
Errant Blade

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  • 18 章
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  • NO.200+

What is Errant Blade

WebNovel で公開されている、Vermillion_Robin の作者が書いた Errant Blade の小説を読んでください。Honor, Glory, and Justice!Never forget Acros, a knights duty is to his people! Just as a wizards is to his study....The knight Acros. He is a sword of the people, and a blade that hounds evil. So whe...


Honor, Glory, and Justice! Never forget Acros, a knights duty is to his people! Just as a wizards is to his study. ... The knight Acros. He is a sword of the people, and a blade that hounds evil. So when a god asks for his help, his honor compels him to oblige. But this world is a far cry from his own, and evil has long run rampant. Knights are no longer seen as honorable warriors, and demons stalk the lands. The name of the monster lord haunts the minds of man. This is a land where heroes go to meet their end. ... Alright boys and- honestly who am I kidding it's just boys I have seen like five girls on this hellsite and two of them are quite suspicious. Anyways this is a MGE fiction. This means that I will be taking inspiration from the monster girl encyclopedia. However, I will be taking none of their characters or settings besides the monster lord as that world is quite vague and stupid. That means that if you haven't seen the monster girl encyclopedia, that's fine. This is a whole new story. The only things that are coming back are the monster girls themselves. Anyways that's all. Everything else can be learned by literally reading the story. Also just because mc is a knight, doesn't mean he is a goody two-shoes. He might seem like it at first, but there is a lot hidden beneath that helmet. Final things, the horny is taking a far away backseat. This is mostly action adventure. Go read porn somewhere else. ... The cover is literally the official image for lilim in the monster girl encyclopedia. I'll change it if I find better art, receive better art, or am forced to.

8 タグ

Professor Dovahkiin-continued

"Professor Dovahkiin" is an imaginative crossover fanfiction combining elements of the Harry Potter universe with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story introduces a new character, Xavier Dovahkiin, whose arrival at Hogwarts brings a fresh and enigmatic twist to the familiar magical world. This tale weaves together magic, mystery, and adventure, exploring themes of power, secrets, and the complexities of a world where the lines between good and evil are not always clear. As Xavier navigates this intricate setting, his unique abilities and mysterious past promise to captivate readers, offering a new perspective on a beloved universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years ago, I stumbled upon this fantastic fanfiction and was completely engrossed by it. But then, like many others, I had to endure the disappointment when the author decided to drop it. Fast forward to a while back, and I rediscovered it on a different website(here on webnovel). To my excitement, the author(a new one picking it up) claimed they'd continue it, but alas, that promise went unfulfilled. That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands and bring this gem back to life. And no, it's not about making money – it's about my sheer love for this story. To do that, I'm harnessing the power of AI, specifically Chat-GPT4 (yes, the $20-a-month one), to pick up where the original author left off. Here's the deal: I read every single chapter that Chat-GPT4 generates, and then I put my own creative spin on things. It's all about shaping the narrative in a way that makes sense and keeps the story going strong. Plus, I'm a stickler for grammar and typos, so rest assured, I'll try my best not to let any mistakes slip through the cracks. In fact, I make sure to spend quality time on every chapter. I play around with different versions that Chat-GPT can come up with, trying to find the one that fits best, and then I edit it as needed to ensure it's just right. Now, it wasn't a walk in the park. Training Chat-GPT4 to read the entire story took some time, and it has its limits when it comes to responses per day. So, uploads might not be as frequent as we'd like, but I promise to deliver new chapters whenever I get the chance. Your support means the world to me, and together, we'll make this fanfiction community proud. I believe chapter 44 is where the OG ends.

access11 · 書籍·文学
47 Chs

Marked by a Vampire

Marked by a Vampire. Marked by a Vampire is a thrilling and interesting novel. Meet the Aristocratic Lord, Austin Boddy. He was born as an Aristocratic Vampire. Austin was granted the ability and grace to be an Aristocratic Vampire. Aristocratic Vampires are usually the powerful, Romantic, Charming, Flamboyant and fabulously wealthy Vampires. Austin has enough wealth in order to maintain his Vamprical lifestyle. He throws parties alot, and the main aim of an Aristocratic Vampire that throw parties is to prey and blood-suck humans. One day, Austin was summoned by their head of Vampires, LORD LUCIFER, when he came, he was told that, he had gone against one of their rules. LORD LUCIFER told him that, he has sinned against the Vampires. Austin kept on wondering what was his son. Until he was told that, he marked a witch in one of his numerous parties. Austin kept on wondering how and when, until he was told that he was drunk, that night of the party. LORD LUCIFER said that, the only reason he can be saved is when he brings the witch before the next moonlight. But, as Fate would have it. The bond of the mark kept on bringing the two hearts together, and later on, Austin and the Witch eventually became friends, and fell in love. He later found out that, she was the witch he had been looking for so long. What would be their fate afterthen. Would he surrender the love of his life to LORD LUCIFER Or???? He will rescue her Let's find out

