
Kabanata 0 : Season 1 & Eros Arch

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Warning: This novel is entirely fictional. It contains adult content, foul words, prejudicial acts and disturbing scenes that might affect one's mental health/mind. Read at your own risk.


I had this afterthought after the aftermath, that no matter how you sacrifice, this world is merely rotten.

The sky has never been this blue, the archangels have a bittersweet look on their eyes. The aristocrats of the underworld led by the fallen angel, their scarlet eyes blazed as the griffins spread their wings; bare their fangs.

Those restless emerald organ of sights shed tears as souls bewailing from their death scythes. And 'he', the lad sleeping inside right beside my soul, 'he' who was enticed by poetry begging to see his seed, but he was caged.

Ahh. It feels just like yesterday.

How I saw 'them' underneath the weeping willow, folding papers into tulips. As I peek through the fullness of time, I saw their book. And that happened.

The endless reached the end; it ends even before the once upon a time.

"Umm! Umm!" Ross' scarlet eyes widened as it blazed underneath the carriage roof. His mountain peak shaped fingers penetrated through the passenger seat while his whine resonated all over the empty street.

Those nipple clamps were sending a painful ecstasy, the pressure traveling through it became more severe as the chain got heavier. His saliva dripped all over his neck down to his chest because of the ball gag in his mouth that also blocked his loud moans.

"Tangina! You're ripping me! S-so tight!" Ross's both thighs were grasped by Akio, who hoisted them up a little before using his enormous cock to puncture the demon's ass all the way to Ross' stomach. Akio bulged through Ross' skin, throbbing and filling his gut as Ross felt it ravishing him from the inside.

"Umm! Umm!" he stripped the passenger seat, tears streamed down his face. Ross wants to climax! "Umm! Umm!" Akio spanked those smooth asses four times as he kept thrusting his cock relentlessly, not even thinking to hold it in. He wants to go deeper. He wants Ross to keep bleeding from his ass.

It's gross; it's rough; it's hurtful.

He brought it to himself. Why bother to refuse the consequences?

"Ah… you wanna cum, huh? Bitch! Fucking slut!" the grim reaper grabbed the black braided leather whip from the carriage floor and whipped Ross' butt cheeks 'till it's reddened, 'till it wounded shallowly. Akio seized the ball gag from Ross mouth as he fucked him from behind, chewing Ross' nape, licking him through his ears.

"R-remove it! I-i wanna cum, A-akio! I— ahh!"

"Shh. Ross… Ross… you're so dirty. Ahh… you keep eating me up… such a dirty… slut." Akio's right hand slipped through Ross' cock, pressing the cock stuffing that blocked Ross from cumming; Akio's fangs pierced through the demon's shoulder, he licked and drank his blood.

"Let me cum! Ahh! I-i can't take it an-anh anymore!"

"Agh… you wanna cum, huh? But I want to fuck this slutty ass more. More and more hmm? Y-you hear me? Hmm…" 

Ross' entire body stung, and Akio's bite was all over him. His insides were quivering, and his tummy was overflowing with semen. Akio got bigger and bigger inside as he could feel his blood drip from his ass.

"It's s-so painful. I'm g-getting butterflies, Akio…" smile covered Ross' lips. Every inch of his body was burning, the carriage felt like it would crash any minute. Akio pulled Ross' white hair as he slammed his cock through Ross' back and forth.

"I'm c-cumming…"



His fingers tenderly caressed the demon's cock, sliding and gently touching the tip of it. "Akio! Ahh!" the grim reaper suddenly pulled the cock stuffing at Ross and thrust his cock deep inside the demon's hole, splattering all of his semen subsequently, filling Ross' stomach.

"Ahh. Shit. That's…" Akio's hooded eyes looked at the demon laying down in the carriage passenger seat. It got stained in blood and semens.

That fucking masochist! How could he smile after all that?! 

"Akio… that's so amazing! Ahh! My stomach! You filled me up. Hmm. Want me to carry your child?" Ross said as he was still on all fours, as that grim reaper's dick was still inside him.

"Gago ka ba? You stupid homo. Bet all the evil aristocrats are psychos."

"What's wrong? I'm a demon from a prestige clan. I can do impossible stuff. Like bearing a child in my musculine body." Akio pushed the demon and pulled his black beige pants and dark forest green colored long trench coat.

He looked at the mark on his wrist. It's a pentagram with their name on it, written in baybayin letters. A covenant he pledged with Ross Policarpio. Oh hell. Who would've thought he would really be linked by this slutty demon?

"Masaya 'kong makilala ka, Mr. Esquivel. At marami pa tayong pagsasamahan… until you find me again." Ross said as he untied himself from cuffs and wiped the blood from his ass.

Kaya niya pa lang umalis all along? This demon is a big deal! He's fucking nuts.

"I really like psychos like you, Policarpio."

"That's great. I don't like you."

The covenant only has three conditions.

Never betray, never kill each other and don't leave one's side until they reach their very own goal. Until they uncovered all the crimes, until they clean this rotten world.

"Shit. Ang sakit ng ulo ko…" napahawak si Akio sa kanyang sintido habang umuupo nang marahan. Saglit siyang napapikit dahil sa silaw na nagmumula sa pintuan ng karwahe. Sari-sari ring ingay ng mga nagkwe-kwentuhan ang maririnig mula sa loob. "Anong oras na ba?" he asked nowhere.

Akio scanned around the carriage in which he was sitting. He brushed up against the passenger seat. It's perfectly fine. There was no damage or scratching discovered.

What the hell happened?

His gaze was drawn to the 'laid paper' on the floor. It has a handwritten note on it.

'You have quite wild fantasies, Mr. Akio. It's hilarious watching a well-known grim reaper like you, moaning while having a wet dream. I thought you were so much better than this.' - Ross Policarpio

"A dream, huh…"

Akio's vast fist gripped firmly, revealing his veins. With a wicked sneer on his lips, he gently crumbled that piece of paper. As his emerald eyes flared, his long fingers went over his hair.

"Well played, Ross. Well played…"