
Escaping The System

Once upon a time is the usual start of a book but this is not a story about any prince in some shining amour or an endangered princess in need of saving. This takes place way after that time period to be exact in the year of 2040 a group of scientists thought It would be a wonderful idea to do a human experiment which led to the mess that is my life.

Audri_ana_Wills · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter One

Once upon a time is the usual start of a book but this is not a story about any prince in some shining amour or an endangered princess in need of saving. This takes place way after that period in 2040 a group of scientists thought It would be a wonderful idea to do a human experiment which led to the mess that is my life.

Let us go back to when I did not know all this. The first thing to know about me is that my name is EVA citizen 172 but you can call me Eva for short, I live in a small world called the Metrics. A lot happens here but the main center of attraction is the courtship trial a period for people ages twenty-one to twenty-nine, they have to find their love and a person they will share a house with.

Today I will be going to visit the MSBD (Metrics Systems Board of Directors) for the day I wish could be skipped kip Selection Day the day when everyone in the courtship trial tells the MSBD about their relationship status. Well unlike the rest I have been single, before and after I started this trail, and have stayed like this for the 23 years I have lived. ''Do you have any improvement since last year'' the all-so-familiar voice asks me "What do you think'' I try my best not to roll my eye "Citizen 172 you are the only citizen in the whole of Metrics who has been single for this long, therefore, the MSBD has decided you unable to choose a match with that, we are going to choose for you.''

I do not think I have ever been as shocked as I am now choosing a match for me the system is going to choose someone for me my happily ever after it's gone, it's ruined. ''You do however have the option of being removed from the system if our proposal does not seem suitable''. I could practically feel the blood being sucked from my face as it turned pale

"Re..r.r.removed from the system that is as good as dead'' I swallow down the fear "Well it is death, you may be dismissed come back on Friday to either see your match or get removed from the system," the voice said banally. The taxi drive back home felt colder, even the coffee I drank that night was not as steamy as always, I was not considering this match-making nonsense, but then again death was not an option.

The day we all had been waiting for has finally arrived the matchmaking day "Citizen 172 welcome back we have some good news and some bad news which one do you want first'' said the annoyingly blunt voice. "Give me the good news first'' question the weird thing "Well the good news is you are not forced to find a partner of our choosing because there is no compatible match for you" a sigh of relief escapes my mouth. "Not so fast the bad news is we are going to kill you'' I think I stared at the walls for five minutes straight before saying "I beg your pardon" "Oh did you not hear us we are going to remove you from the system in other words you're going to die''. Suddenly the windows were shut and the robots came out from the walls I ran to the door but it was locked. "Say goodbye citizen 172"