Egbo_Marvellous_5527 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

My Yandere Wives are Transcendents

This novel is being rewritten!! Here is the New novel's Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/soulless-transcendent-twisted-love-for-my-yandere-wives_29736272308325905 An 11-year-old boy suddenly woke up, "...wait, where am I?" "...I see, so this is the so-called transmigration." "hahaha.....hellll yaaaahh." "It's my time to show the world who the boss is." But he didn't realize what he caused, "Wait, this isn't what should be... why is he here, and where's that prostitute? And why is my lover with him?" "Fuck, what the hell is happening here? He shouldn't be here, and that guy should be dead, but how is he alive....urgh," he grumbled. "This is MY FUCKING WORLD, why are these guys interfering...aahhhhh," he shouted. A transmigrator who thought 'doing good deeds and fighting against evil will make him a hero and ruler of this world' now made a very small mistake which leads to, "My wife....is a wonderful woman," the mob character. "Why? Why? Why? Why......" the mob character rumbled. "Do you....believe in god?" the mob character questioned with a messed-up expression. "S-Shall we get m-marry?" "..." the mob character was shocked. "I don't know why but I like you, I guess." "...." the mob character was too shocked. "I like you, so be my son-in-law?" "...." the mob character was too-too shocked. "How about marrying my daughter and me at the same time?....what do they call that hmmm...'oyakodon,' right?" 'cough, cough.' "What?" the mob character was finally snapped. "Big Brother, when will we get married?" "........" Transmigrator never expects a certain 'Mob character' and how that 'Mob character' becomes a great disaster for the entire world because of his single mistake. A/N: This is my first time writing, so give me your honest opinion whether it is good or bad, but please don't be harsh on me... okay, I will try my best. CHOTTO MATTE....The first five chapters, The Transmigrator will be one to explain everything about this new world. I know I am not introducing the MC suddenly, and it's hard to info dump, but it's just for the first few chapters, so don't be harsh on me. If you wondered who will be MC then, MC is just a 'Mob Character.' Additional Tags: Harem, Male MC, Beautiful Female leads, Vampires, Dragons, Elves, dwarfs, Mermaids, Revenge? Deadly Yandere, Incest, Tsundere, Kuudere...Slow-paced ///...Alternative Title: For HER, I am Only one.../// https://discord.com/invite/X3wBNHZFNW

AbiLIon · ファンタジー
449 Chs

A Kingdom Of Darkness

The world of Alteran is one wrought by chaos, ruled with an iron fist by Haldore and his mighty Black Army. Even the mighty dragon Moltrix hides in his Mountain, though those who wander too close end up becoming his dinner or some animal’s dinner. Those who have defied him in the past have all since perished, and hope has withdrawn from the people of Alteran. Even the wizards of old tremble in fear to Haldore's great power. They cry out in desperate help, for a new era to begin, one without the corruption of power, yet their cries fall silent, and they oblige and listen to their ruler, who has brought them peace, despite the rebellions. In between cities and Fortresses, merchants travel, trading goods with many, while being ravaged by bands of thieves. Many who attempt to leave the city usually befall a horrible and gruesome death to the Black Army, a wild animal, or to thieves for some pennies. The people grow weary, and long for change. Until Artuck. A creation of Haldore's, the people see him as the wicked ruler's 'son,' despite his good acts. Having witnessed the deaths of those he cared about firsthand, he decides it's time to fight back. With all Alteran has to offer. With the full power of its strength, heart, mind, and soul. But Haldore will not be so easily intimidated, for he has dark plans of his own. Will Artuck and his group of Alteran's last hope shine? Or will they be snuffed out, too?

noah_kabel · ファンタジー
24 Chs


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

from the few chapters out right now, it looks like it has potential, no cliche or 'satyre' ROB sequence, good writing and no obvious English mistakes. so I'm leaving a 5-star review to give some motivation! good luck, author!



No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating