
Enhanced:The story of Silver

A story of Silver a 15 year old boy wh seeks an adventure after discoving his unique ability.Joun him as he goes on this journey.

Wild_Oreo · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Dormant Awakening

Within the labyrinthine alleys of London, Silver Vance ambled, blissfully unaware of the dormant power poised to reveal itself on his 15th birthday. The days leading up to the celebration held a subtle tension, an intangible connection linking Silver's ordinary existence to a yet-unseen destiny. Amongst his companions, the topic of mysterious abilities lingered in hushed conversations, casting a shadow of curiosity over the approaching milestone.

"Silver, any inklings about what your ability might be?" teased Adrian, a friend whose mischievous grin hinted at playful speculation.

Silver chuckled, dismissing the notion with a shrug, his thoughts untouched by the extraordinary revelation awaiting him. As the night of celebration unfolded, surrounded by friends whose names were yet unfamiliar to the readers, an unassuming monster stone beckoned. As if calling to him.

"Why not give it a try?" suggested Olivia, her eyes holding a quiet knowing. Hesitant, Silver reached for the stone, the room holding its breath. In that deliberate moment, as he bit into the stone, an unforeseen power unfolded, leaving him bewildered. "What just happened?" he mumbled, the readers joining Silver in the slow-paced revelation of a dormant ability.

"Is this my Enhanced ability?"Silver asked as he tried to grasp what just happened.Had he just eaten a monster stone.'Better yet who brought a monster stone to his 15th birthday as a present?'Though Silver as he started to wonder who had thought to bring it considering they are worth quite a bit even a low grade one like the one he just ate.

"Silver!" The sound of his name snapped him back to the present, and he looked up to find curious gazes fixed upon him. "Sorry, I guess I spaced out. My bad," Silver stated, offering an apologetic chuckle. Slowly standing up, he rubbed the back of his neck, still coming to terms with the unexpected twist his birthday celebration had taken.

A few days later, in the quiet rhythm of everyday life, an unassuming letter materialized in Silver's mailbox. The envelope, adorned with the emblem of an unfamiliar but undoubtedly prestigious school, sparked both intrigue and bewilderment. Running his fingers over the elegant script, Silver mused aloud, "What in the world is this?" His apartment, a backdrop to the unfolding mystery, echoed the uncertainty in his voice.

As he delved into the contents of the letter, the invitation revealed itself, a golden ticket to an uncharted realm of knowledge and potential. "A school? And why me?" Silver pondered, his thoughts spiraling into a web of speculation. The unfolding events felt more than coincidental; they carried an unspoken weight, a gravity that beckoned him towards something greater. "What's the deal with this school?" he murmured, his gaze lingering on the emblem that held the promise of an extraordinary journey.

Days turned into contemplation, and the anticipation in the air grew more palpable. Deciding to embark on this unexpected journey alone, Silver unwittingly stepped into the unknown halls of the school. His destiny, once tethered to the routine of daily life, now took an unforeseen turn, guided by the mysterious forces of the invitation and the promise of potential waiting to be unravelled.

Hope you like it, it's my first time writing a story and I hope you enjoy the way I ha decid to do th story.

Wild_Oreocreators' thoughts