Epheria is a land divided by war and mistrust. The High Lords of the south squabble and fight, only kept in check by the Dragonguard, traitors of a time long past, who serve the empire of the North. In the remote villages of southern Epheria, still reeling from the tragic loss of his brother, Calen Bryer prepares for The Proving—a test of courage and skill that not all survive.
The beginning of a new year in Epheria is marked by the passing of the Winter Solstice. There are five seasons that divide the year: earlywinter, spring, summer, autumn, winter.
Calen Bryer (Kay-lin BRY-ER): Son of Vars and Freis, brother of Ella and Haem. Villager of The Glade. The first new Draleid free of the empire in four hundred years.
Haem Bryer (HAYM BRY-ER): Son of Vars and Freis, brother of Ella and Calen. Villager of The Glade. Thought to be killed while defending The Glade from Uraks in the year 3078 After Doom, but found to be alive after being granted the Sigil of Achyron and taking on the name 'Arden'.
Ella Bryer (EL-AH BRY-ER): Daughter of Vars and Freis, sister of Haem and Calen. Villager of The Glade. Currently fleeing from Berona.
Freis Bryer (Fr-EHY-s BRY-ER): Wife of Vars, mother of Calen, Haem, and Ella. Herbalist and healer of The Glade. Killed by Farda Kyrana.
Vars Bryer (VARS BRY-ER): Husband of Freis, father of Calen, Haem, and Ella. Blacksmith of The Glade. Killed by Inquisitor Rendall.
Faenir (FAY-near): A wolfpine who was raised by the Bryer family. Currently travelling with Ella Bryer.
Rhett Fjorn (Ret Fy-orn): Captain of The Glade's town guard. Lover of Ella. Killed on the merchant's road to Gisa.
Erdhardt Hammersmith (ERD-Heart Hammer-smith): Husband of Aela. Village elder of The Glade.
Aela Hammersmith (AY-LAH Hammer-smith): Wife of Erdhardt, jeweller of The Glade. Killed during the Urak attack on The Glade in the year 3080 After Doom.
Dann Pimm (Dan-Pim): Son of Tharn and Ylinda, close friend of Calen's. Currently searching for Calen.
Tharn Pimm (TH-ARN Pim): Husband of Ylinda, father of Dann. Fletcher of The Glade.
Ylinda Pimm (Yuh-Lin-Dah Pim): Wife of Tharn, mother of Dann. Weaver of The Glade.
Rist Havel (Ri-st Hah-vul): Son of Lasch and Ylinda, close friend of Calen's. Apprentice Battlemage in the Circle of Magii. Sponsored by Exarch Garramon.
Lasch Havel (Lash Hah-vul): Husband of Elia, father of Rist. Innkeeper of The Gilded Dragon.
Elia Havel (EH-lee-AH Hah-vul): Wife of Lash, mother of Rist. Beekeeper.
Verna Gritten (Ver-NAH GRIT-in): Mother of Anya. Village elder of The Glade. Killed during the Urak attack on The Glade in the year 3080 After Doom.
Anya Gritten (AHN-YA GRIT-in): Daughter of Verna, close friend of Calen's.
Fritz Netly (F-Ritz Net-lee): Childhood rival of Calen's. Betrays Ella's survival to Farda. Apprentice Inquisitor of the Circle of Magii.
Belina Louna (BELL-eena lauw-NAH): A bard, and also a former Hand Assassin, now working alongside Aeson and his rebellion. Close friend of Dayne Ateres.
Therin Eiltris (Theh-RIN EHL-treece): Renowned Bard who performs in The Glade. Former elven ambassador to The Order. Powerful mage.
Arthur Bryne (Are-THUR BRINE): Father of Daymon. Murdered king of Belduar.
Daymon Bryne (DAY-MON BRINE): Son of Arthur, newly crowned king of Belduar.
Ihvon Arnell (EYE-VON ARE-nell): Close friend and advisor to Arthur. Betrayed Arthur and allowed the Fade and the empire into Belduar. Advisor to the new king, Daymon.
Oleg Marylin (OH-leg Mar-IH-lin): Belduaran emissary to the Dwarven Freehold.
Conal Braker (CUN-UL BRAH-ker): Young porter in Belduar.
