
Epoh's World

A boy called Epoh was born in the year 2435. He is extremely poor but has a big dream to rule the world.

Rolavin · SF
1 Chs


I woke up again, just like any other day. I laid down thinking about life for about two minutes before I got up. I brushed my teeth and took a short shower. I then went out into the street. There were heaps of trash scattered around the sidewalk which I tried my best to avoid but one piece of gum got stuck on my shoe. I scraped it off on the edge of the sidewalk. I then turned left and into an alleyway. In that alleyways was a door. Beyond that door was a house. In that house were bad people. I put up my hood and put my hands in my pockets where my knife was. As I entered, they paused to look for a bit but then continued talking amongst themselves. I scanned the room and went up the stairs. I rested my face onto each door, listening in case there were more people inside. I heard someone in the third door and slowly opened the door. There was a man who looked to be in his 20s on the phone. "Wait hold on" he said lowering his phone. I walked slowly towards him, slowly taking out my knife. "Yo what are you doi!-". I covered his mouth and stabbed his neck. He fell down to the floor, motionless. I left the room and looked down at the rest of the targets. There were about 15 of them. It would probably be difficult but I had to make it work. I quickly spotted someone who looked like the main target and went downstairs. He was dressed in a black suit and had a big golden chain. I could probably take it and sell it for a good amount. I pretended to walk beside him then put a knife to his neck. "Yo you dickheads, bring me your jewellery!" I yelled. Two of them began to approach and take out their knives but I pushed down a bit. "Okay, Okay, You guys bring the loot". About half of them went and half stayed glaring at me. Thirty seconds went by before they came back. All of them took out guns and began shooting at my head. A bullet grazed my forhead but i ducked behind their leader. One of the bullets hit his shoulder and he was wheezing. "You shitheads!" he yelled before headbutting me. "Aim at him, not me you fucking donkeys!". They all unloaded their guns and I began to run away. A bullet grazed my sides but I kept running. I went up the stairs again and into a room. They kept shooting even though I was out of sight and they yelled, "Come out!". My heart began racing. I didn't know what to do but tried to keep calm. I listened to their footsteps coming and began trying to think of something. If I died here my journey would end. That can't happen, I need to rule the world. One of them kicked the door open and I leaped towards him. I gauged his eyes out. He shrieked and fell back another one entered with a gun. I hid behind the door and as he walked past I stabbed his backhead and took his gun. I peeked the gun out of the room and shot. I could hear that some of the bullets were hitting but I wasn't sure so I kept shooting. Eventually the screaming stopped and I looked out. There were about eight dead and four left. I ducked so the ones downstairs couldn't tell I was there. They began panicking and I could hear hurried footsteps. I peeked over and shot the runners. Now there were three left, two armed with guns standing besides the target. They began shooting and a bullet hit my arm. I ducked down and just raised my other hand over and began shooting at where I thought they were. I heard a thud but didn't stop. Soon there were two thuds then three. They were all dead. I turned back and began ransacking the rooms. They had some money and jewelry so I just took and kept them. I cut the targets head off and put it in four bags which I placed in a duffle bag which I placed in a suitcase. When I made it out, it was still dawn.