
Escaping The System

Once upon a time is the usual start of a book but this is not a story about any prince in some shining amour or an endangered princess in need of saving. This takes place way after that time period to be exact in the year of 2040 a group of scientists thought It would be a wonderful idea to do a human experiment which led to the mess that is my life.

Audri_ana_Wills · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter two

I jolted up with sweat dripping from my face it was just a dream, it was just a terrible dream. "Oh no gonna be late for my job interview today". I sit on the chair twisting and turning, stress starts to build up as I think about the nightmare, I had what if that happened, what if I do get eliminated, I try and think about other things like how I am sitting in a chair at the company of my dream job I have always wanted to be a journalist since I was young.

"Eva is there an Eva...''I hear a sweet old lady's voice call out for me interrupting my wondering mind. It's my turn I guess, I enter the office I was led into it was nice, simple and clean with a theme for grey, black and a bit of white sitting in the chair in front was a fairly young women with blonde hair and icy blue eyes "You must be citizen 172 you here for the interview right, take a sit " I give her the best smile I can make up "Yes I'm here for the interview" she asks me a couple of questions that I answer as if I had them memorized "You have answered very well to all of the questions just one more question do you have a partner'' I stare at her blankly this again "I sorry we do not normal ask such question but the board has ask us to accept those in a relationship as our first choice so as to advertise relationships " with the shock having faded away a bit I answer "I am not in a relationship as for now but I will soon be in one by Friday next please could you wait until then to make your decision of me" I look at her pleadingly "Fine I have not seen a bright mind such as yours anyway so I will wait. You are to come with your husband" thank the system she agreed "Of course ma'am I won't let you down" I hope so.

I exit the company and head to the center of the Metrics for a snack, again to no one's surprise their couples everywhere doing their gross couple things and I cannot help it think about what if that would be me and arrange a match well maybe one day.

I go back home with the dream still on my mind, what if tomorrow I meet the guy and there is no connection between us, or worse, he does not like me?

I should probably pick out an outfit to wear I say to myself as I venture into the forest that is my closet for something decent. After two hours I just agree on a simple elegant white dress that falls loosely over my body.

I woke up at four in the morning and have managed to still not be ready by 6 00 AM. The reflection of the elevator doors confirms how good I look in this, I just have to make sure I do not get killed by any robots or worse trip and fall in front of the MSBD.

"Welcome Citizen 172 I assume you have made your decision by now are we to remove you from the system or are you prepared to meet your match" "Did you think I was going to take death as an option," I said genially surprised.

"Well with that out of the way Citizen 172 meet Ian Citizen 169" like it was on command the door opens and he walks in l trailed from his feet to his face and damn he was breathtaking, he had dark brown eyes, with a face that looked as though someone took all their time making.

After seeing him l felt short, he dominated the room with only his presence and looked at me as a smile curved on his lips damn those white teeth.

When I feel like my staring has gone for too long, I pretend to cough and extended my hand for a handshake "I don't shake hands angel'' why this arrogant piece, my thought stopped as he pulls me into a warm and lovely hug, I oddly feel so safe in his arms he smelt like a pine tree and home, as suddenly as it arrived it is taken away just a fast but I do not miss the way he gentle rub my back just before pulling away.

"I am sure there will be time to stare at each other later, we have prepared a house for you two to stay in for three months for you to get to know each other and you will see if you are willing to get married after that and of course, you will tell us about your progress every month" my eyes balls were in danger of popping out their sockets with how wide I was opening them

"You want me to be alone in a house with this man" turn to look at him "Oh how sad I thought you were going to be rather delighted with this news," he said giving me one of those bright-ass smiles that I am slowly starting to love.

i dont know what im doing

Audri_ana_Willscreators' thoughts