
Fallen Star Restaurant II

Atlas being quick witted, he instantly realized why Cyra was mad and said, - "I'm terrible sorry for what my servant did, I have already taken care of it" after saying all this Atlas decided to sit besides Cyra drawing the attention of the crowd.

"What is the purpose of inviting all these people here?" Asked Cyra as she was checking out the strength of the people inside the restaurant, the people at the 10th floor were the strongest with tens of Rank 10 Essence Disciples, while there was also a few people who were rank 1 Essence Fighters just like Atlas.

Atlas wasn't surprised by Cyra question, just from the previous conversation he realized that she didn't liked small chats and preferred to go straight to the point, so he said, - "This I cannot tell you yet, it isn't the right.." before he could finish what he wanted to say a kick came from behind with tremendous force and both atlas and the person fallen down from the tenth floor, Atlas landed head first into the floor while the individual was standing on his back, Cyra decided to check out their information since she had nothing better to do.

Atlas Wax [Int: 150.00] [Str: 146.98] [E: 130.87] [H:2]

Helion Will [Int: 178.87] [Str: 166.98] [E: 153.87] [H:3]

"Brother Helion I'm glad you could make it here!" Said Atlas as he got up from the ground with a rather angry expression, Helion successfully ruined his image before the ladies, so the moment he got up he sent a kick to pay back for the previous action that Helios did to him, but much to his surprise he just dodged his kick and said, - "Stop fooling around and tell us why did you invite us here!" Helion was even more straight forward than Cyra he didn't even mind using for to get the answers out of Atlas.

"Well since everyone is so interested, I booked the restaurant to choose a leader for us, by hosting a last one standing!" Explained Atlas with a proud expression on his face, it was clear that he wanted to be a leader of those who entered the sacred realm from the city of Naruf and what better way to do it, is by showing of his and his brother might before everyone present.

"I here by announce the First Fallen Star Battleground, the last person who stays standing in the arena when the clock hits 11:00 will be the one who can name the leader of the tomorrow event" As he said that Atlas was looking at Helion with wide smile, he couldn't be any happier to his brother break through in strength.

"Sigh, you idiot why do you have to nag me into your mess?" Asked Helion with a not to happy look on his face.

"I thought you love fighting!"

"I do, but this is stupid look there" Helion Said this as he was pointing at the remaining time until 11:00, there was still 2:59:32 remaining until at the end of the event, yet this idiot had to announce the start while both of them standing in the middle of fighting ring.

Helios couldn't have been more right than that moment later people started jumping down from the first and second floor, they instantly surrendered Atlas and Helion, since both of them were stronger than the rest they decided to group up on them than decided the fight between each other after they have taken care of the strongest competitors, the people on the highest floor decided to approach Cyra to ridicules her senior brothers for being this stupid, they weren't wrong either Cyra had the same opinion as them.

The loudest amongst the crowd were the 3 Horn sisters, they were the ones who originally tried to get closer to Atlas but their plans were ruined by the appearance of Cyra. The Horn family was well known for their inscription masters through the city, they were the ones who decided to monopolize the inscriptions and only sell them for pre-order so they could make even more money, because of that the family had a great relationship with the sect, since the sect could get great deal of vision runes from them without the issue of not having enough.

"Isn't she the girl who gained the gift of Atlas" Said Eli Horn.

"Your Right I also heard that she is their junior sister" Said Ella Horn.

"How could be so heartless not even Helping her senior brothers" Said Anna Horn.

"Do you think it would be nice to help them?" Asked Cyra from the crowd of people.

"Yes, noble and great people would definitely decide to help people in the time of need" Said the 3 Horn girls as they were leading the crowd towards Cyra to check her out they were curious to see how would the discipline of the 3 Guardian Elder would react to their forcing, they wanted to eliminate the Sect disciplines from the chances to name the leader, they wanted the leader to be someone who favors the city families instead of the sect.

Eli Horn [Int: 100.02] [Str: 100.00] [E: 100.01] [H:1]

Ella Horn [Int: 100.00] [Str: 100.03] [E: 100.00] [H:1]

Anna Horn [Int: 100.01] [Str: 100.00] [E: 100.00] [H:1]

They found their match pretty quickly it didn't take long until everyone was looking up to floor ten because people started falling down like it was raining, the reason was pretty simply when the crowd reached the edge of the floor they were right behind Cyra, she didn't wanted to waste her energy to chat with them so she simply used her strength and with a strong jump appeared behind the crowd than used her newly learned technique called [WildPulse] and knocked everyone down from the tenth floor.