Lumeera Arian (Loo-MEER-AH ARE-EE-an): Belduaran Kingsguard.
Kira (KEE-RAH): Queen of Durakdur.
Pulroan (PULL-ROW-AN): Queen of Azmar.
Elenya (EL-EN-YA): Queen of Ozryn.
Hoffnar (Hoff-NAR): King of Volkur.
Falmin Tain (FAHL-min TAIN): Member of the Wind Runners Guild, navigator of the Crested Wave.
Nimara (Nih-MAR-AH): Dwarven warrior from Durakdur who aided in the search for Calen and Erik.
Mirlak (Mihr-LAK): Commander of the Durakduran Queensguard.
Almer (Al-MER): Dwarven warrior who fought beside Dahlen in the battle of Belduar.
Yoring (Yor-ING): Dwarven warrior who fought beside Dahlen in the battle of Belduar. Took an arrow to the knee.
Dayne Ateres (DAIN AH-Teer-eece): Son of Arkin and Ilya Ateres, brother of Alina, Baren, and Owain. Heir to House Ateres. Exiled from Valtara in the year 3068 After Doom.
Alina Ateres (AH-leen-AH AH-teer-eece): Daughter of Arkin and Ilya Ateres, sister of Dayne, Baren, and Owain. Wyvern rider of Valtara. Wing-Sister of Lukira, Mera, and Amari. Rider of Rynvar. Leader of the Valtaran rebellion.
Baren Ateres (BAH-REN Ah-teer-eece): Son of Arkin and Ilya Ateres, brother of Alina, Dayne, and Owain. Whereabouts currently unknown after Dayne released him following the retaking of Skyfell.
Owain Ateres (OH-AY-in Ah-teer-eece): Son of Arkin and Ilya Ateres, brother of Alina, Dayne, and Baren. Given over to the empire as a child.
Mera (MEH-RAH): Aligned with House Ateres. Wyvern Rider of Valtara. Wing-Sister of Alina, Lukira, and Amari. Rider of Audin. Close friend of Alina, past lover of Dayne.
Marlin Arkon (Mar-lin ARE-kon): Steward of House Ateres.
Loren (Loh-REN): High Lord of Valtara.
Rinda (RIN-dah): Consul of the Lorian Empire. Stationed in Valtara.
Amari (AH-mar-EEE): Wing-Sister of Alina, Mera, and Lukira. Wyvern Rider of Valtara. Rider of Syndil
Lukira (Loo-keer-AH): Wing-Sister of Alina, Mera, and Amari. Wyvern rider of Valtara. Rider of Urin.
Tyr Arnen (Teer ARE-NEN): High Commander of the Valtaran armies.
Senya Deringal (SEN-YAH DER-in-GAHL): Head of House Deringal.
Vhin Herak (VHIN HER-AK): Head of House Herak.
Tula Vakira (TOO-lah VAH-keer-AH): Head of House Vakira
Miron Thebal (Meer-ON THEB-AL): Head of House Thebal.
Turik Baleer (TURE-IK BAH-leer): Head of the Minor House, Baleer.
Reinan Sarr (RAY-NAN SAR): Head of the Minor House, Sarr.
Hera Malik (heh-RAH MAH-lik): Head of the Minor House, Malik. Wyvern rider of Valtara. Rider of Yarsil.
Iloen Akaida (IH-low-EN AH-kay-DAH): Former porter in the Redstone kitchens. Son of Sora and Aren Akaida.
Sylvan Anura: Rakina. Former member of the Dragonguard.
Farda Kyrana (Far-DAH Kie-RAH-nah): Justicar of the Lorian empire and Exarch of the Imperial Battlemages. Killed Freis Bryer. Currently travelling to Fort Harken with the Fourth Army.
Rendall (REN-DULL): Imperial Inquisitor. Killed Vars Bryer. Captured a one-handed elf after the Battle of Belduar.
Andelar Touran (AN-DEH-LAR TOO-RAN): Primarch of the Imperial Battlemages
Fane Mortem (FAIN MORE-tem): Emperor of Loria.
Karsen Craine (CAR-sin CRAYNE): Grand Consul of the Circle of Magii.
