
Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world? Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and lust are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus! Native Language : chinesse Released : 2023 Author : I am forest wood Type : faloo

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134 Chs

chapter 123

When I heard that the script of the series filed by Martin was a pirate type.

Alanhorn, who was extremely excited a second ago, felt cold in his heart and sat back.

"Pirate film? OK?"

"Sure, the script is called Pirates of the Caribbean. "

"Damn, how could Martin make such a mistake, shouldn't he?

Alanhorn touched his chin and thought for a while, then waved at the manager, "You go out first, I'll think about it later." "

"And Martin?"

"Don't contact yet. "


On the evening of the same day, Paramount's Shirley Lansing also received news that Martin had filed a new script.

Immediately asked the assistant to work overtime to get the script content.

"Pirate movies?"

Like Alanhorn, Shirley Lansing hesitated.


The next day, more studios received news. The content of Martin's new script appeared on the table cases of many bigwigs in the circle.

But almost everyone has doubts about the content of the series' script.

Harvey Weinstein even mocked in front of his brother: "Martin, this kid must be floating, dare to write a pirate-themed script, or a series." Who does he think he is? God? Even God can't save the series, I said!"

Bob Weinstein also shook his head and said, "Martin must be crazy." "

Why isn't everyone optimistic about pirate-themed movies?

This brings us to a movie released in 1995 – "Cut Throat Island".

This work became famous in Hollywood because it single-handedly finished a genre of film – pirate movies.

This most money-losing movie in Hollywood history was even entered into the Guinness Book of World Records because it lost money too much.

The whole film invested 92 million US dollars, but only got 9.5 million US dollars at the box office, which directly led to the bankruptcy of the production company, Carlock Pictures, and the distributor MGM was also dragged down, and the stock price plummeted.

Don't think that Carolco Pictures is an unknown small film company, in fact, before the filming of "Cut Throat Island", this company was the industry boss of Hollywood independent production companies, and Miramax was a younger brother in front of people.

This company has successively produced "Terminator 2", "Heroic Style", "Total Memory", "Instinct" and other box office successes and good reputation.

However, "success" is sometimes really a cup of poison, and the overall confidence within Carolco Pictures was catalyzed by this victory and began to dabble in super blockbusters.

And unlike the previous "Terminator 2", this time they are ready to be a sole proprietor.

So "Cut Throat Island", a movie that was recorded in film history because of losing money, was born.

The upfront budget of this work actually exceeded $100 million, which was $100 million in the early nineties.

Carolco Pictures intends to create a box office giant that exceeds "Terminator 2", and the pirate ship that appears in the movie alone cost five million dollars to really build!

In the case that the special effects are not yet mature, the crew all used real shooting on the water, just to shoot a better picture effect, and the actors all personally completed the thrilling shots, and the result …

Well, the result was that the total box office revenue of "Cut Throat Island" did not even exceed 10 million, so that Carolco Film completely lost itself, and after declaring bankruptcy, it was completely acquired by MGM, which was angry because the stock price was dragged down.

Since then, major Hollywood film companies have sealed the genre of pirate-themed films, and no one dares to set foot in it so far.

For a time, comments such as "Martin floated", "Martin is exhausted", and "Martin arrogant" began to spread in circles.

Among them, the hardest critic is Harvey, a dead fat man.

And the most gloating is Tom Cruise, now he can finally relax a little, do not have to run all the way to the old woman Shirley Lansing, who has temporarily put on hold the cooperation plan with Martin.

But not everyone wasn't interested in Martin's script.

For example, Disney's dictator and tyrant – Michael Eisner.


Disney's meeting room.

Michael Eisner knocked on the table and said, "Martin's script synopsis, have you all read it?"

Seeing that everyone nodded, he continued: "What are your ideas, should we cooperate with Martin on this series?"

One executive said: "After all, it is a pirate-themed movie, so you need to be cautious. "

Michael Eisner let out a "sneer" in his heart and disdained the phrase "incompetent conservative".

But this executive is not the only one who has similar opinions, and almost half of the executives in the conference room are not optimistic about restarting pirate movies now.

But who Michael Eisner is, his nickname "dictator" is not plain, and doing things according to his own preferences is a major feature of him.

Of course, this person's vision is rarely wrong, otherwise it is impossible to bring Disney, which has fallen into a trough, back to the top.

In fact, Michael Eisner had the idea of having people write a script based on Disneyland's Pirates of the Caribbean attraction back in 1990 and make it into a movie.

And he did the same.

Michael Eisner invited Hollywood's famous family movie screenwriter at the time, Jay Wolpert, to write a script based on Pirates of the Caribbean attraction, and then invited the famous producer Jerry Bruckheimer to supervise the film.

But Jerry Bruckheimer rejected it after reading the script because he thought it was "an ordinary pirate movie", full of childish and boring jokes, with no selling potential.

So the "Pirates of the Caribbean" project was put on hold.

But Michael Eisner didn't give up on the idea, he was a stubborn man.

In fact, before Martin wrote the script for "Pirates of the Caribbean", he had already begun to contact Stuart Beattie, who knew more about the pirate theme, to rewrite the script, and was ready to invite playwriters Terry Rossio and Ted Eliot to fill the script with childlike and fantasy content.

However, Martin's sudden filing of the script made him abandon his previous idea.

After reading Martin's script, he had only one thought in his head, "This is what I want, this is what Disney wants!"

So while most of Disney's executives at the meeting were opposed to starting the Pirates of the Caribbean project, Michael Eisner made a very different decision.

He said with a solid blow:

"This series of movies, Disney made!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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