
Essence Meta CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers

WillOblivionK · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Essence Meta CYOA Part 4-Section 2(Lack of Space)

Essence of the Effective Faction

By consuming this Essence, you receive a comprehensive set of advantages by which a faction might better make the most of its resources.

-The benefits of this Essence may apply to any number of discrete factions at full effectiveness. The only requirement is that you are in some way a part of each faction so empowered. Thus, you could use the Essence to enhance an empire, a species, a small team, or even just yourself.

-You gain access to a peculiar Resource, a material that can be used in place of any combination of others. It can just as easily be used to raise pyramids, construct advanced laser rifles, empower magic swords, fuel the growth of biological horrors, or replace truly exotic reagents such as the geneseed of an Astartes. This Resource does not allow you to manufacture anything you could not produce without it, however, and the cost of any given item scales with the economic cost of producing it normally. At the time of consuming this Essence, you may define the nature of your Resource as any physical thing (such as gold, crystal, components, food, metal, and so on). This impacts, amongst other factors, how your Resource can be manufactured or collected most efficiently. It does not necessarily impact what can be produced from your Resource; it is not infeasible to convert 'gold' into a steel sword.

-At the time of consuming this Essence, you may modify the qualities of your Resource to better suit your needs:

You may balance the ease of creating your Resource with the ease of actually making use of it. This could provide a material that can be rapidly transformed into new equipment in battlefield conditions, at the cost of a significantly reduced supply of it.

You may balance the density at which your Resource can be stored with the requirements to safely preserve it. This could provide a bulky material that will remain useful after being exposed to a light orbital bombardment, or a substance that decays rapidly outside of specialized containment structures but can be held in absurd quantities within one.

You may restrict the set of products for which your Resource is useful, in exchange for improving the quality of all things made with it. This could provide a material that produces impossibly effective machinery, but can never be used to modify living flesh in ways more subtle than outright cybernetic replacement.

-Your economy is reliant on only one part of the set of territory, population, and infrastructure, chosen at the time of consuming this Essence. Thus, whichever part you choose is as productive as if the other two parts were as good as they could possibly be. You receive a beneficial interpretation of this rule, but not one completely uncaring of potential exploits. Your citizens may be as productive as if working with the best equipment you could give them, but perfect automation that could let one person manage an infinite amount of technology will not lead to infinite economic output. If the effects of this aspect of the Essence would decrease your economic output rather than increase it, they are automatically disabled.

-The scientific and technological knowledge of your faction is pooled within a flawlessly constructed non-physical repository. This repository is inviolate so long as any members of your faction yet persist, and denies any efforts to reverse engineer your faction's technologies. Knowledge is both copied from the minds of individuals and downloaded into others as required, allowing all researchers to function effectively at the bleeding edge of progress. Combined with a number of error-correcting processes, scientific progress, and especially reverse-engineering, functions significantly more quickly, safely, and easily. Technical knowledge distributed in a similar manner ensures even the most undeveloped parts of your faction can immediately begin manufacturing the newest advanced weapons.

-Your faction requires minimal logistical support and upkeep. Occupied territory, soldiers, and machines of war count as part of your productive economy, even while actively fighting. None of your equipment, vehicles, or structures require any maintenance save to repair damage caused by enemy action. Once a vehicle or generator is fueled up, it will never need to be refueled; humans in your faction need neither food, water, nor sleep; downtime and resupply is wholly unnecessary. Similarly, weapons that have been stocked with a full load of ammunition will never need to be reloaded, nor will they actually use up their contents or payloads during combat.

-Though this Essence does not on its own permit the spontaneous generation of new workers, it allows for the expenditure of resources to enhance what you already have. You may spend your Resource to elevate any member of your faction towards their theoretical potential, giving them the benefits of training they could have performed naturally or repairing any manner of damage or injury. You may also spend your Resource to elevate the potential of any member of your faction towards their species' peak, giving a muggle arcane potential or a radioactive mutant flawless compatibility with the most inflexible genetic augmentations. This takes an amount of time similar to spending similar quantities of your resource to construct complex devices.

-Where a member of your faction uses a power that would normally draw upon external energies, they now draw upon a well of similar energies that is distinctly 'of the faction'. This greatly reduces the risk of interference by the normal source of the energies, and makes the powers used by members of your faction significantly harder to tamper with. The benefits of this effect scales with both the amount of stuff 'of the faction' in the local area and with the scope of the faction in total. At a sufficiently high level, this can allow abilities to function in antimagic zones or other places where they really shouldn't.

-Loyal members of your faction will never lose their loyalty to the faction unless interfered with by outside elements. Even interfering in this way is much more difficult than it would normally be; every part of the faction, including inanimate machinery, is significantly more resistant to both loyalty-eroding persuasion and outright supernatural corruption. It is always immediately obvious to still-loyal parts of your faction if a person or object has been subverted in any way; no deception can defy this sense. It is similarly immediately obvious to every loyal part of your faction if an order or command is valid, and thus next to impossible to subvert the chain of command.

-You may select one final benefit to reduce the costs of battle:

Your faction is capable of converting defeated or destroyed enemy units. This costs nothing but some trivial amount of labor, produces a new unit of your faction of a type analogous to the defeated unit's (thus, converting a primitive steam tank would let you produce a modern tank of your own pattern), and takes less than a tenth as long as making such a unit from scratch.

Your faction is capable of rapidly reclaiming your Resource from any destroyed unit, friendly or not. The efficiency of this effect scales with the degree to which the unit in question's construction matches your Resource; units constructed wholly from your Resource can exceed 70% material recovery even if reduced to tiny chunks.

Your faction is capable of resurrecting or rebuilding destroyed friendly units, so long as the corpse or hulk is even vaguely intact (in this regard, a starship broken apart into a dozen large chunks counts as 'mostly' intact). The time required and Resource cost depends on the degree of damage suffered, but never exceeds 50% of what it would take to build the destroyed unit from scratch.

Essence of the Pioneer

-You are capable of accessing and traversing an endless sequence of novel axes of travel. The more your actions push against and transgress boundaries of all kinds, the more rapidly you will gain access to new axes.

-These axes may include, but are not limited to:

-The Planetary Axis, each step taking you one planetary body closer to or farther from the local star.

-The Stellar Axis, each step taking you one star closer to or farther from the galactic center.

-The Axis of Languor, taking you to worlds where there are simply more hours in a day, more days in a week, more months in a year, more years in a lifetime, or vice versa.

-The Axis of Grandeur, taking you to worlds where all things are more potent, and that which is most exceptional is elevated disproportionately more, or vice versa.

-The Watchmakers' Axis, taking you to otherwise-identical worlds whose timeline is offset from yours; this is not time travel in any regard.

-Sideways, allowing you to step left and right through a seemingly endless series of uninhabited worlds.

-Your speed, along any axis of travel, scales linearly with the greatest historic distance, on that axis, you have achieved from your point of origin. Increasing your speed exponentially is therefore as simple a matter as moving continuously in one direction.

-Through any means of instruction, including the creation of documentation anyone can study and reproduce, you can teach others to travel along these axes. Each axis of travel is taught seperately, and though your teachings can be constructed to make your disciples arbitrarily slower along these axes, they cannot teach someone to move faster than you.

-The negative effects of environmental conditions, where concerning you personally, are scaled logarithmically. Multiple environmental hazards cannot work around this protection; they are aggregated together for the sake of this effect. For any natural phenomenon to kill you outright, it would need to be dangerous enough to destroy a universe.

-As long as you do not blatantly act so as to bring grievous harm upon it, no thing that is not a 'person' will perceive you as a danger, something useful to be consumed or otherwise exploited, or even an obstacle to be removed. You could safely snuggle up against a mother bear and her cubs, or wander freely through the halls of a Borg cube. The hazardous actions of any creature this effect protects you from are considered environmental conditions, so long as you do not break the protection.

-Given even lazy, half-hearted efforts, you can rapidly learn how to safely eat, drink, or breathe any gaseous, liquid, or solid substance. That which does not fit within those categories, but has some capacity to physically interact with your body, may be lumped into whichever is most applicable. The consumption of these substances is made comprehensively safe, in terms of nutrition, long term effects, metabolic byproducts, and more. Without accounting for your environmental protections, you could safely scoop up liquid methane with bare hands and drink it like water.

