
40. Know Pain: Part III 3

Yuugao ducked behind the corner of a building and looked behind her to see if the remainder of her squad made it. She watched sadly as one of them didn't make it in time and took a direct hit from the projectile that the Path they faced had launched. The missile exploded, the flare of which forced Yuugao to turn away.

"Inoichi," Yuugao thought, "Where is Lady Tsunade?"

"She's still in battle with the Paths classified as Deva, Preta, and Naraka," Inoichi replied mentally.

"What!" Yuugao replied concerned, "Your last report stated she had knocked the Preta out of commission."

"It was an accurate report, but unfortunately it seems the Naraka path is the one capable of healing the others. We're not sure how, but that would appear to be the reason it does not engage in battle directly. However, the Hokage is managing to hold her own."

Before Yuugao could reply a new voice spoke up in her head as it said, "Yuugao, I know your first inclination is to rejoin the Hokage, but it would be unwise of you to do so." The only reason the Anbu Captain didn't argue was due to the voice being Shikaku Nara. Well aware the man had a reason for his statement she remained silently prompting him to explain, "As formidable as Pain seems to be due to his ability to channel his jutsu through six individuals, he's actually weakening himself by attacking the village in this manner. Breaking down the abilities we've seen thus far we can catergorize the Asura, Animal, and Deva as offensive in nature. The Preta would be defensive and the Naraka would be a support type."

"I get it," Yuugao replied in thought, "by keeping the Asura after me you're saying I'm in fact lessening the danger the Hokage is facing."

"Precisely," Shikaku answered, "We still have no idea what the Human Path is capable of. Although from survivors of squads that have encountered it, we believe it is looking for information on where Naruto is. Since it appears Tsunade is the only one that knows that information if it begins moving towards her we'll need to take steps to stop it."

"Where is it currently?"

"Unknown, we've lost track of it. Also, despite it being obvious that the Animal Path is around, no one has been able to visually confirm that yet. We do not even know what it looks like so be extremely careful."

"Roger," Yuugao replied as she came to a stop. The rest of her squad did likewise so she ordered, "The rest of you are to loop around to aid Lady Tsunade. I will hold the Asura Path here."

Her squad new better than to question her so continued on as Yuugao scanned the area for signs of her opponent. She heard the sound of something being launched causing her to look up in time to see a flying fist approaching her. Leaping out of the way she avoided the projectile as it smashed into the ground where she had been standing. She watched as it flew out of the hole that it had made and tracked it as it returned to the Asura Path that was standing on top of a damaged building.

Yuugao threw several kunai at her target, but they were deflected by a large metal tail that sprung from the Asura Path's back causing its robe to rip apart. The makeshift barricade retracted as the Asura path dropped down from the building. It pulled its cloak away revealing that it had a total of six arms as it fell forward to rest on two of them. Yuugao watched as from its crouched position the top of its head opened revealing some strange circuitry. Yuugao's eyes grew wide as a beam of light began to coalesce in front of the path. Aware that if it connected there probably wouldn't be enough left of her to fill a matchbox; Yuugao threw down a smoke bomb to cover her movements as she dived through a nearby window. The beam fired tearing a path of destruction down the narrow street and gouging out a portion of the building she had leapt into.

Yuugao had already returned to her feet by the time the beam fired and rushed through the building in order to get closer to the Asura Path. She cursed under her breath as she heard the sounds of the battered building breaking apart due to the most recent damage. Still she was determined to reach her target so ignored them even as support beams began to snap. Spotting the Asura path she smashed through another window with her sword drawn as she swiped at it. Her blade just grazed the path as it managed to leap away.

The building behind her began to tumble down forcing Yuugao to concentrate of escaping from beneath the collapsing structure. Running from under the shadow, she leapt the final distance just barely managing to stay ahead of the wreckage. Scanning through the dust she silently hoped that the Asura path was buried under the building. Yet she highly doubted it, and a moment later was proven right as she sensed an attack from behind. Spinning towards the threat she raised her sword to deflect it and was able to push the blade away from the sure kill shot of her head. However, the tail continue passed her and the sharp metal edge cut into her right shoulder causing her to bite her lip in pain as she refused to scream.

The tail retracted causing her to yell despite her desire otherwise. The Asura Path left its tail hovering above its head, but angled it down so her blood would travel to the tip. "I will take you a piece at a time until you tell me where Naruto Uzumaki is," the Asura Path said confidently.

