
Entwined Destiny

In the Lord of Fate's study, his apprentice goes about his daily duties. “Oh, there are so many wondrous objects here, and each one created to aid humanity. I wonder where each of these were collected and what role it had played in history." He reaches for the nearest object. “Like this orb?” As his hands touched the surface, it glows and images appeared one by one. He saw himself in these images with a woman. Then there was one where it was just her, she was smiling back at him and for some reason his heart ached. Unconsciously placing his hand over his heart. “Who is she?" A loud clunk outside snapped him back to the present. He sneaked the orb into his pocket and hurriedly rushed out of the room. When he reached his room, he gently placed it on a side table, but when we let go, the images disappeared and the orb once again appeared cloudy. Each day after completing his duties, he would sit in his room, and stare at the images and wondered what happened. Each day he longed for more information, more clues, but with each passing day, he gained no more information. The heaviness in his heart grew in to a hole that so wanted to fill. Longing for the pain to stop, he had once tried to forget about it and he had placed the orb back in the storage room but it called to him. Unable to resist it for long, he once again took it back to his room. After enduring months, he finally decided he needed to find that woman that countless times have appeared in front of him but he knows nothing about. But where do you start...

YennesMo · 東方
35 Chs

1.8 AuYeung LaiSan - Reminiscing

After entering the Empress' palace. MeiMei immediately knelt down in front of the Empress. I heard her thoughts and she was not optimistic that she can get out of this situation unscathed.

Slapping the side table so hard that the teacup toppled over and spilled, the Empress roared, "Now, you know you are wrong! What have you done for your Father Emperor to send such a decree? When have you heard of a Princess going herself to ask for a marriage to be decreed."

"I didn't," MeiMei's trembling small voice was heard.

"Quiet! Have I said you are to speak," the Empress was fuming at this point. "All these years of teaching, guiding and educating you in proper behavior and edicate, has it all been for naught."

MeiMei started to cry, soft tiny whimpers. Pulling the silk handkerchief from her side, she dabbed at her eyes.

"What is the use of crying?" roared the Empress once more. Rubbing her head she asked, "Okay, just get up and take a seat and tell me what happened!"

MeiMei was assisted by AhYi to rise and she took a seat to the side. After MeiMei was seated comfortably, AnYi stood behind her.

Finally have recovered a bit of composure, MeiMei expressed her point with a bit of strength and determination, "Responding to Mother Empress, I apologized for my lack of judgement. When I saw General SzeTo yesterday going to Imperial Scholars residence to propose marriage to Miss AuYeung I felt sorry for her, because of her illness, the Imperial Scholar rejected the proposal. For some reason I was quite infatuated with them being a couple, so I thought I could help out Miss AuYeung by asking father Emperor for a decree."

Daring to peak up at the Empress, but when MeiMei's eyes met the Empress that little bit of strength disappeared and at the end very quietly said, "So, I made a snap decision to go to Father Emperor this morning to ask for a decree," her voice as small as a mouse. "But, I really do not know where the thought of me and the General's marriage came about, I never expressed any interest for the General," she said with a bit more exuberance.

"Tell me what happened at the Imperial Scholar's residence yesterday," the Empress said solemnly but without anger.

"I was there for my lesson and brought the Imperial Physician to see young Miss AuYeung. When the Physician was about done examining her, Imperial Scholar had a guest arrive and it was the General and his parents. Out of curiosity I followed teacher out to greet his guests. That was when I heard the discussion of the proposed marriage and about the eight characters...

Empress's POV

While MeiMei is still talking, the Empress was in deep thought and was not listening.

Oh, my daughter was just trying to tie the couple together. So cute, she is still so innocent, this is so adorable. How can I be mad, it really was just all that Emperor's fault for thinking too much. Really thinking back I was not much older than her when my admiration for his highness had started.

That year, my father had brought me to the palace for a Springtime Celebration. This was my first time in the palace and I didn't know anything. The women and men had to enter from different gates of the palace so my father was separated from me. A servant at the gate was supposed to bring me to the celebration area to meet up with him after I enter. But while we were on the way, she had to leave me in the garden because another madam had fallen ill and needed more people to help move her. She was suppose to return for me but I waited for awhile and she did not return so I started walking around. While doing that I saw a group of men ahead and wanted to ask for help. It was impolite but what else could I do. I got close enough that they saw me advancing, they drew their swords at me and yelled for me to halt. I was so scared that I screamed, fell backwards and huddled on the ground.

I heard someone say to put the swords away, then saw his feet in front of me. I looked up and saw him for the first time. It was his elegance, the air around him glowed. He held out his hand to me and helped me up. He asked if I was okay, all I could do to respond was nod. He introduced himself as the seventh prince. I quickly withdrew my hand and prepared to give him a salute. But he instead used both his hands and held on to my arms to stop me. This drew us closer and I saw a sparkle in his eyes, and a caring smile, full pink lips that said that I could skip the gesture and he apologized for scaring me. While he was talking I just looked at him I noticed his fair complexion, and straight strong nose but is was his pale brown eyes that really captured my attention. He seemed to have stopped talking and I finally realized that I was staring, I blushed and quickly looked down. He let go of me and asked me my family name. After I told him he told a servant by his side to bring me to my father. I thanked him and very reluctantly left. I tried discreetly looking for him throughout the night's events, but I never see him again that night.

