
Last Chapter

Violet POV:-

"Does it really look good?"I asked mum for the 5th time.

"Yes, Dear. You are not even that nervous at your wedding."Mum jokes. I glare at her and sighed,

"I just want it to be perfect."I spun around in my purple dress, which Raymond especially bought for me. I never wore it before. Thanks to Kenneth who got it for me from home. I took a deep breath as I looked at myself for the last time. It's almost 8.

"Oh! I am late! Love you, Mum!"I said as I left.

I entered as I took a deep breath.

"Welcome, Mrs Smith. Please follow me."The manager said as I followed him.

We reached a luxury hall, filled with not very many people. The stage was empty.Strange.I took a seat. Raymond wasn't here. I frowned. Where is he?

I sighed as I got up. It's almost 9 and he isn't here. I felt heartbroken. Was he trying to humiliate me? I controlled my tears as I stood up and began to leave.

"WAIT VIOLET!"I turned around and saw Raymond on the stage, holding the mic.