Garramon (GAR-ah-MON): Exarch of the Imperial Battlemages, sponsor of Rist Havel.
Andelar Touran (AN-deh-LAR Too-RAN): Primarch of the Imperial Battlemages.
Neera (Neer-AH): Apprentice to Sister Ardal.
Tommin (TOM-in): Apprentice to Sister Danwar.
Lena (Leh-NAH): Apprentice to brother Halmak.
Magnus Offa (Mag-NUS OFF-ah): Exarch of the Imperial Battlemages. Mage Commander of the First Army.
Anila (AH-NIL-AH): Exarch of the Imperial Battlemages. Instructing Rist and Neera in swordsmanship.
Taya Tambrel (TAY-AH Tam-BRELL): Supreme Commander of the Lorian Armies.
Ayura Talvare (AY-OO-rah TAL-VARE): Commander of the Fourth Army.
Guthrin Vandimire (Gooth-RIN VAN-DIH-mire): General to Ayura Talvare.
Tanner Fjorn (TAH-ner FY-orn): Uncle to Rhett. High Captain of the Beronan city guard.
Yana (Yah-NAH): Member of the northern rebellion.
Farwen (FAR-win): Member of the northern rebellion. Rakina.
Coren Valmar (CORE-in Val-MAR): Leader of the northern rebellion. Rakina, formerly bound to Aldryn.
Juro (JURE-OH): Head of the scouts in Tarhelm.
Varik (VAH-RIK): Member of the northern rebellion.
Surin (SURE-IN): Member of the northern rebellion.
Ingvat (ING-VAT): Member of the northern rebellion.
Thalanil (Tha-lah-nil): High Captain of the Aravell Rangers
Faelen (FAY-lin): Elven Ranger.
Gaeleron (GAY-ler-on): Elven Ranger. Presumed dead after the Battle of Belduar.
Alea (AH-lee-ah): Elven Ranger.
Lyrei (Lie-REE): Elven Ranger.
Ellisar (EHL-is-ARE): Elven Ranger. Killed by the Fade in the first Battle of Belduar.
Vaeril (VAY-ril): Elven Ranger. Close companion of Calen Bryer.
Thurivîr (THOO-RIH-VARE): Lunithíran Ephorí of Aravell.
Ara (AH-RAH): Lunithíran Ephorí of Aravell.
Dumelian (DOO-MEL-ee-AN): Vaelen Ephorí of Vaelen.
Ithilin (ITH-il-in): Vaelen Ephorí of Vaelen.
Baralas (BAR-AH-LAS): Ardurän Ephorí of Aravell.
Liritháin (LIR-ITH-ain): Ardurän Ephorí of Aravell.
Galdra Lunithír (GAL-DRA Loo-nith-ear): King of the Lunithíran elves in Aravell.
Uthrían Ardurän (OOTH-REE-an ARE-DUR-an): Queen of the Ardurän elves in Aravell.
Silmiryn Vaelen (SIL-MIR-IN VAY-LIN): King of the Vaelen elves in Aravell.
Achyron (Ack-er-on): The warrior God, or simply The Warrior. The protector against the shadow.
Elyara (El-eee-ARE-AH): The Maiden. The wisest of all the gods, creator of consciousness and free thought.
Varyn (Var-in): The Father. The protector of all things and the provider of the sun.
Heraya (HER-eye-AH): The Mother. The giver of life and receiver of the dead.
Hafaesir (Hah-FYE-SEER): The Smith. The Patron god of the dwarves. Builder of the world.
Neron (NEH-ron): The Sailor. Creator of the seas and provider of safe travel.
Efialtír (Ef-EE-ahl-TIER): The Traitor God. Efialtír betrayed the other six gods at the dawn of creation. He turned his back on their ways, claiming his power through offerings of blood.
Fenryr (Fen-reer): The wolf god.
Kaygan (KAY-GAN): The kat god.
Bjorna (BEE-OR-NAH): The bear god.
Vethnir (Veth-NEER): The hawk god.
Dvalin (DVAH-LIN): The stag god.
Grandmaster Verathin (Ver-AH-thin): Grandmaster of the knights of Achyron. Leader of The First. Survivor of The Fall. Killed in the Battle of Kingspass.
