
Chapter 1

<p>The floors had never felt safer than they did in the moment that she hit the ground, and her bones ached with the cold that settled in during that warm July day. What did surprise her was the way her heartbeat with a speed she had never quite felt before as she sat on the floor of the bathroom. The sweat dripping off of her skin as the walls began to sway and just as she tried to lift herself off the floor, her legs gave out on her again. She knew better than to take a drink from any of the bulking giants from the club, but for some reason it felt like he dared her. Men dare her to do all kinds of stupid things but most of the time she's smart enough not to take the bait.<br/>That's when she heard the solid and heavy footsteps of him, Ethan Arsenio. His footsteps made her tremble on the bathroom floor as he moved closer and the air around her only seemed to get hotter with every step he took. He was roughly six feet and five inches tall with two hundred pounds of pure muscles covering every inch of him. His two brothers next to him Iren and tommy didn't help his scary appearance with both of them appearing leaner and shorter than him.<br/>Ethan crouched down on to the bathroom floor in his black t-shirt and black jeans, and slowly moved a piece of hair behind her ear. "Baby girl what are you doing on the floor? I thought I told you to come sit at the table with me." He asked her as looked down and saw her dress rising up showing off her black panties.<br/>"Brothers, I think you need to go save our table before someone takes it." His voice reaching a part of her soul as she looked into his icy blue eyes. His voice made her core feel a level of wetness she didn't know that she possessed, and his eyes made her body shake with anticipation as his fingertips grazed her thigh with something she didn't know she needed.<br/> </p>