
Escape From The Infinite Chamber

One day Luo Jian woke up from his sleep and found himself in a secret room with the door and windows sealed. A note nailed with a tack on the wall read: "From the secret room within one hour. Escape, otherwise you will be obliterated."

Lord_Luce · ゲーム
16 Chs

Ghost Ship(3)

Feng Yulan felt particularly thirsty. He was awakened by the dry feeling in his throat. His last memory was of the night in the hospital. After his injury improved, he no longer stayed in a single ward. Instead, he was sent to a multi-person ward by his short and fat attending physician. There was a sleeping man in the next bed who kept snoring. Feng Yulan was always awakened by his snoring on countless nights.

But this time, Feng Yulan felt that he fell asleep quickly and fell into a deep sleep all of a sudden. The snoring of the clinical uncle could not stop him from falling asleep. Then, Feng Yulan had a ridiculous dream. In the dream, a clown with colorful clown makeup was dancing, laughing and dancing. The clown's laughter was extremely unpleasant, or... the sound was very Weird, it feels like the witch in Western mythology who laughs while stirring the crucible. The harsh and sharp laughter makes Feng Yulan's entire dream become bizarre and full of fear.

Then Feng Yulan woke up. As soon as he woke up, his mouth felt very dry and he was thirsty.

Then he realized that something was wrong with the environment he was in. This was not a hospital. There were no white beds, no snoring patients, no bottle racks and condolence flowers. Everything seemed so unnatural, eerie and terrifying.

Feng Yulan found herself in a very, very, very small, closed, and dark environment where she couldn't even see her fingers! How small is this space? To put it bluntly, it felt like being put into a coffin. It was the kind of coffin specially used for children who died in infancy. It was only half the size of an adult. Feng Yulan had to curl up with his legs and use that kind of baby coffin. Posture in the maternal body.

After confirming the environment he was in, Feng Yulan thought for a moment that he was still dreaming, still in a dream, and had a dream even more absurd than a clown. Then Feng Yulan realized that this was not a dream, he could feel the pain after he pinched his face hard.

"Maybe someone made this a joke on me." Feng Yulan said to himself, then raised his voice a little and said loudly: "Hey! People outside, let me out quickly, I am still a wounded person!"

There was no response from the outside.

It was very quiet. After Feng Yulan closed his mouth and didn't make any sound, Feng Yulan could feel the feeling of silence even more. Deadly silence, without any sound, he could only hear his own breathing. Hear the heartbeat beating faster and faster.

Feng Yulan felt the panic gradually rising in his heart. He took a deep breath and silently repeated to himself: "Calm down, calm down, Feng Yulan, this is not that bad, it is better than being stabbed by someone." I feel much better. It hurt when I was stabbed. I almost died... just..."

Feng Yulan's soliloquy stopped abruptly. He paused, stretched out his hand awkwardly, and touched his lower back with some difficulty in the small and dark environment. When he was attacked in the street, the murderer He was stabbed in the back with a knife. The knife was stabbed in his lower back, grazing his internal organs and piercing his intestines, making him almost unable to see the sun tomorrow.

The wound hurts faintly every day. When Feng Yulan sleeps, he can only lie on his side or lie down. The pain of the wound keeps torturing his nerves. Whenever he relaxes, the pain will make him even more nervous. wide awake.

But now, the wound is gone!

Feng Yulan's eyes widened in disbelief, even though he couldn't see anything in the darkness. But what his fingers touched was smooth skin, smooth skin without any wounds. Feng Yulan put his hands on his waist. He was numb for a long time, and his mind was a little confused. It took him a long time to wonder: What happened? this?

It was impossible for a stab wound of that level to heal in a few days in the hospital. The doctor said he would have to stay in the hospital for at least half a month, but now the wound was gone, as if it had never appeared on him before. Same, so clean that no scars are left!

"I must still be dreaming!" Feng Yulan firmly believed that this was impossible. He closed his eyes and urged himself, "Wake up quickly!"

But he didn't wake up from the bad dream. Feng Yulan still stayed in this small, dark and narrow place. It was so narrow that it was extremely difficult for him to even turn around.

"I won't die and be put in a coffin, right?" Feng Yulan was frightened by his own thoughts, and then said angrily: "Even if I die, I won't be so stingy, even a coffin You can also fold it in half for me! It's not even enough to lie down in such a narrow place. It's really a bad world and people's hearts are not as good as they used to be!"

Feng Yulan was amused by himself, and raised the corners of his mouth optimistically. However, the too narrow place made him irritable. He twisted around and hit the surrounding wooden boards with his elbows. Then, he felt that he was under his body a thing.

