
The Girl and Crossbow

Vincent and I decided to finish up exploring the raided village before we look more closely at the crossbow, and try to wake up the girl.

I left the crossbow near the unconscious girl because it was like a magnet towards her. It was really weird, but I would question it later.

She had an injury on her head, that is probably the cause of her unconsciousness. I should find something to treat that up.

There was not much left in the village, but I did find some untouched food that I bagged up. I haven't eaten for quite some time now, my stomach was yelling at me to give it some food. I also found some clothing that I converted to rags. I walked by a well in the center of the village and soaked some of the rags.

I walked back to the girl and cleaned the wound, then I used a clean rag as bandages to cover the wound on her head. Now it looks like she has a bandana on.

I saw Vincent coming towards me, and I saw that he had his own backpack now.

„Alright, I think there is not much else around here."

„Yeah, let's go to the forest, the lizards might come back."

Vincent gripped the crossbow and put it away in his pack, then he carefully picked up the girl and carried her.


We found a good spot in the forest then put our stuff down and the girl. We sat ourselves down and Vincent took out the crossbow.

„So what do you think?"

„Hm?" I looked towards Vincent.

„The crossbow, do you think it is like your shield?"

Vincent passed the weapon to me, it had lines across it that was emitting orange energy. My shield would do the same, but it is still not active. Then there was the screen on the handle, it was turned on and it has nearly the identical menu screen like the shield. With its three options to choose from.

The first was an icon for a crossbow, the second was like the shields with three dots going down with lines beside them, then again the third one has three lines but with different crossbows on the side.

We tried touching the screen but, of course, nothing happens.

„The girl probably owns this," I said

„Yeah, it would just fly towards her when it is away from her."

Why is her weapon not stuck on herself like my shield? Is there a way to take my shield off then let it follow me like a puppy? That would be funny to watch, but it would likely just roll around and damage itself.

There was not much else about it. Except for the location for the screen. When you would hold it you might accidentally touch the screen and press a button with your palm, if she would hold the handle with her left hand of course, because the screen was to the left.

„Give me the crossbow for a second, I want to try something," Vincent asked.

I gave him it. Then he opened up his bag and took out an arrow, he likely found those in the village.

He loaded the crossbow and aimed for a tree.

He fired, and hit it.

I thought he wouldn't be able to use it, I guess I was wrong.

„Now we have a weapon against those lizards," I said.

„Yeah, but it has to be at a certain range of the girl. So we kinda have a disadvantage."

At that moment I imagined Vincent carrying her as a backpack everywhere he would go. That was a dumb thought, but he might do it if she won't wake up.

„Should we maybe try and wake her up now?" I asked and looked towards the girl.

„What would you say?"


Vincent was watching me like he was waiting for me to find out how dumb. . . Oh right, I forgot that he can't speak the language.

„I will figure it out when she wakes up."

„Sure, but don't say anything idiotic."

„Yeah yeah, I got this," I said and stood up.

I took a step towards the girl, knelt down, then nudged her.

No reaction.

„Well, she's dead," I said jokingly and looked at Vincent.

As expected, he did not look amused.

I looked back at the girl and was about to really try and wake her up when all of a sudden I heard loud footsteps coming towards us fast!

„Lizard!" I heard Vincent yell out.

A lizardman jumped out of the bushes and swung its ax right at me. I quickly reacted and was able to block his attack with my shield, but it still hurt like hell.

I rolled over and readied my shield again. However, the lizard did not go for me, instead, he moved to Vincent.

Vincent backed up and aimed the crossbow, then fired it.

He hit the lizard on his shoulder, but it only reacted with a grunt. How tough are they?

Vincent then swiftly darted away from the lizard, but he was moving backward. Then my eyes locked on the crossbow.

„Wait Vincent! Drop the crossbow it will. . ."

I couldn't finish my sentence when it happened, but differently, than I had imagined.

Vincent held tight against the crossbow and moved so that the girl would be behind the lizard. Then like a slingshot, the Crossbow shot itself towards the lizard and hit him square in the face.

The lizard fell down and stopped moving.

We stood there in silence for a few seconds, then looked at each other.

„Holy shit, that was god damn amazing, Vincent!" I said with astonishment.

„I didn't really know that would work."

„But it did! Oh my god it did!"

Vincent moved towards the downed lizard and pulled out a knife.

„Wait hold up! Are you going to kill him?" I stopped him and asked.

„Yes?" He replied with his composed face.

„Don't you think we could interrogate him? If he is actually still alive."

That impact with the crossbow looked deadly, but I would guess lizards have hard skulls.

„I am not taking chances with this guy, he could in all likelihood easily rip off a rope that I would tie him up with. Besides, we could ask the girl about all this."

He's right, asking the girl is better than trying to restrain the beast. I would like to know the girl's name because it's getting boring just calling her girl.

Vincent saw that I gave his approval, then he stapped its neck.

The backside of the lizard was covered in scales, and a few human bones were hanging, I guess they were from humans, but in the front, they were more exposed with its skin, so obviously Vincent went for the front part, and the knife went easily in.

So their skin was not that tough. That's good.

