
Escape Your Fate - Leo's Retaliation

If you have no power then just create some yourself! Leo is the only one out of the 5 people summoned to another world that had nothing. No magic , no fighting talent, no strengh, nothing. Everyone labelled him useless but he didn't give in to the despair. Who needs magic when you're a tactical genius? Soon enough Leo will show everyone that his talent is a power that can win fights, battles and even wars, But how far can talent really overrule magic...? Join him on his journey to destroy a predetermined fate and find a destiny which he wasn't allowed in his world. "If the world is cruel, then you just have to be crueler." If the world hates you, then let your hatred be free and see where it takes you." A story full of action, darkness, twists but most importantly: Retaliation.

Lonewolf11 · ファンタジー
95 Chs

Getting Serious

" So what are we gonna do?"

"Attacking head-on is out of the question, we'll have to wait and see."

"If we waste any more time then it's all for nothing."

"Hey, I don't want to die here so pay a little more attention to your surroundings. Always think one step ahead, that is the decisive advantage in many situations."

"I'm not dumb Leo. I've been aware of that for quite some time. Ahead of us are 8 barbarians and 3 humans, each one of them has an axe as a weapon means they are limited in mobility. Due to the weight they move slowly but they wear armor made of metal. As we do not know how thick it is, there is no vulnerable point. The lack of helmets and armor on their hands means that we have to mostly focus on these parts."

"That's correct but the information is not enough for a close combat against a superior number of opponents. The environment we're in is completely woods which means we can camouflage, just don't let our guard down. The way these enemies behave, they do not intend to kill their victims now. They most likely set up camp nearby, which is their target location."

"We will prevent that from happening. The best option is to cause confusion. As long as we can get at least one of them to follow us, we can use the current position to our favor."

"That's true, but are you sure you'll prevail in this fight?"

"These are the moments we are here for. This is the first serious kind of situation, and we can't sit back and wait forever."

"Alright, try to distract them, once they are scattered I'll try to engage. Regardless of what happens we will utilize the forest as a battle ground. They may be in a group but in an unknown area it's every man for himself."

"You don't need to tell me that. At your signal, we'll start the operation."

Leo and Connor headed for their positions. A month had passed since they began traveling together. Both of them knew that they had a lot more to grow and learn from each other. This was exactly the kind of situation the two were prepared for, they had to adapt their behavior to the environment. Leo put down his sword and walked along the road far away. When the barbarians saw him, he ran into the forest. As planned, their leader ordered Leo to hunt. Leo matched the pace of his opponent. He ran deeper into the forest until he finally stopped. Seemingly exhausted, he begged and was at the mercy of his enemy.

"Please, have mercy. I'm just a merchant who wants to keep on living."

The barbarian was smiling and walked towards Leo. After a few steps, a sword stroke came flying on his right side. The blade severed the head from the body quite effortlessly.

"Don't think that such acting will always work Leo!"

"It's sufficient for these idiots. They may have a strong body with a small brain."

" Fine, let's move on to the next step. Soon they will be uneasy and enter the forest. Your sword skills are needed."

"No worries, that's what this is for. Once I give the signal you strike from behind, a diversion won't get them to fall for it again."

"I can hear them already, get ready."

Two more barbarians entered the forest and called out to their comrade. With no sounds coming back, they grew nervous and wary. They both drew their weapons and proceeded cautiously.

"He can' t have come that far. Search this direction, I'll go that way."

"We've walked quite a distance. Shouldn't we tell our brothers first?"

"Are you afraid to stay here? If we just go back now without anything, we're screwed. Go this way, I'll go that way. As soon as you see or hear anything, just yell loudly so I know where you are."

Meanwhile, restlessness was building in the group. Their hostages consisted of 3 women, the barbarians wanted to get their hands on them as soon as possible, their patience was wearing thin.

"What about them? Are they coming back or not? It's starting to get dark."

"Maybe we should go see if something happened."

"Hahaha, are you out of your mind? As if there is any danger in this region. Most likely they've found prey for tonight. We deserve a feast after this trip. And afterwards we will take care of our desserts."

The women were hurt, looking as if they had been badly beaten. Their tormentors put them in a small cage. In the end, it was decided to return to the camp and not to wait. Their brothers knew their destination and would follow later. Barbarians were known to make such stubborn decisions. There were hardly any enemies they could not kill.