Yuugao adjusted her stance to accommodate her inability to user her right arm effectively as she replied defiantly, "You're welcome to try."


Shikaku continued to monitor the situation as best he could from the various radio voices of the squads engaging the summons running amok around the village as well as those directly facing the Paths that had been accounted for. Forming a theory based on the reports he surmised, "Someone must have taken care of the Animal Path that is why the number of summons seems to be decreasing. It may have been that woman Yoruichi; she's been wreaking havoc on the summons capable of replicating itself after being attacked physically. Or it may be tied to the red barrier that sprang up around the Kiyomi residence there may be more going on there than meets the..."

"Shikaku," Inoichi called from where he was connected to the machinery that allowed him to communicate with the units mentally.

Shikaku preferred to use the radios to gather real-time intelligence and use his friend's mental abilities to communicate his orders. Guessing his friend's interruption was due to the orders he had recently sent he said, "Let me guess Yajirobee is uncomfortable with the orders I gave him."

"He says he wishes for you to clarify them," Inoichi replied with an amused smile.

Placing his hand on Inoichi's head he said mentally, "Yajirobee what about my orders were unclear?"

The mental aspect of their communication made the nervous stutter of the chunin all the more pronounced as he said, "I-I j-j-just wanted to make s-s-sure I heard it correctly. Y-you want my squad to engage directly with a Path. Y-you're aware I'm l-leading a bunch of unproven genin."

Shikaku from his years of practice was able to hold back his sigh lest the chunin hear his frustration. "Yes, I am well aware of that. However, you do not need to confront the Asura Path directly. Neko is currently fighting it alone as she sent the rest of her squad to aid the Hokage. Unfortunately that squad was in turn ambushed and wiped out by a pack of those dog summons. Neko is fighting valiantly, but is going to lose unless she receives help."


Shikaku cut the man off as he said, "Lady Yakumo, I believe you understand what I'm saying."

"Yes sir," Yakumo replied, "Due to the battle Lord Jiraiya had with Pain, he uncovered that his Paths are susceptible to genjutsu. You want me to get close enough to place the Asura Path under one allowing Neko a chance to eliminate it."

"Exactly," Shikaku said impressed by the formerly bedridden young-woman. Directing his mental attention to the chunin in charge of the squad he said, "Yajirobee, if you have any further questions feel free to direct them to Lady Yakumo."

"Y-yes sir," the Chunin replied sounding chastised since he was aware that if he delayed any further he'd likely find himself taking orders from the genin next.

Shikaku confident that the squad was already moving turned his focus to trying to locate the missing Human Path as he found its disappearance more worrisome then the Animal Path's. Noticing a nearby squad had stopped reporting, he felt his eyes go wide as he prepared to alert those in the command post that located in the Jounin station when a large explosion destroyed much of the wall he was standing in front of. Blown off his feet, he tried to clear the bells ringing in his ears as a hand clamped around the top of his head. Shikaku felt unable to move as he felt a presence peering into his mind despite his best efforts to block it.

The Human Path yanked his hand away pulling Shikaku's soul out of his body as it said to itself believing everyone else had died in the explosion or simply posed no threat, "Interesting, so only the Hokage knows where Uzumaki is. Still, she is proving rather difficult to deal with; it may be prudent to locate this Ayame the boy is seeing." With a new target to locate the Human Path leapt out of the ruined command post leaving broken bodies and the dead behind.


"Where is Uzumaki?" The Deva Path said calmly.

Tsunade didn't respond as she charged the Deva Path aiming to take it out of the fight. However she needed to stop as she channeled chakra to her feet to ride out the massive push it unleashed against her. Tsunade grimaced as even with her precautions, she felt her feet begin to slip. A moment later though, the wave ended allowing her to move forward again, dashing towards the path she made it to within punching distance. Yet she was forced to roll away as the previously out of commission Preta Path returned to the battle having been restored by the Naraka.

Tsunade blocked a punch from it and pushed its arm away as it tried to grab her. She forced it to leap away as she tried to connect with a kick of her own. The Preta landed in front of the Deva Path. Tsunade's attention was pulled to the sound of glass breaking as the Naraka Path kicked out a window in a nearby shop where it had been watching the battle to avoid fighting the Sannin. The large piece of glass flew in front of the Preta which punched it shattering it even further before leaping out of the way as the Deva then used it ability to accelerate them at the Hokage.