Brother-Captain Kallinvar (KAL-IN-var): Captain of The Second. Survivor of The Fall.
Arden (AR-DIN): Knight of The Second.
Ildris (ILL-dris): Knight of The Second. Survivor of The Fall.
Ruon (REW-ON): Knight of The Second. Survivor of The Fall.
Tarron (TAR-ON): Knight of The Second. Survivor of The Fall.
Sylven (SILL-VEN): Knight of The Second.
Mirken (MUR-KIN): Knight of The Second.
Daynin (DAY-NIN): Knight of The Second.
Varlin (VAR-LIN): Knight of The Second.
Lyrin (LIH-RIN): Knight of The Second.
Sister-Captain Olyria (OH-LEER-ee-AH): Captain of The Third. Survivor of The Fall.
Sister-Captain Valeian (VAL-AY-IN): Captain of The Fourth.
Brother-Captain Darmerian (DAR-MEHR-ee-an): Captain of The Fifth.
Brother-Captain Armites (AR-MIH-teece): Captain of The Sixth. Survivor of The Fall.
Brother-Captain Illarin (ILL-are-IN): Captain of The Seventh. Survivor of The Fall.
Brother-Captain Rivick (RIV-ICK): Captain of The Eight.
Sister-Captain Airdaine (AIR-DAINE): Captain of The Ninth.
Sister-Captain Emalia (EM-AH-lee-AH): Captain of The Tenth. Survivor of The Fall.
Watcher Gildrick (GIL-DRICK): Watcher of the Knights of Achyron.
Eltoar Daethana (EL-TWAR Die-THA-NAH): Commander of the Dragonguard. Bonded to Helios. Wing commander of Lyina and Pellenor.
Lyina (Lie-eee-NAH): Member of the Dragonguard. Bonded to Karakes. Eltoar's left wing.
Pellenor (Pel-EH-NOR): Member of the Dragonguard. Bonded to Meranth. Eltoar's right wing.
Jormun (JOR-mun): Member of the Dragonguard. Bonded to Hrothmundar.
Ilkya (IL-kee-AH): Member of the Dragonguard. Bonded to Eríthan.
Voranur (VOR-ah-noor): Member of the Dragonguard. Bonded to Seleraine.
Erdin (ER-DIN): Member of the Dragonguard.
Luka (Loo-KAH): Member of the Dragonguard.
Tivar (Tee-VAR): Member of the Dragonguard. Bonded to Avandeer.
Aeson Virandr (Ay-son VIR-an-DUR): Former Draleid whose dragon, Lyara, was slain. Rakina. Father of Dahlen and Erik. Key member of the rebellion.
Dahlen Virandr (DAH-lin VIR-an-DUR): Son of Aeson, brother of Erik.
Erik Virandr (AIR-ICK VIR-an-DUR): Son of Aeson, brother of Dahlen.
Asius (AY-see-US): Jotnar, close friends with Aeson, companion of Larion and Senas.
Larion (LAR-eee-ON): Jotnar, companion of Asius and Senas.
Senas (See-NAS): Jotnar, companion of Asius and Larion.
Baldon (BAL-DON): Angan of the clan Fenryr, shapeshifter.
Aneera (AH-Neer-AH): Angan of the clan Fenryr, shapeshifter.
Arem (AH-REM): Aeson's contact in Argona who directs all correspondence.
Lothal Helmund (Low-THAL HELL-mund): High Lord of Drifaien.
Orlana Helmund (Or-LAH-NAH HELL-mund): Wife of Lothal.
Artim Valdock (ARE-TIM Val-DOCK): Exarch of the imperial battlemages sent to Drifaien in search of the Draleid.
Alleron (Al-ER-ON): Warrior of Drifaien. Met Calen, Dann, and Erik in The Two Barges.
Baird (BARE-D): Warrior of Drifaien. Met Calen, Dann, and Erik in The Two Barges.
N'aka (UHN-Ah-KA): Six-limbed creatures with scythe-like talons and blackish-grey hides. Their general body shapes are not dissimilar to that of a kat's, though they are larger.
