

"What's going on?" I was too curious not to ask.

As we sat down at the empty table I noticed now Ethan was all serious.

"I need you to check a computer for me." Is all he would say before he began eating his lunch.

We had kept talking but I could still tell something was off with him. The way he was acting was different from before; like yesterday when we were talking about anime he made little jokes here and there. He brought up some interesting takes on some of the anime I recommended. The rest of the school day went by normally though I could still feel this pressure. I honestly felt like I was in one of those anime where you have a sixth sense. And something I couldn't see was pressing down on my shoulders. I brushed it off. My last class was history; which I was terrible at but it wasn't too bad. Maybe I can ask Ethan for some tutoring while I'm helping him with his computer. Ms Rosia, our history teacher, mostly spent it lecturing about various historical figures that lead the women's rights movement. I didn't pay much attention as my mind was elsewhere. After the bell rang I went to find Ethan; I ended up finding him near the back of the school. He looked around as if trying to find someone before he began leading me somewhere.

As we walked I pulled out my phone; I remembered I'd been meaning to ask for Ethan's number. He seemed a little surprised by me asking but told me the number off the top of his head. I swear the memory of this guy was insane; considering he remembered all those fine details that one night it makes sense; but still surprising.

I noticed we were heading towards the computer lab; which was weird to me. I mean I thought it was still closed because of the Sheriff; but I guess they opened up. As we walked in I noticed the remains of the police tape on the door frame; it looked like it had been ripped off.

Ethan pointed me to a specific chair and computer. I sat down as he pushed the chair forward. I turned on the computer and logged in.

"So… what am I looking for?" I asked as I saw the home screen of the computer.

"Can you pull up recent history?" He looked over my shoulder at the computer.

"Which history are you talking about?" I asked as I went through the system.

"Anything from Sunday to today." I felt a chill run down my spine when he said that.

Wasn't that the night someone broke into this place? I pulled up the history from that night to today. I noticed whoever logged in that night, used the student login that was in a plaque by the front door. Looking through their activity I saw someone had been trying to look through school files; but since they didn't login as a teacher they couldn't find whatever they were looking for. They managed to pull up last year's school year book; I felt another chill run down my spine. I wanted to say something to Ethan but a small lump in my throat wouldn't let me. But I guess Ethan noticed how uncomfortable I was as he reached down and began typing on the keyboard.

"Thanks Noah… you should get out of here now." He said as he stared at the screen.

I noticed he was looking for something else on the computer. Though from the way he was moving the mouse he wasn't going to find anything. I smacked his arm which caught his attention. He relented as I took the keyboard and mouse back.

"What else are you looking for?" I asked as I stared at the screen waiting.

Ethan seemed to be quiet for a moment. That was until he leaned over my shoulder again.

"Is there any way you can pull up security video?" He asked which got me stumped.

"Not unless you know the principal's login info…" I said, which seemed to frustrate him a little.

I leaned back in the chair a bit before Ethan returned to looking over my shoulder.

"Can you pull up the school year book again?" I did.

"Ok can you figure out what was the last page that was brought up?" He asked, seeming to be on to something.

I looked through the recent history and saw the last page that stopped on was one hundred and thirty eight. I pulled up the page in question and I saw something. It was a picture of the robotics club standing with each one holding a thumbs up. I recognized one of the members from the night me and Ethan met; he stood alongside the others all excited and proud of their robot. Ethan quickly took a picture with his phone before he tapped the back of the desk chair I was in.

"Let's go." He said in a hurry.

We quickly walked out of the computer lab. Well I jogged where Ethan fast walked. We stepped out of the building to the parking lot. I couldn't keep my curiosity in any more.

"Ethan… what's going on?" I asked as we made it to his bike.