Tsunade simply charged into the oncoming projectiles as she released the chakra contained in the seal on her forehead causing her body to become covered in black marking. Tsunade's apparent lack of self-preservation surprised the man controlling the Paths as the glass shards ripped her to shreds. Tsunade didn't even slow down as they passed through her body confident that her Strength of a Hundred jutsu and the bonus of being Naruto's lover would heal the damage almost as soon as it was made. She leapt into the air intent on bringing her foot down on top of the Preta Path's head, but both it and the Deva managed to leap away. Her dodged attack connected with the street causing it to shatter and crack causing several of the nearby buildings to sway.

Once the mini-quake settled the Three Path's moved to stand in front of her. The two sides stared each other down until the Deva Path said, "I'm not sure it is accurate to say that you've lived up to your legend as I was under the belief that I'd be facing a broken down old woman well past her prime. It pleases me the reports were wrong as there'd be no point in destroying a village which relied on such a weak Kage."

"I think you'll find this village has survived worse than you," Tsunade said defiantly.

"You're the second one to tell me that," Nagato said through the Naraka Path although it used the same voice as the Deva. "However, this village is going to fall this day and there is nothing you can do to stop it."

"We'll see about that," Tsunade roared charging the Three Paths, "As the Hokage, I won't allow you to trample on our dreams or to snuff out our Will of Fire."

The Naraka and Preta leapt away from the Deva as it replied, "Those dreams were only allowed to come into being as a result of the suffering of the lesser countries. It's time that you experience a similar feeling of desolation." The Deva Path then leapt into the air, rising far above Tsunade until it reached a point where it could see almost the entire village. Hovering in midair the Deva Path held its hands above its head as it intended to release a Shinra Tensei which would level the entire village. "Know god's judgment," it said intending to focus the blast directly where Tsunade was standing.

However, before it could bring its hands down, a large paper chakram hit the Deva Path from behind cutting it in half. Nagato felt slightly disoriented as he watched the world spin as the two halves of the Deva Path tumbled towards the earth for the final few moments he could see through it. He cursed as he saw Konan standing on the roof of a nearby building as he guessed she had remained hidden expecting him to use his technique in such a way. Cursing his former partner and friend he sent the Naraka in motion to collect the halves in order to repair it.


Konan moved to aid Tsunade as several of his summoned canines attacked her. However the Hokage easily dealt with the beasts by simply chopping them in the neck and disrupting their motor movements. As the beasts struggled to move, Konan covered them in paper tightly bounding them before applying a seal that caused them to go inert.

Landing next to the Hokage, she felt a small smile, which she didn't let appear, as the blonde woman said, "You should be in bed."

"It was lonely by myself," Konan replied.

Tsunade nodded, before asking seriously, "Is that going to be enough to keep the Deva Path down?"

"Unlikely," Konan said even as the Deva landed in front of them.

"Konan, how unfortunate to find you still among the living," Nagato said through his favored Path. "Do you honestly believe you've saved this village?"

"Please Nagato," Konan said sounding on the verge of tears, "Stop this insanity. Don't you see that you've become everything Akatsuki was founded to oppose? Where does it finally end?"

"Such a foolish question," Nagato replied through the restored Deva Path. "You as well as anyone should know it'll never end. Even after my ultimate jutsu has been perfected and unleashed peace will only rein for a short time. Eventually the pain and fear of it will lessen, forcing its use once more. That is the truth of peace, periods of calmness set between times of pain and suffering. The jutsu that I'll create with the power of the Bijuu will simply make the bad moments shorter."

Konan wanted to refute Pain's philosophy. However, she found it difficult to do as a part of her still believed it herself. She could follow Naruto because as she had told Nagato earlier she believed her lover had inherited Yahiko's will along with Jiraiya's. Yet in the face of the suffering she had experienced found believing in Naruto's dream wholeheartedly difficult.

She looked at Tsunade out of the corner of her eye, expecting that perhaps the Sannin shared similar doubts. However, all she saw written on the blonde woman's face was a sureness that she was traveling the right path and an unshakeable faith in the man leading her down it. Konan felt disappointed in herself that she could find nothing to say to counter Nagato's argument. At the same time she wondered why it was that Tsunade was so positive especially in light of all she had lost over the years.

The blue-haired woman received a glimpse of what Tsunade was thinking as she said, "What a load of crap! You claim to be about peace but all you want to do is hurt the world as it has hurt you."

