


Leon loosened his tie and knelt before me. he placed his hands on my legs pressing his thumbs into my muscles.

/"Hey beautiful/" he said his eyes boring into mine. Once I placed my mug on the table besides me Leon reached to grab my hips and bring me closer.

Once I was at the edge of the sofa. He lifted me as he stood up with me wrapped around his waist.

/"how was Germany/" I asked him as he turned around and sat on the sofa with me in his lap.

/"the same. Meetings after meetings I'm just glad to finally be home/" I could see the tiredness in his eyes.

/"and you thought coming home would give you a break, do I need to remind you that we have three children who all carry your genetics/" I said with sass. He grinned at me. /"is this where you tell me you want to stop having kids, or were you waiting for the morning/" I smacked him on the chest for being cocky.