
Eternal Thirst: Gods Blood

This world ends and a life raft left behind by those hailed as gods, the lost city of Atlantis takes measures to ensure the survival of histories genius's. Any and all even slightly talented were collected from hell all while waiting for the world to end. One unknown boy out of all the thousands of souls, ends up surviving alone. Bonding his soul with another Atlantis gives him a second life, only this one may not be what he'd imagined reincarnation to be like.

Legend_Kamikaze · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Nestled quietly within the dwindling cosmos lies the last flicker of life, a remote planet in the Milky Way galaxy known as "Earth." The cataclysmic event known as the "big bang" was nothing more than the grand exit of the final generation of Mages, whose immense power reshaped the world in their departure. Only those abandoned by these Mages, the remnants of the "second world," managed to cobble together a fragile sanctuary: a solar system where life clings to existence by a tenuous thread.

As millennia passed, the remaining Mages, their mana exhausted, gracefully faded into history, bequeathing their legacy to descendants bereft of supernatural abilities. Over time, the tales of their exploits and the art of magic itself dissolved into nebulous myths and enigmatic legends. Magic, once a living, pulsating force, seemingly vanished from the annals of existence.

Leaving behind the enduring myths of our universe, we know of the last formidable Cultivators from the "First World" as Titans. They came into existence during a time when the universe brimmed with an exuberance of Yang Qi, their formidable presence a testament to this boundless energy. However, as the universe began its inexorable decline, the tides shifted, giving rise to an overwhelming influx of Yin Qi. It was this shift that ultimately led to the emergence of "Magic" and what we call "Gods."

The world underwent a profound metamorphosis when Odin, the AllFather, unlocked the secrets of manipulating Yin Qi, becoming the first true cultivator to harness this ethereal force. He fashioned a technique of extraordinary prowess. This achievement etched his name as the Creator of Magic, reshaping the very fabric of the universe and inaugurating a new era.

Yet, the evolution did not stop there. The stage was set for the ascent of a gifted prodigy, Zeus, son of Cronus. In time, Zeus would ascend to become the King of Olympus, but his journey was marked by a profound transformation. He initiated a daring rebellion against the entrenched "cultivators" led by his own father, Cronus, and ushered in the dominion of Magic, forever altering the course of history.

But that was then, and this is now. A mere two thousand years after the last Mages vanished, Earth found itself teetering on the precipice of catastrophe. The world, once shaped by the Mages' power, began to unravel, casting humanity into a dire abyss. Yet, amid this impending chaos, a glimmer of hope emerged—a chance at liberation. The Cultivators, long confined to their ethereal prisons, saw their chains of captivity weaken, their souls yearning for emancipation.