
Essence Meta CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers

WillOblivionK · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Essence Meta CYOA Part 1-Section 3(Lack of Space)


Essence of the Elements

By taking this Essence, you gain control over one or any number of the four basic elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air)

You can create or destroy any amount of your element

You may transform into your element in order to become amorphous. Transforming back will heal you

You gain sustenance by absorbing your element

As you practice, you will gain the ability to branch out into the more esoteric elements (lightning, ice, metal, etc.)

You have complete control over the element(s) of your choice, and immunity to their harmful effects.

Essence of the Brain

By taking this essence, you unlock the energy of all your brain cells working together.

Infinite memory and genius level intellect.

You can manipulate Psionic energy in order to affect the world, the minds/perceptions of others or enhance your own body, all to massive levels.

You can easily read the mind of anyone you choose, allowing you to easily and subtly manipulate them.

You can program your power to do particular tasks ahead of time, so that you don't need to focus on them.

You can sense any and all forces/energy, including time and space, allowing you to control them with enough effort.

You gain Astral Projection/remote viewing, which allows you to observe distant events or enter the dreams of others. You keep your other powers while in this state, allowing you to exert your abilities from an even greater distance.

Essence of the Summoner

By taking this essence, you are granted dominion over the calling of others.

You may manifest your soul or call upon the souls of the departed (all of whom are absolutely loyal to you) and give them weapons and armor.

You can summon various demons and forge their spirits into weapons/armor.

You may cause any artifact of power to appear before you.

You are given encyclopedic knowledge (with infinite memory) of all the spirits, demons, mythological creatures and artifacts in the multiverse.

You have the ability to bind anything you summon to you, so that it can never be lost or stolen.

Essence of the Shape

By taking this essence, your form has become a suggestion, rather than something rigidly defined.

You no longer have a default form. Everything about you can be changed by your whim.

You can shapeshift into forms that have greater or less mass than you, including inanimate objects.

You can split off pieces of yourself and shapeshift those.

You can transform into any being and gain their powers, along with combine multiple beings.

You may transmute any matter, energy or living being around you into anything.

Essence of the Mirror

By taking this essence, you gain the ability to create reflections of anything.

You gain the ability to duplicate any object you see, even if it's just an image.

You can create an infinite number of absolutely loyal clones, and dismiss them at will.

You can copy powers, as long as you see them being used.

You may reflect/bounce any incoming attack in another direction.

You may travel through any reflective surface.

Essence of the Nomad

By taking this essence, you take on the skills of the ultimate traveler

You are granted infinite stamina.

Your body is completely rid of minor aches and pains and minor wounds heal Instantaneously.

Other living beings do not see you as a threat and will ignore you. This can be toggled.

You are able to teleport by any method you wish.

You can travel to alternate universes at will

You are granted encyclopedic knowledge of all the most exciting places in the multiverse.

You always have enough money to get by.

You are immune to any disease.

You automatically have the skills to drive, pilot or ride any form of vehicle or mount.

You are granted the skillset necessary to survive in any environment, with your body/clothes adapting as needed.

You become able to speak and understand any language, whether spoken, written or containing non-verbal components such as telepathy.

You will always know where you are, where you've been and how to navigate/orient yourself by any means.

You can 'mark' any world that you've been in in order to more easily find it again.

Essence of the Breeder

By taking this essence, you become the sexiest thing alive.

Your body is changed to become your ultimate ideal of sex appeal, including tremendous endowment.

Porn physics apply to you.

Members of the opposite sex are inexorably drawn to you. You may toggle this on or off, or set it to target certain criteria.

Your charisma increases to ridiculous levels.

You are guaranteed to impregnate or be impregnated every time you have sex, with however many or few babies you want. This can be toggled on and off.

Pregnancies last up to a third as fast as normal, and your offspring reach sexual maturity in a matter of months.

There are no negative consequences for incest.

Your offspring (which can be any sex you wish) can inherit your abilities, either at full power or weaker.

You can breed with any species, and the offspring will either be a half-breed (with just the right amount of fusion) or purely one of the parent's species. You choose which.

Essence of the Gourmand

By taking this essence, you become the king of gourmet.

You are granted encyclopedia of all the ingredients in the multiverse.

You can receive ideas on how to create new dishes.

You can conjure any ingredients and cooking equipment you want out of thin air.

You can eat as much as you want without having to worry about your weight. In fact, the more you eat, the more your attributes increase.

You can eat anything. Your teeth will bite through any substance, and it will soften inside your mouth.

Should you wish it, you can gain the properties of anything you eat. Cooking it increases the benefits you gain.

Essence of the Blank

By taking this essence, you gain but one benefit:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

Essence of the Machine

By taking this Essence, the line between man and machine is wiped away. After all, organics ARE machines. Just messier.

* You become aware of every function in your body and state of health, while gaining independence from them. IE, you no longer need your brain to think.

* You can detect, broadcast and receive any sort of signal, along any frequency.

* You can control any mechanical or electronic device.

* You can partition your mind to focus on multiple threads of thought, with no limit on the number. In addition, your thoughts can accelerate ad infinitum.

* You can duplicate or transfer your mind into any device.

* Your body produces a constant supply of nanomachines, which can augment your body in any way and repair/reinforce/upgrade any object.

* At will, you can transform any part of your body into machinery and back again.

* Any technology you imagine can be created by you and your nanomachines, even if it should not logically make sense or be possible.

Essence of the Merchant

*You are able to assess the value of anything you see. Any object, living being or even a concept such as a person's emotions. This value can be equated to any other kind of value, whether it be physical currency, energy, mana, etc.

*By paying the value, you can gain ownership over that thing, or cause an effect, such as spending mana to cast a spell.

*You can sense, get in contact with and appear to or summon any entity you would like to bargain with.

*You can negotiate any sort of transaction with ease, with knowledge of loopholes and clauses.

*You can establish contracts for favors with other living beings in order to waive or reduce the value paid for the desired effect. This can include supernatural beings such as demons.

*You may also act as a mediator between two parties, creating similar contracts and overseeing their execution impartially.

*Once a contract is signed and sealed, you are linked to the other party or parties, and will know when they are fulfilling their end of the bargain. This link lasts until the contract is fulfilled or all sides agree to break it off (should you include such a capability in the contract).

Essence of the Spiral

* Your determination/hot-bloodedness can now be dialed up and down at will, without compromising your thought processes.

* You become capable of generating large quantities of Spiral Power, which can power any technology, improve any object and create matter/energy from nothing. The more pumped up you are, the more potent it becomes.

* Your Spiral Power can materialize a super-advanced mecha of your choice, which can be modified and upgraded at your discretion. The mech can be dismissed and called back at will. This mech runs on Spiral Power, and sufficiently high levels will allow it to act on its own. Controlling the mech is as easy as breathing and works how you want it to.

* You can summon drills from any part of your body, or from any vehicle (or mech) you happen to be piloting.

* You become much more charismatic, allowing those around you to generate Spiral Power and mechs of their own.

Essence of the Samurai

By imbibing this refined mixture, you are granted the powers of a Samurai from Samurai 8.

Your body has become completely cybernetic, resembling your most ideal self, made up of a self-repairing colony of nanomachines and various other cybernetic organs. It will regenerate all damage, unless you acknowledge that you have lost a battle/the will to live. Limbs can be regrown within minutes, but reattaching severed body parts is much faster. Regenerations starts from the head down if cut into pieces, while all other pieces disintegrate.

At your core is your Key, a metallic spinal column that replaces your old one, with a black box for your brain. You may open up your head and extend your key at any time, in order to connect to any device, mostly for transmitting or downloading data. The bottom of your key is where your Soul resides.

Your capabilities are now measured using several stats: Strength, Speed, Technical Skill, Intelligence, Gravity (one's natural ability to draw or be drawn towards significant events or people), Key Holder (Explained below), Heroism and Charisma. These stats are mainly used to measure whether or not you are capable of learning skills (explained below)

While wielding a sword (even a fake sword will do), you will be able to perform feats of nigh impossible strength and precision. You can cut through a tank with ease, without harming its occupants, upon drinking the Essence, and will only grow stronger from there.

You gain the ability to control 'H-Particles,' manipulating the concepts of connecting and severing. Among other (sadly not established) things, it allows you to upgrade Holders (mechanical animals) into Key Holders.

You gain access to a Key Holder of your own design. Your Key Holder can transform its outer plating into samurai armor for you, as well as additional weapons. Holder Armor makes you impervious to conventional weaponry. It will also grant you a bone hilt.

This deserves it own mention. Using your bone hilt, you can take out your soul and transform it into a lightsaber katana, known as the True Sword. These are the only things that can cut through Holder Armor.

You will also be granted a Ship Holder of any design, a massive-sized Holder that can take you and any number of passengers across the galaxy quickly. Has FTL capabilities, can be manipulated on the inside mentally by you, and can transform its outer hull into a suit of mech-sized armor for you.

Over time, you can generate additional souls, which can be used for various techniques. Chief among them is the Incarnate Body, which transforms a soul into a clone of you, with a fraction of your overall stats. You can also split off pieces of your soul and imbue them with special power for other people or Samurai to use. Don't worry, this does not harm you or your soul in any way.