There was something like a thin stick, which Feng Yulan could only touch with his hands because of the darkness. The stick felt very smooth and elastic. Something flashed through Feng Yulan's mind when he touched it, and he suddenly broke the stick hard. Soon, a blue light lit up in this small environment.

"A... fluorescent stick." Feng Yulan looked at the stick in his hand. This fluorescent stick was slightly larger and the light was bigger. He held the fluorescent stick and illuminated the environment he was in. Although he didn't know if he was really in the coffin, it was indeed a narrow place, as if It's a rectangular, thick wooden box.

And soon, Feng Yulan discovered another thing in the alley besides the light stick.

The note pinned in front of Feng Yulan was facing his face, and he could see it clearly by holding up the light stick. It was a piece of paper printed with a purple pattern, with neat pen calligraphy written on it, word for word:

[ Dear Mr. Feng Yulan: ]

[ You are very lucky to have received my invitation. Welcome to the secret room. ]

[ You must feel uneasy or afraid of the environment you are in, but there is no time to be afraid. There are more important things waiting for you to do now. Please leave this small place that traps you within an hour. It Being tightly sealed means you don't have much oxygen to consume, which also means you could suffocate. ]

[Of course, you can also choose to do nothing. Your companion may save you, or he may not come. ]

[ In order not to create new secret room murder cases, I will give you tips: ]

[ First, without tools, human beings use their hands to create miracles. ]

[ Second, the box that trapped you is now at the bottom of countless boxes. ]

[ Third, this is not a joke. ]

[ Above, the prompt is completed, I wish you good luck! ]

After reading the note, Feng Yulan's first reaction was to curse! I want to curse the person who wrote this note... His ancestors are eighteen generations old! But then Feng Yulan suppressed his irrational thoughts. He knew that this was impossible. No matter who this person was or what purpose he had to trap him here, the words written on the note were right. He knew that this was impossible. The most important thing right now is to get out of this damn box!

But how to get out?

Feng Yulan touched every corner of the box, but there was only one fluorescent stick... yes, just one fluorescent stick.

The box felt very thick. Feng Yulan knocked hard and felt the vibration of the box. Then he thought of the reminder on the note. The box that trapped him was at the bottom of countless boxes, which meant that the top of his head was now There are many identical or different boxes stacked up. If you open them from above, the consequences will be absolutely terrible, even if it is the floor below. All that's left is the front, back, left, and right.

Without any tools, the only way Feng Yulan could think of to open the box from the inside was to use his body, his back against one side, and his feet bent to step on the opposite side, to forcefully hold the box up. break.

But this box made Feng Yulan feel extremely painful, because it was rectangular, and the distance between the left and right sides was too narrow. Feng Yulan was lying down, so he couldn't turn his body sideways, and the distance between the front and back was not very long. In the short state, he couldn't straighten his feet, but he couldn't bend them too much. In this way, the force was not enough, and he didn't have enough strength to break the box.

"It's really bad!" Feng Yulan said painfully after struggling for a long time.

On the other side, Luo Jian was also in a dilemma. After he opened the weird door, the thing that kept hitting behind the door suddenly rushed towards him! The dim light in Luo Jian's hand didn't even have time to illuminate what it was, when he felt a dark shadow coming toward him, danger approaching!

Luo Jian instinctively kicked the thing that was rushing toward him away! The black figure seemed to let out a sharp cry of pain, and disappeared into the darkness after being kicked away by Luo Jian. Luo Jian took a deep breath, then took the short knife he was holding tightly in his mouth, stepped back and leaned against the wall behind him vigilantly, raised the oil lamp, put on all his vigilance, and observed the surrounding environment.

Luo Jian had a premonition that he felt that the thing was still spying on him quietly in the dark, ready to pounce on him when he was not prepared and give Luo Jian a fatal blow. What on earth was that? Luo Jian didn't want to think about it anymore. The boss said that any kind of monster appearing in the secret room was not surprising. Could it be a zombie from Resident Evil? Or zombies? Or the monsters and aliens in some science fiction movies? Or even Sadako from a ghost movie?

"It would be too tragic if Sadako appears." Luo Jian said to himself, shaking his head: "Fortunately, there is no TV here."

But since it is a ghost ship, then what appears should be a ghost. If not, it is at least a zombie-type dark creature. Luo Jian was thinking while trying to stay vigilant. He knew that his hands were still trembling and he could hardly hold the knife in his hand. Luo Jian knew that nothing could be worse than this in his life.