
Eternal Love Eclipse

On planet Zyphorous, two rival species, the Purebloods and the Colossi, are locked in an unending conflict. Amidst this turmoil, an unlikely love ignites between Kaela, a brilliant Pureblood scientist, and Zoren, a powerful Colossi warrior. Their forbidden love triggers a cataclysmic war that threatens to consume Zyphorous. Eternal Love Eclipse is a compelling science fiction love story that delves into themes of love, prejudice, and the consequences of intolerance. Will their love save their world or lead to its destruction? This tale explores the enduring power of love in the face of adversity.

YuYutsu · SF
17 Chs

Veil River II

The two boats, one carrying Zoren and his team along with the tribal members, and the other transporting Kaela and the Pureblood soldiers, silently glided along the Veil River. The once-tranquil journey had taken a tense turn as Zoren's keen ears caught the faint but unmistakable sound of another boat trailing behind them. His heart raced as he realized that Kaela and the Purebloods were not far behind.

Zoren's anger flared as he saw Kaela's boat draw nearer, and he clenched his fists in frustration. He couldn't fathom why she was here, especially after the chaos caused by the Pureblood soldiers in the tribal village. With a furrowed brow and a voice thick with resentment, he demanded, "What are you doing here, Kaela? After everything that's happened because of the Pureblood soldiers, you still chose to follow us?"

Kaela, seated in the boat with the Pureblood soldiers, met Zoren's accusing gaze with a mixture of guilt and determination. She understood the gravity of her presence in this perilous situation, and her voice carried a sense of urgency as she responded, "Zoren, I had to come. I couldn't let you and your team face this journey alone."

The tension between them was palpable, and the tribal members and Zoren's team watched the exchange with apprehension. Tharok, ever the voice of reason, spoke up, his tone laced with concern, "We can't afford more conflict, not now."

As Zoren and Kaela were engrossed in their conversation, their eyes widened in alarm as they spotted another boat drawing near. The boat was filled with the very Colossi soldiers who had attacked Kaela when she had been separated from Zoren's team earlier. A shiver of recognition passed through her, and she turned to Zoren with a sense of urgency.

Breathing quickly, Kaela whispered to Zoren, "Zoren, those soldiers in the approaching boat, they're the same ones who pursued me, and I barely managed to escape."

Zoren's eyes narrowed as he observed the approaching boat and the soldiers on board. The memory of Kaela's ordeal fueled his anger, but he also knew that the priority was to handle the situation cautiously and prevent any further conflict.

With a steely resolve, Zoren signaled to his team and the tribal members, urging them to prepare for the approaching encounter. He turned to Kaela, his voice low and filled with determination. "Kaela, we need to be prepared for anything. If those soldiers pose a threat, we'll defend ourselves, but let's also try to resolve this peacefully if we can. We don't want to escalate things further."

Kaela nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of fear and determination. She understood the gravity of the situation and the need to handle it with care. As the two boats continued to approach each other, tensions ran high, and the fate of their journey hung in the balance.

Amidst the tension on the river, Zoren knew that talking to the Colossi soldiers was the best course of action. As their boats drew closer, he raised his voice to address the approaching soldiers. "What do you want from us?" he called out, his voice carrying over the water.

One of the Colossi soldiers, a stern-faced figure, replied harshly, "We want the Elysian Bloom. Give it to us now!"

Zoren, his tone resolute, responded, "We haven't found it yet. We're still searching."

But his words only seemed to infuriate the Colossi soldiers further. They exchanged glances, suspicion etched on their faces. They believed Zoren was with Kaela, the Pureblood girl, and assumed that he was hiding the precious herb. Without warning, the soldiers raised their weapons and opened fire on Zoren's boat.

The sudden onslaught caught Zoren and his team off guard, but they quickly rallied. Laser beams pierced through the air as both groups engaged in a heated firefight. The boats rocked with the force of the battle, and waves splashed around them.

As the exchange of laser fire continued, Zoren and his team took cover behind the boat's protective barriers. Their determination to protect themselves and the mission burned bright, even in the face of danger.

The tribal elder's words carried a sense of urgency as he warned Zoren and his team. "Stop fighting," he pleaded, his voice filled with concern. "Your battle may anger the Abyssal Serpent, and it could spell disaster for all of us. There's no point in coming this far only to meet our doom."

Zoren, caught in the midst of the firefight, realized the gravity of the situation. He quickly relayed the elder's warning to his team. "Hold your fire!" he shouted, hoping to quell the conflict. "We don't want to provoke the Abyssal Serpent. Let's cease fighting and stay alert."

Reluctantly, his team members lowered their weapons, and the opposing Colossi soldiers did the same. The river's surface, once churned by the intense firefight, began to calm.

The tranquility of the river was short-lived. In the blink of an eye, a colossal splash of water erupted from the depths of the Veil River, sending shockwaves through the boats. From within the cascading spray emerged the dreaded Abyssal Serpent, a massive and terrifying creature of the waters.

Its sinuous body, covered in glistening scales, coiled menacingly as it rose from the river's depths. Towering over the boats, it cast a shadow that seemed to stretch across the entire surface of the water. The serpent's eyes, like two orbs of gleaming obsidian, fixated on the intruders in its domain.

Panic and fear swept through the boats as the passengers gazed upon the serpentine behemoth. The tribal elder's voice quivered as he urgently spoke to Zoren, "Stay still and quiet. Do not provoke it further."

Zoren nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. The Abyssal Serpent was a creature of legend, a guardian of the river known for its unpredictable temperament. It was said to possess immense power, capable of both great destruction and unexpected mercy.