
Epic of Leviathan [REBOOT]

This is a Complete Re-Write of my original The Epic of Leviathan. You don't need to read the original one to read this. However, the story is going to be extremely different from the OG one. MC will have a different background and different powers. The CoverArt is provided by LordValmar and I really appreciate his help. This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owners ------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. I would have used the Neutral Evil tag if it was available, but it isn't. So, a fair warning, the MC will do pretty evil or Dark stuff. Don't complain in the Future. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude from the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. And finally, this is going to be a World Travel Fic... 1st World: My Hero Academia 2nd World: Yet to be Decided 3rd World: Yet to be Decided ------------------------------------------------- Thrust into a Fictional World, with no parents to support him. With enemies all around him, will he be able to survive, or will he be swept away? Will he be able to make a name for himself? Carve a place for himself in the cruel world or will he be remembered as nothing but a footnote in history? ------------------------------------------------- Discord Channel- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs


"This is the first time you have left the orphanage, right?" The matron asked when she noticed the awed look on her face. I didn't remember anything from my past life except for the fictional worlds, so I had no idea how advanced my original world was, but it should have been a fairly advanced world.

After all, I should have owned at least a smartphone to have read all the fictional stories… 

"Yes" I admitted without any hesitation since it was really my first time leaving the orphanage and I was fairly impressed by the technological advancement in this world. For all I know, my previous world could have been equally or more advanced, but I was still impressed since I didn't remember much.

"Then be sure to look around all you can, but remember not to leave my side. I am an old woman, I won't be able to chase you through the crowd" The matron chuckled softly while she warned me. I wasn't planning to leave her side to begin with, in the first place.

After all, even though I was in the same MHA world from my memories, I was a complete stranger in this world. I didn't even own a smartphone to navigate through the streets and from the looks of it, the old matron knew pretty well where she was going, so why would I leave her? 

"I promise" I decided to assure her when I realized that she wasn't going to let me be until she received some sort of assurance from me. The matron gave me a bright smile before she finally looked away.

As I kept staring out of the window, I didn't notice how the time passed away, until the matron finally called out to me. "Reo-kun, we are here" The matron called out pointing toward the massive building on the other side of the road. After getting off at the nearest bus stop, we quickly made our way to the entrance.

There wasn't any fuss after that since the security already knew the matron and we already had an appointment, so without wasting any time, we were allowed to enter. "Reo-kun, you need to be on your best behavior" The matron reminded me sternly only to receive a nod from me.

"Good, let's go and meet Dr. Akunji" The matron called out merrily as she led me inside.

Soon, the two of us arrived inside a hall where we found Dr. Akunji waiting for us. "Hello, young man. How are you? Feeling excited?" The man asked as he leaned down to match my height.

"I am fine Dr. Akunji, thank you for asking. How are you?" I asked him in return.

"You are quite a polite one, aren't you?" The man asked with a chuckle as he patted my head. "I am also fine, just busy, thank you for asking. Now, let us get going. We have a schedule to keep" The man explained happily as he ruffled my hair and before he led the two of us inside the testing facility.

He asked the matron to stay with him while I was asked to step inside the testing room. "Now Reo-kun, before we begin. There are a few things you need to know" Dr. Akunji began to speak from behind the thick glass. The glass was probably reinforced against everything and since he brought me here, it was reinforced especially against heat.

"All Quirks have a trigger and everyone must know the trigger if they want to activate their Quirk. Now, it is impossible to know what your trigger is, it can only be learned through hard work, practice, and experimentation. For some, their trigger is related to emotions while it can be something else for others" Dr. Akunji explained calmly.

"Unfortunately, we do not have the time to discover your trigger" Dr. Akunji shook his head in disappointment.

"Then what are we going to do?" I asked, wondering if there must be some other way since he called me here to test my Quirk.

"I am glad you asked" The man beamed with a smile on his face. "There is another way to activate your Quirk even though it is quite slow and inefficient" The man explained as he raised his finger in the air. "You need to close your eyes and concentrate. You need to concentrate on your limbs until you finally come across your Quirk. To your senses, it is going to feel just like another limb" The man finished.

Then all of a sudden, he raised his hands in the air and shook his head. "I know how it sounds, but that is the only way" The man insisted. 

I wasn't sure if I should trust him or not, but I still decided to give it a try, after all, I didn't have any other choice. So, I closed my eyes and decided to follow his instructions. I hope he wasn't trying to brainwash me or something. That would be kind of anti-climatic for my new life. I didn't even know anything about his Quirk, but he had not done anything yet for me to suspect him. I have seen just too much dark shit to trust anyone blindly.

Following his instructions, I started to concentrate on my limbs until I finally came across something which felt like another limb, but felt like it wasn't at the same time. I have no idea how much time has passed outside, but I finally decided to speak up. "I can feel my Quirk, I think" I called out loudly. I wasn't sure if it was my Quirk, but according to the explanation I received from Dr. Akunji, I was probably right.

"Good. Good. You managed to do it in a minute, quite impressive" Dr. Akunji complimented me and I was surprised to discover that it had been only a minute since I closed my eyes. "Now, try to move around that limb. Try to feel it" The doctor explained and once again I decided to follow his instructions.

I tried to close my eyes and I immediately started to feel angry, apparently for no reason… The fuck? I cursed inside my mind. According to the doctor, triggers could be related to emotions. Is my trigger related to anger? I wondered inside my mind before I decided to feed it anger… 

With all the memories of fictional tragedies inside my mind, it wasn't hard to feed my anger and soon I started to feel the change… I felt my body shifting and my height increasing so I opened my eyes to inspect myself only for my eyes to widen in surprise as I knew this power from my memories…