
Enough to Stay

CherrySoda001 · 若者
3 Chs

Chapter 2

WARNING: towards the end of the chapter there is some reference to SA


"Sorry, I know they can be-"

"A lot?" You finished his sentence half way laughing as you closed the door.

Armin smiled and chuckled.

"That's a word for it." He replied and you walked over to sit next to him.

It was near evening so the heat wasn't terrible. The blue sky was quickly turning into different shades of orange, pink and a peachy color. It made your body feel at ease, even with Armin sitting next to you.

I just met him, I need to get to know him before I do anything...

You filled your lungs with air to try and calm yourself. You turned your head to him and saw his face. His soft smile and the light freckles he had running across his nose and right at his temples.

I want to memorize every mark on him..I want to run my lips over-

Then as you were in thought you felt the electricity run into your core. Thoughts like this were not ones you had regularly about anyone. You tried to conceal how the flow made you feel physically but you were sure it was obvious.

"Thank you...again for letting me stay. I know it is was probably rude to just invite myself-"

"No! Umm, I mean, no." You cut his rambling off and calmed yourself.

"You aren't intruding whatsoever. Also, did I make you upset?"

"What are you talking about?" Armins face become softer instead of the busy look he had while rambling.

"When...when I ask about the food? Or at all I guess." You looked down and started to fidget with your hands.

Then before you could ask anything else or apologize Armin started to laugh.

You looked at him confused as he sat there laughing with tears in his eyes. His shoulders moved with him and he was finally catching his breath from his fit of laughter.

You and Armin were sitting on the lukewarm concrete. One of his knees was bent and his arm resting on it while the leg closest to you was slid under the triangle his other knee and concrete were making.

Which mean his knee was only three inches away from your thigh.

God if only it was more than his knee that could touch me...

You felt the current you had before race through you. You were confused on why your brain had went to such a lude place. He was just some guy that you'd met almost two hours ago...a really handsome guy though.

"Not at all, it's cute that you're worried about me." Armin said and smiled at you again. He then reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

You felt frozen. You could feel your heart melt into your chest and your stomach felt like it was in your throat.

His fingers lightly touched the side of your ear and you felt the tips of them get hot.

"Are you okay..?" Armin lightly raised his eyebrows and you looked into his eyes again.

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry...I'm glad we are finally getting to meet." You smiled back and he chuckled at you. Then you felt his knee brush against your thigh and he rested it there.

The knot inside your stomach was starting to grow the longer you were outside with him alone.

"Do you ever feel like...like life if just happening and you don't have a say?" Armin looked down at you and leaned towards you.


"Yeah, I think everyone feels that way every now and then." You shrugged and chewed on the inside of your cheek. Armin hummed at your response but still didn't stop his eyes from searching you.

"Well...what do you do to take control back?" Armins lips didn't end together, they were slightly parted. His eyes searched your face, looking at you deeply.

His voice was different than before. It was richer and his tone was searching for more than an  answer. Your ears felt hot and just about when you were ready to answer the door swung open.

"Hey, we are gonna start the movie." It was Conny leaning half of his body outside the door.

"Okay! I guess we will come in then."

Conny closed the door as you hurriedly got off the concrete and dusted the back of your legs and butt off.

"Hold on you got some on your back." Armins hands reached for you and you flinched.

"It's okay! I'll just change shirts." You started to feel hot and nervous. Him actually touching you with his hands frightened your mind. You felt like shrinking and Armin took his hand back before it touched you.

  You almost sighed out loud with relief that he listened to you. Even though you craved his hands roaming your body in your mind, it would be a thousand time different in real life.

His fingers grazing by your face and his knee touching you was okay. But if his hands roamed your body you wondered if he'd still even want to be friends.

"Uhh, okay well I'm just gonna go in." You stammered ,not looking at him, you walked to the door leaving Armin outside by himself.

I don't understand...why now? Why out of all the people to be afraid of, why him?

After almost two hours of sitting down on the floor in front of Mikasa, who was sitting on the couch. She was playing with your hair as we watched the horror movie.

