
Arriving At Tyrida


I walked out of the guild with a pouch in hand that contained money. Wilmer was kind enough to give me some silver and bronze pieces for the destruction of the tank. I stashed it in my backpack.

I glanced around for Ethan and Nia but I didn't see them.

I sighed.

„I guess I have to sit and wait," I muttered.

Only a few seconds passed when I saw Ethan coming towards me. Nia was not behind him.

„Hey, Vincent! Sorry I took so long!"

„No problem. I have our reward for taking care of the tank. Where is Nia?"

„I didn't find her, she must be hiding somewhere. Help me look for her."

Ethan has never really been good at lying, but it did look like he has improved at hiding it. Just by the look of his eyes, I could see that there was something he wasn't telling me.

„If she doesn't want to come out then she doesn't want to come with us. We are going to Tyrida."

Nia is going to follow us, isn't she? There is something that Nia wants I can tell. Nia joined us so easily, so there must be a reason for it. Ethan first talked to Nia while I was asleep. Does Ethan have something that I don't know of?

„What? You just made her sad, she probably wants to be alone for a bit, but she might come back to us."

„You can stay here if you want, I am going to Tyrida with, or without you," I turned to find a carriage.

„Fine, I am going with you. If she really doesn't want to be with us anymore then I will stop looking for her."

Oh, Ethan Ethan Ethan. Why didn't you try harder to make me help you to look for her? Maybe because she really is going to follow us? Then my new task would be easier than I thought if I am actually going to do it, of course.

Though I have accepted Wilmer's personal quest, I would likely not try and capture her if I find a way out. The money here would be useful if I get stuck here for a long time.

Ethan and I started to go to a carriage that could give us a ride to Tyrida. I think it has been somewhere around 1 to 2 weeks when Ethan's shield brought us here. And were finally going to the capital of the humans here. I do hope that we would find a way off the planet there. Though it's really unlikely.


We had no trouble going to Tyrida at all. It only took us about two and a half days to get there. The scenery in the land was amazing. The plain grasslands went far across the land with many different animal species, some that did look familiar, like the horses that were quite identical to Earth's horses that were running in the fields. Our carriage was not being dragged by horses though, it was being dragged by horse-sized lizards on four legs. It was really weird when there is an empire full of lizards next door. I wonder what the dynami think of us when humans use horse-lizards instead of actual horses.

Mount Kamlin kept on going further from us, but it was still visible in the distance when we arrived at Tyrida. There were many humans around going in and out of the gates of Tyrida. Some might be traveling merchants, or just some artifact hunters looking for adventure.

I also noticed there were dynami around, but they were not free, instead, they were in chains. Does the Kingdom of Stratos also enslave? But instead of humans, they enslave the dynami. I guess it makes sense if the dynami have humans slaves, then Stratos wants to see how they would feel when enslaving their species.

The walls of Tyrida were a bit bigger than the walls in Dunwich. I saw on top there were many soldiers and also what looked like large ballistas. But when coming closer I noticed they were much different than primitive ballistas. They had the glow like an artifact, and I saw a barrel on them. It must be some sort of artillery, and they had a lot of them. They must have somehow found a giant cache of them, or if they somehow found a way to construct them.

We arrived at the gates and showed our ID's, the guards let us through with no suspicion of forgery. That was good.

The carriage kept going in the capital, the buildings around here were quite identical to Earth's buildings. I think it was called Europe. And I think it was somewhere in the medieval era. I learned some of this stuff when I was a kid, I really loved our home planet, even though I have never been there.

I saw a big castle in the distance, Likely where the king and nobles live.

The carriage stopped and we hopped out, I thanked and paid the driver.

The streets of Tyrida was bustling with activity. There were so many people around that it would be easy to lose Vincent. I thought that the capital would have some sort of artifact cars around, but I didn't see a single one.

„We should find the market district I need to get a new sword because a lizard broke mine."

„Yeah, I was also thinking about checking it out. Maybe get more armor for us."

We had around 400 silver and a few bronze pieces that Vincent got when we completed the last quest with the tank and all that. I felt like Wilmer was way too generous to give us that much. Is that even a lot? I still don't really know that much about the currency here.

We arrived at the market after we asked many locals. We really were some tourists, but not ordinary tourists, instead we were tourists from space! Are we the first aliens to arrive on this planet? That would be really cool actually.

„Here, take half of the coins and let's split up and buy what we need. But save some for food and accommodations."

„Yeah, sure dad I will also remember to not talk to strangers in creepy alleys and always have my phone on," I said with a sarcastic tone. I really wished I had my tablet with me, I lost it somewhere back at the space station.

„Shut up. We should meet up at the guild that we passed earlier when it gets dark."

„Sure, I guess."

