
Chapter 1

The recipes for the coffee isnt mine got it from a cookbook here on wattpad from #almostisneverenough.

I'm standing, looking at my parent's name carved on the grave stone. The rain was pouring heavily and sure I would be sick but I cared less. 

After the death of my parents which came as a shock, life hasn't been easy at all. My dad's family helped me with the funeral after which I was thrown out of the house by my so called FAMILY. 

My mum had no family ,she was an orphan who lived on the streets before she met my dad.  I guess I was destined for the same as well.

"Mum, dad promise me you'll watch me from heaven, I have no where to go to except the streets. I love you and I promise to get whoever did this to you. I promise". I said with tears rolling down my cheek.

I look at the grave again and bent down to kiss them goodbye, I put the rose flower on the grave, my mum used to love them.

I rushed out of the cementary and just kept running so I could relieve myself a little, I did this for about 15 minutes and was put to a stop when I see a coffee shop that needs a waitress. Well not bad I could start here.

I entered the shop and was welcomed with the wonderful aroma of coffee coming from the coffee machines.  I head straight the waiter at the desk.

"Welcome to RICO'S coffee shop, what would you like sexy?"  asked Ryan whose name I saw in the name tag on his apron.  "I don't want anything actually ,I saw a post outside saying you need a waitress, is it still available"  I replied to the guy who just don't know where to put that eyes of his, staring at my boobs.

"Hello, back to earth boy!" I almost shouted at the boy.  He was cute not handsome and looked too young ,absolutely not my type.

"I'm sorry ,well yes it's still up for grab. You want it? " he asked. "Yeah sure".

I was taken to the owner of the coffee shop who was a man who looked to be in his fifties with soft looks.

"Sir, this lady here, has applied for the post of a waitress" Ryan told his boss. "OK, thank you, you may leave now Ryan" the man replied. Ryan left the room and I am standing with the boss in this office.

"So my dear, your name please? " the boss asked.

Oh my God I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself and that pervert Ryan couldn't even introduce me, instead he introduced me as "This lady here".

"Sorry sir, I didn't introduce myself earlier. My name is Tamilah" I replied to my soon to be boss whose name I still don't know.

"Oh, you got a nice name dear, as you may already know, I'm the owner of this little coffee shop and you can call me Mr. Rico. So you got any experience? Mr. Rico asked.

"Well, I won't say I have up to a year experience but I've always made coffee for my parents and myself" I thought of the good times I had with my parents. I quickly masked my face with a smile. I hope Mr. Rico didn't see me. "Alright, to be sure make me a cup of caramel machiato"  Mr.  Rico replied. "Aye aye captain, a cup of caramel macchiato coming right up" I said earning a chuckle from Mr. Rico. I quickly left the office and went straight to Ryan asking for a cup which I got almost immediately, I mixed the espresso and pumped the vanilla syrup into the cup.

"Tamilah get the espresso ready and bring the ice and milk" mum told me. "Right up mum" I replied. 

Clearing the thought after I felt tears drop to my hands. I miss them.

I added the milk and ice and poured the espresso slowly to the cup making the layer of coffee and milk separate. I quickly drizzled the caramel source on top. I was satisfied with what I made and I added the straw and quickly left for Mr. Rico's office.

I knocked before entering. "Sir your caramel macchiato". I gave it to the man who looked surprised. He is taking it, "oh God please help me" I prayed silently and making the sign of the cross.

"Wow! This is better than all the coffee I've tasted, you're in Tamilah" Mr. Rico replied. I'm so happy, I made a happy dance in my mind. I thanked him and left the office after he told me to start on Monday.  Greeting Mr. Perv. Bye. 

Turning my head to open the door and leaving here to know what to do with my life, I hit my head to a hard wall which happened to be breathing . I looked up and I was met with the most beautiful face I've ever seen in my life.  Chiseled jaw, beautiful lips, and a piercing cold blue eyes which seemed to be getting angry.

"Hey!" I was welcomed back to earth.

I was pulled back to earth from my dream world.  "I'm very sorry". I said. Heat rising up my cheek from the embarrassment I felt. "Watch where you're going and stop being a nuisance" the handsome stranger replied.

"Clumsy little girl" he muttered as he left into the coffee shop.

What a nerve I hate him already, who does he think he is. What stopped me from replying was because I didn't want to cause a scene. F@cking idiot.

"Uh sorry I'm still here" someone said in a calm tone . I turned to see another handsome man but with calm features. What's it with today and handsome men.

Remembering I haven't replied to the man. I hope he didn't hear me insulting that guy he came with.

"Sorry" I replied but he only smiled "no problem darling, he's just frustrated with himself, I won't tell" he replied. "Thanks" I replied. He smiled and left into the coffee shop. Why does he smile so much. Well not my problem. Looks like a friendly and cool guy. At least not like his grumpy friend .

