
Eros Destroying the Multiverse

Eros the god of Lust is a primeval god whose mischievous meddling in the affairs of gods and mortals caused bonds of love to form and drama to unfold. Feeling frustrated over being with a single wife he begins to make mistakes till the gods are pissed off One thing led to another and Zeus gave him the power Dimensional travel. (the gods wanted him to leave and never come back.) Eros will travel to many worlds not caring about the plot or fate of the universe. (not that he knows it) even if the guy is 'heavens child' (plot armor) he might still take his girl. First world- SAO disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan Discord https://discordapp.com/channels/579757112268161037/579759559011205122

DemonKingVan · アニメ·コミックス
182 Chs

Welcome to my Danganronpa

Eros wakes up with a smile on his face and yawns

Eros: What a beautiful day

He walks out of bed and takes a shower

once he was done he went down to have breakfast.

He sits down and goes to read the paper as a beautiful woman with an hourglass figure wearing a long dress and apron is making breakfast for him

Morgan La Frey: Good morning dear. I'll get your breakfast right away. First, why not have some coffee

She pours coffee and as he reads the paper she brings out sliced bread or toast with jam butter, pancakes with syrup and some meat

Eros: as always it's pleasant

Morgan La Frey: I'm glad to hear that

With a smile, they had breakfast together

Once breakfast was over Eros gets up and prepares to leave for work

As he leaves Morgan La Frey stops him at the door

Morgan La Frey: Dear you're forgetting your briefcase

She hands him his case and pecks his lips and Eros leaves for work

As he leaves his house. Across the street, he sees a small, cat-like creature. It has white fur and four ears, one pair representing the average cat and the other similar to those of a rabbit's

Eros: Oh good morning David

David: Goodmorning my friend, I told you to call me Kyubey

Eros: Oh silly me! Oh well if I don't see you good afternoon good even and goodnight

they start laughing and Kyubey wife gives him his keys he forgot

A tall man 7 feet tall walks out his house

Eros: good morning Galactus. You seemed to have almost forgotten to take out the trash

Galactus: I did forget, My wife was upset that I had forgotten.

Eros: be careful Yuno may divorce you if you keep forgetting

The both laughing because that is not possible

Eros then goes to his car and sees Sun Wukong who laughing as he walks out of his house

Sun Wukong: Goodmorning Eros

Eros: you seem to be in a good mood

Sun Wukong: Yes little Keisuke has decided to take over the factory from me

Eros: oh I thought he wanted to be a forensic scientist

Sun Wukong: Well there isn't a crime here so it seems like a pointless job

Eros: That's true. Tidy homes... friendly neighbors... a vibrant main street, and best of all-- no crime. Pleasant Hill is the perfect small town, the best place on Earth.

They both laugh

Eros goes to his car: Oh, yeah I heard he is being called Zakkart.

Sun Wukong: Oh...its something his girlfriend nickname

Eros: Women right

He drives to work while listening to Ode To Joy

He arrives at Hope academy with a smile on his face and goes to his classroom

He says hi to all the teachers and he goes to his classroom

Eros: How are you my class it is good to see you...

Then a bear puts her hand in the

Eros: Oh monokuma. good morning what can I do for you

monokuma: Oh Sensei I wanted to know...are you enjoying your life

Eros: well yes everything is perfect here

monokuma: Oh great...well I'm glad to take it all away from you...wake up my prince

Eros: huh what do you mean

suddenly a flash of light shined on the whole town and Eros memories returned


He was fighting a God level threat and suddenly after he defeated it a black and white bear showed up calling itself monokuma

It opened its mouth and he saw his daughter in its mouth being eating as she screamed DADDY

Eros quickly ran out to save her when...everything went dark...and he and the other sins forgotten everything

On the first day arriving at the Town...it was a perfect life. Peaceful tranquil everything right. There was great scenery and the Locals were so nice. Many cool days and even quieter nights This place...is a nightmare

*Eros POV*

Waking up chained down whats going on? Cant move either legs or my arms. Bloodstains and entrails stain all the walls. The stench of death and the sound buzz saws.Someone approaches with a knife and a syringe

She has a tall, hourglass figure, light blue eyes, and long, thick, bleached strawberry blonde hair tied in two twin pigtails.

Eros: Who are you...why can't I move...

She laughs: Oh my silly friend you have forgotten...I am the 8th sin of despair but you can call me Junko

She walks closer smiling

Junko: Welcome God of Lust to my Danganronpa. The reason you can't move is the chains...they're familar right...They are greeds...HAHA THAT BUNNY DIDN"T EVEN KNOW THE FULL POWER OF THEM. HAHA IT CAN RESTRAIN YOU EASILY

Eros: How do you have his

Junko: that idiot didn't even realize I was his aid all these years...I was on the side helping him..haha as he was betrayed he was shocked...I then told him..that all the data he made..was destroyed..I took it all. He thought he was the smartested but he was played out...As for Pride...

She talked how she destroyed all of them...all their hope...everything they had. Killing silver surfer in front of gluttony. Killing Envy's mother. Telling Morgan La frey...the truth no matter what. Eros would never love her number 1 she will alway be a side chick. telling no matter what he would never surpass the others...he will always be just a strong person physically but that's all...

Eros: but thats...you didn't do anything to...wait wheres my daughter

She smiled: haha you realized it right...shes dead haha also...I was with you too...I entered your realm

Eros still froze from the new..: wha...impossible

Junko: you wife Asuna allowed me to enter...she thought I was Psyche...haha I was helping her out...teaching her from a book I made..haha how did it look when the person she admired killed her...haha using Psyche...dying form...oh Psyche was destroyed essance...there no way to return her

Eros went trying to break his bindings but was unable to

Junko: oh I love that look of despair it turns me on

She cuts him

causing Eros to bleed

Junko:Oh this is a blade Truth made to Kill sins...

She cuts him again in the chest causing Eros to scram

Junko: Oh, I seen a tv show...about this...its big show. You take the body part they most proud of and cut it down...

She then looks at Eros and smiles

Junko: I heard you have the biggest...

She then takes the knife and cuts

causing all light in Eros eyes to fade and thunk

it fell on the ground

Junko: i guess your no longer a GOD!

she laughs and says: Hope is harmony. A just heart, moving toward the light. That is all. Despair is hope's polar opposite. It is messy and confusing. It swallows up love, hatred, and everything else. Because not knowing where you will end up is despair. Despair is even what you cannot predict. Only despair's unpredictability can save you from a boring future.