
And here I am!

[moments before the teleportation]

Everyone was at the meeting room to party for their success without Xiao Qiangwei and Jibril, who said no about joining.

Steph: So… What will be the next step?

Sora: Oh, I'll think about it, we will party a bit for some minutes then leave, what do you think, Shiro?

She just hummed in approval, and continued to pet Izuna, when suddenly…

Izuna moved as fast as possible away from the center of the room with a terrified face, the same thing was for Ino.

Shiro: ...Huh?

Sora: What happened, Izuna?

Izuna crouched down with a despaired face, and her body trembled, a second later, a distorsion appeared at the center of the room, it was a bit similar to the one that Xiao Qiangwei used, however it looked more like a rift.

And from the rift, a small silhouette came out. It was a kid around 15 years with black hair and black eyes, he had a calm expression, as if he was strolling on a park, but had a smile on his face.

He had a white robe with black outlines and some blue decorations, he didn't had anything to protect his feet. However, as much as innocent the kid looked like, Ino and Izuna were scared shitless from him.

He looked around for a moment and sighed in exasperation.

?: He left…

At this moment, another person appeared, which was revealed to be Tet, but he had a serious expression, and if one looked better, he was trembling in fear.

Steph: ...W-Who are you?

The mysterious teen turned his head and found Steph, then he made a V sign with his right hand and grinned.

?: I'm Lan Tian, do you know a certain Xiao Qiangwei?

Steph: I-I don't nee-

Lan Tian: [Speak]

Steph froze for a moment, and to everyone's surprise, she talked.

Steph: Yes, all of us know it, we are his friends…. Huh?! Why did I tell it?!

Sora and Shiro started to sweat cold, knowing what really happened, Xiao Qiangwei told them that doing something like this had two conditions, the first was being like him, a reincarnated cultivator who reached once the Godly Reincarnation, and the second one…

Sora: O-Oi… Are you perhaps… A Godly Law practitioner…?

Lan Tian: Heh, so he told you about it… Sorry, but no… I surpassed those realms time ago, I already reached a place where not even him knows about, you seem smart, so you should know what I am talking about.

Sora: ...Y-You…

Lan Tian: Don't worry, I will not kill anyone, maybe he told you about me, pleased to meet you, I'm the Grandmaster Higher Heaven, I'm Qiangwei's master and the new owner of this Universe.

Everyone: WHAT!?

Lan Tian: ...Don't yell, well, since he already left, I'll just wait for him, I'll make him a surprise when he will return.

Then Lan Tian, with a thought, made appear a water glass in his hand and drank it peacefully, meanwhile everyone else just looked speechlessly at him.

In short, a man that could easily decide if he wants to destroy the Universe or not, was strong enough that not even the Pledges will protect them, was peacefully enjoying the party they started…

Tet: Whoa… You are so strong… Hey, can we play something? I never thought about knowing someone like you so I am curious.

And when he realized that Lan Tian will not kill anyone, he turned back to his childish self, Lan Tian just shrugged and made appear a deck of cards.

Lan Tian: Why not? I wonder how strong the "God" of the Games is.

Then they just started to play… As if nothing really happened… Meanwhile everyone watched them with a shocked face, unable to register what just happened.



Two people appeared over something that looked like a flying island, the small island was around 20 meters of radius, it was circular and the floor was made of pure white stones that became smaller the nearer they got at the center.

At the center of the small platform there was a small and tall pillar with many arrays drawn upon it, which were glowing white and released something that looked like aura, if one would look better, they would be able to read words made in japanese, and each one of them represented a wish.

"I wish for being the richest man in the world"

"I wish to be the most attractive man"

"I wish for women to kneel for my body"

"I wish to be the strongest"

"I wish for have a peerless intellect"

...And so it continued.

The two people looked around for a moment, one of them was wearing a black leather jacket, a royal crown on his head, jeans, and white shoes, he had white hair that stretched to his ears, amber piercing eyes filled with unfathomable power, and a curious smile in his face.

The other person was, in two words, "Not Human", the girl beside the man had purple long hair that had pink streaks at the end and reached her knees, She had two white wings protruding near her hips, she had golden eyes and her pupils were purple.

She had wing-shaped ears and a halo over her head, she was wearing a long skirt with her midriff exposed and a short shirt that covered only her chest, leaving the abdomen open.

She was looking around with curiosity too, however, unlike the man, she was salivating a bit due to the amount of knowledge she could gain by being here.

They were Xiao Qiangwei and Jibril, and the former started to gaze at the pillar at the center of the platform, and then he let out a smile.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Jackpot.

It seems that his lucky aura made his job again, he was obviously NOT in Earth, however the thing in front of him made him think that it was better being here than in Earth now.

Jibril: Hey, His Highness, is this the Earth you are talking about?

She asked with a curious face and saliva coming out from her mouth.

Xiao Qiangwei: No, but for me it's something better. Honestly, I don't know where we are too.

Jibril got surprised from his words, then it means that he found something that is really interesting, and finally her gaze fell on the pillar.

Jibril: What is that?

Xiao Qiangwei: I don't know. Jibril, I will do something that will greatly help me now, can you defend from the intruders? First confirm their intentions, then if they are hostile you are free to attack them.

Jibril: Yes! This is the first time I will feel the sensation of killing people since 6000 years…

She mumbled the second sentence in pure excitement, killing in a dream and doing it in a real world are completely different, and it made her happy to decide to follow Xiao Qiangwei.

Then she sat on the edge of the platform and watched everything with curiosity showing on her face, and waiting for the "Intruders" that Xiao Qiangwei senses some time ago since his perception range is literally 30 times more than Jibril's range, which is 100 kilometers.

Xiao Qiangwei grinned and walked to the pillar, before putting a palm over its surface and closed his eyes.

Xiao Qiangwei: '3 hours… It's not much, since I need 1 week before the dimensional edge will be repaired…'

When one teleports from one dimension to another, they needed to be careful if they are under the level of the True Immortal realm, because they will damage the dimensional edge to enter in the other dimension, and damaging it too much will cause the dimension to collapse, like a balloon.

And he didn't had the intention to kill more than 100 billions of living beings because he is inpatient.

Hello guys, here is another chapter, I hope you like it, comment, put PS, review and bye.

General_Paragoncreators' thoughts