You gain the knowledge licenses of the five Samurai schools, which allows you to see all of the skills for each and the stats required to unlock them. Upon learning a skill, its power increases or decreases in correspondence with your stats. In addition, using a skill places Stress on your Key, similar to an overheat meter.

In addition to sword techniques, each school provides knowledge on how to use one's cybernetic body or Holder in different ways. The five schools are:

Kongou Yasha: appears to have sword techniques named after dogs. Includes the Atmos Fang (a skill that turns a planet's atmosphere into a wolf-shaped blast) and skills that involve transforming Holder Armor into firearms of various kinds.

Gozanze: Techniques that can transform the user's True Sword into different kinds of weapons.

Gundari: Techniques that involve either implanting or forming hidden weapons out of the user's own body. Rocket hands, EMPs, extra blades, etc.

Daiitoku: Techniques that transform Holder Armor into extra limbs or other body parts.

Ususama: The 'evil' school of the setting. Techniques named after cats. Appears to posses space-warping abilities.

The different schools may also be combined for powerful effects. For instance, combining Kongou Yasha and Ususama allows the user to warp enemies into the middle of nowhere, severing their connections with their Holders.

Each school's most powerful skill inflicts 0 Stress, but requires all stats to reach Infinity to learn. Seemingly impossible, but who knows...

Finally, fate will draw you towards a person who best fits your personality, of your preferred sex. This person will be your Princess. Your duty is to grow strong in order to protect this person with your immortal life, and in return, he or she can boost your stats by praying, multiplying them by your Heroism stat. Your relationship with them is up to you to deepen and grow. Be warned: your Princess CAN leave the relationship if you are a total dick to them. Your Gravity will ensure that you find another one, but still...


Essence of the Adventurer

By consuming the essence of the Adventurer, the eternal wanderer and jack-of-all-trades, you gain the following boons:

A sound mind in a sound body, ready and fit for adventure. This will maintain undiminished even into old age, although your lifespan will only be mildly enhanced barring further boons from elsewhere.

A free, one-time cosmetic body resculpt to your ideal or desired appearance. For some reason adventurers are often good-looking.

Immunity to all diseases, immunity to minor health problems, and the ability to consume anything that isn't actually poisonous or indigestible by your metabolism without any problems.

Infinite willpower to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop.

Perfect memory with infinite storage.

Enhanced learning and development, the ability to go from entirely untrained to having completely maxed out your potential or skill in a much shorter period of time than normal. This applies to anything that you already have the capacity to do or learn that can possibly be advanced by training. Advancement never slows down until or unless you hit a softcap.

Skills, stats, and abilities never degrade due to lack of training or the passage of time.

Essence of the Immortal

By consuming the Essence of the Immortal, the quintessence of the desire to live forever, you gain the following boons:

Your aging halts when you reach the prime of life, the exact moment when the body stops maturing and starts dying. If your body is already past the prime of life, it reverts to that point.

A healing factor that maintains you in perfect health and lets you rapidly recover from any injury, disease, or poison short of the total destruction of your body. You can easily block out pain if you want to while still retaining an awareness of injury.

Perfect memory with infinite storage and data recovery. Even if your memories are somehow erased, they will eventually return. Death of identity is just another form of death, and you can never truly die.

Skills, stats, and abilities never degrade due to lack of training or the passage of time. Reincarnating into a new body does mean you have to physically condition that new body from scratch, but 'muscle memory' is actually in the mind and so carries over just fine.

An indestructible mind, that is highly resistant to insanity and which will eventually recover from any amount of mental trauma or destruction even if crushed or obliterated by overwhelming force. Barring other powers or abilities you can still potentially be negatively affected by horrible events, boredom, sensory deprivation, etc., but you will never be permanently lost inside your own head.

An eternal soul, that cannot be trapped, bound, owned, permanently harmed, or eliminated by any power short of the Supreme Being. If you are ever destroyed by any means, up to and including being retroactively erased from having ever existed, you will reincarnate somewhere else and regain your memories and abilities in early childhood. Barring other factors you will reincarnate on the inhabitable world closest to where you 'died' as a healthy newborn of the closest equivalent to the race you 'died' as, usually the same one in both cases. If the entire universe is unavailable to reincarnate in then you will reincarnate in a nearby universe.

The ability to voluntarily 'die' and trigger your next reincarnation. Intended for use in situations such as being trapped in an inescapable void, buried underneath a collapsed mountain, being devoured alive for eternity in an Elder God's stomach, locked in temporal stasis, trapped in an inescapable time loop, etc. This ability will never activate under any circumstances unless you genuinely and of your own free will want it to, but can be activated 'subconsciously' regardless of how incapacitated you are.

The ability to petition the Supreme Being to end your immortality and allow you to move on to what comes next, but only if you while entirely in your right mind and with the utmost sincerity want to.

Essence of the Cultivator

By consuming this essence you become as ridiculously overpowered and blessed with potential and luck as the greatest of xianxia main characters. Which, if you know xianxia, is pretty damn ridiculous.

You gain the ability to 'cultivate' your 'internal energy', allowing you access to increasing tiers of effects and powers in-theme for wuxia and/or xianxia, the exact nature and power level of these effects depending on what degree have cultivated it to. You may use an existing cultivation system from any xianxia novel or create your own.

You may grant this ability to cultivate to others and teach them your system, but they are limited to their own willpower, comprehensive abilities, and talents when it comes to success. You may still use external means, such as alchemy or creating and sharing secret techniques, to help them.

Cultivating your internal energy slows down your aging, eventually making you truly unaging. Likewise, you may eventually transcend mortal needs such as sustenance, normal rest, or needing to breathe. Your mind and soul will be adjusted so as to be able to endure immortality.

Your talent for cultivation and speed and ease of learning at all things related to cultivation (including martial arts, alchemy, and creating artifacts) is beyond ludicrous. Your aptitude is raised to the maximum possible allowable in existence and perhaps slightly beyond even that. You can choose to slow this down when you need to or when you wish to avoid attracting attention.

This includes your ability to make use of external cultivation aids, such as parts from mystical beasts and exotic plants and treasures. You may easily consume and gain maximum benefit from such things even without preparation, and gain even greater benefits from them with sufficient preparation and alchemical knowledge.

Even if your cultivation system does not normally provide you with one you will still be gifted with perfect memory, including infinite storage and perfect indexing.

As one specially blessed by this Essence and the heavens, you may ignore the usual limits of your cultivation system whenever you find it convenient. You may mix incompatible elements, cultivate female-only arts as a male or vice versa, ignore dietary or behavioral restrictions normally required of cultivators, etc.

Your cultivation cannot be 'crippled'. Injuries that would normally destroy your cultivation instead merely temporarily wound it, but you can heal in time. Likewise, any cultivation techniques that carry a risk of death if performed incorrectly are entirely safe for you; you may or may not succeed at them but failure will never kill or permanently injure you, and you may try again.

Your cultivation never dead-ends or gets trapped in a bottleneck. Regardless of what choices you make or what system you are in, there are no 'traps' that leave you stuck at a given stage of cultivation forever. All setbacks are clearable with enough hard work and your 'foundation' is always ideally solid.

Your willpower is truly unlimited, unbreakable, and unsurpassed, and you have a perfect sense of 'self'. No amount of pain or hardship can deter you, no illusion can trap you or bind your heart or soul, and you can focus on a task for eternity if need be. Any cultivation challenges that depend on strength of will or clarity of mind are auto-win for you.

You have the luck of a top-tier xianxia protagonist. Coincidence and fate favor you greatly, mentors and training materials seem to be available whenever most needed, discovering treasures and rarities seem to be much more common for you than for other people whenever you go exploring and adventuring, and you have plot armor sufficient to survive almost anything.

Cultivation is not for the idle, but instead for those who struggle and overcome challenges. Regardless of how powerful you grow you may always find things that challenge you if you make a sufficient effort to seek them out, until you finally stand among the highest of beings.

Essence of the Unlimited

By consuming this Essence, the accumulated frustration with limits and math and exact point accounting of an innumerable number of CYOA users, you gain freedom from such limits.

By consuming this essence you may choose as many or as few options as you want from any other CYOA document, without having to keep track of the # of points you spend or options you use. You do not have to actually run yourself through the CYOA in question unless you want to.

You may not purchase anything repeatedly unless the CYOA in question allows you to. It is requested that you not stack a nigh-infinite amount of identical purchases on top of each other, but that is not a firm limit.

If you take Drawbacks from that CYOA, for whatever reason, then they still have their full effect on you.

Even if you would normally not have access to any other CYOAs, you may still choose any number of CYOAs to be done in addition to this one.

You may get free stuff from the Archdeity of Eternity or similarily 'beyond-ROB' entities only if they are feeling generous. Which they sometimes are, so don't abandon hope.

Essence of the Ultimate Intellect

By consuming this essence, the ultimate proof of the power of pure intellect, you transcend all known limits of intelligence.

* Your intellectual faculties (mental capacity, mental focus, calculation, computation, cognition, competence, memory, wit, ingenuity, creativity, mental perception, learning capacity, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, visualization, analysis, instinct, intuition, self-awareness, composure, mentality, multi-tasking, etc.) are increased to the absolute maximum possible in all existence, and perhaps slightly beyond even that.

