Carter Williams war der typische zwanzigjährige Verlierer. Nach einer Schlägerei auf der Straße, bei der er bewusstlos wurde, wacht er im Körper eines jungen Drachen in einer völlig neuen Welt auf. Bewaffnet mit einem System, das ihm hilft, und zwei schönen Frauen, die ihn unterstützen, schwört Carter, sich nie wieder im Dunkeln zu verstecken und den Titel des Drachenkönigs anzustreben. - Zusätzlicher Tag : Juri Der Diskord-Link lautet:
"Honey, you're so small and red!"
"What a precious little vision you are, my son."
Abaddon was well aware that his parents harbored good intentions, but he couldn't shake off the feeling they might be slightly mocking him.
"How did Lailah come up with this? The girl is truly a genius!" exclaimed Yara in admiration.
However, Seras just shook her head.
"She didn't dream it up, mother. It was the former queen who conceived the idea. Lailah just refined the design and increased its efficiency by using blood instead of soul beads to establish the connection."
"Oh? In that case, it's reassuring to learn that the old hag served a purpose at last." Yara remarked with a contented smile. She hadn't let go of the trauma her eldest daughter had suffered at the hands of the woman who was supposed to be her mother; thus, knowing Sei had been outwitted by the daughter she had mistreated filled Yara with an ineffable sense of satisfaction. で好きな作者や翻訳者を応援してください