
A Bloodthirsty Menace


In the middle of a secret room in the Cilane Kingdom, two human figures cleaned their clothes and mouths, after such a feast, they had left quite the mess.

The corpse of the young centaur boy was taken elsewhere by other centaurs, while a tall, white-skinned centaur with a sturdy and dark-haired horse half and blonde hair moved towards the strange figures. He seemed to be trying to maintain his composure, but after spectating the voracious appetite of the fiends, he couldn't hold himself and quivered while speaking.

"My lords… How as it been? The Royal Blood was of your taste?"

One of the figures, who seemed to hold higher authority than the second one, spoke. He was a tall man, of over 2 meters tall. He had pale white skin like candle wax, and his crimson eyes combined well with his handsome young man face and his long crimson hair. As he spoke, an eerie bloody presence was released from his body.