* Your intellect is not only exponential but also transcendent and flawless. The only possible cause for your making a mental error would be the garbage-in-garbage-out principle, because your cognition is perfect within the limits of the data available. Even a supermassive quantum-computing Matrioshka Brain would be less than a protozoa compared to you. Your processing capacity also scales up without limit when necessary, to the point you could effortlessly solve any finite algorithm in a single unit of Planck time.

* You no longer have a subconscious, your intellect being enhanced to the point that you have a "supra-conscious" mind instead. Like a subconscious your supra-conscious is capable of performing both mental and neuro-physical actions as background tasks without needing you to actually focus on them (although your heightened focus and multi-tasking could let you simultaneously concentrate on any number of separate things if need be), but unlike a subconscious you may have your supra-consciousness execute almost any task or tasks that your conscious mind would be capable of, however complex, and have your conscious mind exert total control over its functions when necessary.

* Your supra-consciousness also gives you instantaneous and effortless access to every iota of every quality and characteristic that you possess, and every scrap of knowledge that you ever have acquired or ever will acquire. This grants you, among other things, a perfect memory with unlimited storage that is retroactive across your entire life to date to a degree bordering on postcognition.

* Your supra-consciousness also allows you to fully comprehend and control your emotional state. While you still have a normal capacity for emotion should you so choose, you never become emotionally compromised or traumatized by anything unless you allow it. Furthermore, your mind is capable of processing, resolving, and overcoming trauma with almost instantaneous speed when you focus on doing so, and will also autonomously use this self-repair capacity to return you to at least adequate mental functioning should your mind somehow be too catastrophically damaged to focus.

* Your intellectual expansion will not materially alter your personality against your will, although you may of course apply your newly heightened capacities for self-awareness and introspection towards the goal of personal growth and change if you want to. Otherwise you will still remain "yourself" as much as possible despite your new level of sentience, without risking the death of personality that can sometimes accompany transcendence.

* On the principle of a 'sound mind in a sound body', this essence grants you perfect health and average fitness for a member of your species. The heightened capacity for conscious bio-feedback that your supra-consciousness provides allows you to, among other things, maintain your level of physical fitness without deliberate exercise.

Essence of Endless Lives

By consuming the Essence of Endless Lives, the primal urge to experience life in all of its infinite variety, you ensure that your soul will have as many chances to experience life as you wish.

* Your soul is unbound from the normal cycle of existence and becomes absolutely indestructible, untrappable, and unownable. Nothing short of the Supreme Being can prevent you from being reborn.

* Every time your life ends, by any cause up to and including total conceptual retroactive destruction of your existence, you will reincarnate into any universe you wish and at a location and time of your choosing. With one exception, every time you are reborn will be into a separate timeline.

* The exception is that you may choose to 'rewind' the same life you just died in, all the way back to the beginning. You may rewind more than once. You rewind all the way back to birth every time you choose to rewind at all. You do not have to rewind any life unless you want to, but after you have moved on to a new life you may not go back and rewind a prior life yet again.

* As part of your being unbound from the normal cycle of existence you may choose the parents you are born to and the circumstances you are born into, each as privileged or as poor as you want them to be. However, from birth onward your karma will be neutral and without any predestined fate or destiny.

* You may reincarnate into a newborn of any sentient race that exists in-setting, and will for the duration of that lifetime have all the powers and abilities that your new body would normally have. You may reincarnate into any entity below the 'cosmic being' tier of power.

* You may, if you wish, have your memories and abilities lie 'dormant' until you are out of infancy and into childhood.

* You may choose to reincarnate into a 'special' example of your new race, one born with or destined to obtain powers or abilities not common among its species, but only so long as such entities would already exist in-setting to potentially reincarnate to. (For example, you could not reincarnate into a baby with mutant superpowers unless superpowered mutants were already a thing in that world.)

* You may freely reset your physical stats with every new life, within the racial minimums and maximums of the new life you are reincarnating into. Your mental stats will remain your own but you will carry forward any improvements in those stats between lives. You will never have 'dump stats' unless you choose to, and 'dump stats' will always reset to normal after you end a life.

* With each new life you will have the opportunity to 'leave behind' any emotional or mental trauma that occurred in previous lives and start afresh, if you choose to.

* You gain perfect memory with infinite storage. You always have perfect awareness of which memory occurred in which lifetime.

* You are always naturally adapted to whatever new form you reincarnate to however weird or non-humanoid it may be. Any species you are born into will be experienced as if you had always been that species. In later lives the memories of these more exotic existences will remain comprehensible, if possibly somewhat detached from your current existence.

* Barring another ability or Essence that would allow them to, powers and abilities do not transfer between lives unless they would be an artifact of the soul or the mind and not the body. Likewise, powers and abilities only transfer between lives if the metaphysics of the universe you are reincarnating into would support their existing there.

* As a specific exception to the above, note that "muscle memory" is actually part of the mind and so mundane skills and knowledge - even physical skills - always carries over. Your perfect memory will keep you from suffering from inconvenient reflexes or habits that may be associated with a body shape that you no longer have.

* You may end your endless cycle of lives and move on to what comes next, but only if you while entirely in your right mind and with the utmost sincerity want to.

Essence of Perfection

By consuming this Essence, the quintessential distillation of success, you become pretty much perfect.

* At the time you consume this Essence you immediately win the genetic lottery. Your stats all increase to peak racial maximum, you are restored to perfect physical and mental health, and your age reverts to the prime of life.

* You also gain the typical action-hero package of a minor healing factor that allows action-hero level recovery from injuries, immunity to all diseases, and a one-time boost to your desired appearance.

* You gain infinite willpower to keep going through any amount of hardship, and a perfect memory with infinite storage.

* You gain ideal harmony of thought and action. You simply do not fail at anything you attempt so long as you had a non-zero probability of success in the first place. Your talents, skills, abilities, instincts, and luck will all come together in a perfectly subtle and harmonious whole to guarantee absolute peak performance every time. Note that this is not omnipotence - if you had simply no possibility of succeeding, then you will still fail. To use a tabletop RPG analogy, any time you would normally roll dice then you would auto-crit or max-damage instead but you're still capped by what would otherwise be your stats and abilities.

* Since your talents and instincts and capacity to learn are as perfect as the rest of you, you can train up new skills and master new abilities stupidly quickly and your skills, stats, and abilities never degrade unless you wish them to. Even if learning a new ability would normally require you to forfeit progress in a prior one, you can ignore that and just continue learning all the same.

* If you wish you may 'dial down' your perfection so that you only achieve normal successes instead of critical successes, or even undergo the normal risks of failing (or at least as much risk of failure as a person with your skills and stats would normally have if rolling honest dice). You may do this selectively for each individual action and without having to pay conscious attention. Perfection is not really perfection if it's a trap, and this is not a trap. There is only one exception to this.

* That exception is actions necessary to save your life. So long as there is any possibility you can survive a situation, you will. Your skills, instincts, and luck will carry you through any such encounter still alive, if not necessarily victorious. Although actually losing would require facing odds so overwhelming that even your absolutely perfect skills and performance still couldn't hope to overmatch them.

* On top of this you gain impenetrable plot armor oriented towards always giving you a chance to continue living. You will never face a situation that has absolutely zero chance of survival, and narrative causality will always twist just enough to explain why your body wasn't found, or your enemy chose to capture you instead of kill you, or how you survived an otherwise lethal wound, or how your crippling injuries were eventually healed, or suchlike. You can still suffer setbacks but you will always have a chance to recover and resume living your life the way you wish to.

* If you by some impossible mischance manage to overcome all of the above protections and get yourself killed anyway, you will return a while later with some kind of vague retcon for why that dead person wasn't really you or wasn't really dead.

* Even if you would normally age, you won't. You will remain in the prime of life for as long as you choose to. Narrative causality will guide you to an in-setting explanation for this if you wish, or simply have it be a thing that happens 'just because', or constantly retcon your birth date. Nobody will find that odd unless you wish them to.

* These anti-death protections can also be extended to those you deeply care for, your 'supporting cast' as it were, to a somewhat lesser extent than they protect you. Its not a perfect life if you're always alone.

* When you are finally ready to stop living and move on to what comes next, you will. This will only happen if you wish to do so while entirely in your right mind and with the utmost sincerity.

Essence of the Essential

By consuming this Essence you become an essential character to your own story, protected by narrative causality itself.

* You gain impenetrable plot armor oriented towards always giving you a chance to continue living and recover from your injuries. You will never face a situation that has absolutely zero chance of survival, and narrative causality will always twist just enough to explain why your body wasn't found, or your enemy chose to capture you instead of kill you, or how you survived an otherwise lethal wound, or how your crippling injuries were eventually healed, or suchlike.

* Should you be in a situation where recovery from a certain degree of injury is impossible, you will simply avoid being that gravely injured in the first place. You can still suffer setbacks -- your plot armor will take the line of least resistance whenever possible -- but you will always eventually end up resuming your life, unimpaired.

* If you by some impossible mischance manage to overcome all of the above protections and get yourself killed anyway, you will return a while later with some kind of vague retcon for why that dead person wasn't really you or wasn't really dead.

