
Chapter 4

Training Maeve was proving to be a unique experience. Her remarkable potential, combined with her determination, made every session a challenge. As her mentor and queen of the vampires, I had taken it upon myself to mold her into a powerful force, one that could control her insatiable hunger and protect our kind.

The morning sun bathed the training grounds with a warm, golden light. Maeve stood across from me, her expression focused and determined. We had been sparring for hours, her movements growing increasingly fluid and her strikes more precise.

I was pushing Maeve harder than ever before. Our training session had been relentless, and I didn't hold back. She was improving rapidly, and I couldn't help but admire her determination.

As we sparred, I could see the fatigue in her eyes, but she didn't give up. She fought back with everything she had, and it was exhilarating. Maeve had a fire within her that I couldn't ignore.

But then, in a moment of miscalculation, I landed a powerful blow to her ribs. I heard the sharp intake of breath and saw her wince in pain. Instantly, I regretted my lack of control.

"Maeve, are you okay?" I asked, genuine concern in my voice.

She gritted her teeth and nodded, trying to hide her pain. "I'm fine, just a bruise."

I could tell she was trying to tough it out, but I couldn't let her continue in this state. I walked over and gently touched her side, causing her to hiss in pain.

"You're hurt," I stated the obvious.

Maeve nodded again, her eyes filled with frustration. "It's not that bad. I'll heal."

I sighed, realizing my training had gone too far. "Come with me. I'll take care of your injuries."

I led her to a quiet corner of the training area and sat her down. Gently, I began to examine her ribs, trying to assess the damage. Maeve winced as I touched the bruised area.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, my fingers tracing the edges of the bruise.

"It's okay," she replied, though her voice was strained.

I couldn't help but feel guilty. I had pushed her too hard, and now she was paying the price for my recklessness. As I continued to examine her, I couldn't ignore the growing attraction I felt for her.

Maeve's vulnerability in that moment was captivating. Her strength and determination were still there, but now I could see her softer side. I wanted to protect her, to make sure she was safe and well.

"Thank you for taking care of me," Maeve said, her voice breaking through my thoughts.

I looked up at her and smiled softly. "Of course. It's my responsibility."

As I continued to tend to her injuries, I couldn't help but think about the mate bond that connected us. It was a rare and powerful bond that formed between vampires, often linking them for life. It was said that those with a mate bond could feel each other's emotions and even share thoughts in moments of deep connection.

I had never experienced a mate bond before, and I wondered if this was what it felt like. My attraction to Maeve was undeniable, but I couldn't let it distract me from our training. The bond between us was important, but so was her growth as a vampire.

"Alexandria," Maeve's voice brought me back to the present.

I looked at her, my eyes meeting hers. "Yes?"

"Thank you for pushing me," she said with a determined look in her eyes. "I need to get stronger."

I smiled, proud of her resilience. "You will, Maeve. I have no doubt about that."

As I finished tending to her injuries, I couldn't help but feel a deeper connection forming between us. The mate bond was a powerful force, and I knew we had much more to discover about it in the days to come.

With that, I helped Maeve to her feet and walked her back to her room. She leaned on me for support, and I couldn't deny the warmth that spread through me at her touch. There was something undeniably special about our connection, and I was eager to explore it further.

We reached her room, and I helped her sit on the edge of the bed. It was then that I realized just how close we were, and the attraction I felt for her intensified. I wanted to protect her, to care for her in every way possible.

"Alexandria," Maeve began, her voice soft and uncertain.

I looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

"I'm still hungry," she admitted, her gaze meeting mine.

I understood what she meant. Vampires needed blood to sustain themselves, and our training had drained her. I hesitated for a moment, conflicted by the desires within me.

But then I made a decision. If our connection was to grow stronger, I needed to trust Maeve, and she needed to trust me.

"Feed from me," I offered, extending my wrist toward her.

Maeve looked surprised, her eyes widening. "Are you sure?"

I nodded, my heart racing. "I trust you."

She hesitated for a moment before leaning in and sinking her fangs into my wrist. I felt a sharp pang of pain, but it was quickly replaced by a rush of pleasure. It was an intimate moment, our connection deepening as she fed from me.

As Maeve drank, I couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness that was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The mate bond between us was growing stronger with each passing second, and I knew that this was just the beginning of our journey together.

After a few moments, Maeve pulled away, her lips stained with my blood. She looked at me, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude.

I smiled at her, feeling a deep connection that went beyond words. "You're welcome."

With that, I helped Maeve lie down on her bed, making sure she was comfortable. I tucked her in and watched as she closed her eyes, her breathing steady.

As I stood there, I realized that I had fallen for Maeve in a way I had never expected. Our connection was undeniable, and I couldn't wait to see where it would lead us.

With a final look, I left her room, my thoughts filled with the vampire who had captured my heart.