
Escape the Game

Ronald Douglas lived an ordanary life when he suddenly finds himself under attack by a deranged psychopath. His life is saved, but his savior seems more dangerous than his assailant. Pulled into a supernatural game, will he be able to survive or will the forces that be bring about his end? Despite these questions, he finds himself more afraid of his blond captor/ally than his enemies!

Nevermore101 · 都市
3 Chs

Reunions and Introductions

My head feels like I got hit by a truck.

Slowly, I manage to open my eyes and find that I'm in a small room lying on a bed. Hazily looking around I see a door near the foot of the bed. I turn my head to see another parallel to the bed.

As I try to remember what happened, I try to get up but find I can't. My consciousness clearing, I look to my arms and legs with increasing panic once I find they've been tied to the bed.

I remember what happened. Getting chased by Creepy McPsycho, Knifey bursting through the window and taking him out, and getting knocked out from a punched in the face. And now I wake up to find my arms and legs tied to a bed…

I try to stave of my panic by controlling my increasing breathing.

"You looked so cute while you were sleeping."

That angelic voice caused everything to freeze for me. I slowly turn my head to see none other than Knifey sitting backwards in a chair staring at me. She doesn't have the same predatory look in her eyes and instead looks more lazy than anything with how she's slumped on the chair's backrest. However, her half lidded eyes may seem unfocused, but I can still feel this…'edge' to them. I get the image of a predator eyeing its prey, pretending to ignore them, before lunging at them.

Also, how did I not notice her until she said something!!

Swallowing heavily, I try to reason with her - it could work -, "Look, um, Miss, do you think you could untie me? I should really get to work. We're short staffed and I'm betting everything will fall apart without me."

Lazily she replied, "True. Robert only seems to schedule you and one other person, but today is Monday. One of those girls - I think they're called Olivia and Shyann - should be there and can cover for you."

"Maybe, yeah, but you see-" I abruptly stop speaking as I realize something. She knows my manager and coworkers' names, and she is apparently familiar enough with our schedule to know who'd be on duty.

Apparently my panicking is funny because she giggles. Her voice is so magical and alluring that under different circumstances I bet hearing it would just melt all my troubles away and I'd feel like everything will be okay. However, in this situation, it's having the opposite affect.

"J-Just who are you," I ask - wondering if this is what a panic attack feels like.

Her lazy smile drops at my question and she seems…hurt? But, her smile quickly returns and she closes her eyes. Quietly she said, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It's been about ten years and five months."

Opening her eyes, she kept them focused on me as she stood up. "Don't worry Ronny, I'm not going to do anything to you."

I absolutely fail at keeping my voice calm as I reply, "Oh, well, that's good to know. Cuz, I was worried tha- What happened to my clothes!? Why am I in my underwear!!?" I lose my cool and begin struggling with the ropes as I realize I'm wearing nothing but my boxers.

She flippantly answers, "Your clothes were all dirty and I figured you'd be more comfortable lying in bed if you weren't wearing them." Though she sounded matter-of-fact, she was not subtle in how her eyes traced over my body.

Unnerved, I begin struggling more fiercely. However, part of my brain seems to have entered a weird calm. Maybe it's so panicked it's crossed back over to calm? I'm not that attractive in my opinion and don't have anything to boast about. So I wonder what exactly has her interested in me. But, then, I remember McPsycho and the predator-vibe I get from this girl and realize it doesn't matter. I could be wrong and either way I should try to escape.

She sighs dreamily. "You're going to hurt yourself if you don't calm down. Trust me, you're not going to get loose. I'm pretty good at tying knots, that rope is quality stuff, the bed is bolted to the floor, and the frame is made of metal and welded together. Can't take it apart if I need to but it's not coming apart either."

Hearing her explanation and realizing I really wasn't getting anywhere, I stop struggling.

"You really don't have anything to worry about, Ronny," she says soothingly and steps away from the chair.

A~nd she knows my name. Of course she does. She knows my work, why wouldn't she know my name. I look away from her and look up at the ceiling.

I have to think of how to get out of this but the only plan I can come up with is convincing her to let me go. That doesn't seem like it's going to happen. I mean, why kidnap me if she's just going to let me go. Then again, McPsycho was going to kill me just because I was wearing the same color shirt as him. So, it might happen.

An audible rustling of something falling to the floor breaks me from my thoughts and I look back to Knifey. My eyes immediately bulge. "Why are you getting naked!?"

"It's just my underwear. Figured if you were uncomfortable, it might help if I joined you."

"That wasn't the problem," I argue. However, she just smiles playfully at me. I guess she noticed me looking over her body and drinking it in. I couldn't help myself. I'm pretty sure she qualifies as a 'short stack'. The curves of her milky-white, toned body wearing nothing but a white lace bra and panties naturally draw the eye over them. From her cute, oval face to her large, double-D chest, to her wide hips and plump thighs.

She begins to step toward me with a sway of her hips. However, due to the small size of the room, she only takes two steps before she's placing her knee on the bed and crawling toward me. I'm too torn between panic, arousal, curiosity, embarrassment, fear, and arousal to form a coherent thought and before I know it, she's lying on top of me with her head on my chest and hers squished against my stomach.

Eventually, I manage to stutter out, "I-I'm n-not sure wh-what you'e th-thinking, but I-I'm not e-exactly comfortable with this."

"Really," she purrs before looking up at me with lidded eyes, "because there's something pressing against my stomached that makes me think you're more excited than anything."

I can't help but be embarrassed and start sputtering in response.