In the meantime, the action in the forest was just getting started. Connor had failed to take advantage of his moment of surprise. His sword stroke was blocked at the last moment though not without leaving a cut on his eye.

"Damn you, you little son of a bitch! I'm going to break you into pieces!"

Unimpressed, Connor charged at him again. Only this time he concentrated on the side of the injured eye. His opponent could see little but he also managed to parry this attack.

("Tch, so it won't work like this, I'm too slow. Wake up Connor! Now it's serious, you can't aim for perfection here!")

He was dissatisfied with his performance. Before he only fought against monsters, however, against such opponents he had no experience. It was difficult for him to fully realize this, even with his sword blows. He was still not concentrated enough, however, this soon changed. Soon after their journey began Leo realized what Connor was capable of, and what kind of ability he had. Leo called it adaptation, no matter what kind of exercise Connor was put in front of, it didn't take long before he got used to it and was successful. A unique talent that could often be far more powerful than magic.

"Come on, why aren't you attacking?"

As his enemy asked this question, Connor ran through the scenarios in his head:

(" A: possible provocation, watch for body movement, use speed, lower precision due to injury.")

(" B- no provocation, stay passive for now and re-analyze again, pay attention to time passed")

(" -AB possibilities: Use environment, create traps, concentrate on mistakes, use environment as an advantage, full focus when attacking and countering")

"Don't think you've already won you bastard!"

("Use Option A, wait for body movement and dodge attack, stronger provocation, use one of the trees, get ready to counter.")

His opponent played into Connor's cards. The man was quicker and more agile, avoiding the blows. With every attack, the barbarian became angrier. His speed increased but as expected he became less accurate and was no longer thinking straight with his head. Connor let himself be pushed further back until he suddenly stopped. Seemingly motionless, he saw the axe flying toward his head. With utter calm, he turned his body to the side and let the axe smash into the tree beside him. Before his opponent could use his strength to pull the weapon out, Connor already had his sword ready. With all of his strength, he severed the arm with the razor-sharp blade. The barbarians were known to have enormous willpower. He stayed on his feet and even tried to attack Connor with his remaining hand.

"Argh, you bastard, you'll regret this!"

"Too late for that."

Without letting him suffer, Connor dodged the fist and rammed his sword into his opponent's neck. He then twisted the blade to the side and pulled it out. His victim fell over, his eyes rolled back and his body stopped moving. It was the first half-human opponent he killed. Connor took a deep breath before heading in Leo's direction. From afar, he heard his voice.

"You want to help yourself to the hostages too am I right? You don't want to share them, you want them all to yourself."

Completely confused, Connor shook his head and kept walking.

("This is never going to work, what are you thinking Leo?").

However, after a few seconds, the other voice spoke to him.

"Y-yes, the women shall be mine alone. I-I captured them, I put them in the cage. It's all my doing."

"Then it's time for you to hurry up. I'm sure they've already gone on and are planning what they're going to do with the women. Even your brother is already with them. Let's say it was all a simple misunderstanding, we'll go our separate ways and then you can move on."

"O-okay, then you'll let me go now or?"

"You're free to go. It's now or never."

"Hehehe, my pretty little victims are already waiting for me."

From a distance, Connor realized that Leo had taken him down, yet was now letting him go. He didn't pursue him instead he stayed put.

"You can imagine why I did that, can't you?"

"But are you sure we can take on so many? Surely you've seen what they're capable of as well."

"Maybe, but we have no choice. If you really want to eliminate the danger, then do it at the root. The fact that my method worked was just luck. It' s just that their lust and impatience is even bigger than their pride. As soon as you defeat an opponent, he is completely at your mercy. Making him an offer like that sounds like a miracle. You were right on time, or else we would have lost a lot of ground.

" Then let's go before he is too far away. Do not attract attention and be careful in every direction."

"You don't have to bother telling me, I can see through that far."

Before long, they had their target in sight. He was still caught in his trance and driven by his lust. Several more minutes passed until he finally stopped and turned off into a junction. After Leo and Connor did the same, they saw an abandoned village in the distance. Right in the middle of the village was a large bonfire from where loud laughter and shouting rang out.

"There are 18 of them in total. All the hostages are still in their cages. Our distraction just arrived as well so what now? Do you want to sneak up and try to free the women? Or create a commotion?"