-Through any means of instruction, including the creation of documentation anyone can study and reproduce, you can teach others to safely consume arbitrary substances.

-You will always be able to, in some way, lastingly alter an environment to better suit yourself. Should some aspect of a location be beyond the limits of your ability and resources to improve further, you will be struck with insight, realizing instantly a technique by which new, meaningful improvements can be made without exceeding your limits. This allows for self-imposed limitations as well as those impossible to break; you could prepare for a journey through space by learning how to farm without seeds, soil, light, or air.

-This may produce effects that are blatantly supernatural, within the remit of 'improving a location'. You could eventually create a forest where the sun never rises, an island whose inhabitants inevitably become tenfold greater in body and mind and spirit, a supernally luxurious palace, a roiling everstorm that rains down endless gallons of the elixir of immortality.

-When altering any environment, the area so altered grows linearly with the total area you have previously brought to that level of quality. Expanding the scope of your terraforming exponentially is thus as simple as continuing to garden, until you can uncap a mason jar of air and bring atmosphere to a dead planet.

-The changes you make to any environment are as permanent as you yourself. This takes into full account your environmental protections: a tiny bubble of air on the surface of the moon might be made thinner and colder by the vacuum around it, but it will not simply dissipate. Over time, improvements diminished by their surroundings will blossom into the fullness of their potential: a decade later, your bubble of air would have thickened and warmed, and brought with it a tiny patch of blue skies. When tended, by you or by others, the permanence of an improvement is reinforced. This is chiefly relevant for the aftermath of your own demise, allowing the inhabitants of a mountain valley carved into the surface of a black hole to keep their haven from collapsing around them.


Essence of Santa Empowerment

Mmmm tastes like all that is good about christmas.

The person empowered as Santa gains strength and power from the very Concept of Christmas gaining more strength and power the more people believe in Santa or Christmas. 1 Santa allowed per universe, though instead of empowering one in a new one you can give access to a previously empowered Santa to a new universe.

Each Santa you Empower grants you.

A portal to a place in the omniverse of your choice

1 Magic or Gamer System of your choice your potential in this will be among the top 1%.

1 Waifu if desired.

As long as one of your Santa's exist you will have eternal youth and be able to alter your age at will.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

Adaptive prefect regeneration

The North Pole is actually a rather large pocket universe that Santa can connect places.

Generates materials on demand for toys.

Those living here are immortal.

Santa is not limited by species or world covering entire universes.

If you choose when you empower the Santa he can cross universal and dimensional boundaries.

As long as even one person or child believes in Santa or Christmas he is truly Immortal along with his Mrs. Claus.

Naughty or Nice list.

Comes with loyal Elves and can recruit more of any species they are ageless while in Santa Land once they reach adulthood.

Any letter posted to Santa will reach him.

Completely fluent in any language that a believer speaks or knows.

Lesser Santa's such as mall and others can communicate with him as long as they truly believe.

He does make all deliveries on time but how he is not allowed to tell.

Essence of the Animator

Tastes a bit like crazy.

Upon Drinking this essence the drinker takes on several aspects of toons such as

Can alter their own age at will.

Unlimited Shapeshifting.

Immunity to mundan damage.

Able to use magic.

Personal Inventory/Hammer Space.

No longer needs to sleep, eat, drink, or breathe.

Able to live in environments that cannot support life.

Can modify their body with toon abilities.

Can make large objects fall where they desire.

Teleporting/telefragging with no range limit, this includes omniversal travel.

Can control their fertility in all aspects such as getting anything pregnant or getting pregnant from anything even things or species that would not regulay be capable of it.

This allows the Animator to choose to pass down anything they desire to their children from powers/knowledge/memories.


Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

Adaptive prefect regeneration.

Able to create toons based on pics complete with memories, skills, personality, up to cosmic tier powers and completely loyal to they Animator chooses.

The Animator may choose to modify in any aspect the created toons during creation.

Can choose to allow the toons the ability to get pregnant and any limits on species or ways.

Perfect drawing skills including CGI.

Can bestow the gift of Toon Creation to other at will even enmass.

No Toons ever created will be able to harm you in any way shape or form unless you explicitly give them permission.

Essence Primordial Vampire Sire

Has a coppery aftertaste.

Gains power and skill rapidly as they age lifespan limitless.

Able to incorporate more powers into the virus and by drinking the blood of other vampire species and can include their powers/abilities when siring other vampires.

Can save different vampire species as templates to sire in the future.

No vampire sired will be able to match the original.

Can add knowledge/skill/powers/abilities into the new vampire species they create.

Can choose drain memories/knowledge/skill/powers and abilities through the blood they drink.

Can require their childer to pledge souls from which they gain more power.

Starting at baby Skyfather power level, with unlimited growth through age.

Can bargain for anything including souls/love/powers/abilities/lifespan/hopes/dream even age making a person younger and taking the age for himself to empower him even more.

Freely travel the Omniverse, helps if you have a way to target a particular reality such as a form of media about it.

Can learn any magic and use those and any Gamer Systems it encounters.

Gains power/strength/intelligence depth in all things as it ages, more souls in his afterlife or pledged to it, more childer he sires.

Has its own Afterlife where (s)he and those he sires and their partners can go when they die. And he rules it absolute.

Can always choose it reform after death from their afterlife.

Capable of crossbreeding with any sentient species. Very protective of those that they consider theirs.

One of the things that can make a supernaturally long life hard to bear is the gradual loss of memory. Over time, family, friends, and lovers all fade from the mind. Your happiness and sadness, your highs and lows. All that makes a person who they are slowly slips away. For you, that isn't a problem. Your memory of events from ten million years ago are as sharp as those from ten minutes ago

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

Essence of The Land

Tastes like everything and nothing at the same time. Both the vial and the liquid are constantly changing colors. Crush your enemies, honor your allies, LIVE! Revere your craft, grow your power, LIVE!

You can create Places of Power with any combination of Basic Elements, Deep Magic (No you cannot have Eldritch) and Higher Energy, Yes you may do them all.

Comes complete with Town Hall from Race of your choice.

You gain 500 settlement & research points per day.

Your powers will unlock at 1 per day and then once unlocked at 1 per week for levels 2-3 and after that 1 per month.

For every Place of Power you create you gain a Seed of the Quickening.

You may choose 7 buildings to have built for free when you create your place of Power you also gain a Core Wall of Vibranium.

Ability to generate mines of any resource for Places of Power

You may upgrade existing Places of Powers in any combination of the above ways, including adding more powers.

You can create 3 types of Dungeons .

1 the kind normally found in the Land.

Temporary Dungeons spawn enemies that drop any kind of loot including spell/skill/expertise/ability books. When making the portal to the dungeon the portal will glow according to danger level, you may see green your friend with less gear would see yellow or red depending. May make the enemies inside scale up to a designated power level. Such as your own or someone you are opening it for. Loot will scale appropriately.

Settings are semi-dungeon/pocket realm such as a portal to a D&D marketplace or Thessia/Omega from Mass Effect. Settings are unstable like dungeons and will disappear unless they become stable which requires the portal to stay open for roughly six months once they become stable the people within gain souls, generally by absorbing the souls of their namesakes from after they died somewhere in the multiverse. They do gain the knowledge of the origin of the setting and your involvement. This happens at the time you enter the setting.

Your settlement will automatically gain the Adventurer Specialization at level 5 on the first day granting you all bonuses up to and including the Blessing: Reliquaries of the Labyrinth, God Node and a free Multilevel Secret Treasury which can confiscate things without alerting the banks or Adventures.

The Land is all magic, all magic is The Land. so you may use all forms of magic save Eldritch without detriment.

You also gain all Spell Books up to Adept for all Basic Elements, Deep Magic save Eldritch, and Higher Energy. Including race specific such as Ambient Particles.

When you encounter other forms out in the Omniverse you gain similar spell books.

Travel/open portals to the Land at will this works within the Land as well opening portals freely.

This also applies to the different Planes in this universe though you need to be aware of those you want to travel to.

You may always choose when to appear in a reality whether that be 3 seconds or 3 millennia after you leave.

Always know the way back to your original reality.

You may travel to any version or timeline of the Land that you desire.

