
Escape land

Amidst a world steeped in the shadow of demise, a tale of perseverance and triumph emerges. Demons, fuelled by the seven deadly sins, stalk the realm, and humanity's fate hangs by a thread. A young soul, barely thirteen winters old, bears the burden of preserving his lineage. Yet, he stands alone against insurmountable odds that even the bravest of warriors have shied away from. Armed with nothing but his indomitable spirit, how will this fledgling hero surmount the demons that besiege him?

May_lion · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter two

"The human heart is rather selfish. I would even dare to say, humans can be worse than the beasts we fear."


Enlai is a place filled with mages and masters of formidable power. But that doesn't mean it is a country solely occupied by only people with skills and forte of the blade. Some unlike others are just mare humans while other possess powers that cannot be used to harm other.

The faction placed at the bottom of all others is the plant faction. They possess the least power and can only control the growth of plants which if left to nature, would not make much of a difference.

The faction of fire on the other hand is one with the most dangerous yet, the most precious element. One who possesses such power is regarded as a gem not to say the least.

Li Xiaodan however, was no less a mare human, and a naughty one at that. It was weird to have a child with no power come from a family with insurmountable mastery. Old man Xiaodan before his passing was from the fire faction and so is his only son, Mr. Xiaodan. Old Mrs. Xiaodan was for the solid faction which amongst other odds wasn't bad at all. Mrs Xiaodan was from the water faction. If put together, this family was more than capable of overcoming whatever obstacle they may face. Unfortunately, they couldn't overcome one important one, 'Li Xiaodan'.


At huo academy, a group of young pupils dressed in red and orange practiced hard under the sun.

Of course huo which signifies fire stood for the fire elements therefore, the sun was a very good medium for their training.

This academy however is one of the most prestigious because even the emperor of Enlai valued this faction beyond a single doubt.

The fine structures can not go without being mentioned and this academy was filled with students who were disciplined as though connected by a neurological partway.


"I've asked around. It doesn't seem to be contagious. What are we going to do?" Chen Fu two elderly men dressed in complete red attires were seated discussing a rather serious matter.

"Where was it first detected?" the second man Su Tengfei asked. Su Tengfei was the leader of Huo academy and was a man of impeccable knowledge and skill.

On a map, Chen Fu pointed. "In the dark forest up north. Our men are still trying to contain it but we are unsure for how long considering the fact that it is... undying." Chen Fu heaved a sign of distress after his last word.

Su Tengfei looked at the map for a long time but said nothing. What could he say?

In the early hours of the fourth night of this month, the army set out for training up north but one became rather hysterical. They thought it was just a mental illness but it got worse and now... its unbelievable.

He became a beast.

"If it's not contagious then we must find a way to make it yield. He must put an end to that beastly creature no matter how impossible it may appear." Su Tengfei ordered.

"I'll rely your messages to the army." he rolled the map and walked away.

After he had dismissed Chen Fu, Su Tengfei sent words to the emperor requesting an audience.


"So you mean to tell me that this... creature is imperishable?" the emperor asked rather intrigued by the situation.

"Yes my lord. But I have ordered..." Su Tengfei was still talking when the emperor interrupted him.

"I'd like to see it. In fact, why not bring it here. Who knows? We can use it as a weapon." the emperor suggests in an excited manner.

"But your majesty, this creature we speak about is dangerous and we don't have any enemies. I'm sorry but I'll have to decline." Su Tengfei couldn't understand why the emperor was making such an unthinkable order. If they were to bring that beastly creature to the capital, no one would last even a day.

The emperor raised his brow as though reconsidering his demands but that was far from it. "You dare to defy me?"

Su Tengfei's brow furrowed. He was unsure what this emperor was thinking. "I wouldn't dare."

"For this offence, you could be given the capital punishment

." the emperor spoke without batting an eyelid.

Immediately, Su Tengfei fell to his knees and apologized. "I have committed an unspeakable crime against your authority. I apologize." he paused but wasn't done yet.

The emperor had a smug look on his face. He was about to say something but Su Tengfei's next word infuriated him.

"...but it would be impossible to bring that creature here none the less." Su Tengfei spoke with his head raised as though he wasn't scared what the conconsequences would be.

The emperor's brow furrowed but he knew that there was nothing he could do at this point. If Su Tengfei has said that he wouldn't bring it in because it would cause the capital harm, there was nothing he could do about it. And, he couldn't punish him as well as Tengfei would rather be considered patriotic.

Walking away, the emperor had an ugly expression on his face as he left Su Tengfei behind.

A sigh left his lips hearing the retreating steps of the emperor. Su Tengfei could not wrap his head around why the emperor would make such a wild request.