* Should you choose to, you will not age. You will remain in the prime of life for as long as you choose to, appearing at the age you choose to. Narrative causality will guide you to an "in-setting" explanation for this if you wish, or simply have it be a thing that happens 'just because'. People will not find this odd unless you wish them to.

* You will also gain a perfect memory with infinite storage and sufficient mental adaptation to endure immortality.

* When you are finally ready to stop living and move on to what comes next, you will. This will only happen if you wish to do so while entirely in your right mind and with the utmost sincerity.

Essence of Humanity Unchained

by cliffc999

By consuming this Essence you remove all limits on the Human Will and what it can eventually achieve, giving you the following benefits:

Regardless of whatever happens, you will always remain as "human" - in whatever sense of the word that means to you - as you desire to be.

As a physical baseline, you will receive a perfectly healthy human body of what you would consider ideal appearance. You start out at roughly fifty percent above peak human strength, above peak human toughness and speed, and with peak human senses. You will recover at least several times more rapidly than normal from any injury or illness that does not kill you outright.

Your intellectual baseline will likewise be increased so that you are a truly multi-faceted genius and at least as smart and talented as any human that has ever lived. You will be a true Renaissance man, able to apply the full force of your intellect to any or all fields of endeavor that might strike your fancy with equal ease.

If you would already be even theoretically capable of learning how to do something without the benefit of this Essence, whether it be a normal property of the setting or a unique power or ability you already possessed, then your ability to learn and develop that thing is now expanded exponentially. You can explore new modes of thought and new techniques, or learn how to experience new sensations, much more easily than those around you. You are a single-repetition learner for anything that others could teach you and when attempting to discover hidden depths of mastery within yourself or teach yourself then you will need at least two orders of magnitude less time than a 'normal' genius would.

Being Humanity Unchained means that you are zero risk of ever becoming overspecialized or trapped in an evolutionary dead end. No matter what you learn you can always choose to learn new things if you wish, even if people could not normally learn both. Likewise, you will always be capable of approaching new concepts without being unconsciously biased or constrained by what you already know and instead judging it fairly upon its merits.

As Humanity Unchained all limitations are lifted from your body, mind, and soul. No matter which quality of yours you are trying to improve, you will always find new ways to advance yourself a reasonable amount in a reasonable timeframe. Ultimately all it takes is you being willing to put in the effort, and you will always be able to muster sufficient willpower to be able to push yourself to improve or encourage others to do likewise.

Optional: Humanity Unchained is intended to be a harbinger of what all humans may one day become. You may with sufficient effort and example eventually help anyone for whom you had the responsibility of ruling, raising, training, or engineering to become Unchained themselves. Likewise, all of your genetic descendants will also be Unchained, and their descendants in turn, ad infinitum.

Essence of the Inspired Inventor

By consuming this crystal-clear liquid you become imbued with the very essence of artifice, science, and craft.

* You are now the greatest scientist, engineer, and inventor alive, and perhaps the greatest that has ever lived. Your aptitude for such things as mathematics, the physical sciences, mechanical intuition, etc., is so high that such things are as effortless as blinking or breathing for you. Having actual instructional materials or samples/phenomena available to study and reverse-engineer is still very useful for you, but even without them you can still work out entire bodies of knowledge merely from first principles - it just takes longer.

* In addition to your prodigious scientific and engineering talent your overall cognitive functions such as perceptiveness, learning speed, reaction time, and pattern recognition are heightened to the highest levels naturally attainable for your species. You also gain a perfect memory with infinite storage, instant recall, perfect indexing, tamper-proofing, and protection from harmful memories.

* The only limits on your scientific talent are what resources are available to work with and the inherent physical laws and limitations of the cosmos you inhabit... the true limitations, not just the ones that are believed to exist by other, lesser scientists. Otherwise the sky is the limit. Engineering superpowers in yourself or other people, outright miracles of medicine, "clean" zero-point energy, artificial intelligence, power armor, whatever... provided that it could hypothetically be possible for someone else someday, you can start doing it right now.

* Almost any field of knowledge is valid for your talents as an Inspired Inventor, not merely technology or engineering. Study political science and come up with ideas on how to vastly streamline and re-engineer administrative systems, devise new and highly effective martial arts by working from basic principles of biology, anatomy, and applied physics, create new languages that allow speaking or thinking with greater efficiency, or use your study of mathematics and harmonics to compose wondrous new music; all this and much more is possible for you.

* Your status as an Inspired Inventor lets you accomplish your research & development projects without assistance and with incredible speed. Things that would 'merely' be incredibly advanced feats of engineering are usually doable for you as fast as you can assemble the initial prototype, needing at most only a single test run to get dialed in perfectly. Outright pushing the boundaries of physics or otherwise trying to work with anomalies and cosmological loopholes requires actual trial-and-error research, but can still be completed within a reasonable time frame.

* As a final bonus, at the time you consume this Essence you are restored to perfect physical health and good physical fitness, as well as being made aware of any mental conditions you might have and being given the option to be cured of any or all of them as well. You receive no special Essence powers for maintaining your fitness but the abilities you have should let you easily create ultra-efficient physical training programs for yourself, find ways to enhance your physical longevity, or otherwise develop yourself as much as is scientifically possible.

Essence of the Emperor Ascendant

by cliffc999

Drinking this regal-appearing essence of pure power sets you on the path to becoming a true ruler and exemplar of humanity, with all the limitless potential the Emperor of Mankind held before his tragic fate.

* You are now a Perpetual, a variant branch of Humanity that possesses true immortality. As the mightiest of the Perpetuals your extraordinarily rapid and efficient cellular regeneration is capable of almost immediately healing any injury up to and including your complete disintegration. This regeneration even persists after your clinical death, allowing you to self-resurrect after being killed. Only true soul-death is capable of actually ending you permanently, although sufficiently ludicrous physical overkill can delay your resurrection for a time. And you of course possess an infinitely long lifespan, an absolute immunity to things such as diseases and toxins, the ability to survive for incredibly long periods of time without sustenance of any kind, maintaining perfect physical readiness without effort, and similar little tricks.

* Your soul is also exalted and magnified, starting out with the collective strength and power of all the psykers of ancient humanity and only growing from there. You have the potential for every psyker ability known, hinted, or even vaguely implied for the Emperor of Mankind or any lesser psyker in the lore of 40k and a full understanding of your powers and perfect control over them. With time and practice you may develop even more advanced applications of your psyker abilities or learn how to wield them with optimal tactical efficiency.

* Your mental and physical abilities are likewise perfected and exalted, removing all prior infirmities or derangements and making you supremely talented at any field of endeavor that you could possibly know or do. Even with barely any training or experience at all you could still easily match even peak humans in specialties that they had trained obsessively at for their entire lives, and should you devote actual effort to self-improvement then you could rapidly progress from there, Likewise, your strength, speed, resilience, intellect, perceptiveness, and other such attributes start out already well into the superhuman range and may also be improved.

* Your body is likewise altered in a manner befitting your new and glorious state of existence. You become a perfected human in all physical aspects. Your 'default' form is that of a human being (if an exceptionally attractive and impossibly fit human being), not an eight-foot-tall demigod-construct, but it would be a trivial feat for you to use your biokinetic talents to reshape you into that form or any number of other humanoid forms either temporarily or permanently.

* Your mind and soul are adapted to handle eternity as well as your body. Your memory is perfect, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, instant recall, protection from tampering or harmful memories, and other such features. You are fully acclimated to a perpetual existence, leaving you with your full capacity to feel and act according to your sense of ethics while still being able to accept things such as the passage of time, the inevitability of outliving mortal friends and acquaintances, and the weight of ages without excessive regret or pain. Time will not dull your edge, inactivity will not cause you to degrade, and entropy alone will never bring you down.

* Your willpower and resistance to corruption are absolute, limitless, and unbreakable. No amount of distress, suffering, or difficulty can make you hesitate for the slightest instant. No physical, mental or spiritual taint can touch you, however subtle or terrible. No force in existence can beguile or subvert your mind by any means whatsoever, not even memetically. Should the Ruinous Powers themselves all assail you in concert with their worst tortures for an eternity of eternities, you would not so much as blink. This indomitable sense of self does not make you incapable of admitting error or maintaining rational habits of thought; it merely means that nothing will ever dictate your choices save your own free will. You may conceivably be killed, as nigh-impossibly difficult a feat that would be, but you can never be broken.

* Should you happen to enter the Warhammer setting your powers and nature would interact with the Warp in the same way that the Emperor's does, including his ability to help create other psykers. In any other cosmology your powers are independent of the Warp which almost certainly doesn't exist there anyway, and it may or may not be possible for you to foster and unlock psyker potential in others depending on local conditions.

* Most wondrously of all, your ultimate potential knows no limits. You will never reach a point where you cannot grow any further, never hit a plateau beyond which you cannot improve, never be doomed to physical, mental, or spiritual stagnation. The only limits upon your growth are those that you knowingly choose to place on yourself and the ultimate limits that apply to any sentient being in the particular cosmology you inhabit.