Vincent disappeared in the crowd. I was standing there with a bag of coins and was thinking.

Why the hell are we shopping when we are supposed to find a way off the planet? And was it even a good idea to split up? Wait a minute.

I glanced around, trying to figure out which part of Tyrida I was in. I remembered the layout of the map of Tyrida. And by seeing the castle from this market, it looked like I was on the western side of the city. . .

Ah crap. He is going to try and find that woman, isn't he? I shouldn't have agreed to split up. I think it's too late to try and follow him now, there are too many people around.

I guess I am going to look around in the market while I am here.

I audibly sighed.


Some time passed. I bought myself some armor for my arms and legs. They were just some cheap crappy metals, and it didn't really look good on me, but I really didn't care. I thought about buying made-to-order armor that would fit me, but it would take some time. And it would cost a lot more. I thought about buying a new sword, but I really couldn't afford it, so I had mine repaired at a good price.

I also bought some medicine and cooking equipment. I am certain that we are not going to find a way off so soon, might as well buy that could be helpful. And also I didn't want to eat just some cooked meat and apples. I am not a great cook, but might try it and hopefully eat something better while on the journey.

I had around 20 silver left and a few bronze pieces. There was not really anything else I wanted around here. Tessera was still around in the sky, it will be dark after a few hours. What am I going to do now?

I walked around more in the market district. There were a lot of different shops around with many different items to buy. I also noticed in one of the alleys that there was a dynami slave market. I wonder how people are going to handle them? Aren't dynami physically stronger than humans? Do they have some sort of special collars or something? I wouldn't really be surprised anymore after all I have seen around here.

Yeah, I think I am done around here. I am going to check on the guild.

I left the market and followed down the road towards the guild. Isn't Wilmer the leader of the guild or something? If he actually is, then why would he be at Dunwich and not the capital? Maybe he switches places? I really don't know.

While I was walking I felt for someone tugging me from behind. I turned around and saw Nia there.

„Hi Ethan!"

„Nia? I didn't know that we would meet up so soon," I glanced around to see if Vincent was around, but didn't see him anywhere.

„I thought this was a good time because Vincent isn't here."

„Okay, but what are we going to do now? I don't really know what to do."

Nia glanced around then motioned me to get closer so she could whisper in my ear.

„I thought we could talk about how we are going to the vault. And also that I know someone who is willing to help us."

Hmm. Am I actually going there though? If there isn't anything in Tyrida then I might as well. But who is this person she is talking about?

„Did you tell someone about the vault?"

„Yup!" She said with glee.

Huh. . . Wait what the hell!?!

„I'm sorry . . . What? You told someone?!"

„Don't worry, he is trustworthy."

Even though I didn't really care that much about the vault, I still felt a small amount of anger because she told someone without having me around to say it would be okay.

„Who is this guy anyway?"

„You know him, just follow me!"

I know him? Who would that be?

Nia took my hand and started running away from the guild. I hope she won't lead me to some shady alley and stab me. What am I thinking? She wouldn't do that. . . Would she?


When I separated from Ethan I quickly went and bought myself a new sword and some cheap armor. Then I immediately started asking around about the girl.

„A girl with a sniper? Hm, I think I have heard of her before. Just go more western from here and ask around there."

I nodded to the man and continued on my way.

I kept going west and the place started to look poorer. I would have thought the poor folks would be further away from that popular market, what do I know about this city?

I felt like I needed to find her because she might be the only one that knows the Earth's star. That could mean that she isn't from here like me.

I ended up talking to quite a lot of people, and some of them did look like thugs. But then, I finally found someone that could help me.

„A sniper? You must be talking about Amara. But if you would want to know where she is then you have to pay up!"

Amara? That is a familiar name.

„Hm, it appears that I am broke as hell, could you maybe give me some of your coins so I could give you it?"

„What? You think I am stupid?"

„Let's talk in that alley over there," I said and pointed towards an empty alleyway.

„Hehe, sure."

Does he think that he is safe? How foolish. He was bigger than me, but that didn't matter.

We walked to the alley and I immediately pulled out my blaster and called out a stun shot that would immobilize him. The man fell easily to the ground.

He groaned and was about to yell, but I stuffed his mouth with rags.

„Shut up or you will die," I said calmly.

I glanced around to see if anyone was around, then I knocked down a door. I knew that it would be empty because I saw that no one was inside and there was no light when walking on the street. Thankfully in this strange era, there shouldn't be any alarms. But if there is an artifact like that then I would really despise this planet.

I dragged the man inside and closed the door. The only light came from my glove and blaster.

„You are going to tell me everything you know, and if you tell a lie, then this knife is going to turn red. And if you try to scream, then the knife might get even redder."

The man had fear in his eyes. That was good.

I took away his rags and started the interrogation.