
{Thunderstorm Mershark Pirate Queen’s Armor}


A giant pirate ghost ship enchanted with lightning clashed against Oceanus, making half his body collapse instantly. Although he could regenerate right away because he was the seas and even this realm itself, the damage he took reached his soul, even if for a bit, making him feel slightly paralyzed in pain, and filled with anger.


This time he wasn't even able to protect himself with the seas he trusted so much because Aarae was controlling and exerting her own authority into the oceans as well!

"URGH…! My soul! It hurts?!" Oceanus thought. "And someone else has an Ocean Tear Fragment too?!"

He quickly and forcefully regenerated his body, this time simply forming a titanic arm made of stone, corals, rocks, and seas, which quickly reached the foe in front of him, Gaby!

However, the brave Mershark Queen didn't felt any fear with a titanic arm reaching her, as big as three kilometers of height.