Essence of Infinite Adventure (cliffc999 fork)

By GetRektNuub and cliffc999

Drinking this Absolutely Glorious looking liquid gifts you the following benefits:

This essence allows you to start your own Omniversal Adventures. This ability to go on an Adventure is powered by your own soul. So the stronger your soul is, the more powerful the world you can go into. At first, this will be limited to relatively weaker worlds like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and the like. But as you make your way through your own story and complete Adventures your soul will grow and with it your ability to go on greater and more powerful Adventures, and to whatever world(s) that you may desire and as often as you wish. No longer shall you be at the mercy of those damn ROBs.

These Omniversal adventures can be any type of adventures. Jumpchains, CYOAs or any combination of the two or anything else that you can imagine. And if you ever decide you need a break then you can spend as long as you wish in each world regardless of any drawbacks or scenarios you take. You may also stop in the middle of one Adventure to start another one, and then return later on to resume your original Adventure where you left off.

When you start an Adventure you may arrive in whatever manner you wish. Arrive fully adult like an isekai character, reincarnate into the body of a child being born (with your age of 'awakening' to your full memories and power set at anywhere you choose up to adulthood), be created or summoned by some native character, whatever is appropriate to the particular narrative. This does allow you to replace a 'canon' character if you so choose.

At the time you first drink this Essence and every time you reincarnate you will be cured of any and all physical ailments, psychological trauma, and other unwanted mental conditions, ailments, disabilities, etc.

At the time you first drink this Essence and every time you reincarnate you will be given the opportunity to re-sculpt your body to your desired aesthetics and idealized self-image. You may also reassign your sex/gender/orientation with every re-sculpt if you choose to, and will never suffer from gender or body dysphoria.

You have impenetrable plot armor against soul-death, death of personality, psychological destruction, and other really bad things. Your memory will be perfect and entirely adapted for an eternal existence, although you may still choose to selectively let things fade.

You will have a suite of miscellaneous protections such as a boost to willpower, a heightened pain tolerance, a moderately increased resistance to all unwanted effects that aren't direct damage (including psychological or emotional trauma), and are blanked against all unwanted scrying, divination, Path to Victory, etc. You are immune to illness and will eventually heal fully from any injury that doesn't kill you or amputate something, no matter how severe otherwise.

If your body is destroyed then it will regenerate if you have a power that allows it. If you don't then you will reincarnate into another Adventure after you die. In case you experience an unpleasant fate you cannot escape from you also get the ability to force yourself to reincarnate at need. If you are reduced to a state where you would genuinely want to activate this ability but cannot consciously do so, such as being sealed or trapped in an infinite time loop, then this will automatically trigger. Reincarnating undoes all unwanted harm or changes done to you regardless of its nature or source.

You will also be given a package of basic comforts to help ease your Adventuring experience. You require significantly less sustenance or sleep than you normally would. Your health and fitness will essentially ignore any unhealthy lifestyle choices such as bad diet or lack of exercise, short of the most blatant and prolonged abuse of your metabolism. Your body and clothes will almost magically shed filth and grime and you will have minimal body odor.

You have perfect control over your fertility, and also your menstrual cycle if you are female. Any partners will believe you if you say you are protected, so long as you are telling the truth. You can also neither catch nor spread 'social diseases' and have other minor, related buffs.

To avoid having you be limited in later Adventures by an improper foundation learned in a previous one, you will be given a great talent for learning things properly. You will intuitively grasp the basics of new things almost immediately upon being exposed to them and in such a way as to provide the ideal foundation for eventually mastering all the complexities and nuances of a subject. Any bad habits or blind alleys that you may somehow have trained yourself into may be shed with relative ease and retrained the proper way as soon as you learn how. This also lets you easily adapt to new cultures or to reincarnating into different bodies with different senses or physical arrangements.

You will also gain an increased capacity for self-awareness and self-reflection. You can clear-headedly process and resolve your guilt and truly learn from both your successes and your failures, and then use what you've learned to make yourself a wiser, stronger-willed, and generally better person. Your emotions will be adapted for dealing with eternity, you are immune to PTSD and unwanted value drift, and you can retain an essential 'youness' about yourself even as you change and grow. Learn from your failures and never give up, for your soul can reach infinity if you have the will. Your Adventuring will never truly stop unless you wish it to.

In addition to these minimum basics that will apply everywhere, your soul can tap into the powers and abilities available in whatever narrative that you have chosen to reincarnate into. Your strength, intelligence, speed, resilience, talent, and potential for any other powers or abilities available in the particular narrative you are joining may start at any point up to the limits naturally attainable for the role you assumed inside the particular narrative that you have joined. If you already possessed a greater level of power before importing into a particular narrative you may of course bring that in with you as well. You may also start a new Adventure already trained in skills you haven't actually encountered yet, up to the level of an average experienced adult in your role. This level of skill may be improved like any other skill you possess.

As your soul grows stronger, your powers will too. Initially the strength of your powers will be limited to whatever Adventure you got them from, but as your soul gets stronger the powers will grow in every aspect, reducing the limits and drawbacks and in time completely eliminating them and/or overcoming normal growth caps. In addition to this you may with sufficient effort eventually overcome inherent limitations or weaknesses. You can train yourself to be immune to sunlight or blood deprivation if you are a vampire, to ignore Kryptonite if you're a Kryptonian, etc.

Your powers cannot be taken from you, nor can they be controlled, manipulated or altered against your wishes. No matter how many times you are destroyed your powers will not be affected. Neither will your skills, abilities, powers, etc. ever fade due to lack of practice or conditioning. Every power, every ability, every perk is powered by your soul and you can be assured that any powers, abilities, curses etc., that affect your soul to weaken or destroy this power will fail to work. The rewards you receive from your adventures will work as intended in all worlds and they cannot be hindered as you have already struggled to earn all your power.

Should you wish you can combine any similar abilities together instead of keeping them separate and this combined power will work same as it would have if you stacked the similar powers as mentioned above. This will help you keep track of the different abilities you have.

If you find that you've become too powerful for Adventures to be any fun then you may choose to place as much of your power and potential as you wish 'in storage' when reincarnating, and reclaim it in a later reincarnation. Likewise, you may 'softcap' your growth or remove such softcaps at will.

Or if you eventually decide it's time to stop Adventuring of your own free will, then you may move on to whatever comes next.

Essence of Hypercompetence

By drinking this perfect Essence, you gain the ability to operate at memetic peak performance.

* This Essence grants you hypercompetence, a level of ability where you can always operate at your absolute peak with trivial ease. You have immense natural talent for anything that you are potentially capable of doing. Likewise, your execution of anything is flawless to the absolute limits of your skill and knowledge, and will not have any fumbles, slips, unforced errors, or anything of the sort.

* Your perfection will not be hampered by a weak or imperfect body or mind. At the time you drink this Essence you are cured of any and all physical ailments and disabilities. You are also made aware of any mental illness, disorders, disabilities or other conditions you may be suffering from and may have any or all of them cured at your discretion.

* Your body is now like a perfectly optimized machine. Your muscles simultaneously have the power of a champion weightlifter and the fast-twitch speed of a master martial artist, your speed, agility, and coordination are top of the charts, and your stamina and resilience are downright cinematic. It would take a truly prolonged period of no exercise to even begin to compromise your physical fitness, and your body will respond as if receiving optimal nutrition so long as you're consuming sufficient calories of any kind.

* Your mind is similarily optimized, with your intellect being augmented to the highest levels that your species could naturally attain on your birthworld. This includes but is not limited to such things as perceptiveness, reaction time, learning rate, pattern recognition, and creativity. Your willpower is now dauntless and your memory is perfect in all respects, although you can still choose to selectively let things fade.

* You also receive a one-time appearance upgrade based on your wishes and idealized self-image, with the exact details of your build and "endowments" being up to you.

* Even your most instantaneous reactions may be undertaken as if you'd had all the time you needed to extensively plan out your next moves. You are likewise immune to being emotionally compromised; you may always think, judge, decide, and act as if you were entirely calm, collected, and focused regardless of whatever emotions you might actually be feeling at the time. You will immediately process any mental harm or trauma in the best possible way for you.

* You also gain an increased capacity for self-awareness and self-reflection. You can clear-headedly process and resolve your guilt and truly learn from both your successes and your failures, and then use what you've learned to make yourself a wiser, stronger-willed, and generally better person. You are immune to PTSD and unwanted value drift, and can retain an essential 'youness' about yourself even as you change and grow.

* Finally, your skills and abilities never degrade regardless of disuse, lack of practice, etc.

* Your hypercompetence may be fully or partially toggled whenever you wish, and may be automatically toggled back on during a life-threatening emergency even if you disabled your instantaneous reactions. Indeed, your instincts for when your hypercompetence may be safely toggled off and when it would be a better idea to leave at least some of it running will themselves be hypercompetent.

* As a special bonus, you receive full control over your fertility and other related buffs.

* This Essence immediately becomes part of your most inherent and innate nature upon first consuming it, and from that point on its benefits will permanently and irrevocably be with you at all times unless voluntarily toggled by you as per the above benefit. Nothing else can ever remove or weaken your hypercompetence in any way; curses, magic, Clarketech, even the will of ROB or equivalent beings, nothing.