You felt yourself relaxing your shoulders and you no longer felt heavy like you had when you walked back in. Part of you felt bad for leaving Armin on a bad note. He hadn't done anything but be sweet to you and had freaked out on him.

"You ok?" Mikasa's voice whispered to you waking you from your light trance.


"What's wrong?" Mikasa pulled lightly on my hair.

"Nothing.." I whispered back.

"Liar, what happened outside?"

"Hey! Shhhh!" Conny nudged Mikasa and she rolled her eyes at him.

Before you knew it the movie was over and everyone was trying to change into pajamas for the night.

"Let me go grab the air mattress from the spare closet!" You walked out of the living room and into the hallway by your door. You opened the closet door but a hand had stopped it midway.

You looked up and saw Armins blue eyes searching you. You felt almost naked in front of him, all you wanted now was for one of you to melt into the floor and to be completely honest you preferred it to be you.

"Hey, listen can we talk later? After everyone is in bed?" Armins eyes darted away from your face and a pink color lit his cheeks.

Oh gods...if there is one above let this man stop being so hot.

"Yeah, are you-" before you could finish your sentence Armin pushed you into the closet and closed the door on his way in. His large hands gripped your hips and his face wasn't even an inch away from yours. You'd found yourself pushed against the back wall and beside you a coat sleeve was touching your arm.

"A-Armin..." you stammered and thanked the heavens that it was dimly lit so he couldn't see how embarrassed you were of yourself. Letting yourself get so excited over just his hands on your physical body. Armin then leaned in and put his mouth near your ear.

"I have dreamt about meeting you Miss L/N...I won't touch you anymore until I have your full consent. I don't know what it is about you..but I can't contain myself inside..please forgive me." Armin was breathing hard and laid his forehead on your shoulders.

Your hands reached up to the back of his neck. He was sweating. He was flustered and embarrassed that he had let his body and mind overtake what he expected of himself. He felt weak knowing that you had no idea who he was and that he felt he had taken these minutes of your life away without asking.

Your lips were slightly parted taking a shaky breath. Your heart pounded hard in your chest and you felt like there was something stuck in your throat. You swallowed and without giving it another thought you said into his ear...

"After everyone is asleep..meet me in my room.."

Armins head pulled up and he looked at you. You felt his body and hips press into you...he was hard. So hard you could feel it through his jeans. You were making him lust after you. This thought made you softly smile.

Armin stopped pinning you to the wall, took a deep breath. You looked up at him through your lashes and felt your face become cooler. Armin nodded at you and half way smiled, then he grabbed the rolled up air mattress that was squeezed between the ceiling and the top of the shelf.

"Sounds like a plan." Armin softly said to you. You pushed your legs together trying to conceal how  the need from between them was trying to control your whole body.

Armins eyes looked you up and down.

How hard was he from just being so close? How turned on was he from just feeling my hips in his hands?

While you were in your thoughts you hadn't noticed Armin had already walked out of the small closet. Thankfully you had at least a second to yourself.

Your arm stuck out and locked the door from the inside.

What am I doing..?

Your hands started to roam your body and you felt chills down your spine. Leaning your head back on the wall and closing your eyes you imagined it was him. It was Armin undoing the ties on your shorts, it was Armins fingers tugging at your nipples through your comfy bra. It was his hand that travels into your underwear and into the depths of your emotions for him.

Oh gods...holy fuck...what am I doing?

You breathed in heavy wishing the weight of his body was still pushing you against this wall. You wished his hips dug into you where you could feel his dick riding against your thigh.

You opened your eyes and realized what you were doing. You instantly felt heat rush on your face and the tips of your ears, and honestly it probably showed on your neck and chest too.

You laced the ties back to your shorts and straightened out your shirt and bra.

What. The. Fuck.

About an hour later everyone had gotten pjs on and settled into their sleeping areas. Mikasa and Sasha laid on the air mattress together, Conny was on one part of the couch and Eren had the other. Armin decided he'd pile some pillows and an extra comforter on the floor for padding.