"Easy words to say when coming from the pig in charge of the village responsible for much of that suffering," Nagato said a hint of the anger he felt bleeding into Yahiko's voice.

Tsunade glared at the man, as she counted, "That's precisely my point. You just want to be one deciding who suffers what and when. I can't change whatever wrongs my home has committed against you to make you this way. But they in no way justify you actions against us now. You're not targeting any particular person looking for revenge or justice. You're simply striking at a point on a map in order to make things even in your mind. As a result you don't care if your actions actually punish those responsible. How many innocent people have you already hurt that weren't even alive to have wronged you?"

Nagato remained quiet for several heartbeats causing Konan to hope that Tsunade's words had somehow penetrated the darkness he had surrounded himself with. That hope was dashed as he replied, "Weak words uttered from one that used to wield the stick that beat down the other villages and now finds herself on the receiving end." Suddenly two new Paths appeared landing next to the Deva Path. To both women's surprise the new Paths revealed they could summon as they pressed their hands to the ground. As the smoke cleared it revealed twelve metal tubes that almost resembled metallic coffins standing on their end. The Paths contained inside pushed the lids to their containers open as they stepped in front of the Yahiko Deva Path.

Tsunade upon facing fifteen Paths of Pain sent a shocked look towards Konan asking, "What's going on?"

"I don't know," Konan said shocked, "Nagato's never been able to maneuver more than six paths before. This is something new."

"Indeed," Nagato said through the Yahiko Deva Path, "Once I suspected you to be a traitor I figured it would be best to overcome my previous limitations. As a result my six paths have evolved into an Army of Pain."

Konan frowned as she realized, "That mission to hunt down the Akatsuki defector where you said you were testing some upgrades. They didn't just modify the chakra transmitters in your walker to allow for greater range. It was also to up the amount of chakra they could send out."

"Very good," Nagato said through his favorite Path, "It's too bad you connected the dots too late though." Turning his focus to Tsunade the man said, "Hokage, the coming battle will be an interesting chance to show you what I meant about lessening the suffering endured between periods of peace. My paths are slowly going to grind this village into dust. I'll be sure to leave you alive long enough to tell me afterwards if you would have preferred me to simply have wiped it off of the face of the planet with a single jutsu."

The Yahiko Deva path then disappeared into smoke as Nagato had one of the Animal Paths that remained behind summon it back to the cave. Feeling so very much like a god, in thanks to the two hundred paths he was manipulating due to the chakra he was siphoning from the One-tails. Nagato smiled in the darkened cave as he witnessed the Leaf Village's destruction through two hundred points of view.


Yuugao seemed to dance backwards as she avoided the attacks of the Asura Path she had been battling. She left several after images of herself causing the Asura's missile attacks to miss as it targeted the false images. Yuugao charged through the dust kicked up by the explosions and created two shadow clones. She leapt into the air as the clones approached the Path from the ground with each of them leaving afterimages in their wake.

Their timing was perfect as all three struck at once, but the Asura Path used three of its six arms to catch the blades in its hands. The Path smirked as the top of its skull opened in order to fire its beam attack once more. However, Yuugao managed to surprise it by slamming the palm of her hand into its nose, using the arm that she had been favoring due to her previously injured shoulder, thus breaking it and causing its head to rock back causing the beam cannon to misfire into the air.

The Anbu captain kicked off of the path as she again used the arm the Path had believed was out of commission to make a one-handed handsign in mid-flip which caused her shadow clones to explode. Landing on her feet she brought her hand up to her injured shoulder and although she already suspected as much was still surprised to find the deep cut she had received was healed. Not exactly sure of the how, she did believe it was a result of her being a lover of Naruto as she had felt her injured shoulder getting stronger as the fight had progressed with the Asura Path.

Yuugao wasn't given the chance to ponder the matter any further as the metal tail that had injured it in the first place shot out of the smoke. She was forced to dodge it several times as it tried to track her movements, before the Asura Path retracted it as the smoke cleared. Yuugao frowned as she inspected the damage she had caused as although she had destroyed the arms that had caught her clones' attacks. The rest of the injuries it had sustained appeared to be pretty minor.