Essence of Skill Mastery

by cliffc999

By consuming this bright gray liquid you gain the ability to learn and master virtually any skillset to an ideal degree of mastery, one not normally attainable for even the most exceptional candidates.

* You have a near-limitless capacity to learn and master any skill or feat that you could possibly execute without openly defying the laws of physics (unless, of course, you already have a power or ability that allows you to ignore that particular law of physics). You require only the most minimal or widely available introductory knowledge to begin the process of independently reproducing the entire available body of knowledge on a given topic and then extending it even further.

* The speed at which you acquire, master, and create skills and techniques is nigh-inconceivable. You could attain in mere minutes a level of proficiency that a normal genius would require lifetimes to attain. Furthermore, you will never forget any of your knowledge or later become incapable of your peak accomplishments, meaning that with time you will inevitably become a veritable Swiss army knife of incredible scientific knowledge, Olympic feats of strength and skill, and much, much more.

* You may easily maintain perfect concentration and focus, even while multitasking. You are cool-headed to the Nth degree; while you largely retain your capacity for normal human emotions they will still never actually get in the way of clear thought or precise action. You never become anxious or upset to the point of making mistakes, and stress, danger, boredom, or virtually anything else that would traumatize other people simply slides off of you like water off a duck. You are immune to all harmful mental health issues and your willpower is indomitable.

* You perceive and react as rapidly as your neurons are physically capable of firing while still effectively having time to thoroughly ponder your situation and your possible responses. Simply desiring to evaluate a scenario will allow your mind to utilize all of the information at its disposal to immediately generate as many potential solutions to the problem as it can. For example, reacting to a combat situation would have your mind almost instantly generate thousands of possible escape routes and contingency responses for virtually any imaginable combination of powers and abilities that your opponent might possess, up to the degree that any effective response could be possible at all for you given the existing conditions. You may only use information you are actually aware of to develop these possible solution sets, and your conclusions are still potentially vulnerable to ignorance or disinformation if these would apply to your situation.

* The type and amount of skills and disciplines you may potentially master is literally all-encompassing. You are by no means limited only to accomplishments in science and technology; in less than a day you could become history's greatest master of martial arts, or its greatest detective, or its most talented artist, or most charismatic leader, or greatest strategist, or any similar feat.

* Your potential scientific accomplishments are equally as unlimited; a short period of study could allow you to cure the deadliest diseases, or build starships in your backyard, or solve the mysteries of genetic recoding, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, or any other possible technology. Should you care to push the boundaries then in a matter of months your discoveries could advance civilization to its extremes or make you into a transhumanist god. Who but you could imagine what might be possible for you after years or decades.

* You become fully aware of any flaws or errors in any task you have performed at the moment such an error is committed and you will never make the same mistake twice if you are at all capable of avoiding it. This essentially guarantees an entirely flawless end product in any feat of design or computation and exponentially minimizes the possibility of natural error as you perform basic intellectual or physical tasks. This can be exploited to learn how to perform tasks you are completely unfamiliar with via trial-and-error.

* Your potential mastery will not be limited by an unsound mind or body. At the time you drink this Essence you are cured of all physical health issues and genetic defects and are restored to the prime of life in a body of an appearance based on your desires and idealized self-image. You are likewise cured of all harmful mental health issues.

* You are equally as skilled in tapping into the full potential of your own mind and body as you are at anything else; for all intents and purposes your intelligence is at least peak human in every aspect where your abilities do not already exceed that level, from creativity to perceptiveness/attention to detail to pattern recognition to anything else relevant. Your memory is truly perfect, though you may choose to selectively let things fade. Your physical capabilities are capped only by the hard limits of your biology; if it is at all possible for you to perform a physical feat given your genetic composition, metabolism, and physical dimensions then you may reliably complete that feat every single time.

* In summary, you are essentially become the Overman. Nigh-impossible scientific and engineering achievements, defeating a small army of opponents via martial prowess alone, easily amassing billions of dollars via sheer financial skill, all this and so much more is now within your grasp.

Essence of Miraculous Aspect

by cliffc999

By consuming this Essence you begin to tap into an exalted force, a fundamental level of existence that raises you from mere flesh and blood to a sort of idealized embodiment of action and capability.

* The first thing this Essence does is purge all weaknesses. Regardless of your prior condition you gain a strong healthy body of your ideal appearance.

* You are exceptionally resistant to environmental hardships and illness, you can survive on a vastly reduced amount of sustenance or sleep - although you still need some - and you do not age past the prime of life (save possibly cosmetically, if you so choose) and will revert to the prime of life if already beyond that age.

* You can perform any action that you have the capability to do with ease and grace. So long as you have the mental focus and ability to take any action at all, even for just a moment, you can keep acting without any regard for physical or mental endurance. Supernatural limitations such as a finite mana pool or whatever still apply.

* You possess miraculous aptitude and inherent mastery for any action you could attempt without other supernatural powers. Even without training you would already have skill and knowledge equal to a truly amazing athlete, scientist, artist, warrior, scholar, or other professional in any such field, and specialized training or study only enhances this further.

* In addition, your every action has this extra something of flawlessness and cinematic competence. You have perfect balance, perfect execution unless your attempt is actively interfered with, and perfect timing. Any action you attempt is completed in the earliest of the following timespans that seems even vaguely plausible under the circumstances; practically instantly, at just the right time, or just barely in the nick of time.

* On top of your preternatural skills and execution, your raw physical and mental ability is raised to superhuman levels. You have strength like a bear's, speed like a striking snake's, a mind like a living computer, senses enhanced as if by machinery, and all the rest of it. Even if your mundane power already exceeded human limits - i.e., if you already were a bear or suchlike - you'd still at least double your strength and/or potence from this Essence.

* Lastly, you gain total conscious control over your body and mind - every muscle, every sinew, every tiny little portion. Your body becomes supernaturally light and agile, and you can practically run on top of grass or balance on a thread. Your mind becomes equally precise, effortless, and controlled. Thinking is always fun and easy, and you can do things like perfectly index and reorganize your memories, actively practice rationality, consciously regulate your emotions, build and model independent perspectives in your head, think coherently about many things at once, etc.


Essence of the Phoenix

Drinking this imbues you with the nature of a phoenix.

*You gain eternal youth. If you are past your prime, you will instant de-age back to your prime.

*Your natural lifespan (unless you have a longer lifespan or immortality from another source) is 500 years.

*Whenever you die (whether naturally or otherwise), you will burst into flames (that will not harm anything except those hostile to you or your friends) and instantly be reborn, in your prime, with another full 500 years of natural lifespan ahead of you (or more, if you have a longer lifespan or immortality from another source)

*You can heal others with a touch. You can heal any wound in seconds, even regenerating wombs, and you can cure any illness, purge any venom, toxin, poison, etc. This same healing is always automatically applied to you, thus granting you a potent healing factor.

*You are immune to harm from fire

*You can generate flame that does not require oxygen to burn.

*You can control or extinguish any flame.

Essence of the Divine Spark

Drinking this imbues you with a spark of true divinity:

*You gain power from worshippers. If anyone acknowledges you in a positive fashion, you will get slight increases, but anyone who declares themselves your worshipper gives you more. A single worshipper still doesn't give you all that much power.

*The power you gain from worshippers increases all of your abilities, skills, and powers that you may have. Everything from physical strength to magic ability (if you have such).

*So long as at least one person worships you, you can never die. If you are somehow destroyed, you will respawn in a safe location within 24 hours.

*You may choose to hear prayers directed to you. You may use a trickle of your power, assuming you are sufficiently powerful, to answer their prayer, so long as an ability you have could implement your answer. No matter how many prayers you answer at once, it is never a drain on you.

*You may dedicate yourself to one or more "domains," to become a deity of something, but to do so you must already have some sort of connection to your chosen theme (such as being an expert swimmer or having water control powers, in order to become a deity of the ocean). Taking a domain allows you to influence anything that fits within its theme; the more worshippers you have, the more influence you can exert. For example, a god of the ocean with a handful of followers could give them all the ability to breathe underwater; whereas an ocean god with millions of worshippers could manipulate the entire Atlantic Ocean at once. In addition, the narrower the theme of your domain, the more control and power you have in it.

Essence of Oneself

Drinking this transforms you into your ideal self, as defined by your own wishes and desires.

*Your body changes to whatever physical form you most desire for yourself. This includes physical traits such as strength or agility.

*Your mind and emotions change to whatever mindset/psyche you most desire for yourself. You can opt to forgo these changes.

*Your intelligence is increased or decreased according to your innermost desire.

*You gain supernatural powers that you desire the most. These must be specific abilities, rather than any sort of generic 'do anything' powers.

*Your body and mind can never hereafter be altered against your will, in any way. Among other things, this renders you immortal, nearly invulnerable, and immune to mind control.

*Your powers can never be suppressed, copied, or stolen.

Essence of the Barbarian Lord

By drinking this Essence, you become the ultimate barbarian lord.

*Your body becomes well above peak human, bulging with muscle, and you grow to 7 feet in height, with commensurate muscular broadness. Your face becomes the picture of masculinity, while still being recognizably you if you wish.