Virtuk (VIR-TUK): Dwarven war mounts with white hide of leathery skin and hard carapace-covered beaks. Articulated sections of grey, armour-like carapace grows from their skin, covering their backs, sides, and shoulders, along with a section that formed around their heads and necks like helms. Since The Fall, the virtuks have been transitioned into beasts of burden to keep their numbers viable in the time of peace.
Aldithmar (al-DITH-MAR): Ancient spirits.
Epheria (EH-fear-EE-ah): The continent of Epheria is one of the largest continents in the known world.
Karvos (CAR-VOHS): One of the five main continents in the known world. Home to the Karvosi. Karvos is a continent mostly consumed by rainforest. A number of wars have been fought been the Epherians and the Karvosi across the ages.
Ardan (ARE-DAN): One of the five main continents in the known world. Home to the Ardanians. The Ardanians are a powerful sea
Narvona (NAR-VOH-NAH): One of the five main continents in the known world. Home to the Narvonans. Narvona's climate is far hotter than Epheria's, and it is home to many mineral deposits and precious stones. Due to the wealth provided by these natural resources, the Narvonans are a wealthy and powerful people. There has been conflict between Epheria and Narvona but for the most part the relations between the two continents have been amicable. Due to this amicable relationship, it is not uncommon to see Narvonans who have made their home in Epheria.
Valacia (VAH-lay-see-AH): Meaning Icelands in the Old Tongue. One of the five main continents in the known world. A mostly unexplored wasteland of ice and snow. The dragons of Valacia are widely considered to be things of legend.
Loria (Lor-EE-AH): The province of Loria dominates northern Epheria. It is in this province that the Lorian Empire hold their seat of power, in the capital city of Al'Nasla.
Illyanara (ILLY-ah-NAH-ra): One of the six provinces of southern Epheria, ruled over by High Lord Castor Kai.
Carvahon (Car-VAH-hon): One of the six provinces of southern Epheria, ruled over by High Lord Talia Kar
Varsund (VAR-SUND): One of the six provinces of southern Epheria, ruled over by High Lord Korim Garrin
Arkalen (ARE-KAY-LIN): One of the six provinces of southern Epheria, High Lord Syrene Linas
Drifaien (Drif-AY-IN): One of the six provinces of southern Epheria, ruled over by High Lord Lothal Helmund.
Valtara (Val-TAHR-AH): One of the six provinces of southern Epheria, ruled over by High Lord Loren Koraklon
Belduar (BELL-DOO-are): The last "free city of men" in Epheria. Belduar is the only city of men that is not under the dominion of the Lorian Empire, and instead has its own king – Arthur Bryne.
Ölm (Ohm): Ölm is a small village that is part of a collective of villages that sit at the base of Wolfpine Ridge. It shares its name with Ölm Forest. Both the village and the forest take their name from the ancient Jotnar city of Ölmur.
Durakdur (Duhr-ack-duhr): The dwarven kingdom of Durakdur is a member of the Dwarven Freehold. It is ruled over by Queen Kira.
Ozryn (Oz-RHIN): The dwarven kingdom of Ozryn is a member of the Dwarven Freehold. It is ruled over by Queen Elenya.
Volkur (Vol-KOOR): The dwarven kingdom of Volkur is a member of the Dwarven Freehold. It is ruled over by King Hoffnar.
Azmar (AZ-mar): The dwarven kingdom of Azmar is a member of the Dwarven Freehold. It is ruled over by Queen Pulroan.
Lynalion (LIN-ahl-EE-on): The woodland of Lynalion stretches for hundreds of miles in all directions. It sits at the base of Mar Dorul and is where a large portion of the elves retreated to after the fall of The Order.
Aravell (ARA-vell): Aravell is a hidden city that acts as the home to a faction of elves that have split from the elves of Lynalion.
The Old Tongue is a language passed down from the gods and creators known as the Enkara. Before the arrival of the humans to the continent in the year 306 After Doom, the Old Tongue was the prevalent language spoken amongst the Elves, and Jotnar. After the arrival of the humans, the Common tongue was developed from a blending of the languages spoken by dwarves and humans with the Old Tongue.
Here are a few common phrases that might be found throughout the books.
Draleid (Drah-laid): Dragonbound. Ancient warriors whose souls were bonded to the dragons that hatched for them.