"Impressive," The Asura Path said amused, "You'll make a worthy vessel for my power." Yuugao remained silent as it wasn't the Anbu way to make idle chit-chat with the enemy. Yet to her surprise its gaze suddenly snapped off to the side as it asked, "Where do you think you're going?" It crouched over as it turned in the direction its head was looking. The metal tail shot from its back as if to impale some fleeing person leaving itself wide open.

Yuugao charged forward as she sensed Yakumo's presence and she understood the recently minted genin had placed a genjutsu on the Path. Still despite the genjutsu showing a fleeing Yuugao, it appeared to sense her attack at the last moment. Yet it was too late to react as her blade sliced through its neck removing the Asura Path's head from its shoulders.

As the beheaded Path collapsed Yakumo appeared from the side of the rubble from the building that had collapsed during her battle. "Yu... Captain Neko," Yakumo said remembering her place, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Yuugao stated looking over her fellow Harem member and the squad with her. Directing her focus to the nervous looking Chunin in charge she said, "Report."

"W-well you...um see..."

Yuugao was about to snap at the stuttering chunin, but Yakumo stepped in for him calmly saying, "Truthfully we don't know what's going on. We were ordered to help you by Shikaku, but since then all our attempts at communicating with the command center have gone unanswered."

Yuugao frowned behind her mask as she considered the possibility that Pain had targeted those directing Konoha's forces. Yajirobee spoke up to say, "A-anyway we've completed our m-mission we should return...Arrghhh!" His desire to return to the rear was cut short as a blast of chakra hit his back and blew a hole through him.

Yuugao and the other Leaf shinobi leapt back as the powerful blast continued on and hit the ground at the center of where they had all been standing. The resulting blast from where it hit sent out a large shockwave that sent several of the other genin flying.

Yuugao and Yakumo landed near each other and both directed their gazes to the top of a nearby building where the blast that had killed Yajirobee had come from. Yuugao frowned upon seeing two fresh looking Paths, one of which arm looked like some strange futuristic cannon. Recognizing it as the same type of jutsu that the Asura Path had been using the Anbu Captain asked aloud, "How did he get a replacement Path into the village so quickly?" Directing her gaze to the unfamiliar bald man standing next to the new Asura she pondered silently, "Is that the Animal Path? Did he summon it?"

But one of the genin that had accompanied Yakumo pointed saying, "What's that coming out of its back?"

Yuugao's eyes went wide in shock as coming out of the back of the one she had thought was the Animal Path was a familiar looking metal tail. "Two Asura Path's!?" Yuugao said shocked. The Anbu Captain didn't have any time to think on the matter further as the tail burst forward intent on skewering the pointing genin. Yuugao managed to rescue the young kunoichi as Yakumo caused them to disappear by casting a genjutsu.

Their respite was short lived as the Energy Cannon Asura Path began firing randomly into the area. The squad managed to regroup as they escaped from the energy blasts. Terrified beyond belief a young shinobi said, "Yajirobee was right...we aren't ready for this. We should be..."

"Be silent," Yuugao scolded, "If you wish to leave the front lines I won't stop you. However, our duty as shinobi is to ensure that this chaos does not reach the people of the village. If we fail here there is no place that will be safe from Pain's onslaught." Yuugao brought the squad to a stop as the wildly firing Asura Path ended its attacks. Using silent handsigns she directed the squad to prepare a counter-attack as she continued, "There is no magical time when one can be considered ready. You either manage to rise to whatever challenge you are facing or you don't. In a perfect world those challenges become increasingly more difficult giving the appearance that you have overcome them gradually. However, I think you'll find that those that have will to do so, can overcome even the most difficult situations without the learning curve."

A new Path landed behind the other two and placed its hands on them dispelling the genjutsu. Pulling her sword, Yuugao gave the motion for those she had charged with providing her cover by throwing kunai to begin their attack. The new path stepped in front of the other two and raised its hand causing the kunai to stop in midair. It then propelled them away and towards the genin causing them to take cover. Several didn't react in time taking minor wounds as a result causing the Anbu Captain to curse as the revealed Deva Path leapt from the building to intercept her.

The Deva Path landed in front of her and raised its hand to hit her with a powerful repelling force. However, Yuugao noticed its hand shift ever so slightly causing the jutsu to pass by her. Smirking at Yakumo's ability to quickly put the new foe under her genjutsu the Anbu captain threw a kunai that imbedded itself in the Path's forehead, before exploding. The two Asura Paths suspecting they had again been placed under a genjutsu began firing randomly, as Yuugao charged passed the ruined Path.

