
Escape Your Fate - Leo's Retaliation

If you have no power then just create some yourself! Leo is the only one out of the 5 people summoned to another world that had nothing. No magic , no fighting talent, no strengh, nothing. Everyone labelled him useless but he didn't give in to the despair. Who needs magic when you're a tactical genius? Soon enough Leo will show everyone that his talent is a power that can win fights, battles and even wars, But how far can talent really overrule magic...? Join him on his journey to destroy a predetermined fate and find a destiny which he wasn't allowed in his world. "If the world is cruel, then you just have to be crueler." If the world hates you, then let your hatred be free and see where it takes you." A story full of action, darkness, twists but most importantly: Retaliation.

Lonewolf11 · ファンタジー
95 Chs

Black Sheep

He never knows how strong he is till he no longer has a choice but to stand strong. It's not always the ones that prove it to everyone but the ones that win battles no one knows about. Those two are familiar and yet so different. How do you think they will find out?

"Okay, that should be enough. Let's load up the rest and hurry back to your base. Ryu and I will provide help with the transportation. Don't worry, we are always on guard and won't let a single one of you die. That's how we planned and that's what I promised."

Leo was not the biggest, not the strongest nor a born leader. Yet, as before, he had defied and ignored these realities.

"Are you sure that a promise is the best course? Master used to say that promises are one of the most perilous things in this world. The words you say have great meaning but do you really stand behind them? I hope the result will answer my question. However, I respect the weight you placed on yourself."

"I guess your master did always have the right words. This is not the first decision that has left me with a big hurdle and it won't be the last. There is no choice but to follow this path. The words of a leader have weight, however, the same words of another leader bring about a seriousness which can hardly be defied by anyone. In case of necessity, individual examples have no choice but to follow the pack. Has your master spoken something alike? Was he alone or did he bear other responsibilities as well? Either way, if he is the one who led you to be who you are today then he has done a wise job."

"The importance of words...truly well spoken...have my gratitude young man..."

"For what? That wasn't a lecture, it was just a simple speech. Each person can decide for himself whether he believes in words or question them. As for which is better, well, I don't really know."

Ryu didn't mean to imply this, Leos words were a way to get a piece of himself back. His greatest goal was to get his memories back and preserve them. It was not Leo's voice he heard but a deeper rougher voice he vowed not to forget.

"It's not about what is better, it's about whether you listen or close your ears. One should realize ahead of time which is truly better before facing death..."

"Oh, that sounds like a good quote. Your thoughts are far more versatile than I had anticipated. Your talent truly stands out above the fray."

That last sentence rang loudly through his ears. He heard it again and again, each time a little clearer.The dark elf, who was so serious and focused managed to smile for a second.

"...They are not my own thoughts, they are repeats that I have memorized with joy..."

("Master, you really believed in me. Do I really have such a skill or is chance playing a trick on me? Please observe the truth of your words, master.")

" Well, well, so you can still smile. I don't have to worry then, just that alone is enough reassurance for me."

"You are getting ahead of yourself Leo, deceptions can be all around you. Do not allow yourself to be overcome by recklessness and naivety."

"Maybe I'm just pretending that recklessness. Words have weight-

"but actions have impact."

"They have indeed..."

On their way back they didn't face any dangers. Due to the bandits' being overestimated, no further action was required on their part. The cart was full to the brim, eventually it was Ryu who took charge of the cart. 5 days passed when they saw their destination from afar. It all looked peaceful, there was no damage to be seen from the outside. As the group rejoiced with relief, Leo and Ryu knew it wasn't over yet.

"I do bear some of the responsibility of young swordsmen."

"Can't you just call me Leo?"

" You know how she will react. Still, the fashion is not for me to determine. Trust will take time to return. Therefore, I suggest no more journeys in the near future."

" Unfortunetaly your words will be of no use Ryu. Once we pass through this gate, the 2nd step of my plan will start. Whatever happens, don't interfere with it and try to hold Connor back. Memorize the forest edge we have just crossed. I will need your help for the further course.

"...Are you sure of your actions? If you take too big of a risk, we will all pay for it.

"Trust me, I will prevent more harm than good. There is nothing we need more than order. Therefore, I need your support. Both you and I know what you lack. Feel free to do whatever you want, but time is running out. We can teach each other."

"...such a decision is not just in my hands..."