"A little bit of everything. Our target will create a commotion himself. As I said, among them they fight more often for fun among themselves but between barbarians there is hardly any actual fighting. Precisely this dispute will be our advantage. When possible, we will first free the hostages and bring them to safety for the time being. Things get tricky afterwards, you know what we've been preparing for. Right now they don't have any armor on and Laila is very sharp."

"This is very risky, what if it goes wrong? I don't want to lose Laila this soon."

After Connor left the city with Leo, his partner recommended to name his special sword.

He instantly knew what to name it to make it even more precious.

"Then we're both dead. Don't tell me you're afraid to die?

"Ha, it' too late for that."

The great turmoil started in the village. Never were there any real disagreements and so their lusts were placed in the background. Their returning brother was to be beaten back into clarity. The spectators drank enough alcohol to enjoy the show fully.

" Well, showtime!"

Before the two could even take a step out of their position they saw several fire arrows flying from a distance towards the barbarians. Alerted, the barbarians spooked and grabbed their weapons. All of a sudden, from all directions, attackers rushed out of the darkness. It was humans, wearing armor and fighting with various weapons. Although they were superior in numbers, it was difficult to slay their enemies. Leo observed the fight more carefully. Attacks they could not parry simply bounced off the armor. Their weapons too were unusually sharp and sturdy, this could not be normal equipment.

"So this is the territory we are in huh...You really managed to make some more equipment.

" What are you talking about? Do you know these fighters by any chance?"

"I'm afraid so. I don't understand why these fools just charge in like that. It seems we have to help them."

"Looks like someone's pissed off. Now, hurry up before there are any more casualties."


Connor and Leo sprinted toward the village, taking their opponents by surprise from behind. Lacking their full equipment, those were easy opponents for Leo and Connor. Over the past few weeks, they had been learning from each other, and as a result, their skills had improved many times over. Both of them overpowered the enemies with their extraordinary swords. Leo recognized some of the faces, particularly that of their leader, whom he couldn't get out of his head. The battle was soon decided, apart from a few wounded it was a clear success. As the women were freed, one of their own ran into the arms of the leader. Leo understood exactly how it happened, yet he felt no pity for them. They had been saved and that was all that mattered. There was one of the barbarians who survived with a serious wound. One of the braves approached him to interrogate him.

"Where are the rest of your brothers? Was this your only camp? Do you have any more hostages?"

"Pathetic human vermin. You're all going to die- Urgh."

Just before he could finish his empty threat, Leo stabbed him in the throat with his sword.

" Only wasting your time. Their pride is even above death."

The coldness in his eyes made him seem almost angry. As he was hoping, he was not recognized. His body and nature had changed completely in the last few years.

"Don't be upset with our aide. We slightly overestimated ourselves, if not for your support, maybe one of us really would have died. My name is Alias, what should I call you?"

Leo turned away and swiped the blood from his sword.

"We have no need for any thanks. You better think twice before you try such a risky tactic next time. Don't let your emotions take over your mind in these situations or you will really die next time!

Connor knew Leo was uncomfortable with the situation, the look on his face gave him assurance.

"Haha, he's just a little exhausted, don't hold it against him. Anyway, our names don't matter, we're just wanderers who happened to hear the screams. As he said, take care of yourselves. And watch out for anything you can use to your advantage. The darkness of the night really could have been used in a different way. The first idea is not always the best."

Wordlessly, Connor walked out of the abandoned village and caught up to Leo. The group didn't even have the chance to talk back.

"You mean to leave this past buried right?"

"It's best to do so forever. Otherwise I'll get some stupid thoughts. I'm no longer their protector, these fools need to take better care of themselves."

"I suppose you have something to do with their equipment too, don't you?"

"You truly have a keen eye cocky companion huh. That equipment may be extraordinary but is only as good as its user uses it and allows it to be. They haven't learned the most important rule for them: You're only as strong as you can protect yourself."

"Well, that wouldn't be true for us."

"We have no need for it since we're going a different path."

"Hm, maybe you're right. So where are we heading to now?"

"Where we always go: Toward Nowhere."

"I hope there's a town over there soon. We're out of money and I've barely seen any wildlife."

"Just hope there will be more monster contracts then. Staying in a regular room and sleeping in a bed wouldn't be half bad."

"Now, now are we getting fancy princess?"

"Shut up, you dumbass..."

That was the first serious encounter for the two. Little did they know that soon they will have more work ahead of them than they wanted.