Still the purple haired woman was forced to pull as the Path with the tail leapt to a different building as two large rectangular pods appeared from its back. The pods were revealed to be rocket launchers as they fired into the area they suspected Yuugao was occupying. Forced to abandon her attack, she cursed as a new Path appeared on the building next to the Energy Cannon Asura Path. It then summoned a pair of the Single Headed Dogs that were roaming the village. Yuugao gave the signal to retreat as she suspected that the Summons would be able to counter Yakumo's genjutsu since they may not be as reliant on sight as the Paths appeared to be. Helping an injured genin to his feet, Yuugao threw several pellets that exploded into a bright light to blind their opponents as she tried to get the injured to safety before returning to the front lines.


Moegi tried to pick herself up off the ground as she recovered from the explosion that had scattered her squad. Shaking her head, she winced due to the pain and bells ringing in her ears getting worse. But she managed to get to her feet just in time for a hand to clamp around her throat. Being picked up by her throat, she stared into the Rinnegan eye of the man who asked, "Where is Naruto Uzumaki?"

A strange looking creature appeared from the ground behind the man as it repeated the question. Moegi glared as defiantly as she could as she replied, "I don't know! But even if I did I'd never tell you!"

Moegi's mouth was forced open as a strange tongue like appendage appeared from it as if to be swallowed by the apparition behind the Naraka Path questioning her. However to her great surprise the being disappeared into the purple flames it had appeared from. The Naraka Path then let her go before leaping away deciding to award her bravery and true answer.

A moment later Udon appeared asking, "Are you alright?" as he helped her to her feet.

Moegi nodded as she replied, "Surprisingly..." The rest of what she wanted to say was cut off as her teammate slammed a black chakra rod he had secured from a destroyed Path into her stomach. Moegi looked on shocked for a moment before she burst into smoke as she used the substitution jutsu to switch with a piece of debris.

Udon fought back a curse as he kicked the lumber his teammate had switched with away. Scanning the area he spotted her trying to escape although she appeared to still be rather weakened by her encounter with the Naraka Path as well as from the wound she now sported. Now needing to kill the kunoichi in order to protect his cover as well as to guide Konohamaru to Root's way of thinking the young man gave chase.


Ino was part of a medic squad that had been dispatched to the central command center located in the Jounin Station. Their task was to ascertain what the situation was and to tend to the injured. Unfortunately along the way they had encountered a squad of chunin that had taken refuge in a building due to the number of injured civilians they had been escorting. The Jounin in charge a woman named Taji, and who had also been the midwife to Naruto, had suspended their mission to attend to them.

Ino finished in her task of healing one of the chunin who had been injured defending the make-shift shelter. After being thanked and politely turning down the young man's request for a date, the kunoichi stood to take in the situation. She frowned as she realized that with the number of severely injured the mission was likely going to be scrubbed in favor of escorting them to the hospital. Noticing Taji had finished healing the civilian she was working on the Yamanaka kunoichi approached the former Anbu to ask, "I'd like to request permission to move on to the command center."

"Request denied," Taji said quickly preparing to give the order to secure those that couldn't move under their own power.

"Please," Ino said a small amount of pleading entering her tone.

"Ino," the Anbu said her voice and face softening slightly, "I can understand your desire considering your father is there. But we can't abandon these people and I can't take the chance of losing any skilled medics."

"I won't deny a part of my desire to go is to see if my father is okay," Ino said hoping to reason with her commander. "But it's also so we can learn if a second attempt is even necessary. Taking this many medics from the hospital has to have been felt by now considering the amount of injured we've encountered. Wouldn't it be better to know if a second attempt is even necessary?"

She could see her words were winning Taji over, but she could tell the woman was concerned she would be sending Ino to her death as she said, "It would, but I can't spare anybody else and according to the radio broadcasts it seems the heaviest fighting might be taking place around there."

"I'll be fine," Ino said, "and that's just one more reason why we should learn if a second attempt is even needed."

Ino tried to keep her voice calm and businesslike so Taji would let her go instead of sending some one that didn't have a personal stake in going. Finally after what seemed to be an eternity the dark-haired former Anbu nodded as she said, "Be careful and radio to us as soon as you can. Otherwise we're heading right back out as soon as we deliver the injured."

"Roger," Ino replied as she turned on her heel to learn the fate of her father and the rest of the shinobi stationed in the Command Center.