Rakina (Rah-KEEN-ah): One who is broken, or in the elven dialect – 'one who survived'. When a dragon or their Draleid dies, the other earns the title of 'Rakina'.
Du gryr haydria til myia elwyn (DOO Greer HAY-dree-AH till MAYA EHL-win): You bring honour to my heart.
N'aldryr (Nahl-DREAR): By fire.
Valerys (Vah-lair-is): Ice.
Det være myia haydria (Deh-t VAY-air MAYA HAY-dree-AH): It would be my honour.
Du haryn myia vrai (Doo Hah-RIN MAYA VRAY): You have my thanks.
Myia elwyn er unira diar (MAYA EHL-win AIR OO-neer-AH Dee-ARE):My heart is always yours.
Din vrai é atuya sin'vala (DIN VRAY Eh AH-too-YAH Sin-VAH-LAH): Your thanks are welcome here.
Draleid n'aldryr, Rakina nai dauva (Drah-laid Nahl-DREAR, Rah-KEEN-ah Nay D-ow-VAH):Dragonbound by fire, broken by death.Det er aldin na vëna du (Deh-t AIR Ahl-DIN Nah VAY-na DOO):It is good to see you.
Myia nithír til diar (MAYA NIH-theer TILL Dee-ARE): My soul to yours.
I denír viël ar altinua (Eee Deh-Neer Vee-EL ARE Al-tin-OO-AH):In this life and always.
Vaen (VAY-en):Truth.
Drunir (DREW-Neer):Companion.
Aldryr (ALL-DREAR): Fire.
Níthral (Nee-TH-ral): Soulblade.
Svidar'Cia (Svih-DAR-see-AH): Burnt Lands.
Svidarya (Svih-DAR-eee-AH):Burning Winds.
Valacia (VAH-lay-see-AH):Icelands.
Nithír (NIH-Theer): Soul.
Din haydria er fyrir (DIN HAY-dree-AH AIR Fih-reer): Your honour is forfeit.Bralgír (Brahl-GEER):Storyteller.
Ayar Elwyn (Ay-ARE EHL-win): One Heart.
Galdrín (GAHL-DREEN):Mage.
Idyn väe (IH-din VAY): Rest well.
Solian ata'yar. Dauv ata'yar (SO-Lee-AN ATA-YAR. D-owv ATA-YAR): Live as one. Die as one.
Vået (VYE-ET): Time.
Evalian (EH-VAL-ee-AN): Elves.
Dracårdare(DRAC-ah-are-dare): Dragonkeepers
Humans: Humans first arrived on the continent of Epheria in the year 306 After Doom, fleeing from an unknown cataclysm in their homeland of Terroncia.
Elves: Along with the Jotnar and the dwarves, the elves were one of the first races to inhabit Epheria. After the fall of the Order the elves fought valiantly against the newly formed Lorian Empire, but were eventually defeated and subsequently split into two major factions. One faction blamed the humans for the decimation of Epheria, and retreated into the enormous woodland known as Lynalion, withdrawing themselves from the rest of the continent. The other faction withdrew to the Darkwood, where they built the city of Aravell and continued on the fight in secret by turning the Darkwood into an impassable barrier between the North and South.
Dwarves: Before the fall of The Order, the dwarves occupied territories both above land and below. But after The Fall, the dwarves retreated back to their mountain kingdoms for safety.
Uraks (UH-raks): Creatures whose way of life revolves around bloodshed. Little is known of them outside of battle, other than they serve the traitor God – Efialtír.
Jotnar (Jot-Nar): The Jotnar, known to humans as 'giants', are a race of people who have inhabited Epheria since the dawn of time. They have an intrinsic connection to the Spark, have bluish-white skin, and stand over eight feet tall.
Angan (Ann-GAN): The Angan are a race of humanoid shapeshifters. It is not truly known when they arrived in Epheria, though it is thought that they are as old as the land itself. They are divided into five major factions, each devoted to one of the five Angan Gods: Dvalin, Bjorna, Vethnir, Fenryr, and Kaygan.
fuck man Writing this shit is killing me ..
im tired asf :(
I'll take a looong break before start working on volume 6 + there's no support no reviews no comments no nothing which makes me kinda sad lil bit ..