*You gain unlimited stamina, strength sufficient to toss boulders with little effort, and speed able to outrun a galloping stallion.

*You have proficiency in all melee and ranged weapons, able to dual wield big weapons that each normally require two hands to use

*You become nigh-invulnerable to harm, so long as you are wearing very little (or even nothing). Bullets barely scratch you, and fate intervenes to protect you from damage beyond that level: somehow or another, you'll avoid truly threatening damage.

*Armies and servants flock to your banner, if and when you wish to be a king or warlord, and you shall be able to conquer vast territories with great ease.

*You are possessed of preternatural virility, with tremendous endowment (that magically fits in any sexual orifice with immense mutual pleasure) and amounts of seed. Sexy women shall flock to you, never intimidated by always awed and turned on by, lustily sleeping with you and (if you wish) bearing your progeny.

Essence of the Veil

Upon drinking this Essence, the Archdeity of Eternity deigns to bestow upon you the ability to drape any location you're in with a Veil.

*A Veil is a metaphysical thing, and isn't actually visible or tangible

*Draping a location with a Veil is as easy as willing it so. You can drape a location as large as a planet at once. You can undrape any Veil you set in place, either fully or partially as you desire, by willing it so and being within it.

*Any location draped by a Veil prevents any non-mundane thing from working without your permission. This applies to everything from minor magical charms, to alien teleporters, all the way up to R.O.B.s' omnipotence.

*Any Veils you place last indefinitely unless and until you remove them. You can set a timer on any Veil you place if you wish.

Essence of Christmas

*You radiate an aura that makes people generally more generous, good-willed, and magnanimous. This aura is as large as a city. You can set down indefinite copies of auras anywhere you please, to persist after you leave.

*You can cause it to snow, which will never ice roads or cause dangerous conditions, but will perfectly ice ponds and work for skiing, sledding, and other outdoor winter actitivies.

*You can instantly decorate a building or area with Christmas decorations, which appear out of thin air. (Things such as lights will be powered magically.)

*You may bestow blessings of minor luck on others with a touch, but for someone to receive this blessing, they must have been kind to you, or to others in your presence. You can stack multiple blessings on the same person, but you can only bless them once per act of kindness to you or in your presence. While you can't bestow this on yourself, you will live a charmed life regardless.

*On major holidays, you can spontaneously create a magical feast for one family of your choice (per major holiday). You can choose a different family per holiday if you want, and it doesn't have to be the same family on each year, but it can be. The feast will be filling, nutritious and delicious. You may partake if the family invites you to eat with them.

*You can conjure Christmasy scents, such as pine, at will, to fill up a room or small area.

*Any of your money that you give away in order to help someone, you will get back (sometimes with interest!) within a week or so. (This counts if you spend the money in order to buy a gift for someone too.)

*Once per year, you may heal any one person you touch of all their afflictions, even terminal illnesses, and grant them a great amount of vigor. At any time, you may heal someone with a touch so long as they are very kind or very loved.

*You may share copies of any or all of these Christmas Essence abilities, via touch, with anyone with whom you are at least good friends.


Essence of Evolution

Drinking this imbues you with the power of the ever evolving ultimate life form.

-Adaptive evolution Counter(What doesn't kill you makes you stronger) You're body will adapt and evolve, whether from extreme environments or getting cut by something sharp, your body will make it's counter.

-Adaptive evolution Death(What does kill you makes you stronger)If something manages too get past your counter and "kill" you, you will become immune to whatever killed you.

-Adaptive evolution Consumption(It taste like chicken they say) Eating something will allow you to store or gain their traits for your evolution.

-Adaptive evolution Guided(Sometimes you need to take fate by your own hands) It would take longer but you can enter a state of change where you guide what evolution you want to take place without being exposed to danger or killed.

Essence of the Genie

Become the Dijin

+Your body is now basically made of formless smoke that you can shape at will, whether it's to become corporal or not.

+You have phenomenal cosmic power, enough to warp reality and grant wishes. Genie generally follow three rules though when granting wishes. No wishing for more wishes, No bringing back the dead, No messing with free will. It's up to you if you decide to follow them but be warned. For all a genies cosmic might, a lot of them still ended up sealed.

+You may create a magical artifact to inhabit and wait for unassuming mortals to rub it, granting them master status.

+You may twist your master's wishes into monkey's paws if you wish as long as you grant the spirit of them, if not the actual literal meanings.

+You are ageless and immortal, the passing of a thousand years is just like a single day in regarding your memories.

+You do not need to eat, have bowel movements or even sleep if it wasn't obvious.

+You can have half genie children if that is your thing. Whether or not they become a hero though is up to them.

Essence of lewdness

+You may change your sexuality at will.

+You may change your gender at will. (Male, female, or futa if you want but you work out how that works exactly)

+Your body is changed into your ideal sexyness for when you're either gender.

+You operate under porn logic. (Things like instant thoroughly clean and lube assholes before anal sex, taking 20 inch dicks with no problem and shit like that.)

+You're always clean as if you just got out of a shower and B.O is eliminated with the mess slides right off you. (Individual parts may be toggled off, like for example you want some mess to stay on you. Also this works internally so you no longer need to brush your teeth or worry about bad breath.)

+Any hole you penetrate or are penetrated in always act as it's the perfect fit to give you maximum pleasure and no pain.

+STDs don't exist(Porn logic covers this, but thought I'd double down.)

+You and your partners you're having sex with no longer have a refractory and can keep going and going and going in you want to or you get unconscious from pleasure overlord or something. *shrugs*

+If you happen to be able to travel worlds, you can toggle porn logic to work for everyone in the entire world. You know what that leads to. You can also decide the intensity of said porn logic, like pick something between it only working in the bedroom and sex or constant city wide orgy sex zombies. (Also works if you can't travel worlds)

+You always have knowledge how to create the best sex toys, and sexual enhancers in any technology level. So if you for example can go to different worlds, this scales with their technology level, even works if they use magitech too.

+You always know how to create the maximum pleasure for any sexual encounter you have for both parties or just yourself if you don't care for the other person.

+You can edge someone perfectly without worrying about them accidentally having an orgasm without your say so if you're into this.

+You control your own fertility.

+Your enjoyment of sex will never decrease.

+You can summon basic sex toys- ropes, handcuffs, dildos, gags, candles, clamps, clothespins, etc - that only exist as long as they are being used for sex. Meaning they disappear right after sex. No mess no fuss.

+You gain a presence that draws people who want to fuck you or you want to fuck to you(Can be explained away as ridiculous charisma, pheromones, ect) that you control the intensity of by will. Either turning it off to "oh god why does the entire city want to rape you".

Essence of the Musical Entertainer

Become the bard or dancer.

+one time change into your ideal version of a guy or girl. You pick only one option.

+Your voice is always the perfect pitch.

+You gain the body and endurance of a top dancer that will never suffer with age.

+You gain a musical sense that would allow you to write songs that would make all the great song composers green with envy.

+You may change your clothing into any design at will and mentally save several of them to be stage costumes for easy access. Like if you're an idol singer and want to wear something cute and flashy while being a horrible tease.

+At will you may generate the sounds of a musical instrument or summon them.

+Your voice gains an enhancing quality to it that draws people in and you may use this to plan subliminal messages in their minds, make them cry from raw emotion, or other things. This can of course be toggled off and on. (This is based off of Aya Asia from nougami neuro so look her up to give the jist at what I was going for with this.)

+You have a very enhanced learning rate when it comes to anything related to song and dance and music. (Like song magic from Ar Tonelico if you happen to go to that universe if you can)

+You age very gracefully and all negative effects of old age are lessened greatly if not outright gone.

+You have the charisma to be a world class Idol.

Essence of the mahou shoujo

A sparkling pink essence appeared in front of you...should you drink it?

By drinking this essence you gain the following.

A body of a young girl in between the ages of 8 to 16 that will never grow old and is always filled with youthful energy.

A sparkling nude transformation that takes like five minutes to complete but only like 30 seconds in the real world.

An elemental type ranging from classic elements like fire, water, air, and earth to other elements like light, darkness.

In the face of adversity you have incredible willpower to always stand up when getting knocked down. This does not help you with your homework.

You are very good at adapting your magic element to do different things. From using the element of water to heal people or using the element of electricity to stab people with iron sand chainsaws.

You get a magical costume that is color coded generally to your element and your hair can change to be the same color as well if you want.

You can purify corrupted things and heal curses.

Your presence inspires hope in every ally.

If you require allies, little girls will periodically suddenly become magical girls just like you. This obviously can be toggled on and off.

When hope is at it's bleakest, despair is at it's greatest heights, you will gain access to a super form that will be at first draining but would generally allow you to win the day. It is possible to unlock multiple super forms until you practically have infinite mahou shoujo power. Each more frilly than the last.

Essence of THE Little Girl

By drinking this pink sparkling essence filled with unicorns and rainbows you become THE little girl.

This essence grants you a body that never ages past 13 or the equivalent age where you're considered a little girl.

You no longer have any illnesses, your mind reverts to a young childhood state and if you were a guy before and viewed yourself as a guy you're now a little girl in everything that counts.