Her dreamy expression quickly turns somber, however. She looks away from me and just rests her head on my chest. She shifts to the side and lays beside me - though still pressing her body against mine - and I can feel her running her finger in circles on my chest.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes sadly. "This isn't how I wanted this to go. I came back to find you but didn't have the courage to see you. I was too scared that you wouldn't remember me and that things had changed too much for us to be together. So, I spent the last few months just trying to build up the courage to approach you. But then that Player attacked you. I rushed to save you, and when I did, you were right there. We were talking again. But you were trying to leave. I almost lost you, we were together again, and you were going to leave again. I panicked and knocked you out. Some knight I am, right? My Royal Ronny."

Her apology sent all kinds of chills up my spine. Everything she was saying - plus my current situation - led me to one conclusion: yandere. My nerdy or otaku - I am NOT a weeb - heart wants to cheer, but the rational, currently-so-scared-it's-hyper-focused part of my brain realizes this is super bad. I don't even know this girl. But then there was the last thing she said. Earlier she said, it had been ten years and five months…


She suddenly shoots up to her hands and knees and looks at me with wide eyes. Her expression shifts from shock to joy to pure bliss. She then lies back down on top of me and wraps her arms around my neck as she nuzzles her head into my neck. "You do remember me. I'm so happy!" I could feel her begin shaking and hear her start to cry in relief.

Tonton is just what I called her since we were kids, her actual name is Tanya, Tanya Zolkav. She and I met in kindergarten and were practically inseparable until her family moved to another country around December in our last year of middle school. I had trouble saying Tanya when we were kids and just started calling her Tonton.

When we were kids, I got bullied a lot and she'd protect me - saying she was my knight. I'd argue that only boys were knights and she was too pretty to be one - saying she was a guardian angel. She compromised and became my 'angelic knight'. Then, she turned it on me by saying a knight had to protect a king so that was me - Royal Ronny the King.

So many emotions I don't know how to process are turning in my head. I try to say something, but all I manage is, "It's good to see you."

She'd calmed down and just hugged me tighter and hummed in agreement.

Managing to say something seems to have gotten my brain working again. Rationality wins over emotion and horniness as I focus not on my long lost childhood friend or the fact that an incredibly hot, almost naked woman is embracing me but that I've been kidnapped and tied up. I nervously try, "Now that we've got that cleared up, do you think you could untie me so we can catch up."

She just shook her head and hummed in refusal.

"A…And why not," I ask as nervousness transitions back into fear and light panic.

"I almost lost you," she said softly. "I'm not going to risk it again."

I don't like where this conversation is going. "I'll be fine."

"No you won't."

"Pfft, why not? what could happen?"

"Because you've come into contact with a Player…well two Players counting me. That means you're in danger now."

She tightens her grip on me in concern. I would feel bad but the ropes digging into my wrists and ankles help keep me in the situation. You can't reason with crazy, but I may as well try. "You've mentioned that twice now - 'Players'. What do you mean by that?"

Tanya did not respond for a minute. Not sure if I'd said something wrong or what to say next, I just kept quiet. But eventually she let go of me and sat up. She seemed to intentionally position herself so to plant her fat ass on top of my crotch. Scratch that, her giggling at my flustered reaction, she definitely did it on purpose.

I look up at her but find it hard to meet her eyes as mine seem to focus on her chest. It's not my fault! She's intentionally putting them out by leaning back and bringing her arms together as she traces her fingers over my abdomen.

Seemingly satisfied with my reaction, she hums - almost purrs - smugly before sitting straight and pulling her arms to her sides. Her expression becomes much more serious as she sighs. "Players are…a unique group of people in the world. We…have access to a supernatural game that grants its users powers that can be used in game and in real life."

I try twisting my arms and legs so I can focus on the ropes and my situation because otherwise, I might start to get excited. A secret supernatural society where it's possible to get superpowers! How could I not want to hear more!? However, I push my hope and excitement to the back of my mind. Until proven otherwise, I have to remember she's crazy and possibly delusional. "And how does coming into contact with a…Player put me in danger exactly?"

She smiled fondly at me. "You always were bad at noticing things but I really thought you'd have noticed. Didn't you find it strange that there was no one around when that Loser was attacking you?"

Yes, yes I did notice. But I won't say anything because I know she's right. I've never been the best at noticing things even when right in front of my face. "Why was that?"

"I don't really know. But the effects of the game are supernatural. Maybe the world - which is natural - tries to block it out. Players still live in the ordinary world but whenever they do something supernatural, the world puts up a Filter to keep ordinary people from noticing. Think of it like, isolating the map in a video game. Once you've been on the other side of the Filter, it doesn't effect you anymore, and Players can tell when someone is or isn't subject to the Filter. Anyone who isn't is considered fair game and at risk of being attacked by other Players."

That's not good…I mean, if this is real. "And why would they do that? I mean, are all Players crazy killers." I immediately freeze after I say that as I realize she may take that as an insult directed toward her since she said she was one too.

"No. That guy was a Loser. But a lot of Players are. Others just view one another as competition."

"And it's better to have less of it," I say in understanding. I look up at her and - playing along, definitely not buying into anything - ask, "Is there any way I would be able to defend myself from these Players."

Tanya grinned. She probably meant for it to be teasing but her fang-like canine teeth made it look predatory. "That's already taken care of."

I swallow heavily. "No offense Tanya, but I can't just stay here- I mean. While I appreciate you protecting me, I think I should be able to defend myself if I need to."

She just put a hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh. "That's what I'm saying you goof."


She leaned back down on top of me. Briefly distracted by the feeling of her chest against mine, a chill ran through me as I felt her breath in my ear. "What I'm saying is, you can already defend yourself because you're a Player now too."