
1000 years in prison X

The first part of their techniques was similar to each other, as the start, those from the night sect were slowly surrounded by darkness while foes from the Grace sect was surrounded by fresh green grass.

This act raised their strength from a regular deity to First Beat Crawling Deity, raising their strength significantly.


The next part separated the groups from each other as slowly, a moon came up behind the Night Sect Members.

Meanwhile, the Grace sect fresh green grass was filled with blooming flowers of red, blue, and purple.

The group strength continued getting more robust from First Beat Crawling Deity to First Beat Walking Deity. They started to pressure Cyra's body, in this case, bones, as they started slightly trembling.


The moons were followed up by countless smaller stairs that gave the feeling of a beautiful night sky.

The field slowly turned into a forest as new and robust trees appeared at the feet of the two experts one by one.

From walking, they became running as their strength rose once more. Cyra slightly shaking skeleton was replaced by a scared one. They could see him shake themselves.


This was the moment they decided to attend since she was shaking so much there was no point in raising their strength any longer as they were already strong than the Ember Sect founder.

Cyra eventually made her move, it wasn't intentional, but she crushed her hand into fists then risen them up in the sky.

She directly grabbed into their soul Essence with her Push and Pull and ripped them out of the bodies.

She couldn't separate them from the bodies, but this gave her enough time to kill them using the 5 Glaives of Rift without any issues.

After the bodies were killed, Cyra used her Glaives and created holes on the stage. The crowd watched as the bodies and weapons have begun to fall into nothingness.

In the meantime, each weapon fell together with a body, successfully casting a Shadow upon them, allowing her to snatch back the five bodies without the crowd realization that she took them.

The crowd was surprised to see death burring their deities as they wanted to take their belongings back to their representative sects.

Many took it personally that the Ember Sect Founder didn't let them take a look at the dead and give them a chance to say goodbye. The crowd has already recovered from their shock of seeing death as there were many weirder things out there.

They decided against it. Soon the sects will have their revenge as they have someone from the Ember Sect as a prisoner.

Among the people present, the most surprised one was Cyra. She even let the five experts do their silly techniques.

Jade matured a lot during these years and adapted to the life at the collider sect. Even tougher her plans regarding the Ember Sect have failed, she saw a new opportunity regarding the Grace and Night Sect.

While the celebration was still ongoing, Cyra returned the 5th Glaive to Azrail that swiftly left. After tonight's events, she had to return to her Cell quickly, but first, she wanted to give the bodies and Crystals to Ankuj so he could revive them, giving even more deities to the sect.

Eventually, everyone recovered from their shock and continued the celebration, even if Cyra has left Azrail and the other higher echoes of the sects were still present.


Cyra changed back to her original form and teleported back to her Cell. Just as she has guessed, nothing has changed. The Cell wasn't opened up even once since she was imprisoned. As such, she could sigh in relief.

With another 33 years remaining, she spent her time with meditation. She didn't look outside the Cell even once.

Thirty-three years have quickly flown by as if nothing, soon cracking sounds have entered her ears, and her Cell began to rise.

Soon the Cell has arrived at the top of the stage; the master came by and swiftly unlocked Cyra cells.

"Look, that's the Weird One!"

"Is she from the Ember Sect?" Could she be one of their people?"

"Impossible look how weak she is, not to mention she never had the Ember Sect robes on!"

"That's true. It must be true!"

The moment Cyra stepped outside of her Cell, two elders have come and dragged her to the middle of the stage.

Jade walked before her with her master by her side and followers behind them. "I was blind to take you as my master! From this moment onwards, you will be my slave, and I will be your master!" Declared Jade.

"Jade, it's not too late for you!" Said Cyra with a seemingly angry tone.

"Maybe, but it is too late for you!" With a wave of her hands, the founder blood has been stuffed in her mouth by Jade.

"What... cough, What the hell?" Cyra grabbed at her throat. "Do you have any idea what you have done?!"

"I gave you an incredible gift, and all you have to do is give up your freedom for power!" Jade looked at Cyra with an evil smile. She was curious to see her former master's reaction.

The moment the last drop of blood entered her mouth, the arena developed into chaos as many people couldn't control their shock.

"Look, she was forced to drink it!"

"Will the eight families let her go? Or still dead set on getting her killed?"

"What now? If she drank it, we could give up on watching her execution as the collider sect won't make a move!"

Yet, even after minutes, nothing has happened. The blood had little to no effect on Cyra's body; as such, everyone among the crowd began to laugh at Cyra's luck.