You may also freely travel the Omniverse and no environment you go will harm you.

Limitless 100% affinity in any and every skill You are truly limitless whether it be in skill growth, professions/focus/speciality or respawns there will always be another rank, level, Bloodline, Race or Place of Power you can always have another.

This also applies to the limits in all things such as the limit on warlord points per engagement at each rank.

The Fog of Knowledge for research and professions is peeled away completely to you.

You start as a level 1 Tier 2 Draike Tier 2 Chaos Lord and gain the Quest: Chaotic Flux quest and Akaton Evolution Spell and are a Master of Chaos Magic and gain your 2nd bloodline; Epic Vile Bloodline: Petrifying Ghost Harvest (should you wish it this will not affect Richter) You may choose the looks of your scales freely

Your Place of Power can have more than 1 Specialization/Focus.

You will always succeed in Ascension to higher tiers.

Your mana does not have an upper limit bad news spells or potions that would fill a person to max mana will now just fill to the next highest amount.

You are immune to the checks and balance in The Land.

Know how to contact any god when outside The Land, yes even the exiled ones.

Immunity to naming and other non personal targeting .

Meaning someone cannot use your name against you nor can they find/scry or target you from another country.

Gain per level

37 Stat Points per level to allocate.

+1 to all Secondary Attributes.

+125% to the skill of your choice.

+10 to All Primary Attributes.

Labyrinth While in the Land you may both create your own Node Road and once you leave the Land's Multiverse you may start a seperate Labyrinth that can transverse the Omniverse and create your own Node Roads between all levels of the Omniverse.

Freely travel the Omniverse, helps if you have a way to target a particular reality such as a form of media about it.

The power Grant any place or person in whole or in part you go to to the system.

Oodles of TP You gain an additional 1000 talent point per level per profession and unlike normally these points are retroactive to the levels you have earned already

Blessings of Chaos

1. +500% chaos points earned from all sources.

2. 5 free purchase from the sea of chaos, may be used at any time and gains 1 more per week.

3. +15 to accessible stratums of the sea of chaos.

4. Gains 100 Chaos Points per day.

5. Access to sea of chaos before THE AGE of CHAOS.

6. You know other Chaos Seeds on sight.

7. Choose a theme each time you open the Sea of Chaos or just let RNG decide.

8. +3 to all Secondary Attributes.

9. 3 GrandMaster Skill or Expertise Books of your choice.

10. 500 Talent Points once and 25 talent points per day.

11. Unlimited Respawns.

12.You may gift any of the above blessings at will with other Chaos Seeds and may take them back at will.

Profession Rank Up Each week you may choose one of your Skills to increase 1 rank.

This not only grants the Rank but the expertise to go along with it.

You may choose 11 skills or subskills to start off on the Master level when you drink this essence.

You automatically know what skills at what levels are required for any profession.

View full Profession talent map.

A personal Cataclysm Vault that contains

Every scrap of knowledge and Lore from the beginning of The Land.

Vials of every bloodline that when used grants that Bloodline regenerates used vials after a month.

100 Magic Cores also gains 1 per month.

A comprehensive self-updating Magic Core Guide that lists everything that can be combined/made with them and how to make Magic Cores.

Rather than just using souls for soul stones you can use mana to charge them.

Psi Dragonling soul familiar.

This may be a pet from home living or dead gaining a new form.

Ability to comprehend any sapient languages.

You may impart the Land's Magic to anyone you choose.

You will know and can permanently or temporarily boost the affinities to anyone you do this to on a mass scale, even to the point of scanning a planet to find the people best suited to your needs and desires.

You can alter various books into the counterpart such as skills and spells or expertise even entire libraries at a time.

To those you impart the magic You may grant and take back them anything this essence gives you.

Allows you to convert a person's skill et al into The Land's system.

Schematic Creator For any item you come across whether it's a ring of health or an arm crossbow you can create a schematic of said item which will be Savant quality Potions/poisons will give Pure quality recipes in local ingredients. You will be able to generate these schematics on demand.

Merly by touching an enchanted item you will learn how to make both it and the enchant.

Works on potions giving you recipes and even telling you local ingredients. Much like a certain core building.

Scribing spell, skill and expertise books no matter the level only takes a total of 2 hours.

Magic Savant- Magic users in the land are rare and special. It takes years of studying to become a master of any type of Magic. But you are a Savant. Your affinity for magic has no limits. Where most have to learn from a book or master a savant can merely watch magic performed to work out The spells cast and how to cast them yourself. This works even on the Unique Spells granted to Masters of Places of Power.

"Thrice heard and witnessed." You are able to bind beings to things they say three times.

Pocket Mine You gain access to a pocket dimension with every type of ore used for crafting along with expertise books on how to do so that will regenerate 1 day after being removed.

As with the Land itself what doesn't kill you makes you stronger but you come back from the dead don't you so what does kill you make you even stronger still.

569% xp from all sources, learn 7 times faster and skill progression by 70%.

Those in your party and companions gain this as well.

Prefect Anti-scrying only the One Above All will ever be able to do so. Though you may grant friends the ability to do so and they will only be able to with pure intent and when not coerced.

You will gain a Spatial Expertise Book that will teach you spells on how to make Gamer type inventories.

Should you become trapped you will always get a choice to respawn to escape.

Items you also start with;

Monocle of Niclewis

Item Class: Artifact Quality: Masterwork Weight: 0.1 kg Traits: This is the monocle of the Master Craftsman Niclewis. Imbued with lost technology and forgotten alchemies, it allows the wearer to see and understand the latent energy of objects. Practice will increase the depth of this magical sight. Using the advanced sight of the monocle will drain your mana at a minimum rate of 1 MP/min. Deeper inspection can increase this drain with no upper limit. It is advised that the wearer exercise caution. This practice can be toggled off and on at will. There are also 3 passive traits of the monocle: There is a specific increase in the success rate of creating items of higher quality. This bonus is 90% Exceptional, 85% Superb, 80% Exquisite, 75% Masterwork upon the wearer's skill level in Crafting. You have 1 additional Rank in regards to all crafting skills while wearing it. There is also a fixed +75% chance of successfully crafting items.

Ancestral Ring of the Hardings

The Harding family were a series of smiths that served the Green Tear Dynasty prior to the 4th Cataclysm. The blood of titans intermixed with the blood of the fey folk to form their short-lived race, the Elowyn. Though they are long extinct in The Land, some of their weapons and armor survive even eons later. The Hardings were among the greatest families of the lost Elowies. This ancestral ring was passed down through generations of their family, absorbing the blood, sweat and life energy of these titan descendants. So much power was passed through this item that it awakened a life of its own, some even say a consciousness. Any worthy smith wearing this ring will be able to mold almost any metal and will enjoy a drastic increase in their chances to make higher quality weapons and armor. This will teach you smithing and mining from Novice to Grandmaster

Summoner's Ring Increases level of summoned creatures by +15.

Blood of Aged Glass Dragon

Focus Crystal This can be used to grow a Crystal Garden. It can be planted anywhere, but thrives underground. This is a living entity and it feeds on the ambient magic in the area.

Sustenance Belt While wearing this belt, you require 75% less sleep and 75% less food and water.

Wraith Mage Hyira-kur Set Any foes killed by the wearer of this item set have a chance of converting to a spirit, undead or living dead creature. If this occurs, they will be placed directly under wearers control.

Killing 1,000 enemies within a mile radius will if desired desecrate that space , death creatures regularly arise from this location and guard it from intruders. They will follow your every command.

Crown of Hyira-kur Defense: 63

Durability: 1835

Item Class: Legendary

Quality: Mastework

Weight: 3.7 kg

+1500 to Int and Wis

+250% to total defense against Death creature or Death magic

Gauntlet of Hyira-kur Defense: 79

Durability: 1611

Item Class: Legendary

Quality: Masterwork

Weight: 3.7

Effect: Siphon 50 health, mana, and stamina per second upon touch


Staff of Hyira-kur Damage: 77-111

Durability: 1712

Item Class: Legendary

Quality: Masterwork

Weight: 6.2 kg


+531% attack vs non-Death creatures

Fires beam of necrotic energy

Range: 303 yards

Charges: 1034

Necklace of Scry Defense Will block all but the most powerful scrying spells (God Level). You will not be able to be seen by divination, identification, tracking or detection spells.

