
Chapter Thirteen

" you don't have to work with him if you don't want to" Max told Ariana.

" Yeah but if I don't, I'll get suspended" 

" Listen, go shower, lay on your bed and sleep. The first thing that comes to mind when you wake up tomorrow morning is what you should do" Max told her.

" Thank you" Ariana told Max. " Good night"

" Good night" Max told her before giving her a peck on the forehead.



" Ariana Wilson, Raymond Styles, report to my office now" that was Mr Shawn.

" Good morning to you two" Mr Shawn started.

" Good morning sir" they both chorused before giving each other death stares.

" I believe you both know why I called you here so let's cut the chase short. What's your decision?" Mr Shawn asked.

They were both silent for a while before Mr Shawn spoke up.

" Fine. Write your answers in this paper" he said after giving them pieces of paper.

" Here" Raymond said and handed the paper to the principal.

" Good" Mr Shawn said after collecting his paper.

" Here you go sir" Ariana said and gave him her paper before they returned to giving each other death stares

" Well, congrats. You'll both recieve the things you need" The principal said. " You can leave now" he told them and they left his office.

" I thought you said you wouldn't work with me" Ariana bragged.

" Don't think I wanna work with you. I'm only doing whad so I don't get suspended." He said and sighed.

" oh please spare me that bitch. This was your plan all along but guess what? I'll work solo and you work solo if you want to" Ariana said and sighed.

" Look whose talking. Bad ass, why'd you agree? It's only coz you wanted to spend time with the hottest guy in town so now you're putting on this act so I'd believe. Proves why you're in the acting club" Ray said arrogantly.

" Son of a bitch" Ariana whispered and made to leave.

" Son of a bitch?" Raymond asked holding her by her waist. " Am I really the son of a bitch" he smirked. " Maybe you should change me" he was now very close to Ariana that their noses were now touching.

Before Ariana could do a thing, Beatrice walked in.

" Ariana" she yelled. " You were about to kiss my boyfriend" she said.

" It's not that" Ariana defended freeing herself from his grip.

" Really? And what should I believe? I didn't expect this from you Ari. You're supposed to be my best friend yet you're flirting with my boyfriend" Beatrice was flared up.

On the other hand, Ray just stood aside and enjoyed the drama. Beatrice did the finger pointing and Ariana did the defending.

" Enough" Ariana shouted. " He's not even your boyfriend"

" And who told you that? We're both dating. Tell this fucking hater we're both dating" Beatrice said.

" Yes, tell me. Tell her that you're not dating else......." 

" Else what? She's my girlfriend and I'm her boyfriend so what's the big deal?" Raymond said and Ariana could not help but keep her mouth o shaped.

" You bloody liar. The other day, you told me you weren't dating before you kissed me and......"

" That's enough Ariana Wilson" Beatrice yelled. " The fact you're my best friend doesn't give you the right to point accusing fingers at my boyfriend. Come on Ray, " Beatrice said and made to leave.

" You're choosing him over me?" Ariana was confused.

" Yes. I do and I don't fucking care what you think about it" Beatrice left.

" That's what you get for messing with me" Raymond smirked and left.

As Ariana watched him leave, she couldn't help but think about all that just happened.

"Did Bea really choose him over me?" She asked herself. " Raymond Styles, you'll pay for this" she said and left.