"Goodnight everyone!" You said and turned off the main light but left the dim night light on.

You felt your stomach twist. It was only a matter of time when Armin would knock and come into your room. You were wearing a baggy shirt and biker shorts for your pjs, normally you wouldn't bother wearing any bottoms but with so many people you barley felt comfortable with no bra on.

You laid on your side facing the wall away from your door. Your eyes felt so heavy. Today was emotionally exhausting and the past three days had been physically tiring due to all the cleaning and grocery shopping. Your shoulders relaxed as you took in slow breaths.

Then a soft knock on your door came.

You shot up looking over your shoulder and saw Armin slowing peaking his head in.

"Hey, come on in." You lightly said trying to seem more sure of yourself than you had been earlier. He opened the door more and let himself in as you rubbed your eyes. His blonde hair was pushed in different directions and his dark grey night shirt clung to his shoulders and upper arms as his green and white plaid pants hung low on his hips.

Good gods, how can he be this good looking?

"You can sit on my bed with me." Your mouth and voice work together to over ride how flustered you felt.

"Thank you.." Armin said bashfully and as he sat he pushed some of his hair out of his eyes.

"Listen, I don't know what it is, I want to know who you are. For more than just being in the same friend group. My heart is aching to know everything about who you are.." Armin looked down at the white and purple comforter that was on your bed.

Redness came across your face again. You felt hot. Even though you'd been alone with him before now, this was different. He was in your room, sitting on your bed with the door closed. It was complete privacy. The aching between your legs was increasing by the second, you wanted to know him too.

"I..I'm sorry about freaking out.." You looked at him. Armin sat on your bed criss cross and he was directly in front of you. You gulped feeling guilty of not explaining more right away.

"It's been a long time since I've ever been with someone...or even physically with someone..I uh, am just scared I guess." You clenched your jaw and tried to relax your shoulders and chest.

Everything felt so tight and restricted. Why had you told him that? Being so open so quickly would surely come to bite you back.

"Don't be sorry, I understand. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was pressuring you."

"No! No...not at all." You jumped to stop him from feeling guilty about his own selfishness wants.

"So you liked it..?" Armin asked and his eyes begun to turn a deeper blue. He was staring right at your face, examining it for his own needs.

"Liked what..?" You asked and squirmed some in your bed.

Armin then got on his knees and hands and started to slowly close the distance between you. As he came closer it made you sink under him. Then finally you were completely under Armin, his hands on each side of your head. You squeezed your eyes shut feeling his hot breathe come so close to your neck.

"You like this..?" He said softly as you felt him drag his lips across the side of your neck. The electricity flowed down your body and to the neediest part of you. Your breath hitched and Armins lips started slowly kissing right under your ear and one of his hands started traveling down your side.

You lightly moaned even though you were trying desperately to hold in your reactions. Armins lips let go of your skin and his face was back in front of you.

"Are you okay?" He asked you stopping his hand at your hip.

How could you answer? How could you possibly say any words without stumbling over every syllable? It was so impeccably hot between your legs, it was burning up your lower belly and you felt so sensitive.

"I'm sorry...I've never..uh umm.." you stammered and looked into Armins blue eyes. Gods, you wanted him to take you right here, at least that's what the electric current and heat was telling you. You wouldn't let those words escape out from your lips though.

"I'm sorry, is it too much?" Armin sat up and you scooted back to sitting up, but you both were closer than before.

"I..I don't know. My ex..he..umm.." your mind drifted and the heat from between your thigh subsided as your mind took you back to those memories.

  Flinching from his hands, gasping for air because he wouldn't let you go. Dragging you under a million waves, the sea crashed on you suffocating you. The wild wind whipped across your face making everything feel cold.

"Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't mean to press you." Armin said waking your up from the nightmare that was happening behind your eyes.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know...it's been two years since anyone has touched me like you have today.."

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. I thought you said it was your first time..?"