You can no longer get sick except for the common cold and anime coughing sickness in moments where you need to look cute and vulnerable. These sicknesses will never lead to death, only will ever lead to people seeing you as the perfect little girl and wanting to take care of you.

Your cuteness knows no bounds. You can charm the hearts of everyone you come in contact with. Even use your charm to make criminals repent for their actions so you never need to worry about people kidnapping you because you are the perfect little girl and have the power of mindcontrol cuteness on your side.

You can perfectly embody all little girl traits from bratty genki girls to super geniuses that build a.i in their sleep. You may freely switch between these traits and even combine them.

You may also embody the traits of all little sisters if you have a sibling. These combine well with little girl traits for obvious reasons.

Your body no longer shows your true strength. You will never have muscle or look like anything other than a little girl, but you may bench press a car if you have the right abilities.

You will always get a happy family to look after you if you need it or be accept as an orphan with no suspicion. No matter what even if there are records of you existing before you change families. Like you spontaneously and retroactively exist as a daughter to a happy family or live in an orphanage.

If you happen to be able to dimensionaly travel using a different essence or something else, you may also use the power of any little girl in a setting as if it was your own. This is only temporary unless you have something to make it not. For example, if you go to a magical girl setting you will be a magical girl.

Essence of the Force

Become the force

+You're a force conduit, what that means is you're literally the source of the force whether good or bad. You may start off as weak first, but given time you will be the most powerful force user to ever exist. Whether for good or bad.

+You're immortal(ageless), the passing of time means nothing to you.

+You may shapeshift into an animal form, this can be mythical creatures like gryphon or not. Likely based on yourself and personality.

+As the force conduit, you are the force thus there is no dark side or light side. You are both and neither. Shooting purple lightning from your hands does not make you evil, kicking puppies and stealing candy from babies does.

+You may give others a connection to the force, but whatever they do with it is on their hands.

+You may also take away any connection of the force you give and if you happen to be able to travel worlds and go to a Star Wars universe, you can do this there too, entirely nonlethal unless you want it to be lethal.

+If you die you will still exist as a force ghost or the literal will of the force. You may recreate your body at some time afterwards.


Looking at your computer screen makes you determined.

+You gain DETERMINATION, as long as you are determined to do something you are more like a force of reality given shape and form.

+You receive control over time, sorta like if you were in a videogame. Allowing you to make SAVE points, RESET time completely, and maybe even PAUSE time.

+As your EXP increases and LOVE rises, your rampant bloodlust will allow you to kill anything if you are DETERMINED to do it. It also makes you much harder to put down.

+You can never die if you stay DETERMINED, you would instead choose a SAVE point to go back to and try, try, try, try, try again or give up and RESET the timeline.

Essence of the First Person Shooter Protagonist

Be the first person shooter guy!

+You get a weapon wheel to put weapons and guns in with around 12 slots that you can switch between near instantaneously at will.

+You have a separate demolitions slot that fits in things that go boom. Like frag grenades.

+You have insane aim to the point where you could no scope head shot a guy while spinning 360 degrees miles away.

+Your bullet's trajectory aren't effected by gravity or air resistance or even water.

+You can crouch behind a chest high wall to regenerate to full health within minutes.

+Your body is incredibly fit but only stretching the limits of the human body instead of going past.

+Ammo appears to just be laying around whenever you care to look along with first aid kits to heal yourself along with your choice in explosives.

+You have unlimited stamina and don't need to sleep or eat.

+Cover will always protect you from projectiles until it's blown away, even from explosions like rockets.

+Your guns will never jam and don't need cleaning.

+Even life threatening injuries or lost limbs can be healed via the first aid kits.

+You're an expert at tbagging people.

Essence of the Isekai Hero

By drinking this you transmigrate to another world!

-One time change for your entire body, how it looks everything including changing your sex if you wish as that is common in isekai's. Optionally you may be reborn in the isekai you've chosen but you would look similar to the parents you've chosen only with their best genes to avoid unnecessary drama.

-All of your mental illnesses or sickness are cured this one time and the drama of leaving behind everyone you knew and loved is severely lessened.

-You only gain an muscled appearance if you want to when working out, but otherwise you're stuck with the body you chosen before making it very easy to stay in shape.

-If your Isekai world has a class system yours will be Hero, boasting the highest stat gains and growth rate possible while allowing you to learn and use all magic.

-If your isekai world doesn't have a class system you can still use all magic and your gains are noticeably higher than the average human.

-Despite all the above as if getting a helping boost by a friendly god you are now x3 captain America with a very good memory and recall but not perfect.

-You have absurd luck, able to get into events that could prove very advantages towards your goals and you will never die unheroically via mundane means as if the world wants to keep you around until the plot deems your death necessary.

-Optionally you gain access to the Hero BBS board with all that entails and yes...this means that the isekai world you chose can be reached by them if they can dimensionaly travel that is.


Essence of the Ideal Self

Drinking this transforms you into your ideal self, as defined by your own wishes and desires.

Your body changes to whatever physical form you most desire for yourself. This includes gaining physical traits such as strength or agility, up to peak human level. This includes a free, one-time cosmetic body resculpt to your ideal or desired appearance.

Your mind and emotions change to whatever mindset/psyche you most desire for yourself. You can opt to forgo these changes.

A one-time full cure of whatever ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, that currently plagues you, and any new ailments of the body, mind, or soul will be prevented from occurring.

Your intelligence is increased or decreased according to your innermost desire. As 'intelligence' is rather hard to quantify, the maximum you may gain is the equivalent of gaining +16 IQ points on a scale with a standard deviation of 16.

You gain up to three supernatural powers that you desire the most. These must be specific abilities, rather than any sort of generic 'do anything' powers.

Your body, mind, and soul can never hereafter be altered against your will, in any way. Among other things, this renders you immortal, nearly invulnerable, and immune to mind control.

Your powers and internal power supplies cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your will.

You also have the ability to turn any of your powers from fully off to fully on, or anywhere in between, and you cannot be forced to use this metaphorical dimmer-switch against your will.

You will never end up worse off than when you started, as this Elixir will protect you from the negative aspects of your own subconsciousness.

Essence of the Involate Self

Drinking this essence confers you the blessing of inviolability of the body, mind, and soul:

You now no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, produce human waste, or sleep, and are immune to the harmful effects of radiation alongside extreme environments ranging from the bottom of the ocean to the vacuum of space.

Total immunity to all forms of poison, sickness, or disease, mundane or otherwise. Any existing ailments of physical, mental, or spiritual nature that plagues you will be completely cured upon drinking this essence.

You are biologically immortal and utterly tireless, possessing unlimited stamina - you will be be aged/reverted to your physical prime, but no longer age further.

Infinite willpower to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop, and you will forevermore be protected from the effects of despair, boredom, ennui, etc., that will make living forever a pain in the ass.

Your freedom is also inviolate, protecting you from being imprisoned, incapacitated, trapped, bound, sealed, etc. against your will, automatically freeing you from such situations and teleporting you to the nearest safe location.

You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your body, mind, and soul against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. Those that use supernaturally boosted persuasion are equally stymied, being forced to rely on simple mundane arguments against you as anything beyond that flatly fails to work. You are also immune to memetic effects or the maddening effects of eldritch beings or phenomena.

Your soul cannot be targeted as a vector of attack - the only thing you are still vulnerable to will be actual physical violence, if such things can cause damage to you.

No Oracles or any other form of precognition can account for you, ever. Any predictions that are made will be made without taking you in account, and if seeking you out directly, all they get is static. In addition, you are not bound by fate anymore; your destiny is only what you make of it. This extends to the point that people and events that are deemed unstoppable or even unkillable, just because they are destined to, can be killed by you permanently.

You are also immune to reality warping shenanigans, such as being caught in time paradoxes, time stops, not existing due to someone killing your mother when she's pregnant with you, etc. - your very existence is inviolate.

Note: You can still be injured or killed through direct physical damage, if such things are capable of damaging you; all this Essence does is preventing your body, mind, and soul from being affected by other forces without your consent.

Essence of the Superhuman

By imbibing this Essence, the crystallization of one's desire to gain superpowers, so too, will you become greater. Gain the following boons:

A free, one-time cosmetic body resculpt to your ideal or desired appearance. For some reason those with superpowers often have the incredibly good looks that comic heroes have.

A one-time full cure of whatever ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, that currently plagues you, and any new ailments of the body, mind, or soul will be prevented from occurring. Includes things such as near/farsightedness, genetic diseases, etc.

You are also now a potent athlete, with strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance rivaling Olympic champions, with the will and resolve to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop.

You also gain a perfect memory with infinite storage and instant recall with superb indexing.

Aside from those shown above, you may gain a single supernatural power that you desire the most. These must be specific abilities, rather than any sort of generic 'do anything' or 'do everything' powers.

This also includes the often implied but never stated ability to have to have your powers work in ways that won't hurt or adversely affect you or things you use your powers on.

Your chosen power can consist of a grab bag of powers, as long as they follow a theme of sorts, and do not number more than a dozen. Things such as "Flying Brick", "Hulking Brute", or an "Aquatic Hero" packages, for example.

... No, that does not mean you can grab Flying Brick, Hulking Brute, and Aquatic Hero as a single package.

... No Eidolon either, you dope!