
Escape the Game

Ronald Douglas lived an ordanary life when he suddenly finds himself under attack by a deranged psychopath. His life is saved, but his savior seems more dangerous than his assailant. Pulled into a supernatural game, will he be able to survive or will the forces that be bring about his end? Despite these questions, he finds himself more afraid of his blond captor/ally than his enemies!

Nevermore101 · 都市
3 Chs

Psychos Everywhere

Today had started like any other.


I woke up, wasted an hour watching videos online instead of getting up to brush my teeth and shower, and then played some video games until it was time to go get lunch before work. I put on my uniform consisting of a black tee-shirt, jeans and some comfortable shoes to stand in and headed out the door.

*Huff…Huff…Hu-* "Aah!"

Living within walking distance of everything, I walk across the street to a fast food joint to have a burger and fries. That's when things started going down hill.

"Stop running little piglet! Running just makes me harder!"

I've always been paranoid that I'm being watched. For once in thirteen years, I was right. While enjoying my burger - which I put my fries on -, I had this strange feeling and looked around.

"I'm serious! Stop running now, and I promise I'll make it quick and then fuck your skull! If you get me any hornier, I might not be able to stop myself from wanting to hear you scream and keep you alive for it first!"

There was this guy sitting at a booth staring at me. And I don't mean looking or watching me, but STARING. I do the only logical thing. I finish my food as quickly as possible and get out of there.

"O-o-o~h, so you wanna play hide and seek instead of tag? You little tease. I'm starting to think you want to rile me up."

I am barely out the door before the guy is following me. He was tall, lanky, and unnaturally pale with pale blonde hair past the chin of his long face and deep blue eyes. The guy looked like some sort of anime villain and the dark clothes and trench coat with the collar turned up just screamed 'I'm a serial killer'. So, I ran.

"Come out, come out whereev~er you are."

The guy didn't run after me right away. He just smiled creepily and tilted his head. I think he was giving me a head start. Anyway, once I see he's after me - moving at an awkward pace of not running but faster than jogging I think is meant to drag this out -, I start screaming for help. Strange thing is, there was suspiciously no one around. Not even cars driving on the street. At 1:00 in the afternoon. Along a main road.

"At this rate, I might just dye you white rather than red."

Wishing I were having a nightmare - a vivid, vivid nightmare - I start raving about waking up any minute. Then the guy starts calling after me. I swear, his voice! Imagine the most stereotypical, 'this guy must be a pedophile' voice you can possible think of. He just says that this is no dream and how much fun he's going to have with my body.

"Hmmm, you weren't on the first floor. Let's see about this floor."

Now, I'm too busy running for my life to look back when something suddenly wizzes by my head. I turn back and see the guy wave his arm at me and this time something just grazes my temple. What the hell was this?! Is he some sort of ninja with concealed weapons in his sleeves? Did no one tell me I got isekai-ed and was getting chased by someone with anime powers?

*Crash..Smash…Shatter* "Not in this room. You like your foreplay don't you~."

I apologize to every gym teacher I ever had. No matter how much I didn't want to change into my gym clothes, they were right: jean pants do not make good running clothes. I start to run out of breath and take a turn. Living so close to everything, I think I know my way around and hope some twists and turns will slow him down.

*Sniff…Sniff…Sniff* "Not here either…Where are you little piggy…"

I make my way into a construction sight…sort of. It's just a two-story house, but it's a nice one and almost done so there are places to hide.

*Hehehehehe* "Last room. Are you here?"

I thought I could hide and wait for him to pass so I could escape. But for some reason I apparently have the brain of the chick who dies in every horror movie ever. I hide in the closet of the last room on the second floor. How did I box myself in like this?

"I~I fou~nd yo~u," Creepy McPsycho says as he looks at me through the closet doors. He slowly wraps his hands around either door - dragging it out like some clique villain.

As he slowly opens the doors, I decide to take bold action and throw my foot out once the gap is wide enough. Smashing my heel into his crotch. I hear him yell out. Pulling my leg back I try to throw open the doors and rush out. However, the guy grabs me by the ankle and I fall.

"I cau~ght you. Play time is over. Time for the fun part."

I throw my other leg out to kick him in the face. Pulling my leg free I scurry away from him.

"I wish you'd stop doing that," he growled while standing up. "I'm not into feet."

"Why are you doing this," I cry. "What did I ever do to you!?"

He just looked at me confused before pointing at my chest. "That's why."

Looking down at my chest in bafflement. I just look back to him. "That's what!?"

He smiles before tugging on his black, long-sleeve turtleneck. "Today is black shirt day. The day I wear a black shirt. You shouldn't wear the same thing as others you know. It's very rude."

"That's it!! You're after me because I'm wearing the same color shirt as you!!"

"Yeah, but since you've been flirting with me this whole time, I don't think I can hold back anymore."

Not liking the look in his eyes, I keep backing up until my back hits a wall. "L-Look. I'm sure you're a perfectly nice guy, bu-but I just don't think we'd make it work. Besides, my ass might not be clean."