Ring of Flowing Thought +70% Mana Regeneration

Elixir of Selak's Luck Increase Luck by +50 for three hours and twenty one minutes refills after four hours.

Poison of Nil Abilities Blocks all abilities for 1 hour, refills after two hours.

Goatbanger Spell book.

1 Seed Core This can be planted to grow almost any type of tree per month. It will grow into whatever best fits the needs of the region.

Bottomless Bag O'Gold that generates 1000 gold per day.

Blood Stone One of the most feared items in existence, as even if used by somebody without any knowledge and skill at Blood Magic it can lay waste to armies, and in skilled one's utterly destroyed entire countries. It is a complete repository of all knowledge on Blood Magic and can teach you several skills with it, but unlike standard blood stones it will not puppet your body or control you in any way. It also serves to enhance your blood magic.

Scroll Case of Monster Attraction This case generates a Scroll of Monster Attraction. Activating this scroll will attract the strongest monster within a one hundred mile radius. You may choose the level of the monster and the level of the soul.

A bookshelf that generates Masterwork blank books on demand.

A large tray that when used can generate anything you have ever eaten or drunk complete with utensils.

Pouch of powdered crystal. This pouch generates any kind of powered crystal on demand, though for blood crystal you will have to supply a sample of the blood.

Bottomless bag of Soul Stones enchanted with AOE Soul Trap Generates soul stones of the needed size on demand.

Bag of Filled Soul Stones You get 5 of each level per day except Absolute which you get 1 per week

Glimmer Ring +35 to Perception of hidden enemies within 25 yards. Concealed enemies will sparkle in your eyesight. Extremely effective in dark areas.

Slime Breeder's Guide -This Guide is the perfect gift for anyone who has ever wanted to breed an army of slimes. Or, y'know, just keep a collection of slimes that create an endless supply of booze, potions, or other such things. Whatever you want, I suppose.Slime Creation- Knowledge of merging mana and a liquid creating a slime whether a blob or humanoid. Slime Knowledge – Gain knowledge of all known slime types and evolutions.Force Evolution – Force a slime that meets certain prerequisites to evolve into a new form.

1 Masterwork weapon of your choice along with a Master Skill book and an Expertise book to go along with said weapon.

Ring of the Grandmaster scholar.

Scribing spell, skill and expertise books no matter the level only takes a total of 2 hours.

Will always be a grandmaster book.

You can generate blank masterwork books at will.

Grants master level research skill while worn.

You can craft books that grant anything from a race or tier change to longer life or affinities.

These would be in addition to what they already have.

You must have encountered the race or tier you wish to impart.

You may craft a special Level Reset book that only sets a person's level to level 1 they keep all skills, stats and professions they have already gained.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

Sleep Learning You have 2 modes of sleep learning; one where you enter a white space and try and create spells of ritual. {A very good place to experiment as nothing you do damages you actual body, though if a mistake rips your body apart you will still feel a brief amount of pain.} A second which you select a skill to train and level and your unconscious mind levels/trains it up for you. In both modes you have infinite mana/stamina.

The ability to change what your status page shows others.

Control your fertility in all aspects such as getting anything pregnant or getting pregnant from anything, even things or species that would not regulay be capable of it.

This allows you to choose to pass down anything you desire to your children from powers/abilities/affinities/knowledge/memories.

Choose a prime number of Waifu's they will love you unconditionally and start as Blood Brother companions.

If you wish they can still guide you and call you on your shit.

They will respawn as long as you wish.

You may choose any of the benefits here to share with them.

They may be drawn from fiction.

Any powers and skill they have will gain a Land flavor.

Memories and personality will start off the same but can be modified simply by drawing them from an AU version of the canon.

Essence of the New Game+

As you drink this you can faintly hear your Foes death rattles and the lamentations of their women. Tastes like victory all over again.

At any point in time you can start your current adventure or a past one all over again.

You start will all the beneficial things powers/items/companions/knowledge/land

If you want, you may choose to start at level 1 for trolling purposes your powers and stats will not be any weaker/lower and you will still be able to use your higher level abilities.

You may also do this to others to their benefit or detriment.

Should you die or about to die this will automatically take effect.

This essence will temporarily generate Extremely powerful being to explain to those you use it on if you do not want to take credit for the act.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

Freely travel the Omniverse, helps if you have a way to target a particular reality such as a form of media about it.

Adaptive prefect regeneration.

Even if you replace or kill the main characters, it will hit all the canon checkpoints. Should you be taking part in it you will find things passing for more quickly than time should actually allow. Buildings go up in hours when they should take days or weeks, dungeon delves that take weeks to pass go by in days or hours, building friendships and reputations happening quickly enough to remain relevant to the plot.

Essence of Relaxation

Ahh merely by being in this Essence's presence you feel all of your worries and cares melting away.

You gain a large pocket realm roughly the size of Luna.

This place is very special in that it exists outside of Space and Time. Even should the infinite Omniverse itself cease to exist, this place alone and those within it would survive without worry or care.

Within time passes as you wish.

It has all environments that you might find relaxing, from an isolated mountain lodge to an all inclusive beach resort or even the ultimate theme/water park.

They are all staffed by attractive and willing staffers.

While here all you choose to be are immortal.

While here you can exert your will over this place as if on over god.

Has its own Afterlife of your design. That you rule if desired, and may step in and out of with others at will.

With time and effort you may increase the physical size capping out at a planet the size of the Milky Way galaxy.

You may choose during the drinking if there is any kind of magic or gamer systems running the place.

Quality of eternal life.

Nothing can harm you here, stop you from coming here, or enter without your leave.

Has a complete copy of all forms of entertainment and should you wish to play multiplayer there will always be enough people online willing to play.

All resources and other items such as food/drinks are never ending.

You may invite family/pets or other people here even if they are long dead, you have never met or they are fictional.

They can live here until removed though they don't become companions until imported into a jump.

The staffers species are up to you; they can be a known but not encountered species such as Asari or a species you make up such as a custom shape shifting dragon species.

You may even find analogs of famous, infamous and fictional people among them.

Should you ever become disabled, permanently trapped, die or otherwise become incapacited you may choose to reform here instead.

Once here you may open portals to wherever you desire in the Omniverse

Only limitation is that none can enter a specific timeline before the last time you left it.

Should you enter a reality that has powers/magic/psionics/gamer systems you will always find yourself gaining such abilities at a level with the top 0.01% and a cheat ability to help learn.

These powers will never conflict with any of your other powers, nor will they ever cause you harm directly or indirectly.

The size and shape of these can be as you desire even connecting 3-7 different places. Yes, that means you can weaponize them.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

Essence of the Bazaar Elder God-King

Tastes like heavenly exotic spices from far distant realities.

You gain a large self contained Plane outside of time and space roughly the surface size of Jupiter.

You can forever shape and modify this place at will with no limit.

Has its own Afterlife of your design. That you rule if desired, and may step in and out of with others at will.

While here you cannot be trapped, harmed, depowered or overthrown in any way shape or form.

Here All are capable of understanding each other. As well as crossbreeding no matter how biology or reason might say differently.

You may, at will choose and change how the sky looks.

This place is a vast market that you rule over and the merchants here know that they survive and ply their trades at your whim.

All from the Arch Deity of Eternity on down agree that this is a neutral territory and that those they empower must abide by your rules.

You may decide who trades and what and you get whatever kind of tribute you desire.

Anything can be bought and sold anything, souls, characteristics, youth, ability to wield various magics, copies of a person's abilities/powers ect., worlds, dimensions even godhood.

You may choose what qualifications people must meet to buy or sell such things.

If you desire a store that sells a certain product or service, merely make a note of it and sometime soon someone will approach you or your factors to open one up.

This includes shops selling the granting of magic systems

Once here you may open portals to wherever you desire in the Omniverse

Only limitation is that none can enter a specific timeline before the last time you left it.

Should you enter a reality that has powers/magic/psionics/gamer systems you will always find yourself gaining such abilities at a level with the top 0.01% and a cheat ability to help learn.

These powers will never conflict with any of your other powers, nor will they ever cause you harm directly or indirectly.

The size and shape of these can be as you desire even connecting 3-7 different places. Yes, that means you can weaponize them.

