
Eternal Ascension: The Universal Guide

A young man from earth died and was reborn as a young boy in a cultivation world. A voice in his head to guide him on his path. A story of a lost soul who has a second chance in life with a more meaningful road.

Rueleosan · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Chapter 35 It's Like Practicing Tennis Against a Wall

Once everybody was done with their 4th match, the 5th match was about to start. Liang Chen's jade card lit up and he was the 1st to go. When he saw Liu Yang jump onto the stage, he made a small grin. "It's time to du du, du du du duel!" He said in his head. He liked that voiceover from a famous card game back on earth. Liang Chen jumped after towards the stage as well but this time not everyone was yelling disdainfully at him. Now half of them are cheering for him and bets are also flying left and right on Liang Chen to win. Once Liang Chen was in front of Liu Yang, Liu Yang sneered.

"I commend you for going this far. But this will be your last." Liu Yang said cockily.

"Okay..." Liang Chen said nonchalantly.

"I will show you the power of a noble!" Lu Yang pointed at Liang Chen. "You would know the immense difference between heaven and earth! Someone, a speck of dirt like you who came from a no-name village has no choice but to accept reality."

"Sure..." Liang Chen said that he was bored.

Liu Yang noticed this and just made a snort then ate a pill. The Universal Guide warned Liang Chen that Liu Yang took an Empowering Strength Pill and its effects. Liang Chen didn't care. He was already annoyed at what Liu Yang has been doing, though he could not kill him right now and since this was a tournament to showcase skills and talents, he will not pull any punches. He plans to use some of his devastating moves in this fight. Liang Chen was almost killed by the Liu family's Foundation Establishment expert. Since Liang Chen can't kill him, it doesn't mean he can't give a beating to the point that Liu Yang can't move anymore or is half dead. Liang Chen doesn't intend to talk anymore. Liu Yang was still talking shit but he ignored everything and immediately went to a Yin Yang stance and stared at Liu Yang menacingly. Liu Yang suddenly felt a chill. What is this? When he saw Liang Chen's eyes, he wasn't aware that his back began sweating. Everybody noticed that Liang Chen's aura was somewhat different from his previous matches but most of them have no idea what it was and only Liu Yang is getting the full brunt of it.

"Hmmm? Is he manifesting Killing Intent?" One of the elders at the viewing platform said.

"I don't think it was a full manifestation but it should be equivalent to a half-manifestation of Killing Intent. I don't think he was aware at all" The Sect Master followed up.

"This child has shown us some impressive things and now this. We must continue to support and train him to reach his full potential." Another elder said.

The middle-aged woman nodded "And keep a close eye on him. He may become a target for other sects if his reputation continues to grow."

"Agreed. We must ensure that he remains safe and protected." Another elder reciprocated

What the sect master said was indeed true. Liang Chen wasn't aware that he was projecting killing intent. The Universal Guide saw this and was really impressed. Liang Chen just started cultivation 6 years ago and he can now project killing intent though it was unintentional. Once a killing intent was fully manifested, you can do various things with it. It can be an aura that inflicts fear and become a debuff for opponents. At a certain level, it can even stun an opponent like when a lion stares at someone. Etc.

Once the elder on the stage began the fight, Liu Yang suddenly charged toward him and pulled out a sword. This was not the plan at all. Liu Yang's plan was to play around and test Liang Chen's strength but out of fear for some reason, he jumped from a cliff. It was like Liang Chen was at his back and if he didn't jump forward, he will be killed. This was Liu Yang's 1st encounter with someone with Killing Intent and that is why he unknowingly attacked Liang Chen to finish the fight as soon as possible.

Master Meng saw this and was surprised and annoyed at the same time. "What is Liu Yang doing? This was not part of the plan!" Master Meng thought.

When Liang Chen saw Liu Yang charge toward him, he too charged as well. He will not wait for Liu Yang to reach him. Liu Yang hasn't swung his sword since Liang Chen was still out of reach but when Liang Chen charged toward him at the same time, he panicked and swiped his sword immediately. However, it was too late. Liang Chen was already inside. He used the Hook Fist and waved his arm outwards deflecting the arm Liu Yang used to swing the sword instead of deflecting the sword itself then changed both his hands to a Wu Jin Ji Palm, stomped, and struck both shoulders. With the momentum of Liu Yang's charge + Liang Chen's stomp + double palm, the damage Liu Yang took was 3x of the strength Liang Chen delivers. If Liang Chen palmed his chest, not only would his ribs will be broken, but at worse his heart would have stopped. Liu Yang was slammed to the ground towards his back. Both shoulders were dislocated and the pain was rushing from his arms, back, and chest.

As Liu Yang tried to get up, Liang Chen threw 3 formation flags behind Liu Yang and it immediately activated. When everybody saw that, most of them stood up surprisingly, especially the elders and sect masters. "He knows array formations as well?!" They all thought. Once Liu Yang got up, he had no time to think or move. He just heard another stomp and felt pain. Liang Chen used a Ji Dan or a shoulder strike that blasted Liu Yang and he flew backward. What surprised everyone was that when Liu Yang went inside the formation, they saw a thin transparent coating that caught him. It was like a cushion or jelly-like outline. This pudding-like outline propelled Liu Yang toward Liang Chen. Liang Chen wasn't humble at all, he stomped again and struck Liu Yang with a Pao Quan or using his back. This surprised everybody. Who would use his back to hit someone? This was not practical at all and the damage will be laughable but this was not what they saw. The strength Liang Chen displayed using his back as a weapon threw Liu Yang back to the array formation again then the formation launched Liu Yang back to Liang Chen. Liang Chen was like practicing tennis against a wall. When Liu Yang was bounced for the 2nd time, Liang Chen turned halfway and delivered an elbow to Liu Yang's chin. Liu Yang was like someone who ran toward Liang Chen and hit his head. His body slid on the ground passing Liang Chen.

Liu Yang was groaning in pain and tried to get up but he was moving as slow as a snail, disoriented from what happened. But Liang Chen was not done and threw out another 3 formation flags. This time trapping Liu Yang and didn't give him any time to relax. Liang Chen has this indifferent face devoid of pity. He posed with one hand on his hip and started snapping his fingers on the other. Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap. One snap will lift Liu Yang from the ground and another snap will drop him like a hammer on an anvil. Everybody was dumbfounded. It was so silent that you could hear Liu Yang's groan every time he hits the dueling floor. What is this? Is this even a fight? Others are seeing Liang Chen manhandling Liu Yang like a giant swinging someone's body around. The elders and sect master who already stood up can't say anything as they looked at Liang Chen agape. Who would use array formations like this? Aren't array formations need time to set up and use as a trap? How can someone use an array formation within a fight and activated it instantly? What kind of array formations are these? This is the 1st time I've seen these kinds of array formations.

Liang Chen didn't plan to use the array formation formulas like this and thought of it on the spot. Like the gelatin-like array formation called the force absorption array formula. Liang Chen created this formula to absorb physical attacks instead of using it like a rope fling in wrestling. The gravity array formula was used to debuff his opponents and use it in training his body. The anti-gravity one is for lifting objects and a party trick when he showed it to the kids he saved back in Qingyuan village.

Liu Zhi haven't noticed that his palm was bleeding since he gripped it so tightly that his nails dug through his skin. Not only was his younger brother being beaten up one-sidedly in front of him but the talent and skills Liang Chen showcased was overwhelming from the play he will do from his matches later. He felt that his matches will be overshadowed by this Liang Chen.