"Yes, it is. Do not be controlled by your past."

As they came through the gate they were embraced by their relatives. However, when Leo saw that some were hurt so he felt remorse. Something must have happened when they were away. The other dark elves were angry with them and yet their return and success eased their anger. Still, that did not suffice for their leader. Leo was waiting for what would happen now. Enraged, Lynia would rush at him, yell at him and charge. Upon catching sight of him, she showed no anger in her face. Facing the entire crowd, she slowly approached Leo. Ryu placed himself a few meters in front of Leo to explain his involvement.

"If you really want to revoke your trust, take mine as well. I willingly agreed to his plan that's why-"

"Shut up Ryu! I don't care about your involvement in this!"

Even as the tall warrior spoke, she pushed him aside and continued walking toward Leo.

"We both know that there are no excuses. I am responsible for this endeavor. You knew my intentions so I don't need to explain anything. Just let me say this: I will not apologize-"

Leo expected her rage but not in this manner. Instead of using a weapon, she punched him to the ground and looked down at him with her fist.

"Spare me those words. None of what you say has any meaning to me. It's the same the other way around, isn't it? To those who helped him, their punishment is discharged by hard work. Ryu, I am deeply disappointed in you... yet I am obligated to your support."

She then turned to Leo who was still sitting on the ground. Looking at her face, she showed anger and yet a bit of sadness.

"As for you...you may have succeeded in this mad endeavor however without assistance you would have failed miserably. Both your abilities as a single person and your egoism are insufficient to be of true aid. So, starting from now, you will be forbidden from this place. You are free to do as you please, yet within these walls you won't be allowed!

It was the worst punishment Leo suffered. Ryu, Connor and other dark elves were shocked. Nevertheless, the young man knew what to do now, his choices were harsh and yet necessary to preserve order. Before anyone else could interrupt, Leo immediately spoke up. Rather than shouting angrily at them, he spoke in a serious tone.

"If that is your command I will obey but first I will reveal the truth about everything. It was I alone who was responsible for this plot. My intentions may have been of good sense, however, not everything has been as it seemed. It was only due to the desperate situation that I was able to manipulate you and to convince you of my idea. Any normal person would have never helped yet my words have been the best deception to bring you into great danger on a journey full of countless dangers. The truth is that at no time was I aware of what would happen to you. I so easily could have broken my fake promise. I see some of you are injured, still, no big damage is visible here. I assume that you have sent out a search party but were ambushed. It seems luck was on your side. Ultimately, since my arrival, I have just used you to implement my own ideas regardless of you. So now you know how it feels to be dealt with like this so don't make the same mistake again by thinking yourself. Ha, at this moment you are even weaker than you think. Well then, prove that you learned to trust no one but yourselves especially no strangers. To be honest I didn't care for one of you in this battle, the elves were just in my way. The way i handled things back then was just a demonstration of what I do to enemies. I would've manipulated all of you if not for your leader. T But she remained steadfast an refused to leave you completely in my hands. It's a real pity that I failed because of her. So be nice and start thinking for yourselves. Your number is growing, however, I see nothing but a mindless herd. May you live long and grow fast before it is too late."

("Sacrificing yourself for this purpose...Master would have detested this way...")

Smirking, he left the fortress in the direction of the forest. All of his companions knew what he aimed to do just now. He successfully implemented his contingency plan: to portray himself as hostile and thereby restore the dark elves' bond while making their leader look better. Nevertheless, Connor wanted to intervene but Ryu held him down.

"You fool, if you speak now you will be exiled with him. Even you noticed that it was his will. Don't just waste his effort or attempt. You may not like it but we will stay here. I've seen how he acts, he won't just leave us so calm down."

"Still, he shouldn't have gone to such an extreme. Rather than being a traitor, he's now a real enemy. He just can't take everything into account, that idiot!"

"Think what you want but it was the decision he made. Besides, we're not the only ones who got it."

They both looked at Lynia. She was both disappointed and a little overwhelmed. His action solidified her position and defused the situation in the fortress somewhat. But to her, banishing him was still the wisest decision. His action resulted in casualties as well as a constant risk of danger that could have meant their deaths. Indeed, the spirits lifted, the people's motivation grew and their will became firmer. After questioning Ryu as well as the other passengers about Leo, all three of his comrades shared the same hunch: "Was it his plan from the beginning to blame and sacrifice himself for this momentary peace?

