
Eternal Love Eclipse

On planet Zyphorous, two rival species, the Purebloods and the Colossi, are locked in an unending conflict. Amidst this turmoil, an unlikely love ignites between Kaela, a brilliant Pureblood scientist, and Zoren, a powerful Colossi warrior. Their forbidden love triggers a cataclysmic war that threatens to consume Zyphorous. Eternal Love Eclipse is a compelling science fiction love story that delves into themes of love, prejudice, and the consequences of intolerance. Will their love save their world or lead to its destruction? This tale explores the enduring power of love in the face of adversity.

YuYutsu · SF
17 Chs

Veil river

As Zoren and his team, accompanied by the tribal elders, prepared to set sail on a boat along the Veil River, they gathered around for a solemn conversation. The tribal elder, a wise and weathered figure, stepped forward, his voice filled with caution and concern.

"Zoren," the elder began, "there is something you must know before we embark on this journey through the Veil River. The waters here are home to a legendary and deadly creature known as the Abyssal Serpent."

Zoren's eyes widened at the mention of such a formidable threat, and he looked intently at the elder, hanging on his every word.

The elder continued, "The Abyssal Serpent is a colossal and ancient creature, feared by our tribe for generations. It is said to lurk beneath the surface, its serpentine body concealed in the depths. When it surfaces, it can capsize boats and swallow prey whole. Its presence here is a constant reminder of the dangers that lie within the Veil River."

Zoren's team exchanged uneasy glances, their apprehension palpable. Sylva, Tharok, and Kaela listened intently to the elder's warning.

"But," the elder continued, "the Abyssal Serpent is also said to be a guardian of sorts. It only attacks when provoked or when it senses a threat to the balance of the river. Our ancestors have passed down stories of how to navigate these waters safely, to avoid attracting the serpent's attention."

Zoren nodded, his determination unwavering despite the newfound knowledge of this perilous creature. "Tell us, Elder," he implored, "how can we ensure our safe passage through these treacherous waters?"

The elder smiled, recognizing Zoren's resolve. "First, you must remain silent during the journey. The Abyssal Serpent is said to be sensitive to sound, and loud noises can provoke its wrath. Second, you must avoid disturbing the river's natural harmony. No fishing, no pollution, and no attempts to alter the course of the Veil River. Lastly, trust the guidance of the river itself. It has been our ally and protector for generations."

With a sense of purpose, Zoren assured the elder, "We will heed your advice and respect the Veil River. Our mission is to find the Elysian Bloom and bring it back for the greater good of Zyphorous. We'll ensure that our journey is as unobtrusive as possible."

The tribal elder nodded in approval, his weathered face reflecting both concern and hope. "Remember," he cautioned, "the Abyssal Serpent is not to be underestimated. Approach the river with reverence and humility, and may the river's guardian watch over you."

With those parting words, the group set off, their boat gently gliding along the tranquil waters of the Veil River. Zoren, Sylva, Tharok, Kaela, and the tribal elders embarked on their journey, knowing that the challenges ahead included not only the pursuit of the Elysian Bloom but also the need to respect the balance of nature in this mystical realm.


Kaela found herself in a vastly different situation as she embarked on her own journey along the Veil River. She was accompanied by the Pureblood soldiers, and her thoughts were consumed by the quest for the Elysian Bloom, unaware of the looming threat of the Abyssal Serpent.

As the boat glided smoothly along the river's surface, the soldiers kept a watchful eye on Kaela, their weapons at the ready. They had been given orders to ensure her cooperation, and their stern expressions revealed their determination.

Kaela couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew that the soldiers were under strict orders and that her every move was being scrutinized. Her mind drifted to Zoren and his team, wondering about their whereabouts and the challenges they might be facing on their own journey.

The journey along the Veil River was serene, with the gentle rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds providing a soothing backdrop. Kaela tried to focus on the beauty of the Ethereal Expanse around her, but the weight of her mission and the presence of the soldiers made it difficult to fully appreciate the tranquil surroundings.

Unbeknownst to her, beneath the river's surface, the Abyssal Serpent continued its ancient vigil. Its massive form moved silently through the water, its unblinking eyes observing the boat carrying Kaela and the Pureblood soldiers. The serpent had sensed the disturbance in the river's harmony, and its curiosity had been piqued.

As Kaela's boat ventured deeper into the Veil River, the two journeys—one of hope and one of duty—unfolded in parallel, each person unaware of the other's presence and the imminent danger that lurked beneath the tranquil waters.