Besides your own personal ability to open portals you may choose how easy it is to reach your plane on an at will basis.

Should you ever become disabled, permanently trapped, die or otherwise become incapacited you may choose to reform here instead.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

Now for the God-King Parts.

Now First off those things that attack gods such as specific wards/barriers or weapons you do not count as one. Or if you wish you may Seal that specific targeted part away.

You gain 11 Domains these can be anything from Fire to Gaming.

Within your domains your power is absolute and your domain cannot hurt you.

You are Immortal, can choose and your looks and age as desired.

While worshipers can enhance your power you do not need them.

Those who have pledged themselves to you their souls come to you when they die and nothing can prevent this. You also gain a small afterlife that grows as needed.

You can easily empower your followers besides things to do with your Domains, longer life and

Can grant others temporary or permanent Blessings and powers that fall under your Domain.

Think comic Cosmic level Marvel Odin without the need for Odin-Sleep.

Destroying Galaxies in a 1v1 fight could be considered average collateral damage.

Creating solar systems at will complete with the Cycle of life is something you can do on your first day and only grows from there.

You can raise up others as gods into your Pantheon, granting them domains.

They will never betray you, and you can remove or bind their powers at will.

These can even be wholly or partly people we would consider fictional.

A pocket Plane for your Pantheon, think Olympus or Asgard

A shifting Weapon or item that can store without limit the power you generate as well as enhancing your own powers.

Can absorb other items

This can kill anything even abstract concepts such as Death and if that something was needed to keep the metaphysics of where you are at the time running they will continue on as normal.

What you kill with this makes you stronger, granting you the knowledge, and everything about what you killed.

These stolen powersabilites/skills/knowledge/memories will never conflict with any of your other powers, nor will they ever cause you harm directly or indirectly.

Essence of the Crime Drama

Tastes like the best coffee in the omniverse.

You gain an unlimited untraceable bank account that is guaranteed to not cause economic problems no matter how much you use it, unless you choose to that is.

Anywhere there is crime you may travel to.

You get the Custom Background to set up your life wherever you go and this version lets you gain new alt-forms as well.

You gain the complete knowledge of law and crimes wherever you go.

Yes this pretty much gives you omniversal travel save for crime free utopia's

You also gain to powers of any setting you visit in the top 3%

You will never be arrested, convicted or even suspected of any crimes.

You may dial this up or down at will. Same with people remembering your crimes.

You can achieve any position in law enforcement, justice system or crime that you desire, backed up by the skills at the very peak of your race in all aspects of life.

You gain eternal youth and the ability to control the age of yourself and anything you touch at will. And Omega level regeneration.

A large armory with weapons ranging from common access to beyond cutting edge military complete with documentation allowing you to keep them. No government will ever try to disarm you.

An ability to learn and teach that makes the greatest ones seen in fiction seem like a coma patient.

Essence of the Afterlife Elder God-King

Cold and wispy you can hardly tell if you drank something or not if it hadn't slacked your thirst like nothing you had ever encountered before.

First, you are a god that comes with some perks (note the small g). First, you are a god and thus immortal and as you age you will grow in power, the more souls in your afterlife the faster the growth. Second, you may choose how you look down to the smallest detail, and in the future you may become any race that Grace's your afterlife.

Your Domain is the Afterlife, so you are going to need to be able to control your new Domain, so, by default, you will know where everything and everyone is and what they are doing within it. If any one is trying to escape, or your minions are goofing off. You may also control all aspects of your Domain including passage of time, or splitting off sections and molding them as you will.

As the afterlife has lots that need to be taken care of, you gain the ability to perform the same task repeatedly for thousands of years. If nothing interferes with your work or exceeds your set parameters, you can complete the task automatically, while you focus on more important things. Tired of busywork? This makes even the most mundane task a breeze. You can also summon any of your minions as needed.

You can inspire the mortals in various ways to help them along. Should you choose to devote a portion of your power you can really accelerate their speed of progress.

You may create angels of various ranks and demons and devils to implement you will.

As you deal with souls you can see all the Good Deeds and Sins a person has committed in their life.

Bringing others back to life any time or place even if their souls were completely erased from existence

You can buy and sell anything through contracts, classes, abilities, youth, souls, someones firstborn, the ability to use magic or even access to gamer systems. Whether this takes stuff away from the other or merely copies them to you is your decision.

You can use any ability, power, skill and access any knowledge or take the form of any race of those in your afterlife as if it was your own.

You now have a religion designed to your will that has priests(ess) that you choose can follow you into new jumps so you have consistency. It was of moderate size and will be accepted in new settings.

You can backdate this religion into any setting you visit

You can convert the souls you gather to angels, archangels, demons and devils. With this you can instead create them whole cloth and perfectly loyal as well. You can have them grow in power both from doing their duties and over time as well. You may choose this on an individual basis or in groups.

You may pass along any perk, powers or abilities to these even those gained here.

As a god of the afterlife the more souls, and how powerful they are impacts directly on your power gain. A hundred million or so a more powerful god. A few billion or so an elder god. A few trillion or more you are talking comic elder sky father level with all that entails.

You also gain power more quickly the more worshipers you have.

You can learn any skill from those in your Afterlife and use any power that those have access to.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, as does what kills you. Should something kill you, you gain a strong resistance to it the first time and an immunity to it the second. Also as you're a god of the Afterlife you can self resurrect from the Afterlife as many times as you desire whenever you desire. And as long as you do before the end of the jump you can continue on your chain.

You gain an Iconic item

This is an item you are known for it could be a scepter, a form changing weapon, a cape/cloak/outfit. Whatever it is you may design how it looks down to the smallest detail. It is both a perfect channel for any of your power amplifying the by a factor of a hundred. It's also a perfect receptacle for your energy storing it without limit. Can manifest multiple forms at the same time, though this does not increase it's overall power.

Your Afterlife is yours and you cannot be overthrown in it.

No matter how powerful the souls are they cannot harm you.

You get your own Afterlife starts at the size of Australia and can expand infinitely as you desire. And shape as you choose.

None can invade or overpower you in your afterlife.

You may choose how physics works within and what kind of resources it may have changing these at a whim.

Nothing can seal or trap you in such a way that you cannot at will return to your afterlife.

You may raise others up as gods under your aegis and members of your pantheon or not, granting them domains as you choose.

As Death is an omniversal constant so are you. You may travel anywhere in the Omniverse even places that did not exist before you traveled to them.

Your afterlife expands to all these places and not just these but any parallel and mirror realities that are near them and so forth.

Entering into new settings gains you the basic abilities of said setting whether that be magic, a gamer type system or chi, cultivation or what have you. You can increase these with time and effort with no upper limit.

Essence of the Gamer System Dungeon

Tastes like Limitless Potential

You now run on a gamer system designed in whole by you or a modified one that you know of.

You also gain a System Store that you can buy anything from bloodlines/race changes and skills to tech and ships from other settings.

You will automatically generate Quests as needed/desired.

You have no cap on your growth.

Due to your System you now have a limitless lifespan with all things needed for it such as perfect memory and everything always seeming enjoyable. Gamer Mind/Body.

Gain crafting/disassembly enchanting/disenchanting menu to learn blueprint or pattern for what you disassembly/disenchant once you gain the right skill.

Can create dungeons and settings based on media games/books/movies/others. Or just themes or leave it up to chance.

Dungeons spawn enemies that drop any kind of loot including spell/skill/expertise/ability books. When making the portal to the dungeon the portal will glow according to danger level, you may see green your friend with less gear would see yellow or red depending. May make the enemies inside scale up to a designated power level. Such as your own or someone you are opening it for. Loot will scale appropriately. You may choose a theme or type of loot.

Settings are non dungeons such as a portal to a D&D marketplace or Thessia/Omega from Mass Effect. Settings are unstable like dungeons and will disappear unless they become stable which require the portal to stay open for roughly six months once they become stable the people within gain souls, generally by absorbing the souls of their namesakes from after they died somewhere in the multiverse. They do gain the knowledge of the origin of the setting and your involvement. This happens at the time you enter the setting.

Can make 5 settings and 10 dungeons at once to start. Once a setting is stable the used setting slot opens up again.

Can invite people to your party so that they may gain the benefits of the system. Can also kick them from the party. You may choose to let them keep access to the system in whole or part or not.