"That's okay," he chirped happily. "I'm not into anal either. I prefer girls myself. But I find boys are just as good once you make a hole for yourself."

"M-Make a hole…"

"Mmhmm. Now, which would you prefer? Stomach or kidney."

At this point my mind has started to shut down and all I can do is press myself into the wall as he stalks toward me.

"I'll break your arms and legs so you don't fight. Then, I'll smash your teeth so you can't bite me either. Then I'll open a hole and bust a nut or two. Then, I'll gouge out one of your eyes and fuck that pretty little face of yours!"

I am going to die. Either from psycho murder or from literally getting fucked to death. I think I'm about to wet my pants when something suddenly bursts through the window.

Both me and McPsycho turn at the noise to see someone curled up like a ball hit the floor and roll across it before suddenly jumping up and lunging at McPsycho. Seeing something shiny in their hands, I realize they are holding a knife.

Creepy manages to avoid Knifey and tries to grab them. However, they keep their momentum going and fall-roll away. As they get back to their feet in a crouch, their back is facing us. McPsycho does the same arm waving motion again and Knifey suddenly jumps to the ceiling. Where they were just crouching suddenly has some indents and I am convinced McPsycho has some sort of projectile hidden up his sleeves or something.

Knifey is at the edge of the ceiling but they do not stop moving. Twisting around in the air, they position themselves to be facing toward McPsycho. Kicking off the wall, they fly toward him - knife at the ready. McPsycho manages to jump out of the way - escaping with just a cut to his side. Knifey extends one hand to catch themself, twist around again, and summersault into a standing position.

Barely managing to stay upright from his sudden dodge, McPsycho puts a hand to his side and finds he's bleeding. He glares at the new arrival. "What are you doing!? We were about to get to the best part! Why are you cockblocking me!!?"

Now that I can get a better look at them, Knifey is completely covered in baggy dark clothing. However, I can tell they are smaller than me. They might come up just to my chin maybe. I may not be small but I know I'm not tall either so whoever this is is definitely on the short side.

They did not respond to McPsycho. Instead, the moment he started to move, they threw their knife at his face. As he moved to dodge, his attention was focused on the knife narrowly missing his face. This allowed Knifey to rush in with another knife revealed in their other hand. McPsycho could not react in time as they stabbed him. I'm no expert on these things but it looks like they got him just below the sternum or ribs and forced the knife up.

It did not end there. Knifey kept moving and effortlessly forced the knife out. Spinning around McPsycho's body as he tried to grab them, they revealed another knife in their free hand. I'm starting to question if everyone secretly keeps weapons hidden up their sleeves. Anyway, now behind him, they plunge both knifes into his body. One aimed just below the ribs and another I think between them.

McPsycho could clearly feel the blades sliding into him from the pained look on his face. He tried to turn around and strike Knify, but they had no trouble withdrawing their knifes and ducking under him. His injuries seemed to make him unstable as suddenly spinning around like that caused him to lose balance and fall to the ground.

It looked to me like it was over, but Knifey didn't seem to think so. They quickly pounced on McPsycho and proceeded to slash his throat with one knife while viciously stabbing him in the chest with the other. Only once he was very, very dead did they stop.

This is also when it dons on me that I have not been saved but rather swapped one psycho for another. I glance toward the doorway to judge my likelihood of escape. However, when I look back to Knifey, I see their focus has shifted to me and I freeze.

Watching them stand up, I can't help but imagine some sort of predator. They reach up to the hood on their head before lowering it and then proceed to pull off the wrappings obscuring their face. What it reveals is the face of a beautiful young girl with short, wavy blond hair and creamy white skin. If not for the fact that the rest of her was dripping in blood, I could easily confuse her with an angel. However, what really keeps me from relaxing is her gray eyes. Unusually narrow with cat-like pupils, it feels like I'm being stared down by some sort of predator.

It is when I see her flush and grin that whatever paralyzing fear I have snaps and I find I can move. First I had a creepy, perverted, psycho. Now I have even worse psycho killer. My eyes drawn to her prominent canines, I slowly begin standing up and manage to say, "Th-Thanks for the save. I was sure I was a goner."

"It was no problem," she says smoothly. Her voice was angelic, but something in her eyes gave me the impression she wasn't listening to a thing I said.

Now up to my feet, I start inching across the wall without taking my eyes off her. This is incredibly nerve-racking. I was calmer when dealing with McPsycho! At least with him I was too scared to feel nervous. I feel like I'm sweating so much I've soaked through my clothes. "I guess, I owe you one."

"Yeah," she said slowly. I know I'm not being sneaky, but her eyes give the impression she's spotting every twitch of muscle under my skin. Every move already feels like it's taking forever and the intensity of her gaze makes me feel like I'm moving even slower than I am - like a turtle moving as fast as it can thinking it can outpace a tiger! "You could say you owe me your life."

"Y-Yeah." This is where I knew I made a mistake the instant I did it. In my desperation, my eyes flicked to the door. Realizing what I'd done. I turned my attention back to the girl just in time to see her fist about to collide with my face. In that instant, she had crossed the room, stood in front of me, pulled her fist back, and threw a punch. Then, darkness.