
Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world? Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and lust are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus! Native Language : chinesse Released : 2023 Author : I am forest wood Type : faloo

devil_amy · 都市
134 Chs

chapter 061

"1:0, Martin leads! Amazing bounce, amazing dunk! Barkley shouted.

"I don't think before this bullfight started, no one would have thought that Martin would be able to advance such a ball in front of Kobe." Smith exclaimed.

"Smith, have you noticed that Martin's dunk just now is almost exactly the same as the dunk that Kobe Bryant made before the end of the first half!"

"Hey, you say that, it seems to be true!"

Subsequently, a replay of the dunks of the two people was played on the big screen – the dunks of the two appeared on the screen at the same time, one left and one right, and the playback was synchronized from the start of the jump for comparison.


There was a gasping sound at the scene.

This is also too similar, the actions of the two people are almost as if they were discussed.

"Go on!"

Bryant passed the ball to Martin and half-crouched, this time he decided to use eighty percent of his strength.

Boom, boom, boom…

Martin dribbled the ball unhurriedly, and the moment he approached Kobe, he suddenly changed hands behind his back and turned around, passing by Kobe's side.

Bryant sneered, turned around almost in sync with Martin, and chased after him, while half of his body jammed Martin's passage to the basket.

Unexpectedly, Martin didn't think about going to the basket at all, and at the moment of the breakthrough, he took a retreat of 277 steps, distanced himself from Kobe, jumped back, and the basketball in his hand drew an arc and flew to the basket.

Brush! The ball went in!

"Oh God, change hands behind your back, turn around, connect people, step back, and shoot back, this is Kobe's trick!"

"He shouldn't be acting at all, he should come to play in the NBA as long as his height can grow to more than one meter nine, I think countless teams will cry and shout and beg him to sign!"

O'Neill on the sidelines was already dumbfounded.

This script is not right, shouldn't it be Kobe Bryant who beats Martin to tears?

How to see this trend, Martin is about to blow Kobe Bryant?

Garnett on the side muttered: "This kid is really an actor? In terms of this physical fitness, it is better than that of small potatoes (Nate. Robinson) is even more exciting! "


In several different houses in Los Angeles, several beautiful girls jumped in front of the TV.

Jessica: "Martin is amazing! "

Dorothy: "Martin is the best! "

Lindsay: "I love Papa Martin, so handsome!" "

Miranda: "Worthy of being my idol!" "

Scarlett: "He actually won Kobe?!" "

There are also countless viewers (bjac) who are watching this live broadcast rubbing their eyes, are we (we) blinded, Kobe was scored twice by a 12-year-old actor?

At the scene, the most shocked person was Kobe.

He bit his clothes, tilted his head, and looked at Martin.

After a while, he threw the ball over, "I underestimated you, and now, I'm going to give it my all." "

Martin smiled, "Good! "

On the sidelines, Jack Nicholson looked sluggish, wondering if he was dreaming!

After Kobe really got serious, Martin fell behind, and after a series of confrontations, interferences, and interceptions, Martin's ball was crooked.

The ball was given to Bryant.

Kobe did not bully Martin's height to shoot directly, but also broke through with the ball, and although Martin's body fell into the downside in the confrontation with Kobe, it also surprised everyone.

Bryant scored the first goal, followed by the second.

But the next ball, he was snatched by Martin's fast hand, which provoked another exclamation.

Ball conversion, Martin offense, Kobe defense.

Bryant blocked with a block, and the ball was blocked.

Change Kobe Bryant offense.

Barkley shouted unfair: "Kobe Bryant actually bullied people with his height in the face of Martin Jr., it's not fair and unfair!" "

Smith did not answer the stubble, but exclaimed: "I seem to see two Kobe bryants competing on the court, and the two of them have almost exactly the same action style." "

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV also felt the same, as if they were watching two Kobe Bryants fighting bulls.

In a luxurious manor, the elder Bass jumped up from the sofa again and picked up the phone again, "Jerry, immediately call Martin's agent and ask if Martin is interested in being a professional player, and the top salary is no problem." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the old Buss's view, the Lakers, a team that has always advocated star temperament, needs a famous star player like Martin, a perfect match!

In the end, it was Kobe Bryant who scored the third goal, a total of five balls, and Martin lost the bullfight 2-3.

Martin smiled as he held the basketball and walked towards Kobe.

Bryant looked at Martin and was unexpectedly not upset that Martin had entered the two of him.

On the contrary, he liked Martin more!

He now fully believes that Martin is his die-hard fan, and the child star even imitates his movements as vividly, just as he imitates Jordan.

At this time, O'Neill, who had come to his senses, began to coax again, "Guys, did Martin's performance surprise everyone?" "


The scene shouted tsunami.

"So do you want a bigger surprise?"


"Can we have Martin sing his songs live?"



"I can't wait!"

O'Neill liked this scene the most, typical people came crazy, took the microphone and handed it to Martin: "Martin, come on, don't let everyone down!" "

Martin did not hesitate, took the microphone, swept his eyes to the surrounding stands, and the succubus aura was fully opened.

"Guys, it's okay to sing, but I need accompaniment. Of course, it's too late to accompany the instrument, so I need you to cooperate with me. "

Then, he pointed to the east stand and said, "You guys follow this rhythm, snap, start clapping." "

The East Stand audience subconsciously clapped their hands to the rhythm of Martin's mouth.

Martin pointed to the South Stand again, "You guys start stomping to the rhythm of my stomping." "

Then Martin began to stomp his foot.

The spectators in the South Stand also stomped along with it.

Martin pointed to the audience in the West Stand: "Don't move now, wait for me to make this gesture while singing," Martin stretched out his finger and circled the top of his head, "You guys start patting the back of the chair in front of you, the rhythm is crackling, snapping." "

Finally Martin pointed to the North Stand, "You guys are also waiting for me to gesture, and when I wave down, immediately start slapping your thighs, the rhythm is snapping, snapping; Snap, snap. "

"Okay, do you all remember?"

"Don't stop in the East Stand and South Stand I need your rhythm! West Stand, North Stand, waiting for my orders. "

Martin was magical, guiding the audience to beat according to his ideas.

Barkley, Smith, these commentaries; Garnett, O'Neal, and even Kobe Bryant, all of whom couldn't hold back and beat Martin's request.

The ratings are skyrocketing.

Countless people were waiting for Martin to perform the songs he composed at the competition site.

Martin took a deep breath, opened his voice, and as soon as he exited, he was a clear high note!

I am translating this novel. This is currently updating on Failu. If you like this novel plz add this to your library and add a review. This is translation if original author is willing then I will stop the Translation. Chinese and English both are not my first or even my second language. So if there is a mistake plz tell me in the comments.

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