Ethan looked back at me concerned. It looked like he was going to answer but a quick honk from my dad's car caught both of our attention. I hesitated for a bit as I looked at Ethan; he only sealed his lips. I walked to dad's car where I climbed into the back seat. Dad drove away; I kept my eyes looking out the window as dad drove. After a silent moment I got a text from Ethan. Though it only gave me more questions than answers. 'I'm sorry' 'Something happened to Nathaniel'; I was frustrated by it mostly. Dad could see I was frustrated from the rear view.

"Who were you talking to?" He asked, sounding a little concerned.

"Ethan… his name's Ethan…" Was all I could say through my frustration.

When we got home I went to my room. So Ethan was going to get us in trouble over another guy? I was so mad I punched the pillows on my bed. I thought he was a friend; but guess he just wanted to use me. The rest of the day I was lifeless; I mostly played some of the games on my computer. I got a few texts but I didn't bother with them. I guess dad told mom about what he saw because after dinner she came up to my room and started talking to me.

Even at school when Ethan tried approaching me in the lunch line I ignored him. If he wanted to use me I wouldn't let him. He tried a few different things to get me to talk to him; he even tried talking to me about anime again. I ended up eating alone during lunch like before. Sitting in a far off corner away from everyone. Ethan still didn't get the hint I was leaving for him. He sat across from me; I glanced up noticing his remorse; but I couldn't get yesterday out of my head.

"Noah please just…" He began to say but I slammed my hands on the table.

"Don't… just, leave me alone." I said looking at him.

It was clear I wasn't in a talking mood. Though Ethan only kept the sorry remorseful look. I stared down at my lunch as he stared at his dish.

"I didn't want you getting dragged down with me… ok." He said as he fiddled with his food.

I looked up at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, wanting the truth.

We stared into each other's eyes for a silent moment. I guess Ethan was waiting to see if I would sit and listen. Crossed my arms waiting to hear his case out.

"I know that I shouldn't have asked for your help yesterday and if you want to turn me into the Sheriff that's fine. I won't blame you… but I think something happened to Nathaniel and his dad." He started as he pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of text messages.

"Nathanel sent this to the other robotics club members… I know him; he wouldn't get up and leave without a word." He said as he switched the photo to the one he took yesterday.

"I think someone's after Nathaniel and his dad." He whispered to me.

I leaned against the table as I looked over the photo.

"Why do you think that? And how do you know it's not me?" I asked.

He gave me that signature smirk again.

"Because you were next to me when one of the club members got attacked…" I was surprised a bit when he said that.

"So you think someone's targeting Nathaniel and his dad because they go to school here?" I asked as that was honestly ridiculous.

"I think they're targeting our school because they go here." He said, clarifying what he meant.

I was silent as I processed what he said. I leaned closer to him.

"Did you tell the Sheriff?" I asked in a hushed whisper.

"I did… but they're more focused on the creeper case." He said before taking a sip of his food.

"Still doesn't give you the right to…" I began to say but got interrupted by Ethan.

"To drag you down with me. That's my fault… I honestly wish I didn't have to… but you saw how bad I was with the computer." He said with an apologetic look.

I couldn't help but sigh as I placed a hand to my forehead. I also chuckled to myself as I remembered him looking through the files.

"So… what now? I'm guessing you tried going to the Sheriff again with your theory?" I asked to which Ethan nodded yes.

"Sheriff Ben said he spoke with Mr Davis recently. But when I went by their place yesterday I only spoke through the doorbell camera. I peeked inside; no one was there." Gotta admit that was weird.

"And honestly… I only talked with Mr Davis, he sounded scared… he snapped at me when I asked to speak with Nathanel." Ok so weirdness jumped up a bit quickly.

"You know those doorbell camera systems can be used remotely… maybe they're just off on vacation?" I asked as that was a thing for people to watch their houses with wireless camera systems.

"Without their car?" He asked back which added to the mystery.

"They don't have an RV or anything like that… plus I know Nathaniel he hates camping." Now I was getting worried because adding all this together painted very bad pictures.