If she were to reach six realms skipping genius with the help of the deity blood, they would have spared her life, but now this wasn't an option any longer.

They Released Cyra just 30 minutes before the beginning of the Grand Light Tournament. They were planning to execute her for refusing to drink the blood.

But her drinking was even better because now they could send her inside the tournament grounds and get her killed there as a regular discipline.

There were many people who wished she was dead from the Collider, Grace, and Night sect, not to mention that even the 8 Big families were dead set on getting her killed as such. It was a perfect opportunity.

In truth, the founder's blood was forcing Cyra, but against a strong body, it worked slower than on an actual Wusun.

"Jade, why would you do this to me?" Questioned Cyra, she was actually getting uncomfortable as the founder's blood was pushing against her will of holding back her strength.

Just before Jade could answer, the bracelets declared. - Pre-Registration completed, the tournament Main-Registration will soon start-

"I don't need to answer for a nobody!" Said Jade as she walked away.

"Jade?" Questioned Cyra again.

"Didn't you hear me trash?!" Jade lightly slapped The Weird one, who in return was sent flying through the stage and slammed into one of the main pillars.

Seeing her former master struggle to get up caused her to let out a little giggle, then quickly used her hands to hide her mouth.

She was elated to see her master struggle, but as the head of the inheritance disciplines, she had more important matters at hand. As such, she began walking towards the top of the stage while completely ignored the bleeding Weird One.

Arriving at the middle of the stage, Jade looked at Cyra with a mocking smile, then turned towards the crowd, "First of all, please excuse me for this unexpected event. It's a pleasure to have you all here!"

"Such an angel! How could trash like that claim to be her master!" Screamed someone from the lines of the Night sect!

"Indeed, it's so ridiculous to think the Weird One had the nerve to claim to be her master!"

Declared someone from the Grace sect.

"Look, Jade master didn't make a move against the injured Wusun!"

"Oh please, why would a Hun go so low to heart her if his discipline can take care of that insect too!"

Not bothered by the heated discussion of the crowd, Jade continued, "As everyone knows we will be taking part in the Grand Light Tournament of the church of anchor, the more points we get, the better the rewards will be that we receive, after leaving we must give 25% of our earnings to the Hosting sect as a payment to thank them for the chance to practice" Announced Jade Collider as she was standing on the spotlight.

"The Collider sect is so generous!"

"That's right, last time the Heavenly sect took 40% as profit, for Hosting!"

"This shows which sect has more resources to help to groom their disciplines!"

Cyra was miserably fighting against the blood inside her body, but it was all in vain, just a moment of instability, and her strength has jumped from Wusun to Hun.

This change was anything but unexpected as the servants by her side were also Huns, sensing her sudden jump in strength alarmed them, but it was already too late.

With another moment of instability in Cyra's concentration, her strength jumped once more from Hun to Saka. She immediately crushed the skulls of the 2 Huns at her side and was angrily glaring at the crowd. "What the hell is this blood? How is this capable of forcing me to use my full strength!" She was livid. She waited 1000 years to play in this play, yet this stupid blood has ruined it all.

The Ziya and Linos Family heads were the first to act. The 2 of them quickly lunched them self's at Cyra together with the collider sect guardians who were ready to take down Cyra.

They launched countless Essence Techniques at Cyra, but it was all in vain as she didn't seem to be affected by them.

Eventually, Cyra immunity forced them to use Forbidden techniques that didn't directly use Essence; instead summoned out Essences with different affinities.

When the Ziya family head lunched a fireball into Cyra's face, all the experts present retreated to a safe distance.

The explosion was intense and powerful. Even the crowd could feel its power as they were swept away by the explosion wave.

The Ziya family head didn't look so good after using such a technique as he used up all of his Essence, not to mention, he himself was caught up in the explosion, gravely injuring him too.

The crowd was shocked to see such a technique as they didn't know much about how deities have fought.

Yet to everyone's shock, The Weird One walked out of the smoke as if nothing has happened, then her strength jumped from Saka to Nogais.

She swiftly killed both family heads with her punches then executed the guardians one by one, leaving none alive.

It was then that she turned her attention towards Jade. After all, she only came here for her.

Jade was just standing there, not daring to look at Cyra. She was scared of her former master. It seemed like she thought too much and gravely underestimate Cyra's powers.

Seeing her world falling apart before her eyes caused her an incredible shock, but what scared her, even more was the fact that the blood still didn't make a change in Cyra's looks.

Even the deities have caught sight of this and were in distress. Should they make a move against their own or not? Cyra was after all one of them after drinking the blood, what should they do?