I immediately left the coffee shop and began my thinking. I have class through out next week and I also have to come to the coffee shop for work.  Thank God it's only next month and I'll be through with school.  WAIT I remember I have a little money saved up. I quickly run to my money bank that is close to an old garage, it's deserted nobody comes here. I dig up the sand and bring out the money, $1500, isn't much though.

Brrrrr! Brrrr! My phone vibrates with the incoming call, who could be calling, since I know not plenty people. I quickly bring  the phone out from my pocket and checked the person calling to see it was Mr. Rico. I gave Mr. Rico my phone number and a little bit of my details. 

"Hello, yes sir I'm not busy.  I'll be there in no time. No problem sir and thanks".

Mr. Rico asked me to come fast to the coffee shop needing my help, cos someone wants the caramel macchiato I made not too long ago.

I quickly made my way out of the garage and ran to the coffee shop.  I've being running a lot, I'm sure I've lost a little weight and I need food and shelter. I haven't even had time to reflect on my life. I made it to the coffee shop and ran to Ryan at the waiter's desk.  "So Ryan, Mr. Rico called me telling me to make the coffee I made last time for someone". I told Ryan.

"Yeah, he needs a cup of caramel macchito and can you make caramel bûrleé latte cos his friend also wants a cup of whatever I said before" Ryan replied.  "Yeah sure I can get that done in no time"  I replied.

Without even waiting for any reply from the already annoying perv, I started with the mixture and the rest. After 25 minutes I was done with the coffee and I asked what table I'm to serve it to.

"Table 20 and be careful don't cause much trouble fierce angel, he's a special customer" Ryan replied.  OK this guy needs to mind the way he talks or I might break his bones one day, but not now I'll let it pass till I get back. I took the coffee and headed to the "special customer".

Wait it's that arrogant bastard, why does today have to get any worse for me. "Your coffee sirs, please enjoy" I said leaving both guys whose seemed to care less of my presence and were in a serious more like business conversation. But I was stopped by a voice from the special guests table.

"Wait! Thank you" the one with the friendly look said. "You're welcome, I shall leave now" I said leaving and going straight to the waiters desk I thank God the arrogant man didn't even open that his sexy dirty mouth, he didn't even look up but continued with the coffee.

They looked like they came from money cos the Armani expensive suit he wore and their sparkling wristwatch which looked like it was dipped into gold said it all.

"Ryan how old are you? " I asked Ryan who seemed taken aback by my question. "Why are you asking? " Ryan asked. "Cos I'm very sure I'm way older than you and I don't want you putting endearments to my name, do I make myself clear? " I told Ryan.

"I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable with me, please forgive me,  and I'm 19 years just finished high school and I don't have anybody so I just felt it was right and sorry for looking at your ummm stuff earlier" he said pointing to my breast with blush on his cheeks. I chuckled, he's not so bad then. "OK apology accepted. Lets introduce ourselves again" I told the smiling Ryan.

"My name is Temilah Daniels and I'm 23, a student of nursing at the Ohio school of nursing downtown". I told Ryan who seemed surprised.  "Wow then what are you doing here, not like I want you to go" Daniel asked.

"I've got nothing after I lost my parents and my family is not willing to help" I told Ryan. I know I'm not supposed to tell him anything about my family but I don't care, it's not like I care.

"Oh I'm very sorry, but no need to worry I'm here OK? " he said. Now I don't like the pity part but what can I do. "Thanks Ryan.... " I was going to say something when we we're interrupted by a voice that sent butterflies in my stomach. Turning to the owner of that beautiful voice. It had to be the handsome guy. "Ryan i want another cup of that coffee, it was good" so this guy wasn't so rude after all.  "Yes sir it's not me who made it but Temilah did" he said pointing to me. The man turns to me, I hope nothing bad comes out from that mouth.

"OK and I don't care just get me another one and hire some more waiter cos this shop sure needs one" he said. I knew it, nothing good will ever come out from that mouth. Wait did I just catch him staring at me, he said something to Ryan which I couldn't make out cos I wasn't interested and he left. Stupid rich bastard.

"OK, I need to stop with this insults that come out of my month" I said silently. "Did you say something?" Ryan asked. I guess I said that out loud. "What's it with that guy that he thinks he can just come here and boss you around? " I said to Ryan.

"Do you know that this is the first time that Mr. Zack will ever complement our coffee ever since I've being in this shop? " Ryan asked ignoring the question I asked earlier "Do I look like I care" I replied him. "Now what's got you all worked up?" Ryan asked and touching my shoulder.

"Nothing Ryan, let me just make the coffee for that overri..." Okay no insults. I retreat to the coffee machine as I hear Ryan laughing. This coffee shop is a little reminder of the good times I had with my parents.

Now i know writing a novel ain't easy at all... God it's too stressful but I've got to continue since I've started.

Ideas are coming in and out and I'm still confused....😔😔

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