"For it to be consensual.." you looked away from him and clenched your teeth together. Your body felt stiff, you told yourself to breathe and to relax, but it wasn't that easy.

"I understand, there isn't any pressure." Armin smiled and you looked at him smiling softly.

"Thank you," you were glad he wasn't pushing for any information or to go further. "Gods it is late, I'm exhausted." You yawned and sighed heavily.

"You're so right, I guess it's time for bed." Armin got up from your bed and looked down at you. Both of you stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

You felt somewhat calm looking at him. Drinking him in. Every inch of him was making your mouth water. You wish you felt more comfortable with yourself.

"Y/N, can I do one thing?" Armin was hesitant in asking his questions. You saw the heat on his face and you could still see the bulge in his pants. It took you a moment but you nodded your head yes.

Armin leaned down and put his hand on the side of your face. His fingers were so warm. Warmer than the heat spreading across your body as he made his way closer to your face. You then felt his lips connect with yours. They were soft and kissed you gently as if you were a glass panting.

You opened your mouth more giving him the okay to bite your bottom lip, and as if he could read your mind his teeth lightly took ahold of your bottom lip.

Oh god, don't stop...don't stop...it feels too good. How do you know my weak spots when I don't even know them..?

Your mind wondered off as your lips danced with Armins. Before you knew it you'd pulled him on top of you. He was over you and you could feel the weight of him again.

He taste so...sweet. Such an addictive taste..

You moaned and he went to kiss your neck and tug on your ear lobe with his teeth. You gasped lightly and started to squirm under him. Feeling his pants tighten up around his groin made you weak.

"Don't stop.." you said breathless by his lips.

"Okay." Armin nodded and he made his way down kissing your clothed body. He then tugged at the end of your baggy shirt with his hands and lifted it up slowly as he laid soft kisses on your stomach.

Oh gods..fuck...

"Armin.." you moaned lightly as your hands tried to grab at him. He stopped and looked at your face.

"Is this okay?" He asked you searching in your eyes.

You bit your lip and nodded.

Armins hands crawled up your sides and chills ran down your legs. His hands got to your breast and you'd completely forgot you weren't wearing a bra. Instant embarrassment came across your face so quickly feeling so exposed to him.

"Goddamn, you're such a good girl..don't be embarrassed.." Armins voice rumbled deeply and his lips grazed the under side of you left boob.

His tongue made its way slowly to your nipple.

"I would've never guessed you had your nipples pierced...I love the butterflies.."

You could feel the vibrations of his voice against the sliver metal that was through your nipple.

"Fuck.." you moaned as he took it into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. Your felt alive, he was making you feel so very alive.

"Is it okay if I take these off?" Armins voice asked sweetly and you looked to see what he was referring to.

It was your pants.

"Why do I have to be the only one undressed?" You softly said and he smirked at you. He then took the hem on his shirt and pulled it up and over his shoulders and head throwing it in the floor.

His white skin was the same shade all over his body...he had freckles lightly dancing on his shoulders and collar bone, even some running down the front of his chest.

This made you more hungry for him. His front was toned enough where you could see outlines of muscles and a small V made an arrow directly to the bulge in his pants.

It made your mouth water. How soft was his skin? How much of it would he let you touch and see? Your mind raced with thoughts but the only thing you knew for sure was it was your turn to start learning where his weak spots were.

In almost a second you had flipped Armin over on his back by shifting your body weight around. The only reason it had worked was because it through him off completely. Armin would have never guessed you would want to take the lead.

His face was red and without any surprise it crept down the sides of his neck and lightly showing on his chest.

"Whoa.." Armin barley whispered as you huffed and smirked at him.

You then started to place kisses down his chest and onto his abdomen. Underneath your body you felt Armin tense and lose his confidence he had before.

"I just want to show you how good I can make you feel.." you breathily said against his skin. You started to suck on his skin around his V and felt his dick twitch in his pants.

It was obvious that he wouldn't be able to hold himself together for much longer. So without hesitation you pulled at his pants and underwear slowly getting then down.

