

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · ファンタジー
26 Chs


It's been 3 days since we organized the guild and cleaned up the building. One thing I didn't account for was how much paperwork I would have to do when a guild master! All 3 of those days were me sitting down and filling that out. I sigh remembering all the late nights. I stretched as Mr. Fang's class came to an end.

"Shall we head to the guild house?" I offered Scarlet as I turned to her.

"Yeah. We should probably see if there is anything left that we can set up." Scarlet remarked chuckling.

When I wasn't working on paperwork, I was helping clean up the guild house and making sure we could get some resemblance of furniture. Sadly, since we are a new guild, the school won't give us much of a budget to work with so we can't get anything to upgrade the place. Thankfully we were able to pull a few strings and got benches kind of and old pillows to sit on. As we were just reaching the door, we saw Kara making her way over. We chatted as we walked to the guild home. 

We then open the door and enter. I look around the house, still has broken floorboards here and there, damaged walls, a broken fireplace, a wooden bench with pillows on it, and a few pillows just on the floor. 'It's not much, but it's home' I smile. The girls take a seat on the bench as I go and sit on one of the pillows on the floor.

"So, how was everyone's day?" Kara asked happily.

"It was good..." Scarlet started but I tuned out the rest getting lost in thought.

I'm the one who dragged them into this guild, and I can't even provide something nice for them to relax in. I need to find a way to get a better budget for our guild.

"Adr-" I hear vaguely but my thoughts are just washing over it.

Usually, the best way to get a better budget is to raise the reputation of the guild...

"Adrian!" Suddenly Kara's face is really close to mine causing me to jump and nearly fall back.

Kara starts laughing and backs up a little bit.

"Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to make you jump!" She said while laughing. "You were just staring off into space and not responding!"

"Oh, sorry. Guess I got lost in thought" I awkwardly laugh. "What's up?"

"Kara wanted to know how your day went from you. Also, we were wondering if everything was alright..." Scarlet chimed in.

"Huh? Oh well, my day was good. And yes, everything is alright." I smile at them.

Kara and Scarlet look at each other. They seem uncertain about my answer... I'll just play it off, that should help them not to worry.

"Really, nothing is wrong!" I smile. "I've been wondering though, how has everyone's dungeon runs been?"

"Fantastic!" Kara exclaimed. "Only a minor concussion this time!"

"That's...good!" I smiled worrying for the girl's health.

"I am pleased with mine as well. I made it to floor 20 this morning." Scarlet adds.

I feel my jaw drop when I hear that. floor 20? I am getting left in the dust! I make a mental note to go back into the dungeon tonight.

"Woah! That's pretty good Scar!" Kara smiles.

"That is amazing!" I responded.

Kara then turns to me with a question of her own. "I was wondering. What are we supposed to do as a guild anyway...?" She asked.

I ponder for a moment. In the game, you could accept quests to raise your reputation and maybe earn your guild a little bit of a better budget as well as make some pocket money. Or reach raise your guild's average floor. That also helps. Then there is more of a certain group of people you can take into the other dungeon.

"We could do quests, and raise our average guild dungeon floor," I responded thoughtfully. 

"And what does that mean for us? How do we get quests?" Scarlet chimed in.

"Well...I guess that is for me to supply." I add. "I will go to the teacher's office and see what I can do."

I get up and start making my way.

"Hold on! I am coming with," Kara said as she got up and started to follow me.

"I will come as well," Scarlet added as she got up from the bench.

Rather than fighting it, I decided it would be easier to let them do what they want. Once they caught up, we made our way over to the teacher's lounge. Not even bothering to knock, I open the door and walk in.

"Ah, well if it isn't the Crimson Rabbit's" Mrs. Sugio smiles. "Come to close your guild?"

"Ha, funny." I sarcastically remark. "No. We came because we want quests." 

"Quests?" She looks at us and sighs. "I guess you would eventually. Since you are considered a F-rank guild and are all freshmen, you can choose from the list of quests over there."

We looked over to where she was pointing to see a worn-out board of quests.

"That looks rather unkept." Scarlet mentioned.

"Well, no one uses it anymore. All the other guilds have a good enough reputation that they can have someone work as a receptionist of sorts." Mrs. Sugio comments.

"Receptionist?" Kara asks.

"You don't know about that?" Mrs. Sugio gave an exasperated look. "They are students a part of a guild who choose to help out those in the guild by other means rather than go dungeon hopping. They also help take some load off of the guild master."

'That look was a bit much, but I appreciate the info' I think to myself.

"How can we be eligible to have a guild member do that?" I asked as Scarlet and Kara went over to the board.

"You must be at least an E-rank guild, with at least 5 members." Mrs. Sugio mentioned.

"I see...thanks" I smiled at Mrs. Sugio as I went over to the board.

We all looked over the board for quests. All of them were very simple and straightforward. Like bringing back slime from floor 1, or raising the guild average floor to floor 3, etc.

"What do you say we do these?" Scarlet asked as she grabbed 3 off of the board.

Kara and I take a look at the quests. It's the raised floor one, bringing back bones from floor 2, and slime from floor 1.

"These look simple enough," Kara responded.

"Eh," I said as I grabbed all 10 quests off the board. "Let's just do them all."

"We can do that?" Scarlet and Kara asked in unison.

"We will eventually, so might as well start now." I smile.

I then walked over to Mrs. Sugio and placed them all down. She then looks at them and looks back at us.

"You want to do all of them...?" Mrs. Sugio asked. "You know a lot of Freshmen struggle with some of these right?"

"Don't worry about us," I smile. "We will be just fine."

"Fine, I will set them to your guild." Mrs. Sugio said as she started working on her computer. "There you go. Just bring them back to me, when you are done."

I nod showing acknowledgement and then leave the room.

"So how are we going to do this?" Scarlet asked.

"Well some of these items, like cloth from a hooded archer aren't in the sword dungeon," I mentioned knowing full well which dungeon they were in. I then hand a couple to Kara and some to Scarlet. "You guys handle those and I will handle the rest."

"Divide and conquer, I like it!" Kara said excitedly.

"Hm, sounds good to me," Scarlet added.

I smile because of their willingness. We each look at the quests assigned to us. I have to gather bones, raise the average floor, defeat the floor 3 boss, and defeat 25 skeletons. 

"Wait, why do you have four and we only get three?" Kara questioned.

"Because one of them raises the average guild floor to floor three and we all know that we all have done that so this one is just a hold." I reasoned

They seemed satisfied with my reasoning as they accepted it without further questions. After making sure we had everything in order, we made our way out of the building and towards the dungeons.

"So will our rank increase once we complete all of these?" Scarlet asked.

"No, but we can take the rank-up quest after completing this many," I respond.

"Sweet! So we can start progressing pretty well then!" Kara said with a big smile.

"Pretty much." I smiled.

After a little while of walking, we made it to the dungeons where Kara went off to her dungeon, and Scarlet and I went to the sword dungeon. Once inside, Scarlet stayed on the floor prepared to fight, while I ran ahead to get to the later floors.