
Escape the reality

short story of a girl who is constantly being surrounded by bad stuff

Nora_Busi · 若者
1 Chs


There was a girl named Ariel who was born in a poor town. By her parents surprise she had the most beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous curly hair. She also had 2 other siblings but no one was as gorgeous and smart as she was. They would always make fun of her and make her do stuff for them as she was the kindest and couldn't refuse anything. But that changed when she made a friend from a wealthy family. She shortly discovered her friend Diana was a princess and her parents would always spoil her. Their hometown was nearby so Diana would often visit her everyday. 

When Ariel turned 10 her parents would constantly fight with each other and that lead Ariel into a bad shape as her mental health would get worse seeing their parents always fight. One night her parents and both of her siblings went into a long ride trip leaving Ariel home all alone. The next day she woke up with a knocking on the door. As she opened the door she was met by the police, they told her that her parents and the siblings were in a bad car accident. Both her siblings died but unfortunately for the parents they were both gone and lost. And they don't know what could have happened to them. Ariel was devastated by the news, and shortly found out she was being send to stay at her aunt's place. 

Her aunt welcomed her home with a smile. Ariel discovered that her cousins Mathew and Darron were both her age and she was more then happy to get to know them. Shortly after she was being transferred into a private school from her rich aunt. In school she met 2 girls her age Anna and Lisa, they all became good friends after some time. Lisa was the most popular girl in school but for Anna she was a nerdy girl who would spend time on reading books and making Lisa's assignments she was practically her minion. Ariel became best friends with Lisa and she also was popular as her. They both would use Anna for their homework and spend time alone. 

Unexpectedly her life became miserable when she started high school. Her cousin Darron would always bully her in school with his friends and that would make her upset. On the other hand Mathew would always protect her from his twin brother. 1 week later 5 boys joined their school they were the richest from all of them and one of the richest from them also owned the school and half the city. All the girls were stunned by their looks and would constantly try to get their attention but their heart was only for one girl and that was Ariel. They would all fight with each other because they all liked the same girl. Davon once walked up to her and tried to make his move on her but that didn't work for her. Then Gabriel tried his move but that also didn't work until she noticed one guy and that was Lukas. She became friends with him and discovered he loves to sing which made her go crazy for him even more. 

Soon they started dating and would share everything with each other. She would watch him play basketball, they would always go on cinemas, and he would also write more songs and with her help and support he became the most famous young singer. But after some time Ariel realized he was being distant from her and would mostly spend time with his band members. He also started losing feelings for her and would stop going to her place or hangout with her. In her birthday party he and his band would all sing for her and that made her feel a warmth in her heart but at the end when Ariel was trying to look for him she found him kissing with another girl and that girl was her childhood best friend Diana, she was devastated by what she saw and rushed outside crying with Lukas trying to follow her as she was running outside. After running she was surrounded by some vans and the moment she knew she blacked out. 

In the morning she woke up from a strange sound she decided to check what was going on but unfortunately she was tied in a chair and couldn't move. Some time after 3 men came in wearing black masks and holding knives with them. Next to her was another girl that sort of looked similar to her. The men that was covered in masks became to ask them questions as they were trying to see which one of them was the girl they were looking for. They kidnapped them both because they looked alike and weren't sure which one of them was the one they were looking for. They were in that strange place for about a year and their missing was all over the news. They were constantly being abused by them till one of them would tell the truth even though Ariel was denying and telling them that she isn't involved into any of this they couldn't believe her as the other girl was making up lies so they kept them both there until one day someone tried to research stuff around that house and when he heard a shotgun he immediately barged in with different cops arresting the kidnappers. Ariel was saved but for the other girl she was shot to death and couldn't be saved. 

5 years later Ariel got married to the guy that saved her life and they both became the best investigators. They also sued Lukas for trespassing as he started paying people to write songs for him and would use fake songs for his fans in someone else's work and he got arrested. Ariel and her husband Kevin then also found her parents being still alive and they happily lived their lives knowing her parents was still alive and escaping for everything she has been through.

Mrs. Lee

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nora_Busicreators' thoughts