„Wait a minute, why is he the only one here? Where are his buddies at?" I asked and quickly glanced around.

Vincent grabbed the lizard's ax and swung it in the air.

„Meh, swords would fit me better."

Did he not hear me?

„Hey, earth to Vincent!"

„I heard you, I am sure they are not around."

„And how would you know?"

„If I would be them, I would attack in a group instead of just sending in one and letting the others watch."

How can he be so sure of himself? He shouldn't know these lizards' strategy.

Vincent moved towards the girl, then gently slapped her in the face.

„Hey, can you wake up now?"

No reaction.

„I think you would need to do better than that."

Vincent glanced back at the dead lizard and saw something that he has on his belt. He walked back to it and picked up what looked like a container that would hold water, it was made out of animal skin, and there was a cap on it.

He took the cap off and poured some water on his hand, then drank it. He looked satisfied, then once again he walked back towards the girl. Then with the container in one hand, he doused the girl's head with water.

„Wow, what a man you are, making the girl all wet," I said with sarcasm.

„Oh shut up, we need to wake her up. I don't want to carry her all day."

We waited for a few seconds, then we saw small movements from her.

Then she opened her eyes and took a large amount of air. Next, she started coughing out the water that she inhaled.

„Well, she is awake now. Not the most fun way for her, but it will do." Vincent said and looked at me, waiting until I would say something to her.

„Hey, you're finally awake," I said in her language. I felt strange déjà vu again, but this time it was like I was Vincent, talking to myself.

She stared at us with a puzzling look, then pointed towards the crossbow that Vincent was holding.

„That is not yours, give it back to me," She said with authority.

„What did she say?"

I translated back to him, then I saw her making a questionable glance at us, looking at me and Vincent back and forth.

I guessed she really didn't understand our normal language. Ours is mostly used everywhere in the galaxy. Now that I am thinking it, why didn't I just try and use ours first?

„Tell her we would give it back if she tells us that she is a friend."

I translated back to her and added that we are good guys.

„I can see that you two are from a different land and that you are not friendly towards the dynami," she said and gestured towards the lizard, then she stood up.

Dynami? Is that what the lizards are called? Maybe their species name?

I decided to act like we were from another continent, instead of saying that we are from a different planet. She and others might have actually never been into space.

But that would be strange. Aren't they suppose to be a lost civilization? And that they are supposed to not be around anymore? More questions I want answers for. Great.

„We are not from here, we landed on shore a few days ago."

„Just as I thought. Does your friend there not speak our language?"

„He hasn't learned it yet, I have been telling him to learn it for a few years now."

While talking I have been translating back to Vincent so he would not be left out.

„Are you an artifact hunter? You have a weapon artifact on your arm."

Artifact hunter? Well, I am technically an artifact hunter, but is that a thing around here as well? I guess it would not be strange trying to find some old relics. Relics with advanced tech, like my shield and her crossbow. Are there are more? In ruins like I found mine?

„Yes I am, but it isn't powered right now. I don't know how to give it back its energy."

„You need a zettra stone, don't you have those where you come from?"

„No. . ."

Zettra stones?

„You need one of these stones to power up your artifact if it is depleted."

Zettra stones must be a rare resource on this planet. Maybe because of its energy?

I saw that Vincent was looking around more, trying to see if more lizards. . . or dynami are coming?

„Where can I get one of these stones?"

„First of all, where are we?" She asked.

Oh right, maybe I should say about the village. So I did.

She had a composed face the entire time when she woke up, but after I told her this, she started to look more sad.

„We need to move towards the dynami quickly!" She suddenly said.

„Wait what, why?"

„The dynami usually takes prisoners then turns them into slaves, or would hunt them for sport. If we are quick we might find their camp."

I translated back to Vincent.

„I think it is a bad idea. There could be a lot of lizards."

„Aren't we going to be overwhelmed?"

„Don't worry," she said and held out her hand towards Vincent who was still holding her crossbow.

„If you allow me to have my weapon, I will show you it would be easy."

„But is it worth something for us?" I asked.

I felt greed coming from me, but why would we help her?

„The dynami likely stole our zettra stones in the village if you would help me I will reward you with some of them if we get them back."

I waited for Vincent to say something after my translation ended.

„I think we should help her out, we need more information about these Dynami and why humans are around here."

Vincent suddenly changed his mind really quickly. But we really do need more information about the planet.

„Alright, we'll help you."

Vincent gave back her crossbow.

„Before we go, what are your names?"

Oh yeah, I completely forgot to introduce ourselves.

„My name is Ethan, And he is Vincent. . . Grey." It took a second to remind myself of his last name.

„You don't have a last name?"

„I don't."


I looked down at the ground.

I couldn't really tell her the truth. I lost my parents when I was a newborn, either they died or just disappeared. I was given a name, but they were from my foster parents that were not human. I was fine with my first name, but I denied my last when I was older. I wanted to find the name of my father and have that as my last name. Or if I find my mother's name first and never know my father's, then I will stick my last name with hers. I have been trying to find their names for years, but I have been unlucky.

„Maybe I will tell you later."

She suddenly smiled and looked at us.

„Alright then. My name is Ivona. Ivona Rihru."