
Enemy Chaser: I Want My Revenge

While hunting down a team that was said to be responsible for destroying his home, Adrian Dylan has sworn vengeance against all current members of Revelation. But in order to take them down, he needs to train and become strong enough to take them down. But in the very end, there will be a twist.

Anthony_Galloway · ファンタジー
24 Chs

The Grimoire

Three days have passed, and I have been through forty-five books. My knowledge and sword skill have considerably improved. I have more control over my elements. However, the only element I struggle with is solar. I grabbed the talking book and asked it some questions. I asked the book if it knew about proficient element control.

The book said something about your emotions and how you must let go of them. So I asked the book what it meant, and it said that if someone wants more control over power, they must understand the power. So I asked for a simplified answer, and it told me that a person must come at peace in their mind.

That meant I needed to be more connected with my spiritual side. The book told me I was spot on. Then, the book turned pages. The book turned to a black page. Then, the book began speaking of another text that could better understand me. I asked where I could find this book. The book told me that it resides in the library. The book also says that the book can cause influence beyond imagination.

Then it hit me. The book was speaking about that one book hovering above the lectern. Arzola said that book was told to be destroyed. I noticed something uncertain. The book told Arzola that the other book needed to be destroyed, and now it's telling me to read it. The book also told me that the other one could influence you.

I turned away from the page and said, "Didn't you tell Arzola to destroy that book?" The book shot out of my hands and went up in flames. Arzola walked into the room and said, "What was that?" I backed up and asked, "Remember when you told me the book told you to destroy the other?" Arzola said she remembered and asked me why I was asking. I told her what happened, and she said, "That means we need to destroy it then."

I told her to do three things. First, secure the castle, place every castle guard on the post, and bring the book to the room of keys. She immediately left and did so. While I waited, I read another book named The Book Of Elements. The first few pages discussed connecting your mind with your body.

It seems every book I read mentions the mind-body connection. I've been trying, but I can't seem to crack it. I've done it on accident once, but I cannot do it again. Finally, I turn the page to one relating to solar. The book reads, "Solar is one of the rarest elements of any chaser. The one who possesses such an ability has access to extraordinary aptitudes." I read further and found out how to control it. It says that Solar is a solid connection to the heavenly body. To make the connection, one must have an open mind."

There it goes again with this mind-body thing. I close the book and toss it in the complete stack. "About fourteen to go," I said aloud. Arzola and two of the royal knights walked in. They were carrying a trunk with locks on it. "We locked it away just in case." She said momentarily.

I walked over to the trunk and said, "Guards, secure the entrance." So they walked to the door and stood guard. Arzola unlocked the trunk and opened it. The book levitated to eye level and opened. Arzola and I looked at each other. Then, the book started speaking to us. But this was different. The book had an actual voice. "Please, don't destroy me. I have a reason!" The book shouted worriedly.

Then, Arzola says, "The other book says you're bad." The book told us the other book gives you part of the truth. Arzola said that was a valid point but questioned why the book warned us. First, the book says the other book sees evil as immoral and selfish. Then the book said, "It relates to me similarly because I'm a person as well."

I looked at Arzola and asked her what she thought. She was unsure but said that the book sounded convincing. So I asked the book for their name. The book said, "My name is Naldi, and I was trapped inside this book for thousands of years.

Arzola pulled me aside and said, "My lord, maybe we can trust the book." I was skeptical, so I investigated further. I asked the book about its past to get more information. Naldi says that they were born in a distant land surrounded by water. "You're talking about the Dark Region, aren't you?" Arzola asked unexpectedly. Naldi became more intrigued by our understanding of the island. "How do you know of my home?" Naldi asked.

"Someone told us about it," I said. Naldi said that the island was their only way out of this book. We asked how that was possible. Naldi said that five talismans have the capability to break their curse. But, Naldi says they are hidden on the island, far from where we are.

Then, Naldi said they belonged to a tool that could harness and release the curse. I asked what kind of tool. Naldi said it belonged to a sword. Moments later, I summoned the sword I had just received. Naldi asked me how I obtained such a powerful tool. I said that I gained it from a puzzle.

Naldi said that the sword was ancient. Arzola was curious and asked, "how ancient?" Naldi said that the sword has a story behind it. So we asked Naldi to tell us about it.

Naldi gave us a disclaimer and said, "This story is old. So it could've been altered." But, then, Arzola said, "But aren't you thousands of years old? Shouldn't you have the missing parts?" Naldi said that the story is much older than theirs.

I said, "Fine. But tell us the oldest one you know." So Naldi replies, "OK." So the book shut and spun in circles and reopened. Naldi says, "I am a magical book, so I can show and tell you what I know." Naldi's pages began to glow and pulled us inside.