Settings can start at planetary size. With time and practice you set them up to even becoming self expanding.

Essence of the Cosmic Space Dragon

Tastes like the Starry Sky.

Base race skills

Lifespan Limitless

The older you get the more you and your powers grow. This has no limit

After Adult age grows roughly a foot year proportionally.

Hoarding tendencies, Family, Knowledge, Wealth

Desires to explore and adventure new places

Family life: Will life bond with multiple spouses of various species

Capable of crossbreeding with any sentient species. Very protective of those that they consider theirs.

Two ways of procreation normal way and the ability turn others similar to how vampires turn others it takes close to a week to turn others this way and can be done as long as there is life left. It will take time for those turned to be able to change shape.

Either of these will allow you to pass on any or all of your powers. As well as

Eye completely black with an image of a galaxy instead of a pupil

Due to long stretches of travel is immune to boredom

Their memory is extremely good but not perfect they have developed a technique to store old memories in extreme long term storage while they do not forget anything once they store their memories there it takes dedicated effort to retrieve those memories

Feeding traits Extremes of temperature/Radiation and solar/cosmic energy/magic

May also feed on the age of others. This increases your age and decreases thiers, This does not negatively affect them by erasing their memories or skills.

Able to open portals throughout the Omniverse.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

Has a bonded pet 'Space Drake Lesser dragon roughly the size of a great dane domesticated ones are paired at birth with a Space Dragon who they form a lifelong bond with. Uses electric attacks and shares the lifespan of its bonded dragon. Very protective and is a limited empath and can detect when other mean its bonded ill will

Has the ability to become a tattoo on its bonded in whichever form they take. While in tattoo form the energy from their bonded sustains them so they do not need to feed.

Manipulation of Space

Able to survive in space and fly at FTL speeds to explore new vistas.

Keeps hoard in a pocket dimension due to need to travel.

FTL speeds increase with age by Great Wyrm stage can cross an average galaxy within six month, Capable of crossing extragalactic gulfs as speeds drastically increases when outside a galaxy.

Manipulation of Magic

Magical bond with spouse that will let it age for the spouse so they don't die of old age can also take the wound from spouses if it chooses to.

Spell specialties magics that can be used in exploring and surviving in hostile environments. Large scale magical projects, creating flying islands, pocket realms,

Shapeshifting to fit in with new species. This is a complete shift nothing in existence will be able to tell that you are anything but what you portray yourself as.

Capable of regeneration, as long as a drop of blood or magic remains.

Mana pool increases with age.

Savants of enchanting. Three enchants they know from birth is a endless liquid enchant and a heat absorption enchant. And the final is a multifaceted enchant the first part is a mana battery that has no limit that you can draw from that starts empty, second part is a mana drain that can drain your mana into the battery based on factors you select, and third is the harder it drains your mana it will increase your mana regen and mana pool like a muscle. The Third enchant until you hit Apprentice level you can only cast as one whole parts 1,2,3.

Omnigot hearing or reading a few sentences in a language will have you speaking like a native.

Racial Skill 'Stellar Construction' This is a combination sub skill of Construction and Enchanting and levels those when leveling this one. Those using this use their mana and stamina gather up the very essence of space and forge it into their buildings. In looks the outside looks is like the starry sky quite often with stellar objects such as stars, planets, moons and nebula.

Manipulating the Creation of Media Worlds

Media explorer the ability to enter any types of media and interact with it such as books/comics/movies/video games which when interacting within it takes a life of its own. Eventually becoming a new reality.

Can break off a piece of the media world to use as a pocket reality personal retreat.

As they get older or boosting with magic can instead go to the actual realities

You can bring people/things out but the more complex/powerful the more energy you need to spend to do so.

Perfect Memory of all media you have ever heard/read or interacted with so you may enter such worlds without the material at hand. Also lets you recreate the music you have heard.

Side benefit lets you create a short term portal to anywhere you have been. Even if you have been kidnapped to another world.

Matter Creation

Full and unlimited Creation of matter ex nihilo including reduced mass Electron Degenerate Matter.

The Ability 'Scan' Which at grants the ability to scan any and all resources and liquids including potions, as well unenchanted items to recreate all of these.

Gamer Power Manipulation

The power to adopt different gamer/rpg systems that you encounter and merge them together and grant it in part or whole to others.

Many are the realities that runs video game or RPG mechanics is some form or another. Now not only do you run on some version of these when you encounter those other ones you may incorporate them in whole or in part into your own to make your own custom system.

You may impart your custom system or any of the ones you have encountered to any person or world you encounter in any combination.

When combined with Creation of Media Worlds any gamer type systems encountered through this power count towards ones that you may create later.

Magic System Manipulation

Power to adopt different magic systems merge them together and grant it in part or whole to others. Many systems of Magis and Power have you encountered so many that younow have a instinctive feel and control of them.

This lets you merge them together as the whim takes you, and even allows you to grant the ability to use them in whole or parts to any you might desire.

Even those who otherwise would not have the aptitude or ability to do so.

Magic Realm creation

Starts off at small worlds made to order with flora and fauna with magic or gamer systems that you have encountered and can give away to others.

May incorporate things and species that you have encountered or know of.

At the creation may set the features of the technology, Society, culture, environment, adventure and the power level they start and cap out at.

Power grows with use eventually crafting entire universes or planes. Capping out at a multiversal node cluster.

Potential Manipulation

Unlimited potential growth with practice and use of all of your skills/powers/energy pools can increase.

Very rapid growth in any skill or ability.

Ability to increase all aspects of others or yourself at the cost of mana.

Essence of Library of Heaven's Path

Tastes like the hopes and dreams of all those you will teach

You gain the Library of Heaven's Path and through a direct line of sight with the book to gain a copy of it in your library. You can assimilate the content of a book into your memory just by flipping through the corresponding book in the Library of Heaven's Path

Time does not pass outside while you are in your Library

Once drunk the essence lets you shift from your current age to 16 years old and slows your aging to for every 10 years you age a single day.

You can shift from your original world to the Library world at a thought and time does not pass in the other while you are gone.

You also start with the absolutely pure Heaven's Path Zhenqi

Other staring stuff

Fifth realm Eye of Insight

Five Dan Heavenly Art of Dimension Unravel

Yours also grant free access to the Omniverse

When you gain new books in your Library of Heaven's Path on other power/magics/abilities throughout the omniverse by using a golden page you can gain those power/magics/abilities

A Soul depth of 50 and a Will of Mind Realm 8-dan Incorruptible Soul. This will not negatively affect you in anyway

A badge that will gain you free access to any library or collection of books, even personal, restricted or forbidden ones.

A storage ring with every kind of resource you might need. Such as the things needed for breaking through for your Perfect Core.

Enough Books to take you to 9-star Soul Oracle, Spirit Awakener, Poison Master. Celestial Designer, Disguiser and any other occupations. By making Heaven's Path art for each one.

You will never come under suspicion for the more reviled paths, If found using some aspects all will accept your reason for studying them such as to better fight against them or to use them for the benefit of mankind.

Even such rare things a Dual Cultivation, tracking, or tailoring can be found here.

Earth Vein Spirit Essence Bottomless gourd for cultivating and rapidly increasing the age and power of herbs

Generates 10,000 High tier spirit stones each week.

Soulless Metal Humanoid.

A unique weapon that will grow with you and can take any form you wish. You will always be the master of this weapon and kow how to master its forms.

A mature Nine Heavens Lotus perfectly matched to you. Rather that having to sever your soul you merely have to touch it to form your copy. And no matter where you might be you can share the same mind. Nor will the clone try to bring you trouble or supplement you in any way. both minds are linked, and they could communicate via mere thoughts

Should you desire you may start as a 1-star Master Teacher.

Master Teacher Mansion This mansion is the largest private residence in the city complete with servants, concubines, fully stocked larder, water gardens, pools, and Saint tier equipment for all of your known professions, these will upgrade to higher tiers as you need them Just by living here, people will approach you for paid advice. Your skill at giving advice will spread at the speed of gossip and more will approach you with ever greater rewards in hand for your advice. Come with an eternally loyal butler of impeccable taste to weed out those you don't want to help. His cultivation starts at Cosmos Bridge Realm but once you pass that realm his will follow you staying 1 grade behind.

