
Passing the Night


[Ding! Mission completed. 40 normal Giant Horned Hyaenas and 1 Special Giant Horned Hyaenas.

5000 Gold]

Noah experienced a revitalizing sensation coursing through his being, washing away some of his weariness. The overwhelming frenzy that had consumed him while pulverizing the alpha female's skull seemed to have dissipated. His triumph over 41 colossal horned hyenas had rewarded him with a bountiful sum of 5000 gold coins. Each ordinary giant horned hyena contributed 100 gold coins, meaning the 40 slain creatures had granted him a total of 4000 gold. However, it was the leader of these formidable monsters who bestowed upon him a staggering 1000 gold coins, a testament to its formidable power.

Noah let out a sigh of relief before inspecting the lifeless bodies of the monsters, searching for their precious magic stones. Luck was on his side as he managed to uncover a total of 35 magic stones, including the coveted stone from the leader.