


/" Emily maybe be the suitable fit for someone like leon but I think we can all agree she is not fit for my son I made your life very difficult growing up and I regret it because I know it was the foundation for many of the issues that you are facing now/" shocked would be putting it mildly.

I had assumed Emily was the perfect candidate for their family, he can be sure that his family image will be secure with her.

/"Over time I noticed how much leon loved you. I realised that the more I rejected the idea of you two leon would only try harder. I was the fault as to why leon was distracted and not focused on his career. It was never you liz/"

My eyes lifted, for once I could see a real emotion swimming in his eyes. He never stayed long enough to have a real serious conversation with me.

He never spend time getting to know me which hurt because from I heard from leon and the guys Simon was an inspirational man.