Has the special formation that when activated collapses the mansion into a wearable ring so that you can transport it. Your servants in the mansion will not be harmed and may stay inside during transportation.

State of Insight of Heart of Tranquil Water

Your Library of Heaven's Path will also tell you how to correct the flaws you see.

Local knowledge of wherever you go including languages.

Start with Heaven's Path Divine Art for Zhenqi, Soul and Body that will take you from non cultivator all the way to Beyond God Monarch.

You will automatically gain the needed Aeon of Ancient Sages required to advance no matter what world you are in.

When you gain/form your Origin core it will be a Perfect Core.

The skill and knowledge to gain a 5 star in any profession you choose.

If you have the knowledge the skill to do will automatically follow

The ability to teach anything, if a person does not have the requisites they will gain them by your teaching. All of your teaching will be easy to understand and follow.

This works by making you the best teacher possible and helping your students learn. And how to best teach each person.

You create an incredibly close bond with those you teach.

All your lessons can dive straight to the essence of what you are teaching.

Unlike Zhang Xuan you can teach others to cultivate Heaven's Path Divine Art

You start with the capacity to become a Celestial Master Teacher

Once you have progressed as a painter you can paint self sustaining worlds that can grow and evolve and you and others can enter said world by touching the painting and desiring to.

Once per week you will gain a Golden Page in your Library of Heaven's Path

Due to the Library of Heaven's Path you are immune from Divination and scrying. However unlike other bearers you yourself can still use them. Causing people using such skills trouble is up to you on a case by case basis.

Unlike others you don't have a Mingmen.

You have the fully unlocked Unique constitutions

Pure Blooded Dragon Body Unique constitution that is even more powerful than the Pure Yang Body and Pure Yin Body. Once the constitution is awakened, the Dragon Bloodline in one's body will become incomparably close to a Pure Blooded Dragon, and one's cultivation and fighting prowess will be boosted significantly… and the concept of cultivation bottlenecks will become non-existent

Comes with full knowledge and fluency of Eight Notes of Heavenly Dragons and True Voice of Dragons.

Innate Poison Body

Talented poison masters would possess Innate Poison Body. Not only does the Innate Poison Body grant one incredible sensitivity to poison, it would also give them extraordinary resistance toward it. That is to say, if a poison master possesses this constitution, even if he were to consume the poison concocted by other poison masters, he wouldn't suffer any effects or damage, as though eating an ordinary meal.

Even more so, rumors have it that a person with such a constitution can absorb the energy contained within the poison they consume in order to raise their cultivation.

Soul Constitutions

Poison Soul Constitution The Poison Soul Constitution worked in a manner similar to the Innate Poison Body. It granted one's soul perfect immunity to all poison.


7 saint beast pugs with the Dragon Bloodline. Whether purebred or mixed your choice, all their progeny will be exceptionally long lived even when compared to long lived species

Ancient Beast Lightning Cloud Sparrow!"

Possesses the ability to absorb lightning to awaken its bloodline.

Myriad Anthive Queen with Nest that is at Spiritual Perception realm pinnacle, The nest interior is roughly the size of australia and is self sustaining.

Due to the incredible purity of the Heaven's Path zhenqi, savage beasts whose bloodline was cleansed by it would find their primal instincts being replaced with rationality and intelligence.

For you this means you can raise any animal or beast to have at least human level intelligence and desires. If you wish you can also give them the ability to shift into a human like form.

Unlike a certain someone you can easily keep a low profile, And should you not want to you can dial this effect up and down as needed.

Complete knowledge and fluency in the Ancient Beast Language.

Ability to use Voice of Truth

Essence of World Keeper

You start as a new World Keeper and for your system companion rather than just setting looks for the default companion you can set everything about them.

Rather that starting with 500 system point you start with x100 time your starting budget

Should you die you will be reborn as a new Keeper and can call the souls of your companions to you.

You may choose to either start in World Keeper as a new Keeper or you can choose that a entire new Keeper Games with 9,999 new Keepers and you being #1.

Starting a new one will let you choose some differences from the canon one such as an overall afterlife for erased world rather than than all such souls being recycled or new Keeper inheriting say around 50% of their predecessors system points and can earn points for their user submitted content.

You get points for all ranks bought of your magic/cultivation/power systems.

At will you may choose to step out into the wider Omniverse to go exploring for ideas to use for User Submitted Content.

You can become a member of any race you encounter gaining all the knowledge/powers/abilities that they could have gained growing up.

Nothing can keep you from returning to your Keeper Games even absolute soul and essence destroying things cannot keep you from doing so of free will, sound mind and body.

For ease of submitting USC all you have to do it drop a piece of media into the system provided receptacle and it will add all relevant things to the system separately.

None of the beings will ever seriously try and kill or usurp you.

You can free stop any disasters you come across.

You get a personal copy of the Keeper restaurant with all recipes and ingredients.

You can use any magic/powers/abilities/classes/gamer systems/cultivation and such that you come across.

You can control and alter your age at will.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

Essence of the Nephalem (Diablo Game Series)

As you drink you hear a heavenly chorus and the screaming of damned souls.

You gain all the skills, powers, knowledge and abilities shown by all classes shown in any Diablo game. Even the ones from Mods.As well as becoming a Nephalem a being of unending growth Your abilities are not blocked by the World Stone.

You may teach these to any you wish and they can learn with ease.

You own personal afterlife consisting of the burning hell and the High Heavens.

These will be populated by angels and demons completely loyal to you. These can consist of any enemies or allies shown in the games or lore.

You may design new demons and angels as you desire with any abilities/knowledge or skills you have.

This afterlife has protections so none may invade, destroy it, seal it away or usurp your will.

You may allow people the choice of your afterlife when they die.

This can be on an individual scale or universal.

It's your Will give them the option you don't have to do it personally.

You gain the ability to open a Town Portal to anywhere or when you desire. With an instinctive ability to target where you want to go. Places associated with Diablo (Games/fiction/fanfiction) will take less effort to travel to.

Yes this is Omniversal travel.

A spell to resurrect anyone no matter how long they've been dead. Even if the being in question was completely erased or an alt personality caused by a spell or curse.

Those you kill now drop gold, appropriate loot and spell books.

The first being you kill with access to any type of power system will drop a book giving you access to said system where you powers and abilities as a Nephalem would now apply to.

Your stats and health can now be shown by numbers an you can place them where you will. Think D2.

You gain your own personal version of The Vault.

This contains a prefect rolled primal ancient version of every item possible ever seen in any Diablo game. Should you gift or destroy an item a new one will take its place.

A barrel each of every rune ever these runes when used replenish.

A waifu/husbando of your choice who takes the place of Greed.

A species of small beings of your design who will act like treasure goblins and collect loot for you.

A genuine throwback to a bygone age, you gain strength quickly and without perceivable limit. So long as you find worthy opponents to defeat, your growth rate will be ludicrous.

You may if you wish to exude an aura that will draw such opponents to you of a desired alignment that you can change at will.

Instead of growing weak and feeble with age you instead grow in strength and power with age and finding your lifespan is now without limit.

If it exists you can kill it. Whether you have the skill and power to defeat it is another matter altogether.

A personal Obelisk complete with Orek and Urshi that will open lesser and greater rifts for you. Which will drop appropriate loot.

These rifts can encompass different types should you desire and have visited those places. (WoW, Destiny, Harry Potter ect)

The ability to revive endlessly even if your being is completely erased.

You can choose to revive in a safe place or where you fell.

This means you can never be trapped or sealed away.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

The ability to summon any type of wings ever shown in the setting or game.

An endlessly farmable copy or the cow level, D3 Cow level and Whismyshire.

A Horadric Cube with all recipes known.

Charm Machine that grinds up weapons and armor to create charms with the properties of said items

The knowledge and skill to create everything from wayshrines, class sets, any rune or rune word, enchantment and pocket dimensions. If it existed in Diablo you can create it.

The ability to create skill and spell books of anything you know that will teach or give to ability to those who use it. This covers anything and everything.

If you touch someone you can create ones of anything they know.

A collection of loyal pets seen in D3 These can be as intelligent/sapient as you want.

The ability to Dupe anything.