He raised up so you could get them all the way off his hips. His cock bounced back up and you tried not to blush at the size of it.

Oh my fucking gods...

Armin wasn't even paying attention at your awe at his cock, all he could think about was how he wouldn't last much longer exposed in front if you like this.  You created saliva in your mouth and came to the top of his dick with it. You then let it roll out of your mouth letting it fall to the tip of his dick.

Armin shuddered as his right hand grabbed ahold to the sheets on the bed. Without giving him warning you placed the tip into your mouth and started bobbing your head slowly, savoring the taste on his precum.

"Oh..oh my gods.." Armin moaned out and his other hands tried to reach for you. You hummed in response letting the vibrations hit his dick as it went to the back of your throat.

"Hold on...let me stand up..please.." Armin started begging you as you started sucking on just the head of his dick. You let it out with a pop sound and he started to get up from the bed.

"You're gonna learn a lesson on not to tease me like you are." Armins voice rumbled and he grabbed a handful of your hair. He placed his dick at your lips and you let it inside.

"Open up sweetheart..."

Armin started moving your head for you as he trusted deep reaching the back of your throat. He started moaning and breathing heavily as he didn't let you have a break. Your eyes looked up at his face and it made your lower belly become hot again. His eyebrows were slightly pulled up and he was trying to look at you but every now and then he'd close his eyes and lean his head back.

You wanted his picture of him to be one you remembered for the rest of your life. Armin throwing his blonde hair back and how he looked flushed from the intensity of you sucking him off.

"Babygirl, I'm gonna cum. Whenever I cum, stick your tongue out and then swallow it." Armin ordered as you felt your eyes start to water. He was pumping into your mouth faster, this made drool run down your chin. His dick twitched and he started to let out deeper moans like he couldn't control himself anymore.

Then you felt hot liquid hit the back of your throat and he threw his head back once more. The grip he had on your hair tightened as you felt his half way trust into your mouth to release the rest of himself in you.

He pulled himself out and just as he requested you stuck out your tongue to show him the white liquid on it. His eyes didn't stop looking at your face as you put your tongue back into your mouth to swallow.

"Fuck...such a pretty girl with daddy's cum in her mouth.." Armin was trying to catch his breath and you felt heat spread across your whole body.

Holy fuck...I just...he came...whoa

You felt the tips of your ears become hot in realization of what just happened. Then Armins hands landed on the side of your check holding your head in his hand.

"Hey, you okay?" He bent down making eye contact with you. It woke you out if your trance and your nodded.

"Yeah..was that okay..?" You asked him shyly as if he hadn't just used you as his personal fuck toy.

He blushed and nodded his head in response.

"I'm actually quite embarrassed, I don't usually cum so quickly.." Armin nervously laughed.

He looked at me and put his hand on my cheek.

"It's getting late, I'm sure you're exhausted now if you weren't before." Armins voice soothed over your worried floating around in your head.

"Yeah, I've been running around like a mad man." You nervously said and smiled. He leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"You're such a hard worker, not just for keeping your place clean but for me too...why don't you go to sleep. Do you want me to stay?" He praised your acts of service to him with such kind words. It made you want to do it all over again just so he could say he was proud of you.

"I don't want Eren to give you shit about it..." your voice trailed off. Gods, what would Eren think?

When you were kids he had the biggest crush on you. He would do just about anything, and there was a time where you'd felt something for him too. As you got older he'd moved away in High school so you rarely got to see each other.

You sweet sure that thoes feeling are gone. You were both little kids and that's just what happens.

"It's okay, I understand you don't want it to be awkward." Armins voice calmed the anxiety in your stomach. He pulled his pants and underwear back up and turned to grab his shirt off the ground.

"Thank you.." you said shyly to Armin as he was straightening out his hair some.


"I don't know...I guess showing me that I can like this." You motioned to yourself and him. Armin smirked and his shoulders relaxed.

"Goodnight Y/N, I'll see you in the morning." Armin closed the door on his way out and before you knew it you were asleep.