A month later a big surprise came to our door. A messenger from the palace. An old madam along with a eunuch came to say that the Emperor has decreed that I was to be married to the seventh prince as his princess consort when I was to turn marriageable age. The madam was to be assigned to the household to teach me all the rules and edicate of the palace until that time.

While the Empress was deep in thought, a gentle curl appears on her highness' lips.

This did not go unnoticed by MeiMei, she boldly called out, "Mother Empress, don't you agree!"

That snapped me out of my trance and focused back on the present.

"Princess MeiMei, you know that as my daughter and the eldest princess, it is improper for you to trouble your father Emperor for such a matter. I have taught you that from a very young age, proper behavior and edicate at all times, you must  provide your younger siblings with a proper example. You have always been obedient and expressed that you understood your responsibility. Now that this has happened, don't you feel that all these years of effort has all gone to waste?" I questioned.

"Yes, Mother Empress." MeiMei responds defeated.

"Okay, seeing that you understand and seeing that you only had kindness in your heart in wanting to help Miss AuYeung, I will not punish you this time. You are dismissed, go back to your palace to rest," as I wave them away I also got  up to leave.

"Yes, Mother Empress, I bid you good day," MeiMei responded without much emotion and backed out of the Palace.

I have to prepare to meet the Emperor tonight, we need to have a good talk. As the Empress walks back to the inner court happily.

Outside the Empress's palace, while walking down the stairs to reach the sedan.

Sigh. "Well, that definitely did not go as I thought it would," MeiMei said to An-Yi.

"Um," sighed An-yi.

"Who would have expected that father Emperor would have other thoughts, even implicating me in such shameful action as to ask for my own engagement. Thank goodness Mother Empress understood and did not punish me."

After entering the sedan.

"MeiMei, I am so sorry you got in trouble trying to help me." LaiSan said.

"It's okay. I was the one that suggested that we ask Father Emperor to decree the engagement."

"No, if it was not for me being here you would not be caught up in all this, so I owe you a debt of gratitude," LaiSan seriously said. "But what are we going to do? General SzeTo and his parents are going to go back to the south in a couple of days and we still have not figured out how to get me back to my body."

"Well LaiSan, I think we have to meet with him again and get an idea of whether he is dead serious about the proposal or if he has now changed his mind since Imperial Scholar had declined."

"Okay but how? I doubt that the Empress will allow you to go out again for awhile."

"Well we could always use your sickness again to go visit the Imperial Scholar's residence. Maybe I could convince Mother Empress to once again dispatch the Imperial Physician to the AuYeung residence. Or maybe..."

"Do you think she will allow it?"

"Worth a try."

MeiMei commanded from inside the sedan, "An-yi, after we return to the palace, I will write a letter to Mother Empress, please return to the Empress's palace with it and get her reply."

"Yes, your highness, An-Yi will do as you commanded."

"Will that actually work? To ask to stay over a few days to accompany Mrs. AuYeung on the Empress' behalf?"

"Well Empress mother and Mrs. AuYeung are very good friends or else she would not have dispatched an Imperial Physician to check on the young Miss so I think she would agree."

"Um. I believe you. It will work."

"LaiSan, did you forget I know everything that you are thinking? Just trust me, it will get us out of the palace. From there we can go to the post house to pay a visit to your handsome General."

"Stop it!"

"Well that is what you were thinking just now,"

MeiMei teased.

After returning to her palace MeiMei did as planned. It was early evening when An-yi returned with the reply.

"Reporting to your highness, the Empress had agreed to your suggestion and she thanks you for showing filial piety, in assisting her to take care of your Auntie AuYeung. She had already dispatched a messenger to the AuYeung residence and informed them that you will be troubling them for a few days."

"Um. Go ahead and pack enough for three night stay at the AuYeung," MeiMei commanded her maids. "Tomorrow I will only bring An-yi to the AuYeung residence, it would be too much of an inconvenience for our gracious host if I brought everyone with me. Please remain in the palace and take care of it."

"Yes your highness," they said in unison.

"Okay, please prepare a bath"

All the maids left to do so.

"LaiSan, once we are out of the palace, we can stop at the post house first and try to see General SzeTo."

"Will it be too much for a Princess to be going to such a place?"

"No, I will tell An-yi of my plan and have her prepare a set of commoner's clothing for me, no one will know."

"But what will happen if the Empress finds out that you have gone off by yourself?"

"Don't worry, it will be fine. You'll see. Let us not worry about it, prepare to sleep. Remember not to go too far away from me tonight, we need to leave early in the morning."

Once all was prepared, MeiMei fell asleep.