

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Bitter Enemy

Classes continued as normal. Finally, we reached our last class, Mr. Fang's class. The door swings open as Mr. Fang walks in and stands in front of everyone. He seems to be excited about something.

"Good afternoon class!" Mr. Fang beams.

For some reason, I get a feeling of dread as we continue.

"Today, we are going to continue our practicing. So follow quickly!" Mr. Fang said as he quickly turned around and left the room.

We all were able to keep up, getting used to his methods. He leads us to our usual training grounds.

"Alright, we are going to spar again today but I am going to make one minor change to partners." Mr. Fang smiles. "Mary Frostworth!"

"Yes, sir?" Mary said obviously worried.

"You sit with Adrian and Scarlet right?" Mr. Fang asks

"Yes, sir...?" Mary responded cautiously.

"Great! You are now Scarlet's sparring partner." Mr. Fang 'informs' her.

Although a little confused, I watch Mary take a deep breath and sigh in relief.

"Okay, otherwise that's it!" Mr. Fang smiled.

'What was I worried about? Nothing bad happened' I laugh to myself. Mr. Fang then led me towards our more out-of-the-way place when a voice stopped us.

"Mr. Fang, why do you always spar with Adrian? Why not spar with me instead?" We turned around to see Henry confidently smiling. "I am sure, I can provide a better fight than he can."

'Must have hurt his pride quite a bit haven't I?' I think to myself.

"And why do you think that?" Mr. Fang asked with a calm smile on his face.

"I am more skilled and more experienced than Adrian." He smiled as if he stated something obvious. "I even made it to floor 10 of my dungeon."

I hear everyone start gasping and whispering about how good that is...that's what's considered good among first years? That is a little concerning. I watch as the shine in Henry's eyes grows as people start praising him. I look over to Mr. Fang, it would probably be easier for him to just accept. Mr. Fang smiles a mischievous grin...I don't like that.

"Then how about a little spar between you and Adrian here?" Mr. Fang gestures to me. "Winner spars with me."

"Hmph, if you want to embarrass Adrian that badly, I could be obliged to help," Henry said with too much confidence.

I take a deep breath. I don't need to let him egg me on. I can just let him win and stay under the radar.

"Great, also, if I think even for a second that either of you is going easier on the other..." Mr. Fang gives me a scary look. "You are going to spar all night, and then have to do a drill of the most basic forms 100,000 times."

"What?!" I asked out loud without thinking. I quickly cover my mouth.

"Oh, what? You think you would need to hold back for me?" Henry got angry. "I am going to make sure you regret that." Henry then pulls out his bow and is ready for a fight. "Come at me coward!"

I look to Mr. Fang for help. He just smiles at me. Right now...I have some choice words for this man. I sigh and summon my Katana. I then take a fighting stance.

"Begin!" Mr. Fang yells.

Henry then has an arrow appear as he shoots it at me. I dodge it with enough ease. Looks like he is slower than the skeleton hunter and especially that...monster. The image of the Zombie King enters my mind. I shake it off and start running towards Henry.

"Like I would let you get close!" Henry yelled as he summoned multiple arrows and started to shoot at me.

Must be some kind of barrage skill! I instantly stop my charge and focus on dodging the arrows. I guess he is using his skills for this fight. I then take a deep breath, focus, and let my movements be natural.

As the barrage of arrows kept coming, I started weaving threw them and some ease but was able to show as if I was having some difficulty.

"What's wrong?" Henry asked. "Can't keep up?" Henry then laughs. "Because I am so nice, you remember that peasant girl you protected?"

I just watched him carefully rather than say anything.

"Let me show you what I will do to her!" Henry yells.

All of a sudden the barrage stops, and a giant arrow appears. The intensity of it only grew as he held it.

"Everyone move!" Mr. Fang ordered. "Henry, that is too dangerous of a skill to be used on people! Put it down!"

I hear screams as people behind me start to run. I glance around and see that everyone left behind me. With a crazy laugh, Henry shoots his arrow. The light of it would surround me. When it got a little closer, I used blink to get away and around. I then knocked down Henry and before anyone knew what happened since he shot the arrow, I held my sword in his face.

"Enough Henry," I say giving him a threatening look. "For your pettiness, you put many lives at risk and tried to end mine."

"H-how did you?!" Henry looked at me afraid.

We were standing in a crater-like hole that drilled its way into the school's wall and destroyed that part of the wall.

"It's a good thing Mr. Silver here, is as skilled as he is otherwise you might have gotten a rather harsh punishment and the record of murder on your hands." Mr. Fang chimes in.

I watched as Henry gritted his teeth. If he wasn't before, I have made a real enemy on my hands. I then retract my Katana and walk away.

"Okay, everyone! That is enough of class today, please make your way." Mr. Fang told everyone.

As I am walking away I get stopped.

"Adrian, are you okay?" Scarlet asked.

"Yeah, and how did you do that?!" Mary asked.

"Yes, I am fine. I merely went around is all." I responded.

I look behind the girls as I watch Mr. Fang escort Henry away. I sigh at the sight of the boy. He turns his head around and looks at me. A look akin to blood lust was in his eyes. Guess I need to stay on my toes from now on.

"'is all' he says like that was an easy thing to do!" Mary exclaims.

"Well, not much else can be said." I shrug. "But I don't think there is much to worry about. Hopefully, it won't be something that repeats." I said that last part more trying to convince myself rather than them.

"Yeah, well we can handle that if it does," Scarlet replied with determination. "We didn't make the Crimson Rabbit's guild just to get pushed around."

"Actually that is something I wanted to ask you guys about." Mary chimes in. "Did you guys seriously make a new guild?"

"There is really a 'we'" Scarlet pointed to me. "He had the idea and got everything together. He is the one who brought us together." Scarlet had a small smile on her face after saying that.

"Well, I was wondering if I could check it out sometime?" Mary asked.

"There isn't much to check, but if you feel so inclined, sure." I shrugged not wanting really to bother much.

"Really? Thank you!" Mary cheered. "When do you guys usually meet?"

"We will be meeting tomorrow at the guild hall just outside of the main one," I explain.

"The rundown-looking one," Scarlet added.

"Got it, then I will see you guys tomorrow! Thanks again." Mary said as she made her way out.

"Didn't Mr. Fang say that the winner will spar with him?" Scarlet said jokingly.

"Seems he forgot, I will just have to let this one go." I laugh at her joke and smile.

Scarlet then smiles back. "Guess, I am going to head out myself then," Scarlet told me. "See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow" I smile.

Once Scarlet left, I looked at the crater one more time before heading off towards the dungeons. As I walked up to the dungeons, I looked around to see if anyone was nearby but when I saw none or detected anyone, I went towards the dagger dungeon. I think it's about time I went into the dungeon I played during my gaming of this world. As I walk into the cave I look at the inscription of the door. It seems like assassins fighting each other. Not wanting any risks, I summon my cloak and put on the bottom half of the mask that I got.

I then feel a weird calmness standing in the dark, and a desire to hunt. These feelings only added to my excitement as I walked to the dagger dungeon gate and opened it. Once it opened I walked in with eagerness for what will come next and summoned my daggers.