"Hey, are you out of your mind? Why would you do this to us? We could have died from that?" Screamed the crowd at Cyra, they felt terribly wronged that's true that they were following the Horn family's actions but some of them never even planned to enter the arena.

"Everyone said that it would be a noble thing to do, to help those who are in great need, since all of you agreed on that I helped you guys down, enjoy your stay down there" Said Cyra as she was sitting back down at her original spot, after a little bit of thinking she also said, - "Those who help my Senior brothers win can get 5 Sight Talisman each"

"Do you take us for fools? Each of those talisman cost at least 1 000 Essence Crystals!" At this point the crowd was already screaming at Cyra, they couldn't believe that she would fabricate such an obvious lie.

"Yes but that's irrelevant, Look here" This time Cyra took out more than 300 Sight Talismans each of them were glowing with the color of Pink, it meant that the talismans that Cyra had were even better than the ones that the Horn family sold.

There wasn't any talking from this moment onwards only endless screaming could be heard resounding through the entire restaurant, because of Cyra actions no one dared to join the fights from the lower floors only the strongest ones were present inside the ring, soon there was only fifteen minutes remaining and most of the competition has died down, there wasn't any fighting anymore, simply 5 people with ragged clothing were standing around in a circle, only Atlas, Helion, Eli, Ella and Anna were remaining behind after the intense fighting, as they were looking up at Cyra their proud faces were replaced with utter disbelief, Cyra has fallen asleep while they were fighting.

Cyra was sleeping out of boredom, she didn't expected that after people Essence surpasses the threshold of 100 Essence they start using fighting techniques with absurdity long chanting time and instead of fighting they simply try to annoy each other with lame remarks or just talk about random stuff, Currently 3 out of the 5 had an animal form from Essence behind them but that was it it boosted their presence so no one could go near them, but that was it, she was clearly having a heart ache.

"Junior sister it's not nice sleeping while we are fighting!" Said Atlas and Helion at the same time.

"Are you guys gonna Start fight using actual strength or just gonna play clowns with Essence?" Asked Cyra with a rather pissed voice.

Using Essence Wasn't wrong, but in Cyra opposition it was rather limited to use it like that, the working of Essence was simple if you had higher Essence you could easily hurt your opponent, but if your opponent had higher Essence your essence was pretty much useless you couldn't hurt them unless you caught them off guard, but the damage would be minimal.

She felt like Atlas and Helion could have easily crushed everyone present but instead both of them had chosen to use these weird Essence techniques like clowns this just simply disappointed her.

All 5 of them had an angry expression on their faces and said, - "Than why don't you show us, how to fight?" It was clear for everyone present that Cyra was looking down on all of them even after fighting through hundreds of challengers.

Without an answer Cyra jumped down from the tenth floor, using her Halo ability before landing made it look like that it was almost nothing to her, but also infuriated everyone present that she looked down on them to the point of carelessly using her Halo Ability without bidding an eye to her surroundings.

The first one to attempt to attack was Helion who started to chanting while he tried to distract Cyra by saying this to her, - "Junior Sister you have to learn to respect those who are stronger than you!" As he was saying this the giant bear that was behind him started to over flow with Essence, but he failed to achieve anything Cyra threw an Essence Spike into his face, since it was pitch black Helios didn't realize that it was Essence and attempted to dodge it, second rather when the spike hit him, he realized that he fallen for a trap but before he could do anything a punch landed in his face knocking him down with Cyra pure strength the effects were devastating he instantly flew of the stage.

The remaining fighting spirit disappeared and both Atlas and the girls given up without any resistance, Cyra wasn't stupid either she knocked out the strongest person first leaving the rest without any reason for further resistance, since Helion was the only fighting maniac in the whole group, the girls were only fighting because they were humiliated by Cyra and they wanted to show of their strength to wash of the humiliation but their dreams were now shattered.

The owner of the restaurant jumped down from the eleventh floor, it was a private floor only for him and his vip guests, as he appeared before Cyra he asked a simple question, - "Can I buy the leader position?"

"Sure, How much does this position worth for you?" Asked Cyra with a happy smile on her face, earning a little bit of money for something like this seemed to be a fair deal, this position was useless to her to begin with, she was planning to explore the sacred realm alone.

"How about 30 000 000 Essence Crystals for naming my son Anze Viper?" Asked the owner with a hopeful look on his face as he took out a storage ring with the Essence Crystals in it.

"Sure, I name Anze Viper as the leader!" Said Cyra than took the money and headed towards the exit of the restaurant, since she couldn't get anything else from this event it was better to leave, also both Atlas and Helion made an Idiot out of them selfs, she just couldn't look at Atlas as she did it before.