The access to a pocket plane that acts like Diablo 2&3 video game where you can give others access to play much like the MMOs but real and the enemies are sentient and sapient people playing as well as you can change the difficulty levels just like in the game.

Should you wish you may recruit these people a new version will replace tem and the ones recruited will be loyal.

A small pocket plane that you can expand by using mana. This takes whatever form you wish at first and can break it up into smaller pieces and grow those as well.

Essence of Terminator (Movies)

Various tastes

No Fate, You are not constrained by anything. You are not bound by fate nor is anyone you work with. Your destiny is only what you make of it. No magician or time-traveller can ever force you onto a different path against your will.

This extends to the point that people and things that are deemed unstoppable or even unkillable, just because they are destined to, can be killed by you permanently. Anything that might have been relying on them such as reality itself or a particular concept will keep going if you wish it.

You cannot be trapped or sealed against your will and can escape such things at any time.

You can travel to anytime and anywhere in the vast Omniverse.

You can take the form of any terminator seen though you cannot be hacked or controlled.

You gain the full knowledge of everything Skynet has or will ever build in its many iterations. As well as the knowledge on how to program both skynet and loyal non omnicidal A.I.'s

You can create the various Terminators ex nihilo at will.

These will be loyal and have whatever programming you want. They could even be part cyborg if you want.

You cannot be affected by something/one messing with your past if they want to do it they have to do it in the present.

The knowledge on how to survive and thrive after a nuclear holocost.

You automatically know the exact date and time to Judgement Day. Judgement Day counts as any mass extinction or apocalyptic event for sapient species within 100 years and how, but not why, it happens. Because the future is not written, this perk will keep track of the event to the hour. So if the 2 years away apocalyptic event turned into 2 weeks and 3 hours, you will instantly know.

Essence of the Scribe

Tastes like paper.

You become the ultimate Scribe knowing every language as soon as you enter a universe.

Any dangerous knowledge will not harm you.

You gain Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

As well as a mental library of everything you craft a book for.

You gain the ability to use mana and a mana pool that grows with use as well as over time.

This is a universal mana that can be used for any type of magic.

You can craft books out of raw mana that grant anything from a race or tier change to longer life, skills, abilities, affinities, talents or anything even concepts, souls and godly domains.

You either need to have these yourself or have created them from someone who has them. Though once you have created one book you have it in your metal library so to speak.

Allows you/them to become the race/species in question and also functions as an alt-form blender. Allowing any number of forms or races/species.

This lets you trade or bargain for anything.

If you know the cannon a specific timeline was supposed to go you can create a book that shares that to give to others and if real will be believed.

All scribing takes no more than 2 hours.

In regards to gamer/litrpg/cultivation systems You may:

Craft a special Level Reset book that only sets a person's level to level 1 they keep all skills, stats and professions they have already gained. Or it can just reset them to level 1 and lose everything or anywhere in between.

Craft a book that grants said system to others.

Craft a book that grants a specific level of said skill or affinity though you must have said skill in your mental library.

Use and/or merge any such systems you encounter.

A large inviolet pocket plane.

You may alter this plane at will.

You can control and alter your age at will.

You may enter any book/novel/fanfiction or types of knowledge.

You may instead choose to insead of entering the book to travel to that specific reality.

Perfect fertility control and safe from all diseases, altering your size.

This includes passing on any abilities/powers/knowledge/skills/affinities/memories that you choose to your progeny. These can have unlock conditions or be active at conception

Neither you nor your powers can be copied without your permission.

Uncapped growth in everything.

Sleep Learning You have 2 modes of sleep learning; one where you enter a white space and try and create spells of ritual. {A very good place to experiment as nothing you do damages you actual body, though if a mistake rips your body apart you will still feel a brief amount of pain.} A second which you select a skill to train and level and your unconscious mind levels/trains it up for you. In both modes you have infinite mana/stamina.

Essence of Media Insertion

From songs to video games, from fanfiction to porn movies, pictures cartoons and photos and everything in between you may enter any of these at any time either at that moment or being reborn/reincarnated into whichever character you choose and/or merging personalities or merely receiving a copy of theirs to better play your part.

You gain all powers/knowledge/skills/talents/abilities/races/templates of the person.

When you choose a character you may choose instead of their powers/skills/knowledge being converted into a magic or power system you already know or getting theirs and a converted copy.

You also gain copies of any items, pets, vehicles, slaves or dungeons they may own

You don't have to be reborn or take them over, if you wish you can merely be a helpful voice in the back of their head.

They cannot harm or trap you in any way.

This still get you copies of their stuff and when they get finite resources such as points you do as well and when they spend them you get what they spent them on but yours don't disappear.

You can give them access to your stuff as well.

Allows you to bargain or make deals for anything. Even giving them a copy of your health or remaining lifespan.

This includes quests, quest rewards and copies of items they get.

Those you join willingly only have to share what they agree to those you just jump in you can copy what you want,

Once in a setting you can jump to multiple people or just exist as yourself.

You can choose whether to awaken your previous personality immediately or choose a certain time or condition to do so. Your main personality will always have preference in control, integrating the one you grew up with if that is your wish.

These don't have to match exactly those canon settings you could go where things went a bit different such as someone being a different gender, never being born/arriving, or having a different personality.

You can control and alter your age at will.

You can choose to live the inserted life entirely and once the life is over you will just resurrect in your pocket reality.

Your original personality will only be influenced in ways that you would consider positive and all previous friends and family will always recognize you for you.

You gain a small pocket reality, say a copy of Hawaii if you wish or even something more exotic like the Mist Village from Chaos Seeds with all accompanying powers and buildings. Or even a mash up it's up to you. This is a place to rest or build up during and between your adventures.

If you choose something more exotic if there is a magic or gamer system native you may choose if those you take there gain access to it and what if any skills/abilities/affinities they could gain from it.

You can never be trapped or prevented from returning here in any way.

It will grow in size as time passes or you can use willpower to speed things up.

You may split off portions to have completely private areas.

Comes with a personal Afterlife you control absolutely if you wish which you can self resurrect from at any time.

You can bring people and things with you. Even conceptual thighs such as magic, souls, gamer/cultivation systems.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

Perfect fertility control and safe from all diseases, altering your size.

This includes passing on any abilities/powers/knowledge/skills/affinities/memories that you choose to your progeny. These can have unlock conditions or be active at conception

Neither you nor your powers can be copied without your permission.

Essence of Builders


You are now a member of the Builder Species with all the quirks and power of anywhere from a youngling to a master 1.

Once a Builder, Always a Builder.

You gain knowledge of portals to travel anywhere you can imagine even actual game worlds. As in mmo's others are playing such as WoW. Or any of the Diablos.

You can easily turn others into Builders. Other abilities are;

HUD, Magical Assembly, Mana Substitution, all Basic Builder Powers,

Starting blueprints, minion tree, Random Treasure Chest, Lure, Random Minion, Mana Collector, scaling dungeon Monster Spawn Point, a basic species such as elf, dwarf, asari (any subspecies are or dragons, saiyans and gods are not.)

Mana pool grows with use.

You may choose 7 minion affinities.

Such as fantasy or scifi classes or species, magic/gamer/cultivation types.

You can control and alter your age at will.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

Perfect fertility control and safe from all diseases, altering your size.

This includes passing on any abilities/powers/knowledge/skills/affinities/memories that you choose to your progeny. These can have unlock conditions or be active at conception

Can learn any magic/power/cultivation and use those and any Gamer Systems you encounter.

You can become a member of any race you encounter gaining all the knowledge/powers/abilities that they could have gained growing up.

Your minions can be copies of people you scan.

If you wish you may choose to gain the blueprints of two Builders that there is a story written about.

Access to an omniversal Builder job board that lists job difficulty, type, skill required, pay/rewards, transport to the job site and how likely you are to be betrayed.

Builder auction house where all builders can auction off or request blueprints or minion stuff.

Your Home Base is a small pocket reality, say a copy of Hawaii if you wish or even something more exotic like the Mist Village from Chaos Seeds with all accompanying powers and buildings. Or even a mash up it's up to you. This is a place to rest or build up during and between your adventures.

Even if you are Ashed you can still reform here.

Neither you nor your powers can be copied without your permission.

You can return to a world anytime from seconds after you left, no matter how much time has past for you.