Meanwhile, Leo went to the spot near the edge of the forest he had shown Ryu. At once he began to set up a small camp and prepare for the night. He had consciously chosen this position since there was game, water and herbs nearby. Just how long he wanted to stay here he did not know himself.

("Ha, now I've done it...was it really necessary or did I exaggerate? Oh man, I can be meaner than I thought...and the words came off my tongue so easily. Am I harboring hatred? But for whom? No, I can't think about it. Starting now, my role as an observer begins. I have done the groundwork, now all they have to do is realize the rest. Let's hope tomorrow will be more pleasant...sleeping here will become uncomfortable again very soon...")

Leo slept very badly that night. It was not only the circumstances but also inner nervousness that let him barely close his eyes. As he was getting ready for the day, one of the key figures approached him.

"I thought about it and concluded that there could have been some better ways. You too knew other options so why did you insist on that one?"

"Are you sure I had time to come up with other solutions Ryu? Besides, this isn't the first time I've been on my own. This time, I've chosen it that way."

"But are you satisfied with your situation? Spending your time out here? Lynia certainly shows no remorse about her decision so your punishment will be permanent."

"So be it then. In fact, I should ask you how you can be here? Did you sneak out or did you deceive her too?"

"That's the very reason why I came here. While her decision as leader is set, I could at least convince her on visiting you."

"And protect me? Because I don't have any strength? Haha, just like before, I am underestimated...not that I object the gesture. Cause you're the key to the next step. To achieve that, I need your answer to the question I asked you yesterday. So what do you think?"

"...In ordinary circumstances, I would refuse immediately. Still, you have proven that you are of great value and able to play a big part...so be it, perhaps we can really help ourselves."

" Very good, then we'll start right away. The time you can stay here is limited so let's hurry. We will separate the time into 2 parts: At first you will teach me in combat and after that I will try to make you understand how to implement your eloquence. It may sound strange but this can be one of the most important steps ever. That' why you will teach me everything you have learned from your master."

Ryu became doubtful, these were secret and complicated techniques he had mastered. Many of the same techniques took years to learn and master. So how was Leo even supposed to use them if he was only able to learn the basics? However, Ryu also knew that his old path was finished. The dark elf was no longer a vagabond, he was now a confidant of the "Queen" and thus one of her generals. He is respected but also feared by the people. Should he remain in his current state, he would be feared by all in the future. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, he had to learn how to deal with others and adapt to them.

"Tsk, as you wish. But don't think you'll be a true warrior right away. I will admit that you have talent but that too will be exhausted at some point. As soon as this is the case, I will no longer be a teacher."

"That's good enough for me. Now let's get to work, we have no time to lose. In case anything happens you''ll have a straight route back. I can take care of myself so just back up your people."

"Cockiness and naivety poison the mind. These were your words, I hope you can stay true to them."

"I haven't lied to you so far, have I? Don't worry, no one will break me so easily. Let's get started, how exactly should I position myself?..."

Ryu tried to teach Leo as best he could. At first he could barely keep up, but as time went on he improved. Their session lasted for many days, with Connor joining in a few times to train and visit his partner. Following the sword fight, Leo tried to teach Ryu his thought process on commands and how to prepare them.

"First of all, I wasn't lying when I said that I manipulated or controlled them. At such a critical situation it is essential to consider every method. Either you try to lure them with possible desires of their own or you force them to agree to your decision indirectly. Once they fully realize that they are backed into a corner, they have no choice but to accept. It was very easy to enforce my method in this case. The hardship that befell their people and their loved ones was the perfect template to perfect my idea. You can speak as loudly or as aggressively as you like, once you conclude your speech mentioning the fulfillment of the objectives, you have a shot at being accepted. If things get tough, involve their family or their own lives in your decisions. But do so only to the extent that they do neither see your true face nor your real intentions. This way their minds are being poisoned and you gain control. Whether this poison is lethal or an antidote is up to you.

Ryu couldn't believe what he just heard.

