
Enter The World of NoveL

( Completed ) I just fell asleep. But when I woke up, I had entered into a world I didn't recognize. Become a beautiful main antagonist, was named 'Cattarina Bourston'. How can I avoid the crushing death that has been outlined in the story?

lenzluph · ファンタジー
199 Chs


I don't know if this is love

But every time I see her

I feel something different from him ...

Watch her laugh

Tease him with words

And comfort her when she's sad

Is something I want to do together with her ..

As if waiting for a long time

I never thought

That my heart will anchor to her ..

Even though she doesn't like me

Even though she was not meant for me

I will still love her with all my heart ..


If he's happy ..

Then I will be happy ..

If he wants me to go ...

Then I will go ..

But if he wants me to still love him ..

I won't be able to ..

Still shackled by nightmares

I'll let him go with her ..

And as long as he doesn't ask me to love him ..

I will keep praying for him ..


Love is simple..

When you feel comfortable with it ..

You will love him ..

When you feel happy around him ..

You already love him ..

And when you want him not to cry ..

You will do anything for him ..
