
Eternity love with my Bestfriend

Rose Smith who was a daughter of country's wealthiest family whose life was perfect . She was cheerful, happy and satisfied with her life . Until when her bestfriend Noah Abraham fell in love with her which turned her life upside down. Noah Abraham was the heir of the the country's largest company. He was 25 years old ruthless , handsome man who took his father's company to a great level and made it the world top 5 company by his skills. Rose and Noah were bestfriend from kindergarten to university and until now as their father's were business partners. But for further studies Rose was sent abroad for five years. After she came , she was sent to his bestfriend company to be his secratary to gain experience. From then their story of love began and how he cunningly married her. Excerpt Noah : What were you doing Justin now? huh!( angry and shouting) Rose : I was doing nothing , I was asking for help for projects. (frustrated). Noah : By touching each other. Do you think I'm blind! (shouting) Rose : It was not like that! (annoyed) Noah : Shut up you are coming with me now. (rigid) Rose : Leave my hand Noah. Where are you taking me. (angry) Noah : If you dared to utter something. Then I will kiss you now, understand? Rose: What the fu*k are you say... umm... umm ... leave mmm.. me. Author : Hey readers it's my first novel. If you spot any grammatical mistakes please let me detect by you. English is not my native language . Book cover : Pinterest Disclaimer : Mature contents

Sam_love_me · 都市
8 Chs

At wrong time

Hey readers it's my first time writing a novel in my whole damn life . I hope you all will support me. Then without further delay let's start the story of Noah and Rose.

Author POV

In England today Rose was happy as she was going to her hometown New York tomorrow where she was born and spend her almost childhood. Also she misses her family and friends. Especially Noah her bestfriend.

She was currently with her friends which she made there while living. She was bidding farewell afterall she was leaving.

Rose POV

I am at a bar with my friends and is chilling with them as today is my last day with them.

After partying till midnight we are now going to our own home.

Some time later...

I am at my home and thinking what would be the reaction of Noah. Yes, I didn't tell him I am coming to New York. I want to surprise him tomorrow. I am excited.

ring... ring... my alarm clock started ringing . I woke up immediately as i didn't want to be late for my flight and miss it.

After washing my mouth and doing other morning work. I stared to get ready . Soon I got ready in black off shoulder fitted dress with matching black pumps. I was satisfied with my looks.

I went to airport at time and soon I got my seat. I was on business class as it is expected from rich family daughter.

After twenty minutes plane took off and I was on my way to my hometown. After ten hour of flight I at lastly reached my hometown.

After checking out, I went to my car which was send by my father and directly sat on the car and asked the driver to drive me to Abraham Corporation as you know I want to surprise Noah.

I went to Abraham Corporation and went to receptionist area.

"Hello miss do you know in which floor Noah Abraham office is situated" I asked her in a polite way.

"Mam do you have an appointment with Mr Abraham ?" she asked me on not so polite way

"I don't have any appointments but I know him, he is my friend" I said to her to let her understand.

"Mam do you think I am fool? Huh! Daily there are countless girl come and says these stuff"she shouted at me rudely.

I was going to tell her something but then Mike who is assistant of Noah. He came to me and asked the receptionist what's the matter.

After listening to her he shouted her and told her that I am indeed his bestfriend. She became terrified as she thought she will lose her job.

"Sorry mam, I didn't mean to yell but you know this is a common case so I have to do that .

Please forgive me" She said apologetically .

I accepted her apology and went to Noah's office by the help of assistant. As soon as I reached his floor , I went to his office without knocking as I wanted to surprise him.

But as soon as I opened the door of his office, I was dumbstruck , there was a blonde girl on his lap whose dress and hair was messy .It was obvious I came at wrong timing.

I regretted coming without knocking and wanted to apologize to him. Before I could apologize , Noah shouted "Don't you know how to knock the door, you piece of shit"