"I admit that the results are negative in most circumstances, but this is different. Considering all the facts, this approach makes no sense from a positive point of view. The more you understand the target person or key figure by heart, their nature and their way of thinking, the easier it is to elaborate. If something is missing, scary or distressing for a person, confront them with different things such as the motivation of their goals, the emergence of new ones, the possible cruel consequences of their current existence or a possible threat if the situation allows it. Somehow manage to get them on your side, take control of them, manipulate their thoughts or pretend to be their friend. No matter what, the main thing is to do something because only by changing can there be new possibilities."

"If these are real words, I don't know if you can be trusted. Master used to warn me about such persons, that one should keep an eye on him all the time. Those kinds of people are unpredictable and could change their intentions at any moment, they become like a-

"like a snake, that's right. Even though they are usually killed or avoided they can also save lives. Then I'm a snake, but the snake is different. Let's take Lynia as an example. . Based on past encounters, I got all the information I needed to get an overall view an create my playing field. Once I had determined the objectives it was time to act as quickly as possible. Characters like Lynia or you have been of great importance for the preparation. Then it was just a matter of creating more pieces out of the masses. Once that was done everything was ready, in reality Lynia's decision never mattered, I didn't care what happened afterwards as long as the job was done."

Ryu was getting angrier while Leo was talking and he grabbed him.

"I don't like your words at all. The more you talk, the less I understand you. And I hate not knowing what the truth is as well as running out of patience waiting for it."

"Haha, I've told you before: you can believe what you want. Even if thoughts harm you, you won't discard them so easily. Be it thoughts of the past or thoughts of past family or lovers or be it self-pity and doubt...it's unpredictable to what extent change occurs. Don't get me wrong, I too have been one of them, nearly killed myself and felt contempt. All of which brought nothing but ruin and loss of my real mind."

"You are mistaken, such thoughts do not always carry harm. Quite often they give strength, support and motivation for what you want to achieve."

"And then? At some point, you lack those very things. Do you want to wallow in the past forever and ignore the present? The longer you hold on to these things the deeper you sink into your own demise. All of you are drowning in this drug that will eventually lead to your death."

"You talk like a hypocrite, you too are not exempt from these things, you''re not above others!"

Ryu was about to attack Leo when he suddenly disarmed him.

" Do you see? The poison has taken effect. You now realize the extent of this remedy with your own eyes. I didn't kill, torture or torment anyone. All of your reactions came about because of a few words. Look at the impact they have, the effect they produce. Without realizing it, your mind just accepted them and made you act this way.

All the while you had no cover, were unsorted and finally disarmed. Think about it: Why do you trust a stranger's words? Why do they carry so much weight once their importance to the other person is big enough? There is hardly any genuine trust left in this world which makes the whole thing even more tense. There is a reason why such words are allowed to me. All you need to do is let go, and I'm not talking about the past. You see, I have no dreams or goals, no desire to live a long life, no longing for love or family. I am only doing what I want by my own free will. This is why I will never be bored again. Nobody will ever control me again."

"You talk like a madman, was it all a lie that she was a former important comrade on your path? That you value her and her actions and therefore help her?"

"Heh, I think that's enough for today. Hear yourself talking Ryu, you're letting yourself be guided far too much by words alone. I am neither your master nor a god. Who cares if those words were true or false or if you believe them yourself?"

Ryu was rigid, realizing what really just happened now.

"As long as you keep an eye on me, you' ll understand sooner or later if I really bear the mark of a snake. You allow yourself to be distracted from the essentials too much, thus you lose a part of your fighting power. Your master has told you the same thing before, hasn't he?"

Ryu felt as if Leo knew everything. The young man standing in front of him was one of the biggest weapons ever. All of a sudden, certain words of his master came to his mind.

"Hmpf, maybe he did. He also talked a being that stands between good and evil and whose decisions can carry great magnitude. Far from truth or belonging, he created a path of his own. And of all things, it was through this path that Master was able to exist."

Ryu's words were obvious to Leo. A description like that was a perfect fit for him.

"Ha, I'd love to meet that being someday. Perhaps I can learn a thing or two from him."

The speech and statements Leo gave Ryu felt like a demonstration of power to him. So long as he could survive, he was both an important ally and a potential threat. The dark elf could barely think straight, are words like truth even around anymore? After that conversation Ryu headed back to the fortress not knowing what to think.

"That was close, his reaction was more intense than I thought. For a brief moment, I really was the evil in person for him. His gaze was perfect... this completes phase